GM Kamro's Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master overlord_laharl

CotCT - Updated Edition

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Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)

Ziranu awaits this further reflection on what he already now perceives needs to transpire, then grimly nods at Shaeda's conclusion and prepares to move out.

"Zhe mob is on our side, Searok; zhey come for zhe usurper queen and her treacherous servants, such as zhis devil wizhin Togomor. Still, we cannot let zhem distract us from zhe ultimate prey of our hunt...too much depends upon our success..."

"Yes, I'm afraid I will not be very popular with them, as a known associate of the queen. This body is, at any rate."

"You still require more of me, eh? I wonder how exactly you'd stop me if I simply left Togomor right now. Still, I must admit, it irks me somewhat to "leave money on the table" as it were. That disembodied spirit has valuable information, which I have been unable to get. I have been mulling ways to catch and interrogate him, but none have been practical. Still, if I'm helping you get this knowledge, then you are helping me. Very well, one last roll of the dice before I leave this plane. Barnabus!"

The imp, which has been plucking its banjo while lounging in a fruit bowl all this time, stops playing and snaps to attention. "Yes, boss?"

"To me, please. We will attempt the scheme we discussed, with an alteration. You will accompany these adventurers on their quest. Serve them well."

He turns to you. "I've been trying to find a way to speak to the spirit without him fleeing at my approach. My best idea thus far has been to use Barnabus here. I can see through his eyes. And with this item..." He dons a fancy looking glove with a gemstone embedded in the palm. "I can cast a spell through him so long as he carries the crystal attuned to this one. I thought Forcecage would be appropriate to contain a ghost for a while. But Barnabus isn't an able enough combatant to fight his way through the dangers ahead, and Ileosa had other bound devils at her command who could see him skulking about invisibly, so a stealthy approach wouldn't work either. If you will serve as the muscle in this venture, and deliver him to the ghost, he can imprison it long enough for you to use its remains as a bargaining chip and get the information we both seek. Agreed?"

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)

"Aye, well, I don’t like it one bit," Shaeda mutters, "but it seems we've been blown off course and into your wake. I reckon we’ve no choice but to chart this course if we want the information." She eyes Barnabus warily before continuing.

"We’ll be your muscle, but don’t mistake us for fools. I’ll be watchin' your little friend here like a hawk on a clear day. One wrong step, and he’ll be swimmin' in the deep before he knows it."

"That said, we’ll sail this path for now. Just be sure you hold up your end of the bargain, or I’ll have words for you before we drop anchor."

Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)

Ziranu's lip snarls unconsciously at the prospect of the imp - a devil, itself - accompanying them for any length of time as anything except perhaps a dead trophy used as a deterrent factor. Nonetheless, he nods silently to "Togomor" in agreement, his mind reluctantly accepting the temporary arrangement in sacrifice to their strategic objective...

Still, the Ranger cannot help but once again deeply consider the devil's own potential unspoken ulterior motives, if any...

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 17 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 17 + 4 = 38

It's quite likely Togomor has ulterior motives for doing this, although if the backstory he gave you is correct, then it might indeed simply be greed and a desire to get a hold of valuable secrets that have long been denied to him. If there really is a ghost haunting the attic that knows them, and taking the imp will help you get them, it helps Togomor get them as well.

But hey, you're the ones who asked for additional help, so I figured out a way for him to provide some, he was all ready to just leave. Feel free to whack the little bastard with a shovel if you don't want him. :D

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)

"Aye, mates, sometimes we find ourselves caught in a tempest, forced to navigate waters we never charted on our maps. It's in these moments we must anchor ourselves to unexpected allies," Shaeda begins, her nautical brogue smooth as the calm after a storm.

"As it says in Blood For Wine, Verse 7," her voice shifts subtly, adopting a more reverent tone, perhaps echoing the cadence of her mentor who taught her the sacred passage.

"As the ship sails through stormy seas
With unpredictable winds that tease,
Forge alliances with the unseen,
In darkness, triumph's keys convene."

"That passage has guided me through many a rough voyage. So, let's set our sails towards this uneasy alliance, trusting that it steers us closer to our true north."

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)

Searok is solely disappointed that he won't be fighting the mob or killing the imp!

Togomor free to fly the coop?

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)

I think so, and we have a corpse to go add to inventory.

Male Half-Orc Arcanist 13 (AC: 16 (20 Shield) (21 haste) [T: 12 FF: 14]) | HP: 122/122 | F+13, R+11(+12), W+13 | Init: +3 | Perc: +13 | 130’ Darkvision

Tronar listens quietly to the endless negotiation, all the while having his counterspell finger on the trigger so to speak.
"I have nothing to add. Just let me know when we are concluded with this on."

Alrighty then, Togomor's possessor will leave. Since you were forewarned that he might go nuts and attack, do you want to buff up for a potential fight, or ready an action and see if you can clock him on the head, something like that?

Male Half-Orc Arcanist 13 (AC: 16 (20 Shield) (21 haste) [T: 12 FF: 14]) | HP: 122/122 | F+13, R+11(+12), W+13 | Init: +3 | Perc: +13 | 130’ Darkvision

"If you are going to leave this body to us and there is a chance, he will be less than pleased or even hostile towards you and us, would you permit me to apply a non-lethal leash that we may control him when you depart? specifically if you are Arcane inclined, a Limp Lash until his stats have been consumed."

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)

Nice thinking Tronar!

Clever, so I'll allow it.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)

Gundar's mood sours as he realizes he's not going to fight the devil, Togomor or the crowd!

Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)

Ziranu is likewise dour and restless, at the thought of the devil escaping judgment at the end of his arrows...

You doing the spell?

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