Queen Abrogail II

Queen Abrogail Thrune's page

25 posts. Alias of Foxy Quickpaw.


Queen Abrogail Thrune II of the Thrice Damned House of Thrune sternly looks down on Saul from the wall of the bar.

Calling me ugly is the only thing you got - when it's not even true? All while my inner 'beauty' offers so much more true reasons for name-calling? Wait 'til you get to say that to my face...

Saul gets carried away with his emotions during his rallying call. It is still early for visiting a bar, but it's not empty and he manages to turn some heads, even though they probably won't understand a lot of what he is telling.

The waitress with the Queen Abrogail II-remembrance-hairdo comes over to take your orders.

Of course the portrait also hangs in Laria's Coffeehouse

"You don't look like a baker to mee? Do shopping for the wife?" the old shopkeep at the groceries store tries to make small talk. At the wall you see the portrait of Queen Abrogail Thrune II of the Thrice Damned House of Thrune that every shop must have now.

I switched that off. I don't need some artificial smart ass pansy tell me how to fly a ship.

Allisons tenses. "You know..." she starts "this Starfinder stuff sounded great. But now that I've experienced it myself I'm no longer sure if that is really my line of work."

"All that knowledge stuff is kinda interestign and all, but all this dangerous creatures, and all this crawling around on foot... and the lack of payment."

"I'm going to try something different. It was nice to get to know you all. " and to EH-RK she adds "And if we meet again, maybe we can have a drink together."

"But I have to leave now. There is a flight I need to catch. Bye." Allisons waves her hand at all and leaves the room.

You need no special skills to sense that she is in a hurry, and not for the reasons she told you.

Allison waits for the audience to be over, before leaving the ship wearing a cloak with the hood drawn deep into her face. "I'm for visiting Ambassador Nor first. He owes us money."

"And there is a fair chance, that one of my former business partners - who I might be at a disagreement with - sees that and shows up here." Allison answers. Not to speak of that warrant from Castrovel. she thinks.

"You won't see me out there as long as this mob is there. It's the horror! Me all over the infosphere!" Allison states, close to a panic.

Question: Do you want to keep Allion on board as a GM PC, or not. Because if not, now would be the opportunity for her to reasonably leave.

"I guess the drone has." Allison replies to Boreal, before firing up the thrusters and closing the loading bay. Again, everything not secured in place is moved and pinned to the back walls of the ship and within short time the Sunrise Maiden docks at Absalom Station.

"Anything anyone wants to do, before I fly us back to the Station?" Allison asks.

Allison takes EH-RK's hint and flies the Maiden back to dock at the Acreon. Slowing down and positioning the loading bays of both ships at level "Last stop before Absolom Station."

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Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
"Llllaaaaame." Allison states as she evades that attempt with a roll.

Piloting - Evade DC16: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
"Whooaaa! Highnoon! Shootout! Bu you won't shatter my particle stream as long as I have the MFJ in my hands!" Allison does a cool manoeuvrer to make the Maiden harder to hit.

Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Even though the pilot of the bony ship does his or her best, there is no way to trick Allison. "I'm detecting a trionic wave signature coming from the optronic plasma flange. Give them a few more shots and their plasma flow induction will break down."

Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

"Haha, kiss my thrusters, if you can reach them." Allison boasts as she showcases the inadequacy of the other pilot.

Allison continues to fly like an eagle.
Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
"I'm like a horsefly, and you won't get rid of me!" she threatens as she tries hard to stay behind the enemy ship.

"Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Of course I'd enjoy my personal cheerleader squad!" Allison replies.

Allison tries to keep at the back of the enemy shield as the sweet spot of that combat.
Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Allison does a loop and a roll and again points the nose of the Maiden at the aft. "Yeeeehah! Give that bony ass a whopping! I'm going to blow the remains apart with the ion beam of the thrusters when I plough through it!"

Now that it is clear wher ethe safe spot is in regards to the bone ships weapons it is down to a piloting battle. If Allison can manage to keep the Sunrise Maiden out of reach of the weapons it is only a matter of time until the other ship is destroyed. "Our core got infected by snails. That rusty babe hasn't seen a warp blowthrough for eons." she excuses the maneuver, that doesn't meet her own expectations.
Piloting: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 1 = 19

Allison doesn't like to sit in front of two weapons and tries to get behind the gnawed off skeleton of a ship. "Half the processing time of the computer is mine! Use paper and pencil for your calculations. I need to realign the multitronic inhibitor."

Piloting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Performing a spectacular backflip, Allison brings the Maiden up behind the other ship.

Allison decides to take her chances and go for a run, as no one seems to be able to hit that ship.
Piloting: 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

But this only results in the ship coming up behind her. The direct hit causes the back shield to go down to 5.

To get away better she takes the aid of the computer for steering the ship piloting.
Piloting: 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

Not willing to let the bony ass get away Allison checks with one eye the targeting screen and fiddles with one hand on that too. "I'm detecting an antimatter build-up in the quantum gearbox. Let's get that big cannon some release." she tells firing the gyrolaser that is mounted under the nose of the maiden.

Laser: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 7 - 4 = 161d8 ⇒ 5

As soon as the doors move Allison puts the handle on full throttle. Using the wall as jet blast deflector. Once the doors are open wide enough she releases the landing clamps and the Sunrise Maiden shoots out of the Drift Rock like a bullet out of a gun. "Yeeeha!" Allison shouts while all loose parts and everyone who didn't put the seat belts on slams into the back wall.

Allison runs in and jumps on the pilot's seat. "Dibs. Now close the entrance so I can blow the dust out of that old babes thrusters." Not waiting for a response she fires up the core, reroutes all energy from systems that are not at least essential for survival to propulsion. "I'll jumpstart as soon as I have full power. You think you can open the hangar doors until then?"