GM_Foxy's Incident at Absalom Station (Inactive)

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

GM_Foxy's Dead Suns AP
Dead Sun Maps

Loot Log
Sunrise Maiden

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F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 83d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1) = 7

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

Flak Thrower: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Damage: 3d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) = 6

Kitsune Game Master

EH-RK hits the bony starship as it passes the Sunrise Maiden with the laser cannon. Boreal and Tannhäuser both miss the target, but the ship just moves on at constant speed, at a slightly skewed angle. EH-RK does another scan of the ship and notices a power outage, followed by a peak which is also visible without sensors on the main screen. In a bright flash the core explodes, sending the hull of the ship as shrapnel into the endless void.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca slumps against the console, the energy draining out of him as the adrenaline fades. "Goodness," he says wearily. "Someone seems to be quite upset with us. Are we... are we heading back to Absalom for a bit?"

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Shirren Manteca Imani: I believe we owe the Ambassador a certain crate. We should dock at the Acreon and retrieve it.

GM, is Nor's drone active now and transmitting?


Eric turns to the Drone Eoxian Ambassador Nor: I believe there might be explanations needed. We have twice been assaulted by Ships from the Eoxian fleet.

Allison takes EH-RK's hint and flies the Maiden back to dock at the Acreon. Slowing down and positioning the loading bays of both ships at level "Last stop before Absolom Station."

Kitsune Game Master

The drone is still around.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca agitates at the loading dock, looking at the bay of the Acreon ahead. "And we're... we're absolutely sure there's nothing left on the Acreon that might wish us harm? Or just wish itself a meal, I didn't think any of them were... malicious, just... voracious..." Manteca trails off, staring into the blackness.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.
EH-RK wrote:

Shirren Manteca Imani: I believe we owe the Ambassador a certain crate. We should dock at the Acreon and retrieve it.

GM, is Nor's drone active now and transmitting?


Eric turns to the Drone Eoxian Ambassador Nor: I believe there might be explanations needed. We have twice been assaulted by Ships from the Eoxian fleet.

Eric uses the Sunrise Maiden's scanners to scan the Acreon for hostile lifeforms

Computers: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 2 = 17

Shirren Manteca Imani: The Scans are inconclusive. We should make haste. I propose that Vesk Typhon Boreal leads the way while Human Allison Whiteangel remains with the Sunrise Maiden to facilitate a swift exit.

Kitsune Game Master

There is no response from the drone. Also there are no signs of lifeforms on the Acreon.

You already know where the package for Ambassador Nor is so it is no big deal to go there and grab it. It is a bit unwieldy, but with a few commands the gravity in the ship is lowered to a level where even such a large package is easy to move around. Pushing it out of the Acreon it flies right into the loading bay of the Sunrise Maiden. No one interrupts that and after half an hour of work in almost zero gravity everything that needed to be done is done.

"Anything anyone wants to do, before I fly us back to the Station?" Allison asks.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

We have everything loaded? If so, then no I cannot think of anything else we need. We came here to investigate the rock, which we did, and retrieve the crate for Nor...which we did.

EH-RK indicates to Allison that they should be finished here.

However, he continues to scan the Drone for its apparent malfunction.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca trudges onto the Sunrise Maiden and curls up in a flight seat. Barring any sort of further interruptions, the shirren dozes off, antenna twitching fitfully in response to whatever dreams the doctor has.

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

Boreal spends a few moments gathering up all the weapons they found and sorting them by type and quality.
After confirming they have sufficiently looted everything she says "Do we have a copy of the message from the old captain of this ship? I can see some legal disputes of ownership arising."

"I guess the drone has." Allison replies to Boreal, before firing up the thrusters and closing the loading bay. Again, everything not secured in place is moved and pinned to the back walls of the ship and within short time the Sunrise Maiden docks at Absalom Station.

Kitsune Game Master

When the Sunrise Maiden arrives back at Absalom Station, you find that your fame has preceded you. There are about hundred people awaiting you, including reporters from half a dozen news companies.

A short search of the infosphere reveals why. Your mission had it's own livestream published by Ambassador Nor. Well, not exactly live. All parts about the delivery for Nor are missing. From the comments it looks like you have become minor local celebrities — at least while the buzz lasts. Your newfound popularity earns you priority docking from Absalom Traffic
Control and temporarily waived docking fees. This means dock 3 instead of 94 like the last time. Which looks much less cargo transfer, but red carpet. Once you disembark, the crowd of onlookers and reporters quickly
surrounds you, asking for statements, autographs, and confirmation of conspiracy theories.

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

Boreal is very definitely uncomfortable with the whole thing. Trying not to draw attention and struggling due to towering over most everyone else in the bay.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.


Vesk Boreal Typhon: I have a recorded statement from the previous owner coupled with corroborating backup from both the Drone and the Sunrise Maiden's computers. The Maiden is ours. Or, perhaps since we were acting on behalf of the Starfinders it would belong to them.. these legalities differ depending on the judgement you reference. In 285AG there was a case brought before.... Eric drones on about the legalities and cases and its all a blur of fancy words and legalese.


EH-RK too is taken aback by this new found popularity. He encourages Allison to take up as much of the camera as she can.

That's actually a good use for her now, the "public face" of our littl group. Since none of us seem to be playing spotlight type characters.

Vesk Boreal Typhon: I see you have made a great accounting of our finds on the Acreon and Drift Rock. Do you know of any arms dealers that might find these useful? This is just RP for dealing with the loot. If everyone is ok with it, I'll do the accounting and post the Credit totals in the discussion thread

Humanoids of the Sunrise Maiden Crew: We have several items of importance. Firstly, we have an unknown crate with unknown items that is due at the Eoxian Ambassador's residence. Someone should see that it is delivered. We also have a report due to the Starfinder Chiskisk. Finally, we have repairs to the Sunrise Maiden to see to. I believe I know of a acceptable engineer who has the right amount of...discretion. I will send Codename Boomer an encrypted message.

"You won't see me out there as long as this mob is there. It's the horror! Me all over the infosphere!" Allison states, close to a panic.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Human Allison Whiteangel: Think of all the credits that could be made from your newfound fame? There is a high probability that vidreels, merchandising and a book deal could be in the works.

"And there is a fair chance, that one of my former business partners - who I might be at a disagreement with - sees that and shows up here." Allison answers. Not to speak of that warrant from Castrovel. she thinks.

Male Ysoki Mechanic 3 Mercenary | SP 21/21 | HP 20/20 | Init +3 | EAC 15, KAC 16 | AC vs CM 24 | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 | Perc +6

"Ack.. bleh...gawk...spit.." Are pretty much the only sounds escaping the ysoki mechanic's lips since at the precise moment that Eh-RK sent his message, Boomer had the scaled hand of an exceptionally large Vesk biker around his throat.

Then boomers butt met the floor, hard. Sputtering he stands up shaking his furry head.

"Listen I'm sorry about your enercycle man, but you can't blame me for the faulty parts! I just put it together! You got the parts and I TOLD you that there was a blaster hole in the pipe but you didn't listen. NO REFUNDS for the work!" he yells to the Vesk who towers over him but doesn't seem to temper his snark.

"You wanna beat on someone, blame the guy that git the part for ye! Oh hey isn't that the guy?" Boomer says and points behind the vesk. As the vest turns to look Boomer charges across the street and rounds the corner of a nearby store and into the crowd.

Once far enough away he checks to see what was beeping in one of his many pockets.

"EH-RK, damn man. I don't owe you money too do I. Ugh..." Boomer comments and makes his way to the platform in EH-RK's message.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca pushes his way to the front of the crowd and begins doing his best - providing statements as neutral as possible, signing whatever autographs he can reach, and attempting to diffuse the milder conspiracy theories with a couple of jokes - though carefully at the concepts, not at the people espousing them. Given the rest of the party's seeming reluctance, he addresses questions that aren't posited to him either with an answer or a "No comment."

At one point, he turns from the crowd for a second to look back at his colleagues, antennae quivering with excitement. This is fun!!, he says telepathically to everyone.

Kitsune Game Master

As Manteca offers himself as spokesperson the people and the press gladly accept and swarm him until everyone has got to ask their question and got their autograph. Everyone else from the crew has to either sign photos too or handle the fans in another way.

Once that is done and most of the people leave to take care of their own lives again the question arises where to go first.

Allison waits for the audience to be over, before leaving the ship wearing a cloak with the hood drawn deep into her face. "I'm for visiting Ambassador Nor first. He owes us money."

As if on a sign the moblie device of Manteca Imani signals an incoming call.

Accepting the call:
It is Ambassador Nor who tells you that a delivery truck from FedUps will come along to fetch the package for him and that you should visit him to receive your payment.

Kitsune Game Master

Meanwhile a truck with the well known trademark all over it stops and the driver - some unremarkable human in a FedUps uniform - jumps out. "You got a package for me to pick up?"

Male Ysoki Mechanic 3 Mercenary | SP 21/21 | HP 20/20 | Init +3 | EAC 15, KAC 16 | AC vs CM 24 | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 | Perc +6

As the crowd starts to clear, Boomer arrives. When he see's EH-RK he walks up to him and glances around.

"'sup Ee-kay. What's all the hubbub?" he asks gesturing to the fading throng of people as they leave.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Ysoki Designated Codename Boomer: Greetings. Indeed. We have come into possession of a craft "Sunrise Maiden". It has taken battle damage and requires a firmware upgrade. I believe that would be in your areas of expertise correct?

To the Driver Eric says Human Delivery Driver of Unknown designation: Yes, we have a crate. I will procure it momentarily. and Eric goes to fetch the crate.

Kitsune Game Master

Searching around the Maiden EH-RK finds a lifting cart and uses it to move the large shipping container from the fright bay of the ship to the dock. From there the nondescript guy takes over and loads it into the truck. He taps on some device and sends EH-RK a receipt to his communication device. It states the receipt of the crate and the delivery address: The Embassy of Eox on Absalom Station.

Male Ysoki Mechanic 3 Mercenary | SP 21/21 | HP 20/20 | Init +3 | EAC 15, KAC 16 | AC vs CM 24 | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 | Perc +6

"Well yer in luck 'ol buddy. Just so happens I'm looking for woik. So fir a fee I'm yer guy. Point me in the direction of the problem." Boomer says and grabs a wrench from his bag and waits as EH-RK sorts out his delivery.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8
'Boomer' wrote:

"Well yer in luck 'ol buddy. Just so happens I'm looking for woik. So fir a fee I'm yer guy. Point me in the direction of the problem." Boomer says and grabs a wrench from his bag and waits as EH-RK sorts out his delivery.

Manteca separates himself from the party's adoring public and sees EH-RK talking with a... well-worn ysoki. "Problem? There's a problem? What sort of problem, EH-RK?" The shirren wrings his claws in an agitated fashion.

Male Ysoki Mechanic 3 Mercenary | SP 21/21 | HP 20/20 | Init +3 | EAC 15, KAC 16 | AC vs CM 24 | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 | Perc +6

The short, gray-brown furred Ysoki in his orange freebooter suit stood there, with straps and harnesses and several pockets. A belt and a harness holding a large longarm across his back and goggles above his eyes with their green lenses folded his arms and looked from the shirren that just arrived and back to the android and shrugged.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Sorry, first week at the new job. I've been busy

Eric responds to the Ysoki Ysoki Designated Codename Boomer: Indeed, the Sunrise Maiden requires a firmware upgrade and repairs to battle damage. I will transmit the appropriate access codes to you now.

Boreal, Tannhauser???

Eric says Humanoids: Let us go and meet with the Ambassador. He promised payment. While we meet with him Ysoki Designated Codename Boomer can begin the necessary repairs to the Sunerise Maiden

Let's go meet with the Ambassador, barring anyone else actually posting any other actions

The group takes some public transportation to the Embassy of Eox. You are lead to the Ambassador. Ambassador Nor greets you. "Congratulates to your success of the mission. Even though I recorded your activities on the Acreon and the Drift Rock, I would still like to hear your report firsthand."

"And of course there is your reward for delivering my cargo. I thank you all." He hands everyone a cred stick with 500 not traceable credits.

"About your request about the attacks..." Nor turns to EH-RK "I have no clue who wanted to sabotage that mission. Maybe Astral Extractions, maybe the Hardscrabble collective, or some other party who has an interest in the drift rock or personal reasons to wish you dead. But the corpse fleet - even though they are of Eoxian origin - work for whoever pays and are not under control or working with the Eoxian government."

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca tilts his head curiously at Nor.

Is that true? Or is Nor leading us along?
Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (14) + (2) + 7 = 23

Regardless of any inklings he may or may not get, Manteca plays it straight for Nor. "Not much to speak of - a few invasive species had killed or turned the crew into undead, leaving the actual rock simply... tied there. I'd say that the fate of the Drift Rock comes to your professional recommendation, though the rock's strange nature may make it's scientific and cultural worth much more than either disputant would make of it."

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Don't forget that that bastard from the shuttle bay is still on there." Boreal chimes in

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Indeed. The Drift inhabitant was most distressing. Eric chimes in

The historical lesson about the disconnection of the fleet is correct. But that 'fact' that the fleet has no connections to the government is commonly argued over.

You don't sense any lies in the suggestions about who might be behind the attacks. He doesn't seem to know.

"Well, that is all then. Or do you still have something?" Ambassador Nor asks.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

"Ummm... we've got a mechanic repairing our ship, you've received your package, the report on the Drift Rock... hmm..." He looks back at the others and speaks telepathically. Am I missing anything?? He looks back at Nor. "...whoever's cleaning off the rock and the ship should pack some heavy weapons?" he says, giving a shrug. "That big thing is still on there somewhere."

Kitsune Game Master

There is a short goodbye before you leave and head to the headquarters of the Starfinder Society. There you are greeted by the shirren Chiskisk again. "That was an exploration very well done." they* greet you telepathically. "“There is some good news. The Starfinder Society’s linguistic database recognized many of the symbols you found on the Drift Rock, because this is not the first time they’ve appeared post-Gap. The bad news is that the source is… highly unreliable," Chiskisk notes, as segments of their chitinous body scrape together in agitation. "All that we have about these earlier texts comes from Halkueem Zan nearly three centuries ago, and it seems that no published studies of those texts have appeared since. According to these records, Zan’s original findings were donated to the Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and enoanthropology on Castrovel shortly after his—" The shirren pauses while contemplating how best to phrase the sentence. "—disruptive expeditions."

"Fortunately, the Society has numerous alumni from that university, and I can readily secure you a contact there and forward my personal recommendation to a few faculty members. Perhaps they can show you Zan’s notes and even take you to the original site so that you can search for more clues about whatever this Drift Rock once was."

Singular they due to gender neutral shirren host.

Allisons tenses. "You know..." she starts "this Starfinder stuff sounded great. But now that I've experienced it myself I'm no longer sure if that is really my line of work."

"All that knowledge stuff is kinda interestign and all, but all this dangerous creatures, and all this crawling around on foot... and the lack of payment."

"I'm going to try something different. It was nice to get to know you all. " and to EH-RK she adds "And if we meet again, maybe we can have a drink together."

"But I have to leave now. There is a flight I need to catch. Bye." Allisons waves her hand at all and leaves the room.

You need no special skills to sense that she is in a hurry, and not for the reasons she told you.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Indeed Human Allison Whiteangel: You were a most curious and welcome companion. if you didn't know better you'd think Eric was twirling his hair or something.

Humanoid Crew of the Sunrise Maiden: I am setting auctions up at various Infosphere sites for the items we collected on the Acreon and Drift Rock. Please claim the items you would like moved into your personal quarters.

Last call before I sell everything on the list except what's been claimed.

Shirren Starfinder Chiskisk: Please forward the information to our datapads as soon as you might be able. I anticipate that this information will go viral in seven point oh two hours and we could use the "lead time".

How does everyone feel about Castrovel?

Kitsune Game Master

No Mr. EH-RK. This mission is solely Starfinder Society related. And we don't share information freely, like Ambassador Nor did for the last one. Chiskisk shares telepathically. The information is already on the way. I'll inform you as soon as I get a confirmation from Whaloss about the specifics. I assume you have a spaceship now, that you can use for your travel?

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

EH-RK responds to the telepath Shirren Starfinder Chiskisk: Indeed. We have acquired a vessel. It is registered under the name Sunrise Maiden. We have hired an engineer to give it much needed firmwear upgrades.

Kitsune Game Master

After you are sent to the documentary department to fill in the gaps of what they already created out of the video footage and the Starfinders own research about what was seen you're dismissed.

Early the next morning you receive the information with your target coordinates and the contact data of Whaloss (a damaya lashunta).

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca meets the party at their pre-determined meeting spot the next morning. When picking the spot, he insisted on it being a place where breakfast was served, and he's there at least half an hour before anyone else arrives. When the party finds him, he has a heaping plate of something scrambled, and multiple cups full of assorted stimulants and nutritious beverages. He's humming to himself as he tucks in with a gusto.

When EH-RK arrives, the shirren seems interested in the results of the auction. "What did the profits for each of us wind up entailing?", the shirren asks. "I was considering looking into improving my combat capabilities."

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Shirren Manteca Imani: I am routing the proceeds of the various auctions to your datapad. I too have purchases to make before we leave for Castrovel. Eric says to the Shirren

Humanoid Members of the Sunrise Maiden's Crew: I have routed your first lump sum payment into your datapads and bank information provided. In lieu of banking information, if that was not available. I have arranged for various credsticks to be delivered to your residence. I believe the saying is "it was a pleasure serving with you". I suggest we meet again in 16 standard hours to leave for Castrovel.

Eric sends a message via Infosphere to Boomer Codename Designated Boomer: I have a proposition for you. The Sunrise Maiden is in need of a pilot. Would you be interested in a job?

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca's antenna begin doing the excited twitch that they're prone to do when excited as he scans his receipt of the incoming credits. "That does raise an interesting question, actually - I'm sure Codename Designated Boomer is a better pilot than I am, but I as planning on purchasing a personal enhancement with the funds - if I looked into improving my mental capabilities instead of my manual dexterity, I could help take on a different role in our spaceship excursions, rather than simply... standing there pointing at things, mostly. Otherwise, I was just going to give my reflexes a boost. So I can be all ZAP! and ZAP! and DODGE!" With the last few words, Manteca begins striking various gun-toting and bullet-dodging poses, to represent his idea of what a dexterity boost would make him more like.

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"A pleasure indeed." Boreal nods at at the android. It seems to be a bit of a trend that few of the establishments on the station cater for Vesk. None of their chairs are easy for her to sit in.
She ends up sitting across a chair with her arm resting on the back.

As the others talk Boreal turns to Tannhauser, "I am in need of supplies. Your input would be appreciated." She is obviously asking Tannhauser for her company but is rather awkward about it.

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