Light of Redemption: (#1) Gain +1 on 2nd+ save versus Enchantment (Compulsion). Cross off for cheaper Atonement spell.
Mendevian Commendation: (#1) +1 to influence Mendevian Crusaders
Mantle of the Black Rider: (#4) 1/Day as swift action gain +1 STR for 1 minute.
Grippli's Favor: (#6) +2 to influence Gripplis. More, see Boons for 1824
Sky Key Component: (#7) Sargava.
Stinkeye's Friend: (#7) Single Use. +4 Insight bonus versus a gaze attack.
Vanei's Friend: (#7) 1/Scenario reroll a failed Bluff, Diplomacy, or Knowledge (Any) check concerning the Aspis Consortium. Cross off if reroll fails.
Gift of the Ghaele: (#9) Single Use. Caster level = character level. Continual Flame, Dispel Magic, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Restoration.
Djinni's Admiration: (#10) Use unknown
Force of Good: (#9) Single Use. Heighten a spell with [Good] descriptor or make a weapon holy. If used, half damage to non-evil is nonlethal.
Gnoll Tactics: (#9) All agents under 1824 gain abilities. See Boon sheet.
Liar's Intuition: (Tales Vol. IV) Single use. +1 on Sense Motive v. target of successful Bluff for 1 hour.
Pirates Honor: (Tales Vol. IV) Single use. Benefits aboard a ship. See Boon.
Veiled Intrigue: (Tales Vol. IV) Single use. For 1d4+1 hours gain +2 Disguise and Stealth checks (+4 during chase.
Demonbane: (Tales Vol. IV) Swift action to grant +2 to hit a demon.
Beacon of Good: (#11) Shining Wayfinder, Title
Reinforced Alliance: (#15) +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate versus Hellknights
Savior of the Reef: (#16) After roll v poison, but before results, cross off to gain +5
Clockwork Insight: (#17) 2 Uses. Add 1d6 to AC versus a Trap
Grave Treader’s Inspiration: (#17) 3 Uses. Investigator’s Inspiration ability.
Siege Hardened: (#18) Gain +1 to damage versus Demons
Defender of Nerosyan: (#18) 10% discount on items that require spells with the [Good] Descriptor
Member of the Temple of Iomedeae: (Vanity) 1/Session: Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration. Day Job: Heal
Owner of the Angelic Blade’s Caravan: (Vanity) Diplomacy is Day Job
Elemental Conquest: (#14) +1 on saves versus [fire] and subtype creatures. +1 Insight on all saves if on the plane of fire.
Ranginori’s Debt: (#14) 2/Uses: Cast Cat’s Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Lesser Restoration, Shocking Grasp
Zey’s Gratitude: (#19) Single use cast at HD level: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Greater Invisibility, Stonekin
Air Affinity: (#20) TBD
Clearing the Skies: (#20) Two uses. Gain Featherfall
Perfect Defense: (#21) Single Use +4 to CMD
Hurricane Tempered: (#20) Single Use reduce Wind 1 category
Argent Allies of the Burning Sun: (#22) Access to items from Advanced Race Guide. Bonus on skills v. Burning Sun Tribe
Preservantionist: (#22) +1 CMD v. Disarm & Sunder. Spells cast only damage objects if Jorciel chooses.
Reaver of Reavers: (#22) Free lodging in inns