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From the Tome of Righteous Repose
The Ace of Dreams, Vellumis, Lastwall
Your orders have sent you to Vellumis, the largest city and most important port in the crusader nation of Lastwall, on the shores of Lake Encarthan. The waterfront and city center boast impressive architecture, with many buildings marble- clad, domed, and colonnaded in the once-popular Chelish Old White style, characterized by whitewashed walls, ornately decorated eaves, and massive arched windows.
Though there are an exceptionally large number of soldiers, most wearing Iomedaean iconography, roaming the streets, most are civilians. Flags of a dozen nations, and churches of at least as many faiths, can be seen as you navigate the city streets, leaving the elegant city center and heading into a seedier neighborhood that greatly resembles the dockside areas of Absalom.
When you arrive at the address you were provided, you discover a busy gambling hall. Raucous conversation fills the room, as men and women gather around a number of tables, playing various card and dice games. One of the bartenders notices you enter.
”Here for the Venture-Captain? He’s running a little bit late, but you can go ahead and wait in the office. Just through the door in the back.”
As you weave through the crowd, you catch glimpses of some of the players in action. A crowd has gathered around one table, where a tall woman, whose fine features indicate both elven and Garundi heritage, commands their attention. Her finely made grey silk robes are embroidered with silver spiral patterns, standing out against the simpler, warmer outfits favored by most patrons.
She rolls a handful of dice across the felted table.
1d6 + 3d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (3) + (3, 5, 1) + (7) = 19
The crowd cheers, and a stack of chips slides her way.
The door at the back leads to an office. Though the room is decently sized, a broad mahogany desk, piled high with books and papers, commands much of the far side of the room. The majority of the open space has been claimed by a hodgepodge of mismatched yet comfortable chairs, all positioned to face the desk. Over the next few minutes, several others arrive in the office as well.
Feel free to dot in and do introductions, while we make sure everyone’s ready to go. You may be familiar with Lastwall to some degree already. You can roll Knowledge (History) or (Religion) to see what you know at this point.

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“Yes. I’m fairly certain there were two of them.”
Her long hair tied in a tight, single plait down her back and dressed in a Tien martial artist’s judogi of royal blue, Antonella Schiavo reclaims both her sandals from an enterprising pair of temple orphans, with a smile and a handful of copper coins.
Moving more confidently through the open doorway onto a city street crowded with hawkers, soldiers and not an insignificant number of her fellow paladins – most of whom belong to the Church of the Inheritor – the slender priestess reflects on her impromptu interview with the Dawnflower’s Imam.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Having become hopelessly lost on the streets of Vellumis while searching fruitlessly for a temple of Irori, Antonella spotted the mosque and decided instead to deliver greetings to the local Star of Sarenrae from her Faction Head, the holy warrior Ollysta Zadrian.
Amused that an acolyte of the god of Knowledge had managed to get herself lost, the Imam received the visiting monk graciously, serving her tea before sending her off with detailed directions to a notorious dockside gambling hall.
“It’s fine, dear. I believe you. I have no doubt a gambling den is just the place for a young priestess to begin changing lives and saving souls.”
After politely declining the bartender’s request for a drink order, Antonella makes a slow, silent circuit of the establishment, taking note of the ‘extraordinarily lucky’ silk-clothed half-elf.
Hmm … our contact, I wonder?
With the paladin’s inadvertent, disapproving expression keeping the hall’s touts, croupiers and drunken punters at bay, Antonella eventually slips into the back office, confident she has not been tailed. She then moves to a far corner of the room to watch the entrance, relaxing on her feet in Tāḍāsana or Mountain Pose.

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A man of rigid posture walks in. He stands tall, a hand over six feet. His armor is meticulously cleaned to a shine. Across his back rests a shield of mithral, plated with the symbol of The Inheritor. A silver hood is pulled over his head, but it does little to obscure his features. The man's eyes are white - entirely white - lacking in iris and pupil. He speaks few words but they are kind in choice and strong in timbre. At his side is a magnificent longsword with a hilt of electrum and steel. Words in the celestial tongue run down the length of the scabbard, reading "Daybringer."
"Hail and well met good friends." He accentuates the greeting with a fierce grasping of your forearms. "May we find glory in our mission. I am Jorciel, Warder of Iomedae."
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

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"I am Sparky. It looks like this mission is in good hands."
For now Sparky will actually stand just outside the door and keep an eye on the ebb and flow of the casino. Maybe he will learn something useful or maybe he can offer suggestions to increase profits.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

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Horacio enters, of similar stance to Jorciel with an equally impressive mithral shield and a holy symbol of Iomedae but clearly lacking the well toned muscles that Jorciel shows off so well.
He has that certain air about him and is clearly touched by the upper plains.
"I am known as Horacio, the Purifier."

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"It is my pleasure to meet you both." His bow to the Purifier is in an old style.
He looks about, nodding in thanks to the self appointed watch here, "I hope our mission takes us elsewhere, for while I am adept at catching cheats, it's not why I heeded the Call."
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Maybe not the Suicide Squad … it seems I’ve joined the god squad!
Antonella clasps her palms together and bows at the waist. “My greetings and respects, brothers.”
The monk doesn’t quite catch the Grenadier’s name. “Antonella. Aspiring champion of Irori.”
After straightening up into a position approximating parade-rest, Antonella studies each of her new companions curiously.
"I am known as Horacio, the Purifier."
“‘Purifying’ as in – ‘by fire’, brother?” Glad, I never ran into him in my previous life.
“I imagine the Inheritor has some need of your … talents in a world beset on all sides by evil.”
“I hope our mission takes us elsewhere.”
“Although the locals are friendly, I have had my fill of Vellumis. However, you may keep the Glory, Good Jorciel.”
Antonella smiles. “May I ask what you made of the well-dressed Garundi-elf in the gambling pit, Ser?”
As she watches Master Fantastico exit the room to monitor proceedings outside, the priestess calls out to him in jest.
“Hey, Spanky! Was it something we said?”

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"It's Sparky. And until the Venture Captain gets here the most information can be gleaned by studying where he has chosen to meet us. Unless you feel we should search through his private papers."
Hearing the comment about the Garundi half-elf Sparky shifts his attention to her.

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Antonella smiles. “May I ask what you made of the well-dressed Garundi-elf in the gambling pit, Ser?”
"As of this moment, I make nothing of her yet. While the Inheritor grants me power over reading a person, I find that such invasion is not to be done lightly and wihout cause.... Still, but flawed mortal perception tells me that sh'es a force to be reckoned with, and may have something to do with our future."

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“I’ve come to much the same conclusion, Ser.”
With a quick glance to see if Sparky has made any new observations, Antonella changes the subject. "You mentioned travel, Jorciel."
"Is there anywhere in Lastwall of particular interest? Or would you prefer to visit one of the neighboring states on Lake Encarthan?”
She turns to Horacio and Sparky, as if inviting them to join in the conversation.

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A tall, thin Garundi male, clad in a simple, loose-fitting mail shirt, with an ancient-looking bow crafted of a dark wood which seems to drink the light strapped across his back, strides up to the others.
"This one apologises for his lateness; this far north, it takes longer to commune with the Spirits..."
He then bows.
"This one is Amenhotep of Wati, and he has the honor of being the chosen vessel of General Akhentepi in this age."

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"This far north, it takes longer to commune with the Spirits..."
Antonella’s eyes shift left then right. Old Man’s Beard! I hope he doesn’t mean rum or brandy.
“My name is Antonella, Amenhotep.” Antonella makes a respectful bow to the newcomer. “You are most welcome, and may I say: ☥♒♈☧⊍ᚽϟᛝ⍝♓♉”
She immediately translates her Ancient Osiriani into Taldane for the others. “What a most handsome home the General has.”

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The Garundi half-elf gives Amenhotep a slight nod as he passes by.
Observing the assorted gamblers, drinkers, and other patrons, Sparky gets the distinct impression that profit is not the owner's primary motive. The bartenders pour strong drinks for the regulars at the bar, rather than using them to loosen the pursestrings.
He also notices a long-haired Varisian man weaving his way through the crowd, stopping every now and then to greet a customer, whisper something to a dealer, or throw a couple chips down on a table, before making his way to the office where you've gathered.
"Welcome, everyone! I'm Shevar Besnik, the Venture-Captain for this lovely little establishment." he says as he gets behind the desk, and begins moving books around on his desk, checking under sheafs of documents, and opening drawers.
"Bear with me just a moment. I know it's here. I was looking at it just before you got here.
His face breaks into a grin as he uncovers a solid oak box. As if to punctuate the discovery, a crowd in the gambling hall erupts in cheers.
Distracted for a moment, Besnik stares at the closed office door that leads to the common room. “Desna laughs. Well, she laughs at me, but she smiles on them.”
The venture-captain shrugs. “All they have is gold; what I have in here is far more valuable.
Besnik opens the box’s lid painstakingly slowly, careful to keep the contents out of sight. With reverence, he lifts a large tome from the box and gently sets it on the table. A large image of Aroden's holy symbol, a winged eye, is embossed in gold on the cover.
“Careful, the binding hasn’t held up well. This is one of the few Tomes of Righteous Repose left in the world. I’m pretty sure there’s one in the library of the Sancta Iomedaea in Vigil, but I’m—well, let’s just say I’m no longer welcome there. That’s a story for another time." he adds with a faint smile.
“Up until today, I’ve only skimmed the pages. I didn’t want to damage it, but now that you’re here, I can’t wait any longer. Care to plumb the depths of this most ancient and wonderful storybook?"
Oh, the marvelous adventures we will soon read! This tome is a collection of tales describing how various crusaders died gloriously and honorably. I’m hoping to find some clues in the text that will lead us to an as-of-yet undiscovered site or relic. Maybe we can trade a bit of what we find with the Knights of Ozem and earn ourselves some goodwill. After what happened last time, we need it.
“Care to peruse the pages with me?”
You may already know something about the text with a Knowledge (History or Local) or Linguistics. I'd also take any literature-related Craft or Profession (like Librarian). An image of the VC is available through the link early in the post.

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Shelby entered the room after Besnik and closed the door.
He perks up at the mention of something more valuable then gold but is disappointed that it is a bible of some sort.
Appraise: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
"So you believe the book to contain clues to buried treasures? If so and it is as rare as you say some of them may still be there to be found. I imagine you want us to find them and share the profits with you."

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"This one agrees that that sounds fascinating. Please allow this one to confer with the General to see what the local Spirits know..."
Amenhotep then reverently draws his bow, and appears to focus all of his attention upon it.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27.

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The gnome poet Rellakarabee is virtually unknown outside of academic literary circles, but Amenhotep (or the spirits he confers with) is well read. His works focus on heroic figures and tragic deaths, but his melodramatic style prevents him from earning widespread acclaim.
Fustbickle's poems tell stories of the Shining Crusade, though historians debate how much is historically accurate, and how much is poetic license. Rumors suggest he may have been on speaking terms with Iomedae while she was still mortal.
Jorciel and Antonella are both very familiar with the history of Lastwall, unsurprising given their background.
Lastwall was established in 3828 AR, when it seceded from Taldor by mutual agreement. It is a military dictatorship, primary focused on keeping the Whispering Tyrant locked away and the orc hordes of Belkzen at bay.
The founders of the nation were the remnants of the Shining Crusade, which locked the lich-king Tar Baphon in Gallowspire. At the time they were primarily Arodenite, with the mortal Iomedae amongst the crusaders. Her worship has become dominant since.
Lately, Lastwall has had to recruit less pious individuals to fill its ranks, as many Inner Sea nations are more focused on domestic concerns, or devote their resources to the Mendevian crusades. On Lastwall's borders, followers of Gorum and Kurgess are more common than paladins of Iomedae and Sarenrae.
Besnik responds to Sparky,
"I'm not sure treasures will come in the form of gold and silver, but I imagine there's much of historical significance on the battlefields of the Shining Crusade. Something we can donate to the knights in Vigil would earn us much more in influence than we could get in mere coin."
Any questions for the VC before he opens the book?

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A slight retcon of an intro, if y'all don't mind..
Into the gambling hall enters a fairly short humanoid of skin tones in dark browns and greys. He is muscular almost to the point of deformity, yet still walks with more grace than one might expect. He wears very little: a large loincloth, and a backpack, which leaves most of his flesh exposed. Glints of light reflect off of patches of skin that appear like mica, and other swaths of his body--particularly his fists--have a hardness that is visible.
He flips a coin to the bartender, and in deep, heavily accented Taldane he says Dwarven spirits. He downs the shot quickly and with only a brief nod of thanks to the barkeep.
He enters the office, looks at each of the present adventurers in turn, and bows with respect, right fist in left palm held chest-high. In his deep voice, in somewhat broken Taldane, he speaks. Greetings Pathfinders. I am Bodta Kostunica, representing Grand Lodge and Lucridious Clan. I look forward to adventuring for Society with you.
Without further preamble, he pulls out a wand. Any of you capable of using wand of Mage Armor willing to hold for me, and use for me?
As the more well-read of the group checks out the book, the Oread simply watches with little expression.

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“Greetings, Bodta. I confess I am in much the same position as yourself with respect to my own wand of mage armor.”
The human monk bows. “I may be able to activate our items with some natural, eldritch knack I possess, but unfortunately it is not always reliable.”
“All they have is gold; what I have in here is far more valuable.”
Impressed with this statement and warming to the roguish Venture-Captain, Antonella thumps her chest twice over her heart with a clenched fist, in quiet solidarity with the man.
“This tome is a collection of tales describing how various crusaders died… Care to peruse the pages with me?”
As a crusading cleric herself, the left side of Antonella’s face *twitches* at this. “Or maybe you could just direct us to the relevant passages, Venture-Captain?”
Linguistics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
“Something we can donate to the knights in Vigil would earn us much more in influence than we could get in mere coin.”
I wonder if he stole something from them?
Intrigued about the Venture-Captain’s transgression in Vigil, but sensible enough not to mention it … at least not directly … Antonella nods is agreement. “Improving our relationship with the Knights of Ozem might open a few doors … or back windows … with them in the future.”
She then hurriedly changes the subject. “Is the grey-robed Garundi half-elf currently taking advantage of your generosity in the gaming room anything to do with this, Venture-Captain?”
"And do I need to make any new purchases before you open the Tome?" Or I could just retcon them, GM Lari.

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The paladin looks about, nodding to Bodta. He listens to his more loquacious comrades, and like the priest, holds his tongue for the moment.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Besnik does his best to answer Antonella's questions, "Oh, she's just another Pathfinder passing through. On her way to the Pharasmins up in Kavapesta. Had a creepy companion with her for a while, but she sent him away. Customers don't like having psychopomps reminding them of their mortality while they're trying to play."
"The text isn't magical, so I don't expect it to transport us anywhere. Except in the metaphorical sense any worthwhile literature does. I don't think you'll need any shopping immediately."
"And I'm not sure what the relevant passages will be. Maybe you'll see something I don't."
He dons gloves, then gingerly lifts the book out of the box. He lets it fall open naturally. It opens to an image of three women in Tian armor, with lines of text on the facing page.
The Venture-Captain jolts upright. “Minkaian art! Let’s see, the Minkai Empire was founded in 3619, and the empire’s first explorers didn’t reach the west coast of the continent until at least 3691 AR, which leaves only sixty years before the beginning of the Shining Crusade itself. These women could have been among the first Minkai citizens to reach the Inner Sea! Let’s see, what secrets does the poem on this page hold?”
He then recites the poem,
Ode to the Lost
Oh Heroes,
Ne’er shall we see you again in life,
For we hid you like buried treasure
‘Neath the halls of poor, sweet Mordesha,
Away from our foes’ rasping voices.
Yet they found you, sharpened your edges
Turned you loose as wild dogs
In poor, sweet Mordesha.
Though we remember you,
We’ll forget where you rest.
The knights have clamored long
For ignorance of your fate.
Our thoughts of you burn bright
But brighter is poor, sweet Mordesha
Her chimneys rise as skel’tal fingers
Desperate call, betrayal anew
We turn away, willfully blinded
From the eyes of poor, sweet Mordesha.
You can roll Local about current events in Lastwall. A separate History or Local about more detailed regional history. Diplomacy might allow you to gather some of that information as well. Religion could provide a little insight on the image. Finally, Geography might help you pinpoint a specific location, though the earlier checks will help narrow things down.

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Amenhotep politely tries to gather some information...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15.
...however, the locals apparently find his idiosyncratic linguistic and grammatical choices moderately off-putting.

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"So Amenhotep you mentioned spirits. Have you heard of Legendary Spirits? I was instructed how to perform a seance and summon a great man who lived many lives but I don't know why I should."
Sparky can use the seance ability to summon any of the 6 Legendary Spirits but even reading it I'm not clear how it works. Let me know if it would be a good time to do so.
While walking and chatting with Amenhotep Sparky will attempt to assist in gathering information.
Aid Diplomacy untrained: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

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Antonella looks over VC Besnik’s shoulder at the image of the three armored women.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
“I think the poem refers to some kind of underground necropolis beneath a place called ‘Mordesha’, housing a small army of undead soldiers.”
The disciple of Knowledge considers what else she has learnt at the Irorium. “The first Herald of Aroden, Arazni was turned into an undead by the Whispering Tyrant. Perhaps the undead soldiers were once also holy warriors?”
Mmm … Silver spirals on her robes. I should have guessed she was a follower of the Lady of Graves.
Antonella nods in thanks for the information regarding the tall gambler, before sauntering out of the back office in search of her.
“Excuse me, Vicar.” The Silver Crusader loosens the folds of her judogi, revealing the edge of her wayfinder.
“My brother Ambrus says 'hello'. He said you might be able to help me …”
Diplomacy (gather info): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

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Jorciel isn't the most well read, but he studies the poem carefully. After he turns his attention to the image. His white eyes gimlet. Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Not much comes to mind though. He opts to join the loqacious Antonella and Horacio in asking about town for information. "Forewarned is forearmed you know."
Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

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Clearly though, Jorciel is distracted and needs to pray to Iomedae to regain his focus.

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Anontella and Jorciel have both seen that particular depiction of the sun before in other Tien religious art, but can't remember its particular significance.
Sparky and Amenhotep sidle up to the bar alongside a Kellid, dressed in battered full plate. An sword jutting from a mountain is carved into the breastplate. He claps Amenhotep on the shoulder with a surprising amount of force.
"Come, you two! Have a drink with me! You're looking at the newest commander of Hammer Rock. I'm buyin' anything you want, as long as it's whiskey!"
Meanwhile, Horacio manges to meet a pair of Iomedaeans, both expressing their concerns over strong black coffee.
"Did you hear about the crisis in Arwyll Stead? I heard a group of diabolists tried to take over the town. I can' believe the Watcher-Lord didn't send a battalion in!" says the first.
"I heard it was just an orc raid, and some passing travelers took care of it. But recruitment fell short again this year. If they take too many men off the front lines to deal with internal issues, the whole border might collapse."
While you mingle, Besnik calls the Garundi woman into his office. A short while later, he'll call you back in. The pair stand behind the desk, a large map of Lastwall rolled out across its surface.
"Thanks to Suheyla's assistance here, I think we've narrowed down a location for you to explore. We can't find any record of a place named Mordesha, but there is a site called Yua's Fingers. There's a series of standing stones in an empty field. Local reports suggest it might be tainted Druidic site, and roads seem to avoid the area. It's fifty miles travel from here."
The half-elf interjects, barely more than a whisper. "Actually it's only forty-six miles."
Besnik catches himself mid eye-roll. "Yes. Anyway, I'd like you to check that site out. Maybe there will be something of interest there. I've got a couple things that might help you out."
He rummages around desk drawers, recovering two wands and a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes.
The bar is a traveler's any-tool. The wands are protection from evil (7 charges) and cure serious wounds (5 charges). Any other questions? This is also a good time to do any shopping. When you're ready, it will take two days to travel to the site (assuming 30 ft speed).

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Horacio thanks the Iomedaens and buy them a pair of hearty rolls to go with their coffee.
Horacio's overland speed is only 20. If everybody else is faster he will buy a horse though.
Horacio will take the curative wand, sliding it into a leather thong on his belt.

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"I can use those wands if need be, but I'm better spent doing other things. The any-tool is interesting. I've heard of them, but never seen one. I am ready."
Overland is 20 for me also.

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Anontella and Jorciel have both seen that particular depiction of the sun before in other Tien religious art, but can't remember its particular significance.
Antonella recalls the Iro-shu’s teachings and doesn’t let her frustration show.
That spiral pursuit pattern at the center of the sun is interesting. It seems far too characteristic of Tien iconography to be related to the Dawnflower though.
“Can anyone cast lesser restoration reliably from a scroll? I’m going to get a scroll of five for everyone’s use regardless, but there is no guarantee I will be able to use the item when we need it.”
scroll case (1 gp) + scroll of lesser restoration {5} (2 PP) + five days’ worth of trail rations (3.5 gp)
She turns to the Inheritor’s Paladin. “Jorciel, do you have any spare capacity to carry my rations and scroll case? I want to stay pretty light on my feet in case we encounter something.”
“I've got a couple things that might help you out.”
A silent Antonella holds the Varisian Venture-Captain’s eyes with a cold stare as she picks up the protection from evil wand.
I can’t remember being gifted with useful items by a Venture-Captain before… Just WHERE is he sending us? Ready!

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Amenhotep nods to Sparky.
"Many of those who pass on to Pharasma's judgement leave an echo of themselves behind, allowing those who are sensitive to such things to contact them, and seek their wisdom, potentially aiding the supplicant with their problems."
He then gives a self-deprecating smile.
"This one is one such lucky individual."
Back in the office...
Amenhotep frowns.
"A tainted Druidic site? That is troubling. The Spirits will undoubtedly be distressed in such an area..."
Ready to go.

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"I can use the wands without issue. The scrolls less reliably. What will the weather be like at these Yua's Fingers?"

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"Indeed I can use such a scroll. Fear not, we will overcome all that befalls us. A site tainted by malfeasance is sure to bring foes and obstacles, but we righteous will overcome whatever comes our way."
I can carry some stuff, no problem.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Thanks, Jorciel!
Isn’t it interesting how the right words, said in just the right way by a peer you have never met can ease your nagging doubts?
“Good Jorciel, I am never afraid …” Antonella retorts, surprised at how ferociously the words leave her mouth.
Realizing how transparent she must appear, the monk bows low to the paladin, to hide her flushing cheeks.
“… to accept good advice.” She continues, in a much more reasonable tone.
“I look forward to the challenge with such able companions by my side.”

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"Indeed I can use such a scroll. Fear not, we will overcome all that befalls us. A site tainted by malfeasance is sure to bring foes and obstacles, but we righteous will overcome whatever comes our way."
Bodta is stoic throughout the exchange, simply looking from speaker to speaker. It's tough to tell whether he's fully engaged in the conversation's meaning.
At Jorciel's proclamation, he takes a deep breath, then gives a low grunt of assent, with a sharp nod of his head.
I can carry some stuff, no problem.
Me too. Also, Jorciel and I are at a gaming convention this weekend. Posting will be spotty at best (and probably better for me as I'm playing, whereas he's running a lot of slots--but we are on the same side of the screen for this evening's session yo!!

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I forgot to include Survival as a skill used in pinpointing the location. Because it makes a difference...
Horacio Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34
Besnik is also able to provide you with two pieces of +1 Holy Ammunition, and the wand of Cure Serious has a total of 7 charges.
The ammunition can be arrows, bolts, bullets, or anything else, and you're welcome to mix and match. They are otherwise standard examples (i.e. not blunt arrows, etc.)
When you're ready...
The journey to Yua's Fingers takes about three days. The journey requires an extensive trek through the woods, leaving the major roads. You arrive during a thunderstorm to find a muddy field with pillars of blackened stone reaching to the sky like skeletal fingers.
Closer examination reveals that these are in fact chimneys, the last remnants of long-forgotten houses. Near one, a staircase descends 100 feet into darkness.
In your next post, feel free to declare any buffs or other preparations you'd make at that point. Unless otherwise noted, walls are rough hewn stone, ceilings are ten feet high, and there is no illumination except what you bring with you.
A cavernous chamber reaches east and west, and several smaller corridors branch outward from it. Dust and neglect mark this chamber, and darkness fills its corners. To the east lies a single stone sarcophagus. A long passage of text is carved into the wall behind the sarcophagus.
Map linked above. Sarcophagus sits to the east. Corridors branching off are color-coded. You might be able to see further down with closer examination (and proper light or vision

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Looking down the deep stairwell Horacio gives himself Iomedae's protective blessing and will share a blessing with one of his companions.
Casting barkskin on myself and one other. +3 natural armor, lasts 70 minutes. Also False Life on myself. 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 good for 7 hours.
Once down Horacio boldly strides into the middle of the room, his mithral shield gleaming in any of the party's light sources.
Once there he turns to his companions and waves them forward, "Come, let us show the darkness we are not afraid."

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Sparky will drink a Barkskin (+3 70 min) and Heroism (70 minutes). And give Horacio a Heroism extract.
If no one objects I'll take the 2 Holy arrows.

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Actually never mind. I forget we have 2 other archers so I'll stick to my tangleshot arrows.
Speaking of light I just checked and no one has the Light cantrip. As far as I can tell out of the whole group our only light source is Antonella's oil of Daylight. If Lari lets us I could have crafted some Sunrods before we left town. Alternatively someone can alter the morning spells a bit.

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No ranged ammo for him, others can feel free to take it.
Joriel gives a quick prayer to Iomedae, and heads down. His angelically enhanced vision helps, but he knows it's going to take more than that to make the party comfortable.
"It is my custom to always go left first, but I will defer to a tactical expert. First, however, let us examine this sarcophagus." Jorciel will concentrate, looking for evil auras about the thing before offering anyone else a look before opening it.

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We're good, Sparky. I have a wayfinder.
Antonella activates her wayfinder and clips it to her belt, while asking Sparky to apply a mage armor spell from her wand. “Hit me, Master Fantastico!”
She moves up in lock-step with Horacio, speaking quite animatedly. “I have never been afraid of the dark.”
The Master Save me, I was once the thing others feared … NO! THIS ENDS NOW!
Perception for traps and threats: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
“Many thanks. I would gladly accept your protective spell, Good Horacio.”
She quotes Iomedae’s Code quietly over her shoulder to her fellow paladin. “‘I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.’”
“Have I got the right of it, Jorciel?”
The Acolyte of Irori *winks* in the light cast by her badge of office. “Race you.”

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Well 1 Light spell is better then none.
UMD on Mage Armor wand: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
"Hmm. Maybe if I hold it this way..."
UMD on Mage Armor wand: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
"Are you sure this wand isn't defective? One more try."
UMD on Mage Armor wand: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
"Ah that did it."
Since Horacio has better eyesight and better senses I'll drink my Mutagen as well. +2 natural armor that stacks, +4 Dex, -2 Wis. Lasts 70 minutes.