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Please read my profile for a list of rules before we get started and make sure you're OK with everything you see before you check into the gameplay thread. Remember, this is a multitable special with coordination between tables, so I will be rather strict on post rates.

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Dotting in

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PFS # 79644-3
Faction : Grand Lodge
Craft (Sculpture) Day Job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

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Quiven, do you expect to be 10 when this starts? 9 is legal for the table but it is known to have a bit of a death toll. Admittedly when I played it we breezed through it but I've heard lots to the contrary.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Trade Prince Jin-Goro Gallonica
Oracle (Heavens) 11
Faction: The Exchange
While Jin is a Heavens Oracle I can probably count on the fingers of two hands how many times he has knocked people out with colour spray. He tends to prefer to buff and provide support, only breaking out the big guns when things get very hairy.

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Ah, he is 10, just need to update the header.

andreww |
Reconsidering my options for this table. Paladin, sorcerer, or oracle? I could even go druid if 9th level isn't a problem.
Jin-Goro can tank if needed, if by tank we mean stand in the way of opponents or move about provoking opportunity attacks and hoping not to get hit. Shield of Faith takes him to 32AC, Blessing of Fervour pushes it to 34. While he has access to healing spells he is unlikely to use them during combat.
I think any of them could work well but it does look like we already have 3 melee (Slayer, Barbarian and Rogue) and two full casters (Oracle and Sorcerer).

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Ah, he is 10, just need to update the header.

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Af afar as tanking goes Roary can prob handle it if yall wanna bring a different character etc.. DR 5/- goes along way. Of course help in that area never hirts either so.

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I pretty much just used the herolab output stat block option (bbcode option) and pasted it into my profile. I tidied it up a bit but the normal output should be fine.

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Goes live Friday the 13th. I'll begin introductions and background on Monday.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Alright, we are a week out from beginning so everyone make sure your character sheets are up to date and posted somewhere I can see them. Stat block in profile is preferred for me but I'm fine with scanned paper sheets in google docs, pdfs, mythweavers links and the like. Everyone go ahead and give me the following info if you haven't already:
Player name (As you want it to appear on your chronicle)
Character name
PFS# and character #
Progression (Normal or Slow track)
Day job (Or let me know that you have none)
Anything odd that your character does that I should be aware of. For example, common reactions or things that give rerolls. Specifically anything in the form of 'after the die is rolled but before the results are revealed.'

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Player Name: Jim Page AKA Wei Ji The Learner
Character Name: Wei Ji
PFS#: 145296-1
Progression: Normal
Day Job: Treasure Map check
2. Uses Heavy Darkwood Bashing Shield as 'main hand' attack, with 'off-hand' attack being a Sawtooth Sabre. Non-hasted, with improved two-weapon fighting can get up to five attacks per turn on full attack. (Main, Off, Beak, Main Iterative, Off Iterative).
3. Has Tengu Wings Feat for 10 minutes flight time per day.
4. Have Psychic Bastion Boon, which provides several levels of conditional save bonii depending on nature of a given mental assault.
5. Glammered Armor is typically set to 'cloth-like looking Eagle Knight outfit' unless situation calls for subtlety, then it goes to 'dark cloth wrappings'.
Other things may be available that I am missing at the moment. Will update if necessary.

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I'll have to double check since its been a while but I think I'm up to date. I already made my crappy day job roll.

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Player Name: Steven
Character Name: Ardelaneu Zakath
PFS #: 3217-3
Progression: Normal
Day Job: Handle Animal (Farmstead)
Gamin the Reforged: Fully restored intelligent longsword. Will likely guidance as a readied action on iterative attacks.
Covering Defense: When using total defense, can give one ally +6 cover to AC.
Ardelaneu ITS.
Ardelaneu Chronicles Level 1-9.

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Jin's character sheet should be up to date on this profile.
Player name: Andrew Watson
Character name: Jin-Goro Gallonica
PFS# and character: 44523-12
Progression: Slow track
Day job: Diplomacy
Day Job: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43
Jin has access to a very large range of spells due to a mixture of the spirit guide archetype, the favoured class bonus and the expanded arcana feat. He has the Borrowed Fortune spell which allows him to reroll a d20 roll before the result is known as an immediate action. If he does then he must roll twice and take the lowest on d20 rolls for the next two rounds. He normally holds off on this for saves. He won't usually use it on reflex saves unless it looks like something really dangerous.
Jin owns some weapons but hardly ever carries any of them. He still threatens with his armour gantlets and heavy shield bash, not that he is ever likely to use them. If something provokes from him don't bother to wait for the OA, it won't be doing anything. A gauntlet punch at +4 for 1d3-2 isn't likely to matter.
Currently all Int skills are Charisma based for him due to the interaction of the spirit guide archetype and the wisdom of the ages hex from the Ancestor Spirit. Spirit Guide lets him take one shaman spirit and hex, the Ancestor hex makes all int skills wisdom based and the spirit guide archetype switches that to charisma. If out of combat knowledge checks are needed he also has the page bound epiphany spell which can allow him to add a 10 point insight bonus to one check if he has the time to cast it (1 minute for the full effect).
He has the spiritual ally and spiritual weapon spells via the Ancestor spirit and they work for him using charisma not wisdom as per the John Compton post

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Player Name: Werepox47
Character: Roary Flamebearer
PFS#: 45225-1
Progression: Normal
Day Job: Take 10 Survival via Hunting Lodge perk for a 28
Nothing to wierd about Roary, standard rage/pounce barbarian.. Spell Sunder is about the other cool thing he does.

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Ok, since at least one of you has some reroll options, I'll post save effects like this:
That way you can see the save and look at your roll (via preview) before clicking the spoiler and deciding if you wish to use your reroll. If a spell is particularly heinous I may put some context to indicate as such.
For AoOs, please give me a default AoO action that I can copy/paste when needed. Usually I'll just have you take your AoO as part of your coming turn, however in some cases it makes a big difference with the flow of combat.

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Quiven would simply hack at the enemy with his weapon. Quiven has Combat Reflexes also, maybe I'll actually get to use it.
[dice=AoO]d20+16[/dice for [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice
As far as a reroll I do have the character folio but no GM stars, just so you know.

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I use a shirt reroll, with no stars either..

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[dice=+2 Bashing Heavy Darkwood Shield]1d20+14[/dice
OR (if obviated by DR or other means)
[dice=+2 Adamantine Sawtooth Sabre]1d20+14[/dice
Also have folio with no stars as well as a Liberty's Edge faction pin.

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Roary's standard AoO would be:
Damage is magic/adamantine
If raging:
Damage is magic/cold iron/silver/adamantine
If power attacking -4 hit/+12 damage..

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Oh, I have a folio reroll as well.

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Hello! I have been graciously allowed to hop in and I am very excited/grateful/noisy for the honor!
Name: Baron Hiram Kell
Player: James
PFS # 1904-4
Faction: Sovereign Court
Level: Bard 10 (arcane duelist)
Progress: Normal
Dayjob: Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25
Default AoO: [dice=Rapier!]1d20+14[/dice for [dice]1d6+7[/dice damage!
I do have a shirt reroll with 4 stars!

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Im on a hunting trip this weekend so my posting will be limited.. I will still be able to do the once per day though, hopefully more..

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Hello, I'm just coming off a long hiatus with this character so justing a few moth balls off.
Name: Little Shins
Player: Joshua
PFS #: 2106-5
Faction: Silver Crusade
Level: Bard 9 (Sea Singer)
Progress: Normal
Day Job: String Instrument: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Default AoO: [dice=Keen Rapier]1d20+13[/dice for [dice]1d4+1[/dice damage
Folio Reroll with 4 Stars
I do have a lot of unusual stuff, and since it generally affects rerolls for other players, I'm going to list most of it here.
Lucky Halfling: If one of my allies within 30 feet makes a save, after you roll, but before failure is declared, I can roll a saving throw as though I was affected with all my character bonuses. The ally can use my save result in place of their own. I do believe this means I can use my own Folio Reroll on this since I'm the one making the roll.
Saving Finale: As an immediate action, I can expend a second level spell slot and end my current bardic performance to grant to allow an ally to reroll a failed saving throw. Since I have Lingering Performance, this doesn't stop the bonuses I provide.
Gallant Inspiration: As an immediate action, after an ally fails an attack roll or skill check, I can expend a second level spell slot to grant an ally a +2d4 circumstance bonus on that attack roll or skill check (this does not stack with inspire courage).
Butterfly's Sting: Whenever I confirm a critical hit, I can do normal damage instead of critting, and the next ally who hits with a melee attack automatically confirms the attack as a critical hit.

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OK, we have two bards, both with Haste and I have Blessing of Fervour. I would normally use Blessing in the first round but if people prefer Haste I can easily find something else to do or I can Fervour and you can save your spell slots for something different.

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If you wish to open with blessing of fervor I have other spells I can open with as well. I would be able to use good hope in any case I would have been able to use haste effectively.

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Back from hunting trip, sorry for the delay on my part!

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Getting beat to heck and gone might suck, but y'know, calling out the Gorumites was so worth it!

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Just a heads up GM, I am traveling pretty much all day for a hunting trip this weekend, last weekend of duck season in arkansas, so I will be out of pocket till later this afternoon. The camp where I stay doesn't have internet so I will be posting from my phone this weekend. I will still post 1/day, and will try for more.
If you need to bot me all his info is under his profile.