![]() I received book Pathfinder AP #80 Empty Graves today as part of my subscription on order #3069757. My two items from #2908291 were not included in the April shipment. I think we may still have a problem from this order. I am okay with them being shipped with May's AP #81, I just want to make sure they are included this time. Could you please take another look into this for me? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() The ordering system seems to have changed since I last used it. When I was setting up an order this morning it never prompted me with shipping or payment options like it normally does. If possible can this be shipped with my AP subscription. It also states it is pending and waiting for a method of payment. The order is no longer in my cart and I am unable to add a payment through my accounts. It can be billed the the only card I have on file with you. Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I have 3 bow users, a 3rd cleric, 3rd bard that was made mainly to do faction missions who is kind of obsolete now, and a 1st treesinger druid. Xenobia may still be fifth, but she is half cleric half melee. Also have a level 5 sorceress, but she is in another group at the moment. Everything else I have is melee in this tier. ![]()
![]() I have the following - 5th level knowledge/melee Nethys cleric
Willing to play any, would really prefer to keep the 5th free for Dragoncon though so I still have a character at each tier.