Lashunta Gate Controller Raiyiri: Indeed. Our friend Twonas En was not "leading us on" as they say. Gate Controller, how difficult would it be for the Starfinder Society to procure the necessary paperwork to follow this expedition?

Foxy Quickpaw |

"That depends on who will approve them for you. We only check that everything is correct. We don't issue the visa for visiting there." Raiyiri answers.
"How quick can you have a formal application written and sent?" Tracy asks. Seeing the surprised faces he elaborates "This is outside the bounds of Qabarat jurisdiction. We're going to hand this over to another department, but as you proved already that you're able and fast to follow their trail, I'm willing to approve such an application for you to follow them and keep us informed."

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca gives a pleased sound. "That would be most agreeable, from both the perspective of the safety of the professor, and from the question on our end as to why they've taken the professor in the first place. Thank you for your aid, detectives."

Manteca Imani, MD |

Sorry I didn't prod this game earlier, simultaneously startingnew job and house/dog-sitting a puppy had me on my toes all week.
Manteca looks aghast at the ysoki. "I mean, that is almost certainly true - but isn't it rude to say so??"

Foxy Quickpaw |

After some back and forth in the telco between Manteca, Dr. Muhali, and Chiskisk and clarification with Tracy, where to send the applications to, everything is settled, and a ping from Raiyiri's screen points her to the authorazations. "One Shirren, named Manteca Imani, MD, one Vesk called Boreal Typhon, Daughter of Zerukesh "Hornbreaker" Typhon, Daughter of Tarsonis "Jaeger" Typhon, an Android named EH-RK and ay Ysoki named Boomer."
She checks how the people standing around match that list. "Seems right to me. If you have IDs matching those on the list, you're free to go to Turhalu Point through the portal."

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca proudly shows his credentials to Rayiri, but pauses as he waits for everyone else. "Hmmm... should we be getting any additional supplies? Raiyiri, how remote is Turhalu point?"

Manteca Imani, MD |

"Turhalu point is on the other side of this gate. But from there on it is only wilderness."
Manteca pauses for a second. "So yes, we should probably acquire some food. Unless we have a closet survivalist in our midst? And wait, do we have any compasses or maps or tenting or survival flares or potable water or..." The shirren takes a deep breath. "We should probably prepare is what I'm saying." He looks at the party. "What sort of gear do people already have?"


Eric has a few things that might be useful. He collects those from the Sunrise Maiden.
Starstone Compass L
Industrial Backpack L
Small Arm Rounds L
Personal Comm Unit L
Mk1 Healing Serum x1 L
Travel Clothing L
Hygiene Kit 1
Basic Medkit 1
Flashlight 1
Clear Spindle Ioun Stone


Guys? Is anyone else gathering supplies? Eric has 0 credits. He doesn't need food/water because of the Aeon stone.

Manteca Imani, MD |

Yeah, sorry, I was out of town for Sunday/Monday, and I think I'm coming down with something... X(
So I got 721 kicking around, so purchasing:
Navigator's kit - 20 cred
2 Tier-1 Antitoxins - 300 cred
2 Tier-1 sedatives - 300 cred
3 weeks of field rations - 3 cred
so 98 credits left if someone else needs a little extra that I can pitch in.
Manteca staggers out of the duty-free shop under a small pile of cheerfully-wrapped meals and a Wilderness Explorer's kit that seems to be designed for outdoorsy-inclined children. The compass, at least, seems functional, though it's questionable whether Manteca will have the abilities to use the "Do Your Own Cartography" activities at the back of the book.

Foxy Quickpaw |

While you're counting the pennies so to say, there comes a message from Chiskisk to all of you.
It reads Congratulations on your progress so far. But I got the feeling that you're ill prepared for a expedition into the wilds and could persuade my superior to put some budget behind this endeavour. Also I'll send you reinforcements on the morrow. Where should they come to?
Attached to the message are 1000 credits.
I think you haven't gotten the report yet from AilAbiens 21:2 yet

Manteca Imani, MD |

"I don't get the best customer service at places like this..." Boreal says, obviously too embarrassed to say she would like Mantecas assistance as well.
"Gun shops? Sure. Boutiques? Not so much."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (11) + (4) + 7 = 22
Yeah, that seems like it's high enough for Manteca to 'get it.'"Oh, of course!" the shirren says. "I think it's a lashunta thing - as evidenced in the trouble with Ailabiens 21:2, even though the lashunta culture as a whole errs on the side of caution when it comes to relations regarding past foes, I've noticed a trend with individual lashunta that tends to still exhibit a reluctance to engage openly with foe-species, whether it's formians, the vesk - even shirren! And we haven't been a part of the Swarm in centuries! Recent studies, though, have linked the trends of lashunta disdain to a perceived relationship between 'the bugs' - you know, formians, shirren, pretty much anything with an exoskeleton and antennaes if you listen to such drivel, and that perceived connection, despite all attempts to scientifically disprove -" The shirren seems poised to go on forever before his comm unit goes off, and he quickly scans the e-mail, his antennae going straight up in excitement as he reads it.
"Boreal Typhon, I would like to rescind my offer of a loan. Though I would suggest you read your messages from Chiskisk before you leap to any ill feelings about that," the shirren says with glee in his voice.


Shirren Manteca Imani: In all actuality, my readings indicate there is a large percentage of shared DNA by both the Formian species and the Shirren species. It is greater than twenty two point seven seven percent. It is this shared DNA that leads to traits such as multiple appendages... Eric too was ready to continue his pedantry ad-nauseam but his comm unit too gets a ding
Humanoids: I believe that Ysoki Codename Boomer has received a better offer for his services. Reinforcements from the Society would improve our chances of survival dramatically.

Manteca Imani, MD |

"Well, with the new influx of funds, I'm sure I can find a few purchases to enhance the expedition..."
Manteca is going to go trade in his flight suit for some Freebooter armor (and actually get some armor bonuses...) But more importantly, GM, is there somewhere that he can find some hyperleaf? :3

Manteca Imani, MD |

"I fear your idea of 'enhanced' isn't the same as mine." Boreal says tilting her head slightly
"I was going to get armor," the shirren says, head tilting.
Well, sure - but he's not just buying armor.
"In fact, I think I know just the man who would know where to find some battle-ready armor in a hurry - I'll meet up with you shortly."
He backtracks to the Five Arches in hopes of finding Twonas En again, or failing that, Uilee. He sidles up to the bar and telepathically says It's me again - the shirren by the bar. You seem like you might know where on Castrovel a bug can find some hyperleaf - especially if the bug is willing to pay.

Boreal Typhon |

At the mention of battle ready Boreal perks up. "You can never have enough contacts for things like that. I'm coming with you." She says as she turns to follow him.
As they leave she shouts "EH-RK, we are going to buy armor. Need anything?"

Foxy Quickpaw |

Twonas En is surprised to see you two back so soon, but hopes for further business. He is even more surprised about what kind of business you want to talk. As greetings are skipped he telepathically answers 50 credits.
You can try some bluff/sense motive to keep it from Boreal with some not telepatic talking attached.

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca winces as Boreal decides to follow along. Manteca, you idiot - you couldn't have said 'books' or 'improving televids on mental wellness', you had to say armor...
"You know... you're probably right," Manteca whispers back. "Do you want to scout the area for something more... reliable while I work with him on some doctor-y materials."
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Telepathically to Twonas: Agreeable - though no creds til delivery, obviously, and I would need it tonight. And if that's the rate on Castrovel, maybe I should get your card if we're ever in the area again...

Boreal Typhon |

"Gladly. Just check anything he gives you. I don't want you patching me up with out of date meds." Boreal says before straightening up. She says this directly after Manteca replies to her, so she is talking over the mental conversation, unaware that it is even going on.
She makes her way outside looking for any signage for a military surplus store or the like.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Boreal finds a store that has all kinds of weapons and armor and ather military stuff on display shown in martial style. The display dummies dressed up in camouflage holding the weapons like shooting. The shop has got most of the general stuff that one would need too.
Next door to that is a drug store that supplies everything you might miss in the other shop.
Boreal can notice with DC15 Perception
One of the two guys Boreal treated with her doshko comes along and slides into the Five Arches and hands Twonas En a tobacco box. Then he leaves again. Noticing the vesk down the street he decides to go the other direction.
Twonas En puts the box in front of Manteca. "Check if you like it, before you pay." He has a wide grin on his face. Never ever has one that eager like Manteca refused because of the quality. Not that the quality is an issue.

Boreal Typhon |

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Boreal spots the Lashunta heading into the Five Arches. She excuses herself from the store quickly and stands outside, making a quick call to Manteca on their comms. Hoping he answers before the lashunta makes it inside

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Finally arriving at the Qabarat docks - 'Really should have asked for a ship of my own to get here,' she thought with a sigh - Jazzming Brokato, rising star of the Starfinder Society pilots, looked around with glee. This was her first trip to Castrovel, and it. Was. Beautiful. Honestly, more planets should allow nature to grow like they have. Bringing up her wirst-comp, she quickly sent an email to the address given to her by the Society for EH-RK.
As per instructions by the Starfinder Society, I, Jazzming Brokato, have been sent to assist in your investigation into the missing professor. I have arrived at the Qabarat Docks, and am now requesting your current location. Please send instructions.
~~Jazzming Brokato


Sorry, website was wonky for me earlier
EH-RK recieves Jazzming's message
TO: Human Jazzming Brokato
Human Jazzming Brokato, I will send you exact GPS coordinates attached. Please ensure you have several days worth of supplies including undergarments. I don't require undergarments.
EH-RK, Scientist. Starfinder Society
EH-RK replies to Boreal Vesk Boreal Typhon: I do not require further supplies. I will remain on the Sunrise Maiden and conduct vital research into the Drift Rock. It's clear from his tone which of these he thinks is most important.

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca's antennae begin to tweak out a little as he examines the product and considers the price, but then his comms unit begins to go off. He sees Boreal's face staring at him from the caller ID and he curses out loud. He flounders for a moment while he tries to take out the credstick, push the incoming call to commsmail and take the cigar box all at the same time. "This all seems agreeable, Twonas - here's the 50 here, and another 200 if you can get another 3 boxes like this to me by tonight - consider the extra a 'rush job' gratuity. Now if you excuse me, I need to make sure that my large scaly colleague doesn't believe me to be in any danger." Manteca hurries to get up and go meet/call back Boreal before the vesk feels the need to investigate herself.
Assuming Twonas has no extra business with me...
The shirren heads out into the street, comms unit crackling into life as he calls back Boreal. "Sorry about that - terrible reception - but I'm on my way to your location. Do they have freebooter armor? I'm feeling a little piratical lately!"

Manteca Imani, MD |

"Just send me the address." Twonas En replies and bags the cred-stick.
Affirmative, the shirren telepathically states as he hurries out of Five Arches to find Boreal.
"The shop has some, but you need to pick your color." Boreal replies, she has obviously just relaxes when Manteca called her back
"Great! I'll be right there!"
One armor-shopping montage later...
Manteca winds up choosing out a mismatched eye-jarring collection of pieces to make up his armor set, insisting that it looks better through compound eyes. The duster that he gets along with it, at least, covers the worst of the abominable color scheme. Boreal can tell that at least it all functions together, so it does in fact serve as one full suit of armor.

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Jazzming was caught a bit off guard by the android's comments. 'Extra...undergarments?' she thought to herself. Standing still a moment, she eventually shook it off and made her way towards his GPS coordinates. With the pic given to her, he was easy to spot and she quickly approached. "Hi, EH-RK, right? I'm Jazzming, I was sent to assist on your assignment. What's the latest intel?" she quickly said.

Reynotto O'Spec |

A young black human male steps off the starship M.U.D he takes a deep breath than presses through the crowd, sending a message over comms to EH-RK
Our mutual friends in the starfinders requested that i assist you in your endeavor. I just arrived and am at Qarbat Docks, and would appreciate the co-ordinates where your ship is currently located
Your obedient servant
Reynotto O'Spec"

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca also messages EH-RK, but it's just selfies of him in the new armor and attempts to settle on dinner plans.
New threads! (polycarbonate threads if I'm not mistaken, very comfortable but also super-tough) Boreal and I should be wrapping up here - wanna meet up for dinner?
NOT FIVE ARCHES *vomiting emoji*


Eric replies to the newcomer at the Sunrise Maiden
Human Jazzming Brokato: Indeed. Welcome. I will send over several relevant files. Included in those files are codes required for the piloting and access of the Sunrise Maiden. Please be aware that they are scheduled to be randomized and encrypted every seventytwo Absolom Station hours. I have added you to the encryption key. Eric abruptly turns and walks back into the Sunrise Maiden, leaving Jazzming standing alone on the dock. Jazzming's comm unit beeps showing two massive files with HiRes photos and video detailing the adventure on the Drift Rock, the battles in space and the mystery of where the Drift Rock came from. The files also detail the investigations turn to Castrovel and the University of Quabarat and the missing Dr. Solstarni.
To: Lashunta Detective Sergeant Tracyoleon Annolprol
Cc: Chiskisk, Dr. Muhali
We have two new arrivals for which we need paperwork to travel through the portal. I will be sending you the relevant information. They have both assured me they have packed the appropriate gear including multiple sets of undergarments. All of my research has shown that this is essential for survival in a wilderness setting.

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As she watched the android walk off abruptly, Jazzming just shook her head and read through the files on the current mission. "Faraday, note to self: EH-RK seems to be a very abrupt person, don't take anything personally," she told the exocortex implanted in her head. "Also, Hawkings, look into androids and their seeming fascination with undergarments." The last was said quietly to the computer on her wrist as she followed behind. Hopefully this expedition would be exciting.

Manteca Imani, MD |

Manteca looks up from idly checking some news feeds and looks to Boreal. "Boreal Typhon, I'm betting that EH-RK is busy with examining the Drift Rock, so I'm nominating us to pick the dinner location. Sit-down place and send EH-RK coordinates, or take-out back to the ship?"