GM Lari's From the Tome (High) (Inactive)

Game Master Dhenn

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Yua's Fingers

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Silver Crusade

M Aasimar Shaman 8 | HP 93/83 | AC 26* T 13 FF 14* CMD 16 | F +7 R +6 W +14 | Init +7 | Perception +18 (Darkvision) | Spd 20

I've still got a few powerful spells remaining.

Silver Crusade

Touch Horacio: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Damage: 8d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1) + 6 = 31 DC 19 Fort Half

The ghost gets off one last slash before Horacio's bomb immolates her. The wounded phantom retreats through the floor.

Out of combat.

The steel lamellar armor, though solid, dissipates shortly after the ghost dies. On close inspection, the katana on the wall is a broken +1 holy katana. An urn below it is labeled in Tien, Elven, Minkaian, and Taldane as "Yohanatotsu Yua."

In the room you also find an Aegis of Recovery, +1 searing arrow, and immovable rod.

At this point, all that remains is to seal the rift. There are a great many religious, arcane, and occult traditions that can be used in doing so. Everyone who wishes to participate in the sealing ritual can give me a single skill check. Valid options are Knowledge (arcana, planes or religion), Linguistics, Perform (oratory), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device. This represents an hour of participation. You may expend spells or abilities that use positive energy for a bonus on this check. The bonus is equal to the spell level for spells, or the number of dice rolled for channel energy/lay on hands, etc.

The number and/or degree of successes will determine whether or not the ritual succeeds.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin 9 (HP: 91/91), Init: +1, AC: 31 T: 13, FF: 30, Perception +18 (Darkvision), F: +12, R: +8, W: +12, CMB: +12, CMD: 25
Per Diem:
  • Daylight 1/1 (CL 9)
  • Beneficent Touch 1/1
  • Smite Evil 2/2
  • Lay on Hands 11/11 (4d6)
  • Divine Bond 1/1
  • Demonbane: 1/Scenario
  • Jorciel gives a prayer to the Inheritor. After his genuflection he says a quick prayer for Yohanatotsu Yua and her rest. The paladin steps forward with confidence to help seal the rift. He channels his gift from Iomedae as he does so:

    Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 2 = 27


    Silver Crusade

    M Aasimar Shaman 8 | HP 93/83 | AC 26* T 13 FF 14* CMD 16 | F +7 R +6 W +14 | Init +7 | Perception +18 (Darkvision) | Spd 20

    Horacio will call upon the wisdom of Iomesae and learn everything he can about this location, in hopes it may give him some clues.

    Casting Legend Lore

    Planes+4: 1d20 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 12 + 4 = 31

    Legend Lore doesn't use positive energy, but it seems like it should be quite useful here. If I'm wrong please subtract back out the +4

    Grand Lodge

    Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 11) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +9) (Init +0) (Perception +8)

    Amenhotep nods in satisfaction when the ghost is defeated.

    "This one hopes that you rest easy..."

    He then does his best to assist with the ritual to close the rift, searching the depths of his memory for unusual occult traditions.

    Casting Comprehend Languages.

    Linguistics: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 12 + 1 = 29.

    The Exchange

    rage song
    Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 11 | AC 20 (25)| T 14 (15) | FF 17 (21) | HP: 20/91 | CMD 22 (23) | Fort +14| Ref +15 (16) | Will +6 | Init +12| Perception +21| Bombs 5/20

    I'm guessing Heroism won't apply since it was 70 minutes and I cast it when we entered the dungeon. But I can use an Alchemical Alocation for 50 minutes of Heroism. If that would be long enough to count then add +2 to my total. I can do the same for someone else since I have 2 of them.

    kn Arcane: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

    The Exchange

    rage song
    Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 11 | AC 20 (25)| T 14 (15) | FF 17 (21) | HP: 20/91 | CMD 22 (23) | Fort +14| Ref +15 (16) | Will +6 | Init +12| Perception +21| Bombs 5/20
    Horacio - The Purifier wrote:

    Horacio will call upon the wisdom of Iomesae and learn everything he can about this location, in hopes it may give him some clues.

    Casting Legend Lore


    Legend Lore doesn't use positive energy, but it seems like it should be quite useful here. If I'm wrong please subtract back out the +4

    Don't forget that Legend Lore has a material Component of incense worth 250 gp.

    Silver Crusade

    M Aasimar Shaman 8 | HP 93/83 | AC 26* T 13 FF 14* CMD 16 | F +7 R +6 W +14 | Init +7 | Perception +18 (Darkvision) | Spd 20

    Yup, I've got 4 doses on my IT sheet, was hoping for a time to cast it, might even learn some extra background.

    Silver Crusade

    Antonella *bows* “Through patience and perseverance we have prevai.. WAIT. WAIT.”

    “It seems we still have work to do, my brothers!”

    The priestess sits cross-legged to pray for the misguided soul of Yohanatotsu Yua, releasing a wave tsunami of positive energy.

    7 channels, 3 LoH, 1 x 1st level spell

    Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 11 = 38

    Grand Lodge

    M Oread U Monk 7 Init: +2 HP: 34/67 AC: 20 (T 18 FF 18); Per 14; Ki 4/7 SF 6/7
    [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+9[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/DICE]

    its a good thing you all rocked those checks, cuz I got no chance of helping on this one...

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Even without Bodta's assistance, the rest of you gather around, your prayers and incantations manifesting a sphere of pure white light that engulfs the rift, and begins slowly knitting the tear in reality back together.

    While you conduct the ritual, Horacio receives visions, which manifest on the surface of the sphere for all to see.

    You see the room where the rift now stands, decorated in the iconography of various good and neutral deities. Dozens of crusaders fill the chamber, participating in a funeral for a Varisian man who lies near the ceremonial basin.

    The officiants tear off their religious garb, revealing black clothing embroidered with sinister runes. They rain lightning down on the mourners, killing most instantly. They begin animating the dead, carving the rift, and causing even those already interred to stir. Yua and several of the cremated Tians rise. Pouring onto the surface, skeletons and zombies slaughter the townsfolk above.

    You see the Knights of Ozem try to retake the complex, each time forced back by waves of the undead. The crusaders seal the entrance and put the town above to the torch. Some of the same figures appear in a library, magically erasing the town from maps and texts.

    You see a band of Orc marauders from Belkzen force their way into the chambers, before being slaughtered by the undead. The process repeats itself, sometimes with orcs, sometimes humans, dwarves, and others, and other times by various foul beasts, each time driven off or killed by the undead.

    As the ritual completes and the rift seals, you see Yua and her four companions. Smiling, they rise into the air from a massive stone spire, soaring towards the stylized sun of Shizuru.

    With the rift sealed, the whole complex seems brighter. A sense of relief washes over all of you. The water in the basin glows with a soft white light, now reconsecrated as holy water.

    I really appreciate the legend lore. Like with most long-abandoned sites, there's a lot of background that's hard to convey in-character. That pretty much wraps things up, unless there's anything outstanding you'd like to do. VC debrief and chronicles should be up by Monday. I hope you've all had fun, and I strongly encourage you to play this again soon if you have the opportunity. There are ~40-50 significantly different setups for this scenario (per tier), and somewhere around ~32,000 total combinations of encounters, so your next experience will likely be almost entirely different.

    Silver Crusade

    M Aasimar Shaman 8 | HP 93/83 | AC 26* T 13 FF 14* CMD 16 | F +7 R +6 W +14 | Init +7 | Perception +18 (Darkvision) | Spd 20

    Really appreciate the extra story from Legend Lore, especially the way it was presented. About the only thing this run had in common with my other was those plant fuzz balls.

    The Exchange

    rage song
    Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 11 | AC 20 (25)| T 14 (15) | FF 17 (21) | HP: 20/91 | CMD 22 (23) | Fort +14| Ref +15 (16) | Will +6 | Init +12| Perception +21| Bombs 5/20

    I've played this 3 times and not a single encounter was the same. Thank you very much GM Lari and the rest of you. This was fun.

    Grand Lodge

    M Oread U Monk 7 Init: +2 HP: 34/67 AC: 20 (T 18 FF 18); Per 14; Ki 4/7 SF 6/7
    [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+9[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/DICE]

    The Fat Kid (that's me) says "thanks" to his teammates for keeping him alive. :-)

    and thanks Lari. Good times.

    Silver Crusade

    Antonella places the flat palm of her right hand on the surface of the font of holy water and spreads her fingers. If viewed from below, the paladin’s gesture creates a fair impression of the holy symbol of Irori.

    “So Yua and her band revered Shiruzu, goddess of honor and swordplay.” The priestess finally recalls a dry temple lecture on Tien religion.

    “It is fitting two champions of Iomedae helped bring Yohanatotsu Yua peace.”

    The monk reclaims her hand from the reconsecrated basin and bows to the others. “Thank-you for your companionship and a Shidōin display of martial prowess, brothers.”

    Minkaien or Tien:
    Shidōin 指導員 = Master Level practitioner

    “May we adventure again!”

    Grand Lodge

    M Oread U Monk 7 Init: +2 HP: 34/67 AC: 20 (T 18 FF 18); Per 14; Ki 4/7 SF 6/7
    [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+9[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/DICE]

    Bodta bows to Antonella. Peace, sister. Your waza is strong.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Aasimar Paladin 9 (HP: 91/91), Init: +1, AC: 31 T: 13, FF: 30, Perception +18 (Darkvision), F: +12, R: +8, W: +12, CMB: +12, CMD: 25
    Per Diem:
  • Daylight 1/1 (CL 9)
  • Beneficent Touch 1/1
  • Smite Evil 2/2
  • Lay on Hands 11/11 (4d6)
  • Divine Bond 1/1
  • Demonbane: 1/Scenario
  • Jorciel too bows to each, and grasps wrists after. "The Glory of all who deserve it grew this day."

    Silver Crusade

    It looks like I need reporting info from Jorciel, Bodta, and Amenhotep. Once I get that I can complete reporting.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Aasimar Paladin 9 (HP: 91/91), Init: +1, AC: 31 T: 13, FF: 30, Perception +18 (Darkvision), F: +12, R: +8, W: +12, CMB: +12, CMD: 25
    Per Diem:
  • Daylight 1/1 (CL 9)
  • Beneficent Touch 1/1
  • Smite Evil 2/2
  • Lay on Hands 11/11 (4d6)
  • Divine Bond 1/1
  • Demonbane: 1/Scenario
  • Oops!

    Name: Chris Marsh
    Character: Jorciel
    PFS# 1824-9
    faction: Silver Crusade
    Day Job: Above

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Grand Lodge

    Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 11) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +9) (Init +0) (Perception +8)

    PM sent

    Grand Lodge

    M Oread U Monk 7 Init: +2 HP: 34/67 AC: 20 (T 18 FF 18); Per 14; Ki 4/7 SF 6/7
    [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/dice] [dice=attack]d20+9[/dice] [dice=damage]d8+6[/DICE]

    I'm in discussion thread bro :-)

    But here, too

    Grand Lodge
    No day job

    Silver Crusade

    Once you return to the Uscalin Lodge, Venture-Captain Besnik congratulates you all.

    "I knew you would triumph! Just goes to show I picked the right Path nders to seek out adventure while unknown dangers lurked. There could have been almost anything there! Go and rest while I put our report together for the Ten. Surely, this addition to the Chronicles will put Uscalin Lodge on the map."

    He mentions that after you left, he sent teams out to several other locations described in the book, and will be compiling the findings to present to the Knights of Ozem. He thinks they'll be particularly impressed by your sealing of the negative energy rift.

    Though I may joke about the crusaders, they play a vital part in the service of good. You, too, have done important work today. You have removed a pressing danger and helped the spirit of an ancient hero find rest. Well done, Pathfinders. I hope you are as proud of yourselves as I am of you.”

    Silver Crusade

    Male Aasimar Paladin 9 (HP: 91/91), Init: +1, AC: 31 T: 13, FF: 30, Perception +18 (Darkvision), F: +12, R: +8, W: +12, CMB: +12, CMD: 25
    Per Diem:
  • Daylight 1/1 (CL 9)
  • Beneficent Touch 1/1
  • Smite Evil 2/2
  • Lay on Hands 11/11 (4d6)
  • Divine Bond 1/1
  • Demonbane: 1/Scenario
  • "Pride is an illusion, but content for the work is accurate. Thank you sir."

    The Exchange

    rage song
    Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 11 | AC 20 (25)| T 14 (15) | FF 17 (21) | HP: 20/91 | CMD 22 (23) | Fort +14| Ref +15 (16) | Will +6 | Init +12| Perception +21| Bombs 5/20

    "The Exchange is always happy to help our allies. Your strength is our strength."

    Silver Crusade

    M Aasimar Shaman 8 | HP 93/83 | AC 26* T 13 FF 14* CMD 16 | F +7 R +6 W +14 | Init +7 | Perception +18 (Darkvision) | Spd 20

    Horacio nods and smiles.

    Silver Crusade

    VC Besnik wrote:
    “This addition to the Chronicles will put Uscalin Lodge on the map.”

    “Ascetics of Irori stand ready to serve any righteous cause.”

    The paladin’s tone is as dry as a dusty tomb. “I must seek High Priestess Ysia Ironpalm’s views on the virtues of self-promotion.”

    Then her tone softens slightly. “Though I am content to have had the opportunity to ‘expand my network.’”

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