EndlessForms |

Hello all! You've all been invited to my upcoming Jade Regent PbP game. This game will be played for PFS credit. First of all, this does not mean that your character needs to be a PFS legal character (see below for my character creation info), but rather that you will receive PFS credit at certain points during the AP.
This means that I will be primarily focusing on the sanctioned parts of the AP. I will not be skipping from one sanctioned part to the next (as that would destroy the continuity of the story) but I will likely be narrating through the non-sanctioned parts and skipping most of the unrequired encounters in an effort to save time.
I understand that you might feel like you are missing something by skimming over some of the encounters and if this were real life we would be doing everything (ask my IRL Reign of Winter group). But the PbP format is slow and I do not wish to spend several extra months on unsanctioned encounters. I will do my best to narrate through everything so that you don't miss any of the essential points of the story.
And now the part you've all been waiting for: character creation!
To start with: we will be starting at 2nd level!
Point buy: 15 points (I know, I know, but I've never tried it and I like the challenge it presents)
Races: core races only (dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, halflings, and humans)
Classes: all classes except gunslinger*
Archetypes: no zen archers, undead lord clerics, vivisectionist alchemists, anti-paladins, ex-inquisitors, (basically don't play anything icky or borderline evil) or any archetype that gives access to firearms*
Prestige Classes: allowed but again, nothing icky. Also realize that this AP caps at level 15
Alignments: no evil alignments! you're a hero! just stop it! good alignments encouraged but not required
Deities: clerics can not worship evil deities; for other characters I won't specifically disallow the worship of evil deities, but you better have a darn good reason
Traits: two traits, one of them from the player's guide. all traits are allowed but I encourage you to pick traits for role-play purposes rather than mechanical. drawbacks (from Ultimate Campaign) are allowed
Starting Gold: double the maximum for your class plus 1000 gold
Hit Points: full HD value at first level, 1/2 HD value +1 for every level after that
Because it bears repeating: we will be starting at 2nd level!
Furthermore, I would like to see some interesting backstory and reason why you are in Varisia near Sandpoint at the start of the adventure. It doesn't need to be overly detailed or show an intense grasp of the world of Golarion. I just want something more interesting than, "I'm a barbarian from the Mwangi and I like to SMASH things!" (nothing against Mwangi barbarians). I like characters who are going to be interesting and three-dimensional enough to interact with each others and the PCs.
*I have nothing against gunslingers or firearms, I just don't think they will fit into this campaign very well.
Because of the length and scope of Pathfinder Adventure Paths, only specific portions of these adventures are sanctioned for Pathfinder Society credit. Details on running the sanctioned content from each volume of Adventure Path can found along with the adventure's Chronicle sheet(s). In general, a single dungeon complex or adventuring location is sanctioned from each Adventure Path volume, though some variation from this may arise from time to time. For a list of sanctioned content from Pathfinder Adventure Paths and their Chronicle sheets, see paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/additionalresources
Alternatively, if you are participating in the Jade Regent Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign may not play in the same adventure.
Playing each distinct portion of Adventure Path sanctioned content from beginning to end earns a character 3 XP and 4 Prestige Points if that character is on the medium advancement track, or 1-1/2 XP and 2 Prestige Points for characters on the slow advancement track. There are no Day Job checks when playing a sanctioned Adventure Path.
If a character dies and is brought back to life, the GM must determine the rewards for that character. The minimum possible reward is 0 gp, 1 XP and 1 PP on the normal advancement track or 0 gp, 1/2 XP, and 1/2 Prestige Point on the slow advancement track. If a character participates in more than 2/3 of the module, she should receive the full rewards. GMs and active players are encouraged to hasten the return of any characters waiting to be raised from the dead.
Players who do not complete each game session earn 1/3 fewer gold pieces, 1 fewer XP, and 1 fewer Prestige Point for each session missed. This also applies to players who join later sessions; they receive 1/3 fewer gold pieces, 1 fewer XP, and 1 fewer Prestige Point for each session missed. In both cases, players earn a minimum of 1/3 gold pieces, 1 XP, and 1 PP. If a character earns more XP than she needs to reach her next level, she may not choose to switch advancement tracks at the new level earned.
As always, each player may receive credit for each Adventure Path volume once as a player and once as a GM, in either order. Players must accept a Chronicle sheet for their characters the first time they play any sanctioned content. A player may replay sanctioned content at the GM’s discretion, but the player may not receive more than one Chronicle sheet per adventure.
Book 1: "The Brinewall Legacy" (2-4)
Book 2: "Night of Frozen Shadows" (5-7)
Book 3: "The Hungry Storm" (8-10)
Book 4: "Forest of Spirits" (10-12)
Book 5: "Tide of Honor" (11-13)
Book 6: "The Empty Throne" (14-16)
You guys have plenty of time to decide on who is filling what role but I encourage everyone to play what they want. We probably won't be starting for a few weeks since I will need to skim through book 1 at the very least before we start. Also, I'm sure things will get very busy once GameDay starts next week. So there's no rush on getting your character put together.
That being said, once your character is ready (and when you have a bit of background put together), let me know. I like to give out free boons and such based on backstories.

Terflynn |

Unfortunately I don't know much about Golarion regions or Jade Regent context, so it's difficult for me to provide a full backstory. However, I submitted Terflynn here to a Jade Regent previously (that failed quite swiftly) with the concept of a gruff hermit survivalist who lives outside of town. I don't want to commit to that before I hear other's concepts, but I would like some tips on how to flesh that out for this environment.

EndlessForms |

If you're interested in learning more about Golarion, I always suggest The Inner Sea World Guide to people. Well worth it; it's one of my favorite books. The Pathfinder Wiki can be good too if you don't feel like spending a bunch of money of a book. I don't expect anyone to be fully fluent on the world of Golarion or the Inner Sea region though.
This AP actually travels over the Crown of the World and into the eastern land of Tian Xia, two regions which aren't covered in the Inner Sea World Guide or very extensively anywhere else. There is a Dragon Empires Primer book but that basically just gives a little info on each of the eastern countries and the continent of Tian Xia overall.
I think it's somewhat expected that your character won't know much about these eastern lands but will discover them when they get there, so it sorta works out.

Terflynn |

I updated Terflynn's sheet for this game, changing him to an elf, buying some stuff, fixing point buy, etc, etc. I think I'm trying to make a witch into an alchemist. Oh well. I'm just very fond of witches.
I made some assumptions, most notably crafting and pre-crafting. Let me know if I need to change that.

EndlessForms |

So we've got a witch and an archer so far. Everything looks good.
Do Hawkwen and thunderspirit have any ideas yet?
I didn't get a chance to read any of the book like I was hoping but I should get a chance this week/weekend, which means it will still be another couple weeks before we start so you have plenty of time to deliberate over your characters.

thunderspirit |

I was actually thinking, if there was ever a time to build a monk, this is the AP in which to do it. But not with a 15 point buy. (I'm crazy, not suicidal. LOL)
So instead I've been leaning toward either a Samurai/Lore Warden build or maybe a Cleric/empryrial Sorcerer.

EndlessForms |

Terflynn and Zachary: expect a message from me later today (this afternoon or tonight) about your characters, concerning their backstories and some boons I will be handing out.
Everyone else: I have starting looking through the book and am ready to make an introductory post as soon as everyone has characters ready. There will be quite a bit of RP and narration to get the story going so you don't need to have all the minute crunch done but you should at least have your stats and feats picked out.
Be sure to flip through the Player's Guide. The most important thing will be to have some connection with Sandpoint, Ameiko Kaijitsue, and/or the Rusty Dragon tavern. Choosing a trait from the player's guide should accomplish that though.

EndlessForms |

Yes, a level dip into sorcerer is a popular option for monks. Not a bad idea.

thunderspirit |

Character sheet here.
Backstory pending.

EndlessForms |

Zarchary, Jennix, and Miso will be getting private messages once backstories are completed and I have some time to look them over.

EndlessForms |

Ready for the introductory post? Don't think I've gotten anything about Miso yet but as long as everyone has aliases ready I can get an intro post up soon so we can get moving.

Miso Jirogawa |

Ready for the introductory post? Don't think I've gotten anything about Miso yet but as long as everyone has aliases ready I can get an intro post up soon so we can get moving.
Actually wrote most of it last night (since our internet was out, LOL). I'll PM it to you later on today.

EndlessForms |

Big thanks to Chris (Miso) for supplying me with the maps for the entire AP. Future maps will be much prettier!
Now go kill some goblins!

EndlessForms |

Concerning treasure:
Just in case someone wasn't aware, "trade goods" (basically anything that's not weapons, armor, magical items, or anything your character would normally buy-e.g. the chest or the fan) sell for full price (the value I list that it's worth). Weapons, armor, magical items, and gear that characters normally use sell for half price.
Could someone take the initiative to keep track of the party loot? In my Shattered Star game someone took up the job of party treasurer and made a google spreadsheet to track the party loot, what it is worth, what has been sold, how much money they have currently, etc. It's up to you guys to keep track of that so however you decide to do it is fine.
I just want to make sure we have a set way of keeping track so we don't get halfway through the book and everyone says, "I thought the other guy was doing it."

Terflynn |

I can set up a Drive file with universal write permissions. You could link it in the campaign tab and then anyone could update it with our new loot when they got the chance. I often post from phone so I won't always be the best guy for the job, but if nobody posts in discussion saying they've done it I can usually get to my laptop within 36 hours.
Also, did the goblins have any loot? Weapons, armor, alchemical or magic items...? I can have my 3 new minions fetch them if they are keeping some elsewhere.

EndlessForms |

That sounds good. That's pretty much how my Shattered Star group works except one guy is in charge of the spreadsheet. Send me the link when you have it set up and I'll put it in the header.
There were 15 goblins. Each of them had:
leather armor, light wooden shield, short sword, short bow, 20 arrows

Terflynn |

I have it up. Here's the link.
I have a couple of questions. Would you like us to worry about:
1) distributing random loot (small-sized goblin gear, a chest, etc) for carrying weight, etc.
2) selling off in town only.
We could instead:
1) "store" the loot nebulously, not worrying about who is carrying it or the weight (except in specific instances like the potions or the arrows).
2) sell off immediately (convert the unwanted loot directly into gold).
I would say "sell off immediately" is the simplest solution, though it is a somewhat abstracted approach. What would you rule?

EndlessForms |

I don't see the link above. Maybe you forgot to include it or else I'm missing it for some reason.
Carrying weight: try to keep track of the weight you are carrying (your gear, don't worry about loot). I'm not going to double-check to the ounce but if you're under medium encumbrance I expect it to be reflected in your skills. Just be honest about how much you are carrying. At a certain level with handy haversacks and bags of holding it becomes irrelevant anyways. For now you can pile the loot off to the side and come back for it later. You don't have to carry it.
Selling gear: I prefer to wait until you are back to a town or city before you can sell gear and buy new things. I'm not too strict but I do tend to enforce the buying limits of a city. No purchasing 10000 gp weapon upgrades in a town of 300; you'll need to find a big city to do that. I realize that sets some limitations occasionally but its more realistic.*
*don't complain too much: in my Reign of Winter campaign it took until the end of book 2 to get to Whitethrone; until then you are in these little towns with only a couple scrolls and wands, maybe a single belt. They had buttloads to spend when they finally got to Whitethrone though. And they survived just fine using the items they found.

Terflynn |

I added the link.
To be clear, I assumed we'd be purchase-limited based on town size. The "sell immediately" is basically a fast-forward to the selling part. Instead of:
-carrying loot
-getting to town
-selling loot
-buying stuff
It would be:
-selling loot
-getting to town
-buying stuff
Doesn't open up purchasing any faster, it just makes it simpler to track inventory. The only way it would make a mechanical difference is if you wanted us to track loot weight or if we encountered locales where we could buy but not sell.
I personally like operating on a shoe-string budget. I think it's more interesting to either be so poor or so rich that you're not just buying the same old belts and headbands.

EndlessForms |

Ok, yeah. That's fine if you want to just jump to what the loot is worth and add that to the sheet. I can't imagine coming across somewhere where you'd be able to buy but not sell. There are purchasing limits on towns usually but if it's that small you probably won't be buying much anyways.
I agree with you. The one thing I really like about APs/homebrew is finding magical items that you'd never buy on your own but end up being really cool when you start to use them just because you have them. In PFS everyone just jumps for the stat belts and standard things like that but there are lots of other cool items out there to be had.

EndlessForms |

Sorry for the pause everyone. I'll try to get the next update and map up later this afternoon. If not this afternoon then tomorrow morning.

EndlessForms |

Sorry for the delay again. Our Carrion Crown group got together last night after a one month hiatus and I've got an exam at 11:15. I'll be able to update this afternoon/night and get us moving.

Terflynn |

I've updated the loot sheet. I have a "running total" field where I keep track of our total gold from money, valuables (like jewelry), and junk (like broken chain shirts). Nothing else is considered sold by default, so we'll have to work out what to sell manually. If you want to claim something for your character, just put it in your inventory, fill the cell a solid color (or a weak color if you're taking only part of the set represented by that cell), and right-click to add a comment or note, and write "Jennix took 2" or something.
I took the "wand of identify" as an example. That's on sheet 2, if you're confused. Each sheet represents a different area where we found treasure.

Miso Jirogawa |

I don't object to you taking the cloak.
The cure and LR potions should probably be divvied up; and Miso will take the shurikens. Otherwise there's been nothing that Miso might want thus far.
Incidentally, thanks for taking up the treasure tracking, Terflynn. :-)

EndlessForms |

Hey folks! Stole this idea from Tektite (who stole it from others-but that's how these things work): feel free to check in at the Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge and hang out in-character or use the Discussion thread for out-of-character chatting. I'll likely be using it to announce upcoming PFS games and other GMs are welcome to do so as well.

Miso Jirogawa |

I've got a question, EF: I'm wondering whether I can consider rebuilding Miso.
I think I finally know what I want to do with this PC, and Brawler may be a better choice. But What I have will work fine, so it's entirely up to you; I am okay either way.

EndlessForms |

Brawler is close enough to monk so I'll allow it.
Same for anyone else now that the new ACG play test is available. You can retrain to one of the related classes (so sorcerer/barbarian for bloodrager, etc).