DM_Goat |

Well, seeing as I've just been laid off, I think this is a good time to put my toes into the realm of PBP DMing. I'm new to PBP DMing, but am an experienced DM otherwise, and have run First Steps a couple times before.
I'm looking for 5-6 players. This is a PFS scenario and will be run for credit, so only characters created under Pathfinder Society rules will be considered. Check out this link if you are unfamiliar with the Pathfinder Society.
I want to try to get this done fairly quickly, and if I can get a group that wants to stay together to do Parts 2 and 3, that is ideal. I expect 1 post a day if possible, and will bot people if there is no post in a couple days.
Good luck all! I will hold open recruitment until Sunday the 9th, but will start sooner if I get enough people.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in a spoiler.

DM_Goat |

This will not be, due to the nature of PFS, a true long-running campaign. I want to get parts 2 and 3 done before they are retired. After that, however, I'm willing to keep going if we can get people dedicated to staying with it. Perhaps even run Rise of the Runelords or more PFS scenarios. We can discuss that if we make it to the end of First Steps.

DM_Goat |

A summary of applicants and the status of their applications
Guido Sansone, Human Martial Artist
Anya Silversong, Elf Wizard
Halkale Timarson, Human Ranger
Fedorean Silverleaf, Elf Rogue, Stats needed in profile
Drogan Thundermane, Human Barbarian, Profile needed
Faelyn, Profile needed
Lecky, Profile needed

Faelyn |

Hey Goat, sorry I haven't gotten my profile up yet. I work midnight shift, so I have to sleep during the day. I'll work on my character concept tonight at work and as long as I'm not super busy I will try to get it posted tonight!
Since I've noticed we seem to be lacking any sort of character with decent healing ability, I think I'll take a look at the oracle class. I've always found it a fascinating class.
And... Hakale... how did you get your stats setup like that? Did you use some sort of character generating program?

Lecky |

Hmm since we have a martial artist, wizard, ranger, rogue and barb, then Faelyn is going to make an oracle. Are you partially against if I make a summoner? Just the vanilla summoner not the master summoner, I will be up to date with the summon sheets.
EDIT: NVM, that would be a lot to manage so I'll just make a sorcerer with arcane bloodline

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Faelyn here. Okay, got the profile up and working on getting it setup like Hakale's style. Work has been extremely busy past two days and we had firearm qualification yesterday, so that's why I'm running a little behind. Sorry Goat!
Well, I couldn't figure out how to export the Pathfinder style sheet with pcgen, but I did get it exported and saved. I'll have a background and description later tonight.

DM_Goat |

Application Status
Guido Sansone, Human Martial Artist: Done
Anya Silversong , Elf Wizard: Done
Halkale Timarson , Human Ranger: Done
Fedorean Silverleaf , Elf Rogue: Done
Drogan Thundermane , Human Barbarian: Done
Elian Darkstar , Half-Elf Oracle: Done
Abasi Essa , Human Fighter: Done
Please check in to the Discussion forum and we'll get started ASAP

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** spoiler omitted **
Application Status
Guido Sansone, Human Martial Artist: Done
Anya Silversong , Elf Wizard: Done
Halkale Timarson , Human Ranger: Done
Fedorean Silverleaf , Elf Rogue: Done
Drogan Thundermane , Human Barbarian: Done
Elian Darkstar , Half-Elf Oracle: Done
Abasi Essa , Human Fighter: DonePlease check in to the Discussion forum and we'll get started ASAP
I just highlighted most of it with ctrl+c and pasted into a word doc and then did whatever kind of editing i needed to do to make it look right, the copy pasted it from there, I find PCgen kind of hard to use, but untill i can pony up the dough for herolab and its data files thats what ill be using.