Xasay Xyu |
Tori punches the human in the face, while Xasay smacks his calves with the flat of her blade. Grisaia misses with her sap.
The last standing half-orc punches at Scratcher, thinking that he is the greater threat. His wild swing does not even get close to connecting!
Scratcher: 3 NL damage
- - -
Human (disarmed): 18 NL damage (drank potion 1)
- - -
Tori: 3 NL damage
Grisaia: 13 NL damage
- - -
Blue (has sap at belt)
- - -
1) Xasay is a "his," for what that's worth,
and2) it seems you forgot to apply the damage we dealt to the Human.
The Scratcher |
Hey guys, so more personal stuff on my end: going through the process of a divorce and now needing to find a new home. I am hoping sooner than later, but I won't be able to post effectively for a while. I will do what I can when I can, but things are not good for me currently. Wish me luck to finally get things together and get back into this like I should. Thanks again for your patience.
-Posted with Wayfinder
I have been hit with a flu, will hopefully recover soon but posting might be erratic.
Xasay Xyu |
Get well soon, GMG - I'm anxious to swash some more buckles!
Xasay Xyu |
My attention's been called to the fact that I haven't posted anything in a while. That's just because I haven't been able to think of anything to contribute for a bit, I've been keeping up.
Thanks Xasay!
If such a period lasts a while for one of my characters I usually post something along the lines of:
'Jim is watching how his companions deal with the situation.'
to let everyone know I am still there.
Xasay Xyu |
*tries to picture Xasay skiing*
Xasay Xyu |
My Internet connection's down (I'm posting from a local cafe), and will apparently be that way for the next few days, so if my post rate seems to slow down, that's why. I'll do my best to keep up, though.
When grappling a foe of its size or smaller, a werecrocodile can perform a death roll upon making a successful grapple check. As it clings to its foe, the werecrocodile deals its bite damage, knocks the creature prone, and maintains the grapple.
I read this as: crocodile needs to make a grapple check as standard action and is not knocked prone.
I acknowledge there are other ways to read it, that could be more severe (grapple for normal bite damage plus death roll) or less severe (crocodile is also prone).
I did not read your comment as disagreeing. It is indeed one of those abilities that can be read in several ways and I want to be open about both the text and my interpretation.
Tori can step back and finally shoot her silver arrows. That will do something...
Xasay Xyu |
My Internet problem's fixed. Didn't take as long as I expected.
I will be at a local Con this weekend, I might get in a post tomorrow. Otherwise we will resume on Monday.
Xasay Xyu |
Has using this site been Hell on toast for anyone else the past few days? I can't tell whether the problem is on my end or Paizo's.
Emmett Lathrop |
20 uses of black powder - 20 gp
10 silver bullets - 25 gp
10 cold iron bullets 2 gp
10 adamantine bullets - 61gp
3 Cold Iron Paper Cartridge - 36 gp
3 Adamantine Paper Cartridge - 108 gp
5 Alchemical Silver Paper Cartridge - 35gp
Total cost: 287 gold
Xasay Xyu |
Dumb as this is, my present understanding is that ability damage doesn't actually have any impact until you've taken at least *2* points thereof, correct?
Xasay Xyu |
Am I also correct that we've rested since the last encounter?
Xasay, I think rounding to 0 for 20% * 2 = 0.4 is reasonable. That in turn gives 1 nonlethal damage. Overall I don't think it will matter that much whether it is lethal or nonlethal damage.
Xasay Xyu |
She only rolled a 15, though...did you not include her modifier for some reason?
Xasay Xyu |
@Grisaia: You want to heal Emmett, or shall I?
@DM: How do you think chord of shards should work when the Bardic Performance I'm projecting it from is my shadow puppetry? Does it originate from my location, or my puppet's? I'm picturing my puppets dramatically exploding in a shower of black crystals.
@DM: How do you think chord of shards should work when the Bardic Performance I'm projecting it from is my shadow puppetry? Does it originate from my location, or my puppet's? I'm picturing my puppets dramatically exploding in a shower of black crystals.
The image is nice, but since you are performing it originates from you.
I will probably post a bit less in the coming days since I have a couple of very busy days ahead of me. Our eldest son did not get into the high school he wanted to join. Now we have to choose again from the schools that are left. Needless to say his second and third choices are also not available anymore, so we have our work cut out for us.
In our city you apply for 1 school. If there are more applicants than places there is a lottery. After the lottery you can apply again for the schools that still have places available (and then also indicate 2nd to 4th choices). The schools will take care that everybody is placed in the second round. Problem is that the weakest schools tend to be left...
Emmett Lathrop |
Our grade schools are the same way - it is a horrible mess. I understand the theory behind it, but I don't think it helps very many students, and the cost seems to be more mediocrity.
Good luck!
Xasay Xyu |
Are there any good private schools where you live? I went to private schools up until my sophomore year of high school, and frankly, I highly recommend them over what I've experienced of public.
We live in the Netherlands Wiki on education
Private schools are not really a thing here, most public schools have excellent education.
We will sort it out, our son is coping really well, but we have stress. That is the role of parents, so everything will be alright.
Xasay Xyu |
We live in the Netherlands Wiki on education
Private schools are not really a thing here, most public schools have excellent education.
Ah, lucky you; I'm getting pretty sick of America. Maybe this is a major turning point right now, but it's still like being stuck in a room where someone set off a stink bomb; it'll get better eventually, but right now you just want out for a while.
Xasay, I can imagine how you are feeling. It seems that the entire world is moving downhill, I hope we all manage to turn that around.
Xasay, I first posted the will save of the halfling (which came up to a 16) and then later in a seperate post did the full initiative ranking.
I then decided to merge both posts in the second. When that was done I deleted the first post. I did not notice that the dice was (of course) rolled again for the second post.
I am on a citytrip with my wife until Monday May 7. Posting will resume at that time.
Emmett and Grisaia: I did not see your day job rolls, so I assumed a take 10. Let me know if you want to roll dice instead.
Are you all eager to find some treasure?
Grisaia |
Perform Oratory Day Job: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perform Oratory Day Job Reroll: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
I was just thinking that might happen. :P
Edit: If you'll allow me to have used the Blessed Correction domain power, then I would get to keep the first roll. I'm not too worried about it, it's very little gold either way.
Double Edit: *ding*