About GM MiskatonicA Little Bit About Myself
I've been playing tabletop since I was a wee lad of about 11(currently 27). I had the supreme pleasure of enjoying tabletop before players got spoiled by figurines and grid-maps. My Gamemastering style is closer to freeform and I favor descriptive roleplay over speed. If you want it and want it now you will probably die in one of my campaigns... That being said, I reward creativity, teamwork, and exceptional roleplaying. Ultimately, if you have joined one of my campaigns I shall quote the esteemed Samuel L. Jackson from the kick-ass movie Jurassic Park,"Hold on to your butts." I don't reward bullies or grand-standers and I am very lenient with real-life issues, those come first.
Tank #1: Tank #2: Healer #1: Healer #2: Caster DPS: Rogue DPS: Misc DPS: Welcome, Group #1, glad to have you. Enjoy your intro and be sure to post in Gameplay with your alias and your builup and arrival to the Odeon of Reflection in junction with the following Introduction. I will be posting the following guidelines and accoutrements in the Campaign Info section: As each of you enters the alleyway the coordinates led you to, you realize that you've never been here before and that the cartographers of town maps that had so adequately aided you in the past were completely unaware of this dank and isolated locale. The cobblestone path beneath your feet reeks of urine and excrement while small clouds of flies buzz lazily around heaps of putrefying refuse. Not a soul in sight you step warily into this festering armpit in the great metropolis of Absalom. At the far end of the alley stands a steel bound wooden door built at the base of a small, worn set of stone stairs. A wooden sign hangs haphazardly from a crooked nail in the door, the sign seemingly made from a piece of driftwood and bearing the words 'Ode...n o... Re...ecti...n' Half-giant:
A bizarre circumstance oftens leads to strange discoveries. The occasional giantess' will bed a human male and later give birth to the rare half-giant. Slighter in size than true giants, brushing a maximum of 7-8ft tall, these human-giant offspring are incredibly strong and each takes on a set of traits inherited from their mother. Though they end up fairly tall, other giants often view half-giants as abominations, many tribes and individuals actively hunting a killing a half-giant nearby. This tendency has forced the often single-minded giantess mothers to resort to leaving their young on the doorsteps of humans for the relative safety in human culture. Type: Humanoid(Giant & Human) Size: Medium Speed: 20ft Ability Scores: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. Half-giants are remarkably strong and tough but lack grace and frighten most folk with their size. Languages: Half-giants begin play with Common and Giant and those with high Intelligence Scores may choose from Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Goblin, Draconic, Elven, or Halfling. Imposing Physique: Half-giants are physically massive and may use large weapons and armor without penalty and treat their unarmed strikes and CMB as if they are one size category larger. This great size also grants them an impressive ability to frighten foes and they gain Intimidating Prowess as a bonus feat. Mother's Gift: As all half-giants are created from the union of a male human and a giantess, they gain a peculiar adaptation derived from their mother's genes. Upon creating a half-giant character choose one of the following bloodlines. Subterranean Bloodline: Your mother was a cave giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when underground and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. Marshland Bloodline: Your mother was a marsh giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in swamps and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and 5 Acid Resistance. Woodland Bloodline: Your mother was a forest giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in coniferous or deciduous forests and a +2 Natural Armor bonus. Tundra Bloodline: Your mother was a frost giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on ice, glaciers, or tundra and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and a 5 Cold Resistance. Mountain Bloodline: Your mother was a hill or cliff giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on mountains or hills and a +1 Natural Armor bonus with a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws against altitude fatigue and sickness. Tropical Bloodline: Your mother was a jungle giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in a jungle and a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases. Aquatic Bloodline: Your mother was a river or sea giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in water and you have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants. Desert Bloodline: Your mother was a sand or desert giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in a desert and you receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. Tempest Bloodline: Your mother was a storm giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on plains and 5 Electricity Resistance and you are so in tune with the air and sky they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. They can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. This prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast. Muroid:
A strange race not truly a race of its own, Ratlings are born not of mothers but of magic. A rare magical ailment known as the Curse of Wormtail, is a latent genetic condition first contracted by shapeshifting mages from simpler times. The offspring of these unfortunate wizard's carry the gene and risk activating it or having it activated by any of a number of methods, all dealing with magic. Though superficially similar to Ratfolk, Ratlings are markedly less animalistic than Ratfolk, favoring intellectual pursuits and having a frightening effect on nearby animal life. Type: Humanoid (Ratfolk & Human) Size: Small Speed: 20ft Sensory Enhancements: Darkvision 60ft Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Strength. Muroids are largely identical to Ratfolk physically and mentally, at least at first glance. Language: Muroids begin play with Common and Warrenspeak(a secret language) and those with high Intelligence Scores may choose from Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc, and Undercommon. Arcane Adept: Muroids, being exclusively magical in nature have +2 to Knowledge(arcana), +2 to Spellcraft, +2 to Use Magic Device, and a +2 to concentration to cast Spells defensively. Curse of Wormtail: Their curse and yet so much more, the Curse of Wormtail grants Muroids +2 to their Will saves due to their dual-minded existence and they take a –4 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks to affect creatures of the animal type with a +4 bonus to affect creatures of the vermin type, and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against all animals. All non-vermin animals' starting attitude toward Muroids are one step worse than normal while vermin start one step better than normal. Ratlings put most animals on edge, the effect a frightening reminder of their unnatural origins, while creepy-crawlies like rats and centipedes adore Muroids, often much to their dismay. |