GM Endless Forms' Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Mike Tuholski

Forest of Spirits (Book 4)

Combat Map

Hongal and the Forest of Spirits


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Well, I got overzealous (read: greedy) and updated the loot sheet. This is what you all are probably not aware of:

Jennix -
4 Potions of CLW (though I think you might have downed 1 or 2 of those early on)
2 Potions of CMW
+1 Cold Iron Morningstar (just in case)
+1 Returning Starknife (might be a good main)
(I took your +1 longbow. I can craft you a MW Comp[1] Longbow as a replacement. But within 20ft, your starknife should be good.)

Zachary -
+1 Longsword
+1 Light Steel Shield of Light Fortification
2 Potions of CMW
MW Chain Shirt

Miso -
Looks like you've taken care of yourself.

Here are the items I don't know who claimed specifically:
Potion of Gaseous Form - recommended for Zachary
Feather Step Slippers - recommended for Miso
Feather Token (whip) - recommended for Jennix

I can craft most wondrous items, as well as masterwork bows and weapons. Let me know what you all need and I'll let you know my fees. :)


What, no takers? Perhaps I can tempt you with these*...

Terflynn's Neverthirst Canteen:
Price 540 gp; Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st; Weight 2lb; Slot: none
This leather-wrapped metal canteen can hold about 1/2 gallon of water, much like a waterskin. In addition, 3 times per day, you can speak the command word to cause the canteen to magically fill with water, and may pour out up to 2 gallons at such time (at which point the canteen is again empty). If you stop pouring, the magic ends and another use must be invoked in order to produce more water.

Construction Requirements
Cost 1000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, create water

Never go thirsty again! Now for the low price of 350gp!
Terflynn's Cap of the Dungeoneer:
Price 540 gp; Aura faint evocation; CL 2nd; Weight 2lb; Slot: head
This thick leather cap bears a magical lantern in a metal cup on the front that sheds light as a bulls-eye lantern. The wearer can mentally command this lantern out to a range of up to 100 feet without concentration as the spell dancing lights, during which time it sheds light as a hooded lantern. To turn the lantern off, the wearer must return it to the cap and then close the metal cup in which it normally resides.

Construction Requirements
Cost 500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights

Light your way in the deepest dungeons! A steal at 750gp!
Terflynn's Practical Hand-Buzzer:
Price 4,600 gp; Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Weight 1/2lb; Slot: hands
This small metal bauble is capable of holding a strong static charge. It straps to the wearer's palm, requiring a perception check opposed by sleight of hand to notice. As a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the wearer may rub the bauble furiously against any cloth surface to charge it. Once charged, the wearer may use a standard action to attempt a touch attack as per the spell shocking grasp (CL 3rd). The charge remains for one full round or until discharged.

Construction Requirements
Cost 2,300 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, shocking grasp

Amuse your friends! Shock your enemies! At 3000gp, this item is a must-have!
Terflynn's Heavy-Handed Archery Gloves:
Price 1,200 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight 2lb; Slot: hands
These thick leather gloves seem tough, like a normal pair of work gloves. However, 3 times each day, the wearer may speak the command word in order to grant any bow or crossbow held the effects of Gravity Bow, increasing the damage of projectiles fired by one size category for one minute.

Construction Requirements
Cost 600 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, gravity bow

Make those arrows count! Only 900gp for a limited time!

*pending GM approval

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

I'm just a simple (cave)man — your magical world frightens and confuses me! ;-)


A masterwork kama then? 200gp?

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

I will probably get one of those (or some mwk monk weapon), yeah. And a masterwork crossbow too.

Might could make some use of armbands of the brawler, I think. I'll do some checking to see what else makes sense for Miso.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
I'm just a simple (cave)man — your magical world frightens and confuses me! ;-)

Last year I almost made an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer character. Couldn't decide what to make him though. Bard/barbarian?

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |
EndlessForms wrote:
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
I'm just a simple (cave)man — your magical world frightens and confuses me! ;-)
Last year I almost made an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer character. Couldn't decide what to make him though. Bard/barbarian?

Got to have Profession: Barrister, of course. :-D

With the ACG stuff, he could be a Skald now. Maybe Bloodrager. Although thematically, Hunter or Slayer would probably fit a caveman better.


Oops! This was my favorite idea yesterday and I forgot to post it.

Terflynn's Lucky Coin:
Price 360 gp; Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd; Weight —; Slot: none

This ancient, tarnished gold coin bears the visage of some long-forgotten ruler. Once per day, when dropped from the hand, it lands face-up and the image disappears. At the same time, the user becomes invisible for one round, as the spell vanish. After the user becomes visible again, the coin can be found magically returned to the user's pocket, once again bearing its image.

Construction Requirements
Cost 180 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, vanish

Never leave home without it! At the rock-bottom price of 250gp!

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

A free action to vanish once per day, huh? That's not too bad, actually.


For one round, and you have to already be holding the coin. For a monk like you, you could walk around with it. The rest of us would have to draw it from our gear, using a move action that would provoke AoOs.
But yes, it seems like it could get you out of a pinch.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
EndlessForms wrote:
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
I'm just a simple (cave)man — your magical world frightens and confuses me! ;-)
Last year I almost made an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer character. Couldn't decide what to make him though. Bard/barbarian?

Got to have Profession: Barrister, of course. :-D

With the ACG stuff, he could be a Skald now. Maybe Bloodrager. Although thematically, Hunter or Slayer would probably fit a caveman better.

Yeah, I thought bloodrager or skald might work. My original thought was true primitive barbarian/savage skald bard.

Male Human Ranger 11 (hp 83/83) | F +10 R +11 W +8 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 CMD 28 | Init +2

You can sell that light shield for party gold if no one else wants it. I can use a buckler with my bow, but not an actual shield so it will not do me any good. The rest of the items look good though, thanks.

I would also totally use those archery gloves, lol.


Alright, so we're just waiting on Jennix to confirm his items, then we'll know our final share totals.

For purchases, Zach wants the gloves, and Miso wants a MWK kama/other monk weapon? A cold iron kama would be a good choice, as well as a silver nunchaku. Of course, mithral bypasses DR/silver as well, so you could use that for a light S or P weapon without the damage penalty, like a siangham or cestus. And finally, a MWK temple sword would be good all around. Up to you Miso. I can craft whatever.

No word from Jennix on purchases, but once he checks in to confirm his items, perhaps he'll have some orders to place as well.

As for me, I just hope to have enough left over to craft a Handy Haversack and a Lucky Coin. Maybe that Canteen too. I'm a sucker for cheap trinkets.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4

Probably just upgrade current weapons. Would like to pick up a whip, though I did take TWF. Probably use the rapier and handaxe/lt mace most times. Also, Jennix now has +2 to.Str, do we still have take composite longbow +2 that's in inventory?


It actually wasn't masterwork. It would cost me 450gp to make it masterwork through a scroll of Masterwork Transformation. However, I could craft one for a mere 200gp, for which I will gladly cover the cost since you are graciously relinquishing your +1 bow. So go ahead and mark it on your sheet (MWK Comp[2] Longbow) and I'll mark it on my gold.


Well, if that's it, then it looks like everyone's share is 3171gp, 6sp, and 2cp, with 2cp left over (which I vote we throw in a wishing well). That's 3171.62 on top of the original 1218.45 from before the big selloff.

So then 900 from Zachary for the Heavy-Handed Archery Gloves, and 200gp from Miso for [some masterwork monk weapon]. Nothing for Jennix (though I'd happily craft a couple of masterwork weapons for 400gp total).

And of course, I'll be rocking a new backpack and some thermal mittens. Super jazzed.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
EndlessForms wrote:
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
EndlessForms wrote:
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
I'm just a simple (cave)man — your magical world frightens and confuses me! ;-)
Last year I almost made an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer character. Couldn't decide what to make him though. Bard/barbarian?

Got to have Profession: Barrister, of course. :-D

With the ACG stuff, he could be a Skald now. Maybe Bloodrager. Although thematically, Hunter or Slayer would probably fit a caveman better.

Yeah, I thought bloodrager or skald might work. My original thought was true primitive barbarian/savage skald bard.

Ok, the new Champions of Balance has a bard archetype called Negotiator. It has abilities called Counterargument, Fast Talk, Binding Contract, and Master of Rhetoric. You also gain rogue talents so you could pick up Charmer. Instead of bardic knowledge you gain 1/2 level on face skills.

I might have to create this character. A one level dip into True Primitive Barbarian for the rage and flavor.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

That is awesome. Tailor-made for that PC concept. Hope they make it PFS-legal.

As an added bonus (well, to me, anyway), I know two of the authors on that book. :-)

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

I just started virtually flipping through the PDF. I'm really loving it. It definitely makes up for Bastards of Golarion last month, which I found to be extremely disappointing. I feel like a Player Companion should inspire you with lots of cool character ideas; Bastards did not do that at all but this one has already given me several concepts. It's also given me something to think about with some of my neutral characters.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

I don't have it yet, but reading the thread on it makes me want it. I got burned on Knights of Golarion a while back and haven't dipped my toe back into the Player Companion line since. This may make me go back.

I really want them to make the Impossible bloodline legal too.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

If it's legal it would need some changes since it gets Craft Wondrous Items for free. But that wouldn't be too much of a change.

The Player Companions can be a little inconsistent, it seems. Some of them are great and others are meh-I'll look through them for a week or two when I get them and then never use them again. The good ones I keep going back to.


Seeing no objections, I guess we'll take that final selloff tally.
Here is the new loot sheet for this book, if EF would be so kind as to update the link. I can always reference the old one if needed.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4

So what was Jennix able to get? As far as MW weapons? Totally fine covering costs out of his share.

Terflynn wrote:

This is what you all are probably not aware of:

Jennix -
4 Potions of CLW (though I think you might have downed 1 or 2 of those early on)
2 Potions of CMW
+1 Cold Iron Morningstar (just in case)
+1 Returning Starknife (might be a good main)
(I took your +1 longbow. I can craft you a MW Comp[1] Longbow as a replacement. But within 20ft, your starknife should be good.)


Here are the items I don't know who claimed specifically:
Potion of Gaseous Form - recommended for Zachary
Feather Step Slippers - recommended for Miso
Feather Token (whip) - recommended for Jennix

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4

No, I mean like a whip or MW rapier. Am I correct in assuming that we have not passed a settlement in which to purchase items, yet? The bow, I understand, Terflynn was going to craft. You see where my confusion is/was coming from?

I understood the quoted part.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

No, you have not passed a settlement where you can purchase items. You will soon. Terflynn has been crafting along the way.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4

Got it. No more confusion now!


I can craft non-masterwork weapons for you as well, using the same skill.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

FYI: I'm at GaryCon the rest of this week and weekend. (And spent much of this week getting as caught up on work as possible to let me attend. Huzzah!)

If any of you guys can make it out to N Illinois/S Wisconsin next March, I heartily recommend it. Very old-school, right down to the myriad TSR people who attend. :-)

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
Miso Jirogawa wrote:
If any of you guys can make it out to N Illinois/S Wisconsin next March, I heartily recommend it. Very old-school, right down to the myriad TSR people who attend. :-)

Becca and I will be relocating to Madison, WI this summer after the wedding. We will keep it in mind!

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

Cool! That's close enough that I can make it up that way for conventions a couple of times a year. PM me when you do and I'll hook ya up with parts of the player base.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |
EndlessForms wrote:
The party spends the day upgrading some gear before going to visit Fynn Snaevald.

Now that we're in a town, Miso would like to give 1206 gp to Terflynn and request crafting a masterwork cold iron kama and a mithral kama. (Finding the resources should be easier now.)

Miso would also like to find/purchase/commission from Terflynn:

  • armbands of the brawler (500 gp)
  • ring of protection +1

He will search for a temple or shrine of Korada to give 500 gp; absent that opportunity, he will try to locate a retired soldier infirmary to whom he can give those funds.


That's going to take me a few days.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4
Terflynn wrote:

Well, if that's it, then it looks like everyone's share is 3171gp, 6sp, and 2cp, with 2cp left over (which I vote we throw in a wishing well). That's 3171.62 on top of the original 1218.45 from before the big selloff.

So then 900 from Zachary for the Heavy-Handed Archery Gloves, and 200gp from Miso for [some masterwork monk weapon]. Nothing for Jennix (though I'd happily craft a couple of masterwork weapons for 400gp total).

And of course, I'll be rocking a new backpack and some thermal mittens. Super jazzed.

Getting ready to make some purchases and just want to make sure. We each have 4390.07 gp to spend?

I'm not sure we'll have time for all the crafting, so I'm thinking of just purchasing things outright.


That sum looks correct.
Yeah, if you didn't get things crafted on the trip, then we'll either need to make ourselves comfortable somewhere or just pay full price for things. Of course, if you object to Terflynn's business practices, you can always seek out alternative vendors.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4
Terflynn wrote:

That sum looks correct.

Yeah, if you didn't get things crafted on the trip, then we'll either need to make ourselves comfortable somewhere or just pay full price for things. Of course, if you object to Terflynn's business practices, you can always seek out alternative vendors.

Then that means the MW Composite LB, +2 was crafted during the trip? If so, I'll deduct it from Jennix's total

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

I'll pay full coin for the cold iron one, but will definitely commission the mithral one. No rush on that.

Jennix Caerwyllien wrote:
Then that means the MW Composite LB, +2 was crafted during the trip? If so, I'll deduct it from Jennix's total

I thought it was a +1? I deducted it from my own total since I stole your +1 Comp Longbow. Crafting the replacement was at my cost. I can factor in the extra +1 strength rating to my finances now.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |
EndlessForms wrote:
Alright! Sorry, I was putting the finishing touches on my thesis yesterday (and figured I'd give you guys a while to figure out HP stuff-looks good to me). But I just sent my thesis off to the committee for approval; good feeling!

Congrats, amigo! Good luck!


If you all don't mind waiting a bit, I'll try to update the loot sheet this weekend. Anyone can do it if they like before then though.

-Posted with Wayfinder


Loot sheet updated. See page 2.

Jennix, if you never got your potions from the last loot sheet, you should have 2 CLW and 2 CMW.

AC21/T15/FF17|CMD28||HP41[64]F+7|R+12|W+6||Int.+4|Percept.+16|SenMot.+5 Human Fighter(Lorewarden) 4 / Bard (Archaeologist) 3 / Ninja! 4

Ok, thanks

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

This rocks, Terflynn. Thanks.


Posted the loot sheet and forgot to post in gameplay. My bad.

What's up with this diplomacy? Seriously.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

No idea. But we've shown remarkable consistency...


We should probably just drag him into an alley for flogging at this point.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Ranger 11 (hp 83/83) | F +10 R +11 W +8 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 CMD 28 | Init +2

Had to make it a quadra fail.


A flogging!

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Sorry things have been a little bit slow lately. The first half of this book is full of investigation and random events and (in my opinion) it is not written that well and it is hard to see (even from the GM's perspective) how all the clues and mysteries fit together. For example, there is a significant section later on about following up on a feather found in Uksahkka's safe house but I can't seem to find where that even comes up in the first place. I need to reread this section and figure out the best way to move the investigation forward but I haven't had time recently to really dive into it.

Male human (Kellid) Mnk4/Sor1/DrD6 | hp 65/115 | Init +6 | AC 27/22, T 18, FF 24/20 | CMB +15 (+17 grapple), CMD 32 (34 v. grapple) | F +11 R +9 W +11 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue) | Prcptn +17, blindsense SM +11 |

Well, it's not like you've been busy or anything.

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