GM-Foxy's Hell's Rebels (Inactive)

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Hell's Rebels Adventure Path
Current Date: Moonday, 14th of Rova, 4715AR
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M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

Cassius shrugs. "Harumph. Whore? See you later, then." He decides to head back to home base.

Kitsune Game Master

What Saul and Fhingle don't see is that not the dottari, but a squad from the Chelish Citizens Group show up. And they remember Logan quite well. He gets the beating of his life in front of all who heave heard the stories he told and is then dragged away.

Rexus can't sit still anymore. He tells this big secret, and they just go on about their daily routine. He reaches into his shirt, pulling out the chain with the mithral key. Kneading it in his hand he walks up and down in his room. Should he have told it earlier? Is it to late already? Maybe my parents were not at home during the fire and they hide there?

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

Saul and Fhingle get back to the coffeehouse, and greet Cassius inside. Rexus is acting strangely...

Rexus sure is antsy. What's his deal? Has he finally had enough sitting around the basement hiding?

sense motive on Rexus: 1d20 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 4 + (3) = 27

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Saul, Fhingle, good to see you again! Who's this?" He indicates Rexus.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"Rexus, he is the man who is trying to decypher some papers that we found." Fhingle moves closer to Rexus, "He has a mission for us to inspect Hocum's Fantasmagorium."

K. Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Decipher? I might be able to help with it. Always been good with words."

"You're most welcome to aid in this task. If you're fluent in Strix, Celestial and Elven and are trained in deciphering unknown languages, then we could become a wonderful team." Rexus replies.

"But when will we go and check on the Fantasmagorium? Rexus inquires. It looks like he wants to come along.

It is obvious that he expects to find more than some papers.

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Celestial and Elven I can do no problem. (Aasimars and Elves make great lovers.) I'd love to take a look at them."linguistics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Kitsune Game Master

At first the papers make totally no sense to you. And it doesn't get better with the second look.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"Decypher yes, why did you say it with a different influx? I said it right did I not?" Fhingle questions himself on how he said a word.

"Do you want to come with us Rexus?" Fhingle asks

Rexus is torn. Of course he wants to go with the group. But it will be at night, during the curfew. What if they meet some thugs, or the dottari? "I, ... yes I want to come along." he states. More trying to persuade himself than anyone else.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"Spill it, Rexus. Why the Hocum's Fantasmagorium? Why now? You're more mysterious than a blonde dame with a secret."

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"Can you help us out or are we going to be to busy protecting you?" Fhingle asks without sounding harsh

"Why the Fantamagorium? I don't know why they chose it."

"And You're good guys, but I'm not sure what my mother would think of me giving away the secret location of their Order. But I make no progress here and neither do you. I trust you enough now to share that with you. As I'm hoping that this will bring us some kind of breakthrough for the rebellion and do more good than damage." Rexus replies in a semi dramatic speech.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"Then we are good to go Fhingle replies. Saul did your friend who sold armor and weapons have anything my size?" Fhingle asks.

I have almost 700gp and I could probably use Master work armor in the mean time

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"I'm sure he does. Why don't you check that out. I want to go tell Zea what we are doing. Who knows, maybe she'll want to come along. Plus, she is gorgeous."

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle makes his way to the shop where Saul bought his new spear.

"Good day sir, I was wondering you have armor in my size?"

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Gorgeous, eh? I'll come with you, then. Let me take this disguise off first ..."

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

You guys seem to like pushing the pace forward but lmk if I'm jumping the gun.

Zea answers the door hurriedly when you arrive. She seems as if she were about to speak excitedly once you enter but then she notices Saul's unfamiliar friend and quiets. "Hello. Anything new?"

Kitsune Game Master

"If you have money my size, I have everything your size." Chuko, the shops owner replies. "What kind of armor so you want?"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"One of those ones that covers your chest, has same padding over your legs. Like the city guards wear at the gate, a chest plate?" Fhingle asks.

a masterwork breast plate

Kitsune Game Master

"That is over here." Chuko replies. "We have three different qualities. Standard, fine and tremendous. The first two are made of steel, the difference being the time and craftsmanship put into them. And one made of Mithral, which is so light, you barely notice that you wearing armor."

"That is of course the best one, but it depends on your coin. What do you want to spend."

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"The Mithral one sounds exciting but I doubt I have the coin for it, maybe the Fine steel one and if I ever come into the coin I will come back for that Mithral one that you offer." Fhingle says.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Kitsune Game Master

"Of course. The fine steel one costs 350 gold pieces." Chuko tells, and takes the one out of the shelf. "You want to try it on first?"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"I would yes" Fhingle gets the shop keep to help him into the armor, then moves around in it a bit, a large smile coming to his small face.

"I will take it." Fhingle hands over the coin to the shop keep, then puts his coat over the new armor and heads back to the coffee house. "Has Saul or Cassius returned?" Fhingle ask Laria when he moves to the back of the shop

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"Zea, my dear. Any fallout on you or yours after our little escapades with the Red Jills last night? And you remember Cassius, of course."

She did meet him, though is more familiar with Fhingle and Saul

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"I believe I was in one of my disguises when I met you, Ms. Zea. I use them and change them often."

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Oh I got the wrong impression. Thanks! No fallout I know of.

Zea shakes her head at trouble and nods in acknowledgement to Cassius. "No things have been ok for now. But I've decided I want to help you more. You're doing good things for this city. So I want in." She holds up a rusty curved blade. "I stole this. And I've been taking notes on magic. I've seen what your friend, Salonius, can do. I think I can do a few small things." She stares you full in the eye. "Let me help."

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"The more the merrier! Also, without numbers the sort of long-term goals we should aim for will be impossible. I can cast a few spells myself."

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"Happy to have your more direct participation, gorgeous. We got a big break with Rexus; one of our informants. He says the Hocum's Fantasmagorium is secret home to the Writers Guild or some such thing. I don't know. I wasn't really listening to the sap. But anyway, checking out the place will get us some much needed momentum apparently. You got everything you need? We are meeting back at the Longroads Coffeehouse."

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea nods eagerly at Cassius talk of spells. "I have only learned a little and would be very eager to learn more, if you would share your knowledge." At Saul's description of the break, Zea breathes deeply to calm herself and nods. "Yes. I will come with you and provide what aid I can." She snatches up a couple more things, including a very rough suit of armor patched together from various pieces of boiled leather and follows the freedom fighters out her door, trying to avoid attention.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

The loss of Logan didn't seem to bother Saul as much as it should have. The guy was trouble... but he was my friend. But he was a drunk... Truly, Zea will be a more reliable companion. I mean, when has a dame every been untrustworthy... Ah... Hmmm...

Saul walks with the pair back towards the Longroads. In normal Saul fashion, his part of any conversation is mostly in his head.

Male Human Ranger (Raven Master) 3 | HP 18/29 | AC 18 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +6 W +4 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +6 Perc +8

Sitting at the Longroads main cafe, one patron might come across as very familiar to Cassius. His working partner, Bram, a fellow hand at the tavern Cassius worked at. The moment Cassius comes in, Bram gets up and immediate approaches, looking to place an arm over Cassius' shoulder and greet him like old friends. "Hey, Cass! You seem to be drinking enough to drown a reefclaw! First ya dry the barrel of barley brew at our place, now you're putting this little shop out of business? There's easier ways to eliminate the competition, ya know?"

He leans in a bit closer, lowering his voice. "By the by, I think the Ulfen Draught has a leak. Mind helping me patch it up?" Cassius might recognize it as Bram's code phrase for wanting to speak in private: the stronger the drink, the more imperative the topic... and considering the Ulfen Draught could knock out an ogrekin, whatever Bram is wanting to discuss had to be of great importance.

Cassius might also note that Bram is... looking quite spiffy! His cloak hides it well, but underneath is a very impressive looking set of chainmail, as well as two masterfully made maces... how the heck does a simple barkeep afford those?!

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Hey, buddy, good to see you! And, uh, yeah, let's take a look at that line. Excuse me, folks." Cassius takes Bram to a private corner.

Male Human Ranger (Raven Master) 3 | HP 18/29 | AC 18 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +6 W +4 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +6 Perc +8

Bram nodded to the others with a friendly grin as he followed Cassius to the corner, turning his back to them once he got there and looking more serious as he spoke. "Okay, Cassius... what have you gotten yourself into? What is this place hiding? And who are these folks you're working with?"

Folding his arms, Bram leveled a concerned gaze at him. "Look... I've seen you disappear to the back room for hours at a time... and you don't even do that at our place. You know, the one we work at? You're up to something... and if I can deduce that, you can bet your arse the dottari will piece it together soon enough. They might be slow, but they aren't all brainless. Now... what are you up to?"

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

Cassius levels a cool gaze at his coworker. "Fighting back, but intelligently. We've had more than enough of this diabolist dictator. So we're planting the seeds, bit by bit, to fix this problem." Honesty. Hm. I'll try anything once ...

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle comes out of the back with steaming kettles to make tea with, spotting Bram talking with Cassius in the corner Fhingle smiles and puts one of the kettles down then grabs up some tea leaves and moves around seeing if anyone would to try the new tea.

"Cassius do you and your friend want some tea?" Fhingle smiles at them.

Male Human Ranger (Raven Master) 3 | HP 18/29 | AC 18 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +6 W +4 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +6 Perc +8

Bram stares back, arms still folded as he seemed to trying to discern whether Cassius was being genuine about that reply or not. Finally, he cuts his gaze and looks back at the others, before turning back. "...well, perhaps try hiding it a bit better. If I can figure it out, anyone can... you mind showing me a bit of this operation?" A smirk etched itself ever so slightly into the corners of his mouth. "At the very least, I can give you my insight. Help you patch up holes."

Blinking and looking down, Bram immediately resumes that pleasently, chummy appearance as he nods. "Why not? More of a mead man, but it never hurts to branch out. Try new things."

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle goes out some cups and pours steaming hot water into them, then places the tea leaves in the cups.

"Let it cool slightly and then try it. I will be back with some pastries" Fhingle goes into he back, "Laria do you know the man that Cassius is with? Seems to be asking lots of questions."

Reappearing a few moments later Fhingle places the pastries on the table, smiling again and leaving the 2 men alone

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

While the subtle conversations are going on, Zea wonders to herself. So much secrecy. I hope I know what I'm doing. I can trust these fellows, can't I? They've done a lot for Redroof...

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"You saw me because you know the disguises I've used. I've started disguising the rest of them. And your skills would be helpful, certainly, and I know you have no love for the diabolists."

Male Human Ranger (Raven Master) 3 | HP 18/29 | AC 18 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +6 W +4 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +6 Perc +8

'More than you know, Cass... more than you know...' Bram nodded, turning back and shaking his head with a smirk. "Only skill I've got is running a bar and not getting caught slacking off. But Kintargo is turning into a bad city... I just want it to be a decent city for my little sis. So if I can lend a hand, I'll be happy to. Show me what you got..."

Is that picture of Thrune that's supposed to be mandatory within sight?

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

Saul looks at the bustle of the Longroads Coffeehouse.

Never saw the place so busy. Little Mac keeps on falling into his old habits of serving the big folk; Cassius is talking to a fellow who doesn't look familiar to me; Zea is here as well. Maybe we need to take the party to more neutral territory.

Saul sneaks downstairs to get Rexus. Once he is upstairs with the rest, Saul walks over to Cassius.

"How about we all take a walk to your bar? I've never seen the place, and Laria wouldn't mind us all out of her hair."

It doesn't make sense for us to show the secret hideout to Bram yet, so let's hold off on that for now.

Of course the portrait also hangs in Laria's Coffeehouse

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Good idea, detective. This tea never has enough whiskey in it, anyway. This is my pal Bram, we work together at the bar." If Saul wants to give his name, he can. That's on him.

Male Human Ranger (Raven Master) 3 | HP 18/29 | AC 18 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +6 W +4 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +6 Perc +8

Bram smiled, nodding and glancing briefly at the piercing of Abrogail before bowing. "Pleasure to meet ya! And listen to Cassius get the better of me. Here he is introducing me, and can't even return the favor![/dice] Bram extends a friendly handshake as he leads out the door, muttering under his breath. [B]"(Tell Laria to hang that picture behind the counter. Kills the visual range to the back rooms.)"

Once outside and along the streets, Bram gladly leads the way to the tavern. He keeps his voice low... and his choice of words doggedly ambiguous. "So Cass, how's you fall in with this lot? Never figured you to be the rambunctious type... always struck me more like the guy gets run out of town for a get rich quick scheme gone belly up."

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

The thin tiefling woman follows along in silence, holding mixed feelings about the addition of the human, Bram. The resistance is growing, I guess... But he seems so new... can we trust him?

No mixed feelings OOC! This is great!

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle heads down stairs to talk to Rexus

"SO are you ready to go whenever we say?"

Fhingle has no idea that you are leaving

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

With the crew of five (and Rexus) enroute to Cassius and Bram's bar... what's the name? ... Saul seems a familiar sight. Old Jarithe's cart, one of his here and gone again informants. Traveling Cheliax, Jarithe sees a lot and knows a lot, and is always useful for a tip here and there.

Saul walks up and shakes Jarithe's hand. "Back to Kintargo, Jarithe? I'm guessing you have seen the state of the Opera House!"

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