Mowque |

Another gnome, sweet!
@Gm Captain Trips
1. Factions- I'm not familiar with the system and Quarick does seem like a outsider to the Absalom power structure...If anything jumps out to you, I'd be happy to work it into the backstory/character.
2. Fey Thoughts: I didn't know I had two new class skills! What an awesome racial trait. I am thinking Disguise (although Quarick doesn't have the right...personality for a good disguise!)
I've never played gnomes because my Real Life GM hates them and doesn't permit them in table-play. So a bit fuzzy on their rules.

Tanner Nielsen |

@GM Trips - Question for you! I have a build in mind, but I wanted to know if your campaign will allow for retraining feats.
Also, would you allow the Metaforge prestige class? Thanks.

GM Captain Trips |

@GM Trips - Question for you! I have a build in mind, but I wanted to know if your campaign will allow for retraining feats.
Also, would you allow the Metaforge prestige class? Thanks.
Looked it over and I'm definitely not a fan. Full BAB advancement, and full advancement in both Soulknife and Aegis? Far too overpowered.
There was a reason this never made it into the revised (newer) version of Ultimate Psionics. As far as Psionics go, if it isn't in Ultimate Psionics it likely will not be allowed.
Just an FYI, since you appear to be leaning in that direction, feats like Student of the Astral Suit would also get a similar reaction from me. I honestly think the Aegis is a pretty busted class with all of the bonuses they can lock into their suits.
As far as retraining, yes, I will be using Ultimate Campaign rules for things such as this, so those options will be available.

GM Captain Trips |

@Mowque - I'm a big fan of factions, but it should be something that fits your character background. Based on what you wrote I don't see there being anything that fits. However, that wouldn't prevent you from joining one down the road if you wanted.
I will say that if you want to have a faction you really should own the Faction Guide. Since it is not a part of the SRD it isn't something I can provide as far as pasting out complete details, as that would be a copyright issue. Lots of awesome stuff with factions, but limited to those with the access to the source.

Mowque |

I will say that if you want to have a faction you really should own the Faction Guide. Since it is not a part of the SRD it isn't something I can provide as far as pasting out complete details, as that would be a copyright issue. Lots of awesome stuff with factions, but limited to those with the access to the source.
I believe I have it. I will look through it tonight and see if anything strikes my fancy. Could give me an excuse to beef up his time in Absalom so far.

Vincent Fleming |

Currently I'm lining up a Elven Slayer (Bounty Hunter). I should have it all set up by Monday I think, but probably the earliest will be late Saturday. With the whole Bounty Hunter idea of taking them in Alive or Dead with a heavy preference on alive, what factions would be good. I'm not real good with the factions as I haven't had a campaign that really included them. I've done a lot more at table play then I have Pbp so I don't have a lot of posting background unfortunately and the one campaign I got into, the GM kinda up and disappeared rather often.

GM Captain Trips |

Based on the background alone, and taking nothing else into consideration, Eagle Knights, Lion Blades, and Pathfinder Society are all decent fits.
For everyone else, Pathfinder Society is actually a good "catch all" for most adventurers. It has the more relaxed agenda, many lodges across Golarion, and fairly steady work. Ok, so they really are glorified tomb-robbers, but still. :)

GM Captain Trips |

With the whole Bounty Hunter idea of taking them in Alive or Dead with a heavy preference on alive, what factions would be good.
Bounty Hunters are a tough one. Any faction could employ them, but they wouldn't usually be working towards a faction goal, rather acting as a strong arm. Pathfinder Society would be an obvious choice. The Hellknights would actually be possible, but we'd have to work on that since it has a little more "evil" inclination than the others and that was the reason it wasn't originally listed. The Prophets of Kalistrade might also be an option to look at.
Another one that might be interesting, is the Lantern Bearers. It fits an elf very well, and they would definitely have that "slayer" feel to them.

Redblade8 |

As regards the metaforge (important caveat here: just my 2cp, this isn't me trying to file an appeal), when I dug around that class, they don't advance blade skills, suit augment or reconfiguration. So while in some ways the PrC is kind of versatile, in others it's really not, and it's subject to murderous opportunity costs if you try and regain said flexibility.
Again, don't misconstrue the above, I'm just making conversation on a slow Friday afternoon. :)
The rogue I mentioned may become a half-orc instead of a vishkanya; backstory for the latter isn't coming readily.
Later on,
Ghorrin Redblade

GM Captain Trips |

As regards the metaforge (important caveat here: just my 2cp, this isn't me trying to file an appeal), when I dug around that class, they don't advance blade skills, suit augment or reconfiguration.
True, they do miss out on the advanced skills, but give the character Student of the Astral Suit and the similar feat for Soulknife, which is slipping my mind at the moment, and you have a full BAB, Soulknife/Aegis with reconfigure 1/day, physic strike, full enhancement on blade and full suit customizations, as well as amazingly good saves and equipment that grows with the character at no cost.
Just too much for me to find acceptable. :)
I played an Aegis/Cryptic in a past game and honestly, the class was broken with a capital B. I stopped playing simply because it was too good at too many things.

Gordon Bratiwade |

STR 18
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10
HP 15
Speed (with armor) 30
AC 17 : Touch 12 ; Flat-footed 15
Fort 4 : Ref 2 : Will 0
CMB 5 : CMD 17
Longbow +3 1d8 x3
Masterwork Nodachi +6 1d10+6 18-20/x2
Masterwork Nodachi (Power attack) +5 1d10+9 18-20/x2
=== skills ===
Acrobatics (1 rank) +2
Appraise 0
Bluff 0
Climb (1 rank) +4
Craft (Bows) (Special rank) +1
Diplomacy 0
Disguise 0
Escape artist -2
Fly -2
Handle Animal (special rank) +4
Heal 0
Intimidate 0
Perception (1 rank) +4
Ride -2
Sense Motive 0
Stealth -2
Survival (1 rank) +4
Swim (1 rank) +4
=== Gear ===
Masterwork Nodachi
Scale Mail
Arrows (20)
Blunt Arrows (20)
* Rations (5)
* Hemp rope (2)
* Grappling hook
* Crowbar
* Whetstone
* Flint and steel
Belt Pouch
* earplugs
* 10.27 gp
Rage 6/day
=== Traits ===
Deathtouched (+2 to saves vs mind-effecting)
=== Feats ===
Power attack (-1/+2)
Violent even by Shoanti standards, Gordon left his tribe to seek a place among the occupiers (that is, any non-shoanti). He has been roaming as a sword-for-hire with some luck. Now, low on cash, he is seeking some like-minded folk to gain wealth and fame.
If he gains enough wealth, he can even go back to his tribe and demand a seat at the council. That will show them. They threw him out saying he must learn patience and wisdom, when what they feared the most were his bloodthirty rages against those who would impune his lineage.
I can post most days once or twice, but cannot post Friday evenings nor Saturday. Occasionally, I have to not post for two or three days, but in each case I have let the GM/players know to allow the GM to GMBot my character
Gordon is 98% melee and 2% ranged

OmniChaos |

Crunch is mostly done, just thinking on a few details. So not putting that up yet. My muse likes to deprive me of sleep so I only have some of the background done, thought I would post it before blacking out just to give an idea of my guy's past and hint at his future. ;)
Born Viorec Crispin the bastard son of a powerful Korvosan merchant family scion and a Varisian nomad. His father denied his birthright, family name, and true existence as his son. Viorec's mother did not press the issue after the rejection, she placed her son above a city bound man with ease. So the first few years of his life Viorec grew up as a true varisian amid the endless roads and caravans of his people. His fathers blood was thick in him, marking him more as a chelaxian then his peers, yet his soul and nature were varisian which was all his people truly cared for. Yet fate was as unkind as his father for the man he never knew did not forget his bastard. Finding an early grave on a merchant run he lived long enough to legitimize his son before he passed on to the next world. So the korvosan's used their wealth and influence to find their wayward cousin, doing so easily. With the information gathered they knew Viorec would not be parted from his mother and adopted family, they also knew that his caravan family was not to be trifled with. So they hired a handful of specialized mercenaries to kidnap the boy. The mercenaries were well versed in their trade and befriended the caravan for many weeks, earning their trust and waiting for the perfect moment. One festive night they had it, easily spiriting Viorec away and escaping in the night. Viorec's mother and her family did all they could to find the mercenaries and her child. Yet with their task completed and payment received the mercenaries left for distant lands.
Viorec fought at first as all children would, yet with careful molding and time he became what they made him. Naturally intelligent with the tutors and teachers of a wealthy merchant family his hunger for knowledge was stroked and nurtured. Going so far as to show a talent for magic at a young age, he was as many other wealthy intelligent children in Korvosa were as well, sent to the Acadamae. With his prior conditioning and training he not only excelled in the magical school but the aspects of ruthlessness and cunning favored by his family came to the forefront. By the end of his first year no less then half of his classmates were dead, higher then even the schools average rate. Strangely enough not a single one of those that crossed Viorec were among those left alive. The next two years of slave like work did not seem to find Viorec as much as the others. When the time finally came to properly learn magic, he had some how gained a lead. Specializing in conjuration that the school favored and required. His rise and stay at the top of the class followed until his last exam where he summoned a erinyes, a feat none other of his year or the last six graduating classes before his managed.
Upon his return to his family he was granted gifts and praise in abundance. Yet he sought more knowledge and mastery of magic. Growing tired of the merchant work he completed with ease, he finally booked passage to Cheliax. Arriving in the devil tainted country he quickly fell in with the wealthy and powerful, a league far greater then that of his own home. His talent, youth, and power opening doors and opportunities. Which he took with abandon and enjoyed for a time. His ruthless nature and cunning mostly served him well as it did in the past, but in the end he was mortal and Cheliax was home to true devils. Running afoul of their schemes he found his death and glimpsed his fate. Standing among the other souls waiting in the boneyard, the fiends of hell came for him. Delighting in his pain and damnation, still fate cared not for hell or it's kind. For Viorec's soul was torn from hell's own grasp by a force of good that not only saved him but sent him back to the mortal realm.
Viorec's mother had not forgotten him or given up on her lost son. For she had found him, only too late. She had found him after he had been twisted by his fathers family and tainted by infernal influences. Being a priestess of an empyreal lord all her life she had prayed and worked in the ways of her god to save and redeem her son. So upon his death and before his judgment he was given a second life. Reborn a cleansed but old soul in a new body, Viorec Crispin was indeed dead. Voros Viator was alive and well. The price was not paid by his mother alone for Voros lost all of his power, knowledge, and time. He had been truly reborn with only, now distressing, memories of his former life. He was as he had been before his father's family had changed him, a child yet to find his place in the world.

GM Captain Trips |

Question - As discussed previously, I am going to make a soulknife. Would it be alright if I started with masterwork armor rather than a masterwork weapon?
Question - Just flipping through my copy of Faction Guide. Would a Religious Faction be acceptable? Of a good, upstanding deity, of course.
- I don't have a problem with the masterwork armor, just keep the cost below 375gp.
- I could see a player belonging to a religious faction. I wouldn't have a problem with that, pending having a look at the actual deity chosen.
#OmniChaos - Very interesting background :)

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@Gm Captain Trips
We are starting in Absalom, right?
What pace will have the campaign for the characters?
It will be like most AP where you run trough 15 levels in 6 months of the character time or it will be like old style adventures where you often had months and sometime even year long pauses between linked adventures, had side quests and time to work on your non adventuring projects?
We will be able to craft magic items?
Only the existing ones or we can make custom items (with the GM permission, obviously)?
We will spend most of our time in Absalom or the story will make us move around the world?

GM Captain Trips |

@Diego - Yes, you will be starting in Absalom. There may be long periods of time where we fast forward, so yes, there will be periods where you might be travelling, waiting for something to happen, etc.
Magic Item crafting will be available and I will consider custom items as long as they aren't ridiculous :)
As far as where you will be spending most of your time, well, that I will keep to myself. But, it won't all be in Absalom!

GM Captain Trips |

Just a quick update, it looks like d20pfsrd.com will be posting much of the Unchained rules and options, so some of the things I am using will be available to the public before too long. I will allow a certain leeway with "retcon" for characters who may be interested in using some of those options. While there is no set date yet, it may be that the info is released prior to the game actually starting. Just wanted to toss that out there!

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Although I am obviously not the GM, going by the character creation guidelines in the opening post it appears that drawbacks are not allowed.
Traits: Two traits of your choice, which must come from sources other than Adventure Paths. One trait must be racial or society based. No drawbacks allowed for additional traits.
I think "society" mean a social trait.
F. Castor |

Considering a human (Taldan) male Unchained Rogue of noble birth, who studied a bit of magic when he was younger at the insistence of his parents, although he himself had other interests. Even though he did learn a few things (Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skills, as well as the Wealthy Dabbler regional trait), his roguish nature in combination with the company he kept led to his choosing a different -and more interesting and fun, as far as he was concerned- path.
He will probably be taking the Minor and Major Magic talents, as well as the Bookish Rogue feat, to reflect his background and dabbling in magic. Primarily, he is going to be focusing on skills, though he will be using daggers as both melee and ranged weapons, quite possibly taking a couple of dual-wielding feats or something.
Basically a jack of many trades sort of thing. I will admit also to a certain Silk and maybe the Gray Mouser being inspirations of sorts, at least a wee bit.

Herkymr the Silly |

Would you allow the Haunted template if It was well tied in to the story?
Go to Haunted one template.
I am thinking a druegar wizard, He focus's as a ranged combatant using his skills and spells to buff and hide until he is ready to make a high damage strike with true strike and gravity bow etc.
Hroethgar Morakrak of the Delves, grew up the weakest son of a clan leader and was thus discriminated against for many years. He established a daily regimen of exercises in an attempt to bolster his body but was unsuccessful in achieving this goal. Hroethgar merely "bulked" up in size but not other aspects of physical strength. His physical lack was made up in part by a keen intellect and a ruthless streak. Hroethgar deliberately killed enemies that may have survived their injuries otherwise. He often found that purveyors of magic especially the arcane would often pretend or cause one to believe they were dead in order to get an advantage for the next attack. Due to this he became very skeptical about the real effects of magic never fully trusting what appeared because of spells.
Hroethgar left his clan ashamed of not being able to add to their success. Deciding to leave the undercaves for the surface, he spent many years adjusting to the differences in light and dark. In his opinion, he was always a lesser combatant so watching the magicians in the mercenary groups he hired on to, he observed a way of using magic not to deceive but to shore up his weakness' in battle. One particular half orc wizard (Drig of the flame) took Hroethgar to task teaching him many of the tricks and skills of a wizard. Using the skills he learned, Hroethgar became adept at choosing one target the eliminating them with a single shot or two before joining in combat as a normal ranged combatant.
After one battle, Hroethgar removed two wands from a dead caster he did not report this to his captain but kept them for himself. Using one as payment for silence and assistance, he sought Drig to identify what spells were ensorcelled on them. Drig took the more powerful one leaving Hroethgar with a partially used wand of Enlarge. This wand merely boosts his damage with his crossbow.
Hroethgar became "haunted" when his group of mercs violated the sanctity of a druids grove, slaughtering the druids and burning it down.
He woke the next morning haunted by the spirits of the druids. The rest of his party was dead upon his awakening and he was told that the only reason the spirits had allowed him to live was that he had not killed anyone directly except to save his life.
Hroethgar had a natural affinity for metal as he grew up and crafted his own crossbow from armor that was once an ancestors. However, this prized weapon became his "reminder" of his digression being turned to iron wood by the druids.
Since his HAUNTING at the grove, Hroethgar has been unable to cast spells with fire without a strong battle of wills/discussion between him and the "druids". This has become such a conflict that he refuses to use fire seeking other means of solving the problem.
Religion was once merely his own personal desires. That has changed as the Druids force him to continue their connection to the "Green Faith." GreenFaith info
The voices Hroethgar carries with him hint that if he continues to atone for his crimes that a high druid will call him to the Moot of ages and give him the choice to release the "druids" and be free from their influence once again. The time of repentance and convocation has not been declared to him definitively yet.
I will finish specs later and post my full crunch at that time.

DMRaven |

Would it be possible to switch longswords in elven weapon familiarity to scimitars for this character? Scimitars are called out in Qadiara, Gateway of the East as being treasured when crafted by elves.
Character Concept
Samsi has typical, non-descript features of her people—high cheekbones, a wide forehead, small lips and almond-shaped eyes. Her skin is a dark, dusky colour. Her black, course hair is typically pulled back into a short ponytail while a pair of large golden hoops hang from her ears and two golden rings pierce her left eyebrow. She tends to dress in dark clothing with a hood and veil, rarely, if ever, showing her face around men.
Fiercely independent with a mind of her own and a craving for adventure. Samsi seeks out opportunity. Not opportunity for coin or necessarily to help others—but the most interesting and exciting opportunities. Exotic places, peculiar locales, new people and cultures—all these things intrigue her and the desire to experience more of Golarion is what drives her.
Journey to the Windswept Wastes
Born in the windswept wastes, Samsi grew among the elven nomadic tribes of the area. In her middle years, a group of pathfinders traveled through seeking a buried tomb for documenting the legend of Nusayab al-kahina, a nomad who rebelled against the Keleshite empire a hundred years ago and razed several towns. She knew of the tomb and volunteered to guide them there despite warnings from her family. Her father tried to stop her, but she simply scampered out the back of a tent during the night and sped off with the pale strangers. She was enthralled by the knowledge and sophistication of the Pathfinders as well as the tales of far away lands. The wanderlust of her people grew into a desire to see beyond her homeland's dunes and visit far away places. She went with the Pathfinders when they left, refusing to be kept in her home longer than need be—refusing to give her parents the chance to keep her among the tribe. Her father was furious and,unknown to Samsi, sent her brother, Kiyan, to go out and bring his sister home—and not to return until he had.
Flight to the Coast
The flash of dunes under her horses hooves, the wind in her hair, the quiet of the sands—all these things Samsi recalls as she sped across the Wastes toward her destination—the coastal city of Perishan. Eventually dunes gave way to hills giving way to rocky mountains and curving, snow-chilled paths. Bundled in furs and following a squat guide, she followed a caravan to Ur-Zeishabbar and the river that would lead south. In the city, she lost the Pathfinders. No fault of her own, the press of crowds and merchants confused the rural elf and she found herself lost amidst them. Not realizing that his sister had separated from the Pathfinders, Kiyan traveled onward following them.
Keeper of the Shrine
An elderly half -elven man, Rashid Al-nousif, taking pity on her, convinced her to stay awhile. She had no talents of her own, no money and no way to continue her path toward the elusive Inner Sea. Frustrated, she vowed to earn her way south—to find her own way. The man, keeper of a small shrine, took her as a student and taught her how to harness untapped psionic potential. The capacity of the mind, through meditation and willpower, to alter the very world around her was addictive and captured her fascination. She stayed for several years but always, always, the wanderlust called to her. Feeling her training complete, she chose to head out once again to seek her fortune. She craved not riches of gold but of stories, a currency unique and ephemeral; a legend for and of herself. The old man promised to seek her out one day, desiring her to take his place as keeper of the shrine. Reluctantly, she agreed to listen to him should he find her again, something she doubted would occur. Before she left, Rashid, offered her a backpack filled with supplies including several of the shrine's potions.
Splashing waves, red square sails, the smell of salt, the sharp taste of fish. The Obari Ocean pushed the ship north toward the Inner Sea, between Garund and Casmaron. Pirates from the small islands around Jalmeray attacked her vessel as it sailed past the Vudran colony. Samsi joined the hired mercenaries protecting the ship, firing arrow after arrow at boarding pirates. The captain of the vessel, Black Devi, was a renowned archer herself and took to the prow of the vessel to exchange fire with the foreign elf. In the short battle, Samsi ruined Devi's right eye causing her to flee the battle. The pirate vowed vengeance for her eye and followed her to Absalom.
Days passed until the city she had sought for years appeared—Absalom, home to the Pathfinder Society. No longer afraid of the press of a city, she eagerly pushed her way into its center, knowing as she set foot in the Grand Lodge that her story was just beginning.
Background Skill explanations Elf-crafted weapons are revered by Keleshites and are a main source of trade between the elves and humans of the wastes. It is said that the long, slender scimitars forged by their hands are particularly envied. The nomads of the Windswept Wastes also wander the steppes on horseback, often proclaiming their breeds as superior to Taldan and other Inner Sea horses.
Close Friend Rashid Al-Nousif. A gregarious and wise old half-elf, a priest to The Keeper, Gruhastha, a Vudran deity.
Unknown Friend Wystan Alvey: An elven pathfinder who has traveled from Lastwall to far away Kelesh and even into the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse. He specializes in seeking out ancient tombs. He is the only surviving member of the pathfinder group that visited Samsi in the Windswept wastes. The rest having long ago perished on adventures or died of old age.
Unknown Enemy Kinyan bin Ka'ab : Tasked with seeking his sister and not having realized he had lost her until arriving in Absalom, Kinyan has spent years stoking his resentment. He, unlike Samsi, had no wish to leave the wastes.
Known Enemy Black Devi: A human pirate with a grudge against Samsi for taking her eye.
I have been a regular poster in two games going on several years now (Loom of Fate and DM Doug's Way of the Wicked) as well as running my own Lastwall campaign since last November. I tend to have a daily posting rate. I do not like to join many games at the same time due to preferring to dedicate time to only a few characters at once. Doug's game is (or was) on an extended hold so I've been seeking a second.
I'm typically online during the evening on weekdays after 5 PM Central time and post around that time. On weekends, I have a more varied, and usually more frequent, posting rate.
Samsi bint Ka'ab
CG Humanoid (Elf)
Marksman (Shroud) 1
Init +6; Perception +6; Senses Low-light vision
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort+1, Ref/b]+2, [b]Will+4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Spear +3 1d8+3, 20 ft (thrown)
Ranged Longbow +5 1d8, 100 ft. OR
Longbow +3/+3 1d8/1d8
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot (Bonus), Precise Shot (Human), Rapid Shot (1st)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5, Escape Artist +8, Handle Animal +0, Perception +6, Ride +5, Stealth +8, Survival +6
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish
Traits Warrior of Old, Worldly
Combat Gear Longbow (75gp), Spear (2, 4gp), Studded Leather (25gp), buckler, Potion of Feather step, Potion of Invigorate, Potion of touch of the sea, potion of cure light wounds x2, Potion of protection from evil, Oil of magic weapon Other Gear Fighter's kit, smoked goggles, hot weather outfit
Unseen Swift action; Invisible for 2 rounds or until an attack is made; 4/day

Inquisitor Isavara Bon'yea |

Female half-elf empiricist investigator 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 (+7 vs. traps)
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
(+2 Dex, +3 Armor)
Hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 (Thinblood Resilience)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron dagger +1 {1d4+1/19+) or
Ranged cold iron dagger +2 (1d4+1/19+) [10 ft.] or
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/x3) [60 ft.]
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Half Drow Paragon
Skills Acrobatics 1 [+5*], Craft 1 [+9], Disable Device 1 [+5*/+6 vs. traps], Escape Artist 1 [+5*], Knowledge (arcana) 1 [+8], Knowledge (nature) 1 [+8] Linguistics 1 [+8], Perception 1 [+6/+7 vs. traps], Profession (herbalist) 1 [+4], Spellcraft 1 [+8], Stealth 1 [+5*], Use Magic Device 1 [+4]
Traits Adopted (Social), Helpful {Halfling} (Race), Muscle of the Society (Combat)
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Orc, Undercommon
SQ light blindness
Spell-like Abilities dancing lights 1/day, darkness 1/day, faerie fire 1/day
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (25) Other Gear studded leather armor, cold iron dagger, shortbow, 20 arrows, backpack, blanket, belt pouch, flint and steel, alchemy crafting kit, trail rations x1, explorer’s outfit, waterskin, thieves tools, bandolier x2, silk rope 50”, grappling arrows x2, formula book, 16gp
Alchemist Spells Prepared (CL: 1st)
1st – firebelly, shield
Formula Book
1st – crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, detect secret doors, firebelly, shield, true strike
Special Abilities
Alchemy Add investigator level to craft (alchemy) checks; identify potions with
Drow Blooded dark vision 60 ft. and light blindness
Drow Magic dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day as spell-like abilities; caster level equals character level
Elf Blood counts as elf and human for any effects related to race
Inspiration add 1d6 on Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks; inspiration pool ½ investigator level + Int mod (4); spend 2 points to add to attack rolls and saving throws.
Keen Senses +2 to Perception checks
Thinblood Resilience Poison Use and +2 racial trait on Fortitude saves vs. poison and disease.
Trapfinding +1 to Perception and Disable Device against traps; can disarm magical traps.
Weapon Proficiencies hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, sword cane.
Isavara was born the daughter of a mid-ranking drow noble of a minor house. Her father, Drovac, had .the unfortunate curse of being born a male in a female dominated society. He had one perverted nature that stood out among the rest; he enjoyed women a little too much. He was prideful and boastful, and when he would be embarrassed by the drow women in his life, he would take it out on the female slaves. Dozens suffered at his hands, and some even lost their lives, but there was one human woman that caught his eye. She was defiant, and that made it all the more challenging, and satisfying, to Drovac.
After years of torment, she became with child. She was able to conceal her pregnancy until she gave birth in the muck of the slave pens. Several of the women helped her, and they were able to care for the child for a few months before being discovered. However, one night some of the slave men discovered the child, and sold that information. The guards came to get the child and the slaves revolted. Those that resisted were summarily executed, including Isavara’s mother. The guards presented the child to Drovac who managed to hide the half-breed girl for many years. Drovac loved his only daughter and made deals with demons, blackmailed those he could, and killed the rest. All to protect his secret child from the rest of his family.
When they finally discovered her true heritage, they ordered her executed. Drovac fought his own sisters and managed to escape the underground city with Isavara in tow. They walked for many days underground until they finally found a passage that led out into the world.
My dear Isavara, you must go out into the light and start a new life, one away from all of the treachery and betrayal you have come to know. The life of a drow is no place for you anymore.
He gave her everything he had on him except for his sword and armor, and with a last kiss, turned and returned to face the rest of his family. Isavara started to follow him, but he turned and became enraged. She fled out into the daylight and ran as fast she could. She didn’t have much knowledge of the woods. Most of her learning was about magical lineage. She grew up in a society in which nothing was what it seemed, and everything said was the opposite of what was meant. She wondered how she would survive as she walked along. Without realizing it, she walked right up onto a bear cave, and decided to see if it possibly led back home. Even if it didn’t, at least it was out of the blasted light. Unfortunately the bear was not welcoming visitors, and promptly chased her. She ran across the path of a group of Halflings who shielded her from the bear until it decided to look for other food.
One of the Halfling ladies, Sistra, befriended Isavara and they talked the whole walk back to the Halfling village. Isavara was welcome with the Halflings, and stayed in the village for a few years learning all about nature, herbs and concocting potions out of everything that was lying around. She even spent time working with Sistra as at the apothecary. She even learned the Halfling language in her stay, but as she grew into an adult, she realized that she could not stay with the Halflings forever. She packed some things, said goodbye and made off for the city of Absalom. Sistra said she would be able to find work there and blend into the crowds. Sistra gave her one last gift to take with her, a minor wand of healing magic and instructed her to seek out her brother Lem, he would be able to help get her a place to stay.
She made her way to Absalom and has been in the city for a few months. She was overwhelmed at the shear size of it, and the chaos of it all, and there was so much water. Water in her homeland mostly came from magic, or a few small streams. She had even heard her father talk about a lake once, but when she saw the ocean, well, she was awestruck.
While drow society was chaotic, there was still a hierarchical nature to it. She sees some of that in the city, but here the chaos seems to flow around every corner. No wonder Sistra thought she would be able to blend right in, despite her unusual parentage.
Lem was not quite like the Halflings of the village. He was loud, boisterous even, and not shy. He made jokes that made her blush, but he seemed to have a good nature about him. He quickly found her a job or two to help keep a roof over her head, and even taught her how to pack her gear efficiently, making use of every nook and cranny in the pack. Carry a lot, but carry it small he always said, that and stay away from Vachedi. Vachedi was a human male from a rival business who seeks the affections of Isavara but has been spurned at every advance.
Close Friend: Sistra
Unknown Friend: Dravoc (father)
Known Enemy: Vachedi
Unknown Enemy: her grandmother (drovac's mother)
Possible Faction Contact: Lem

GM Captain Trips |

@Vincent Fleming - See my earlier response on this question. The short answer would be no, you can only work for one faction at a time. The Prophets were not in my original list of approved factions, so there would need to be a good reason for me to allow that one in. They are a bit, self-serving.
@Herkymr the Silly - No templates
@DMRaven - I'm going to say no, since it if it was intended to be an option it would have been spelled out as an alternate racial trail. You could always do half-elf for the ancestral arms racial trait.

DMRaven |

@DMRaven - I'm going to say no, since it if it was intended to be an option it would have been spelled out as an alternate racial trail. You could always do half-elf for the ancestral arms racial trait.
Samsi isn't a melee character anyway and spears fit better, so I won't bother. It's not a big point, was simply curious. Thanks for the quick reply!

Vincent Fleming |

Darnarian Irithyl
Male Slayer (Bounty Hunter) 1
CG Medium humanoid (Elf)
Init +7; Senses Low-Light Vision 60 ft.
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged mwk longbow (+5, 1d8)
Melee Kukri x2 (+3 1d4+2), Short sword (+3 1d6+2)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16/13Fl
Feats Deadly Aim
Traits Bully, Warrior of Old
Skills Acobatics +6, Bluff +5,Climb +5, Disguise +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Geography) +7, Perception +4, Profession (trapper) +4, Ride +6, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6, Survival +4
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
Combat Gear mwk longbow, studded leather armor, kukri x2, short sword
Other Gear Explorer's outfit, masterwork backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, manacles x2 (one small, one medium sized), rope, waterskin x2, 14g leftover
Special Abilities
Envoy- Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf's level. This racial trait replaces elven magic.
Fleet-Footed- While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this racial trait receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and weapon familiarity.
Comprehend Languages 1/day
Deadly Aim -1/+2- You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Detect Magic 1/day
Detect Poison 1/day
Elven Immunities- Sleep, +2 save bonus vs Enchantments
Low Light Vision
Read Magic 1/day
Run (feat)
Studied Target +1- (move action, 1 at a time) A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target.
Track- A slayer adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
As a youth, most elves are given a test to see where their aptitude lies. Darnarian it turned out was gifted with magic like almost all elves but showed no real interest. He was however agile and fairly stout so he easily was excepted into the ranks of the warriors. He was taught as all were taught, in bowman-ship and in swords. He preferred the former over the latter. Learning the ways of the old was enjoyable and took many years of his youth, training to dodge, to climb, pretty much anything to get the job done and come home as safely as possible. He was rather intelligent compared to most in the barracks and seemed to soak up the lessons like a sponge, always eager to learn anything he could and capable of adapting on the fly.
He entered into the guard as was customary for those youths who graduated from the teachings of the old ways and served for the required years. Once he had completed his time, he was eager to move on and see the world outside the insular life that was living in the elven community. His years in service to the community had taught him how to track and take advantage of those he studied and it was those skills he offered in service to the diplomats as a protector. It gave him what he want, the chance to see the world outside and gave the diplomats ease of heart to do what they needed to to keep the peace between the towns and communities around theirs. He learned a few little helpful magics to make his job easier, letting him eavesdrop on those that would do his charges harm regardless of how they planned. But this life began to bore him slowly, living his life for another and barely making enough to get a nice bed each night and sometimes a companion to keep him company.
He had seen men draped in fine silks and capable of doing anything they desired when they desired it with but a drop of a few coins. It was during one foray into one of the human cities that he came across one of the well dressed men in a tavern, he spoke to him and the man gave him a book to read saying that any who wished could become like him, so long as they followed these tenants as best they could. He took the book and read it in his off time absorbed in the idea of becoming someone "noble" like the man he met. He didn't have a business and that seemed the first step he would need to begin his journey into that human's world. He shook his head wondering how he would make the gold he needed and began to watch and wander the streets to find out what he could do to make money, soon he found his way in life. He found a list of men who had committed atrocities against others and they would pay to see them brought to justice. It seemed all too easy a task for him as he'd spent his whole life honing skills that could help him in this line of business, and so he began his new life.
Darnarian grew up with his sparring partner and life long friend Naren. She was a fellow warrior, spending years in the elven barracks learning the way of weapons and tracking. Their never-ending attempts to one up each other have brought about a rather odd way of greeting each other. They will yell out the name of their friend as they see them and unless circumstances forbid it, they begin to spar, attempting to knock one or the unconscious. They have forgotten the score at this point but each will boast that they are currently in the lead.
During a particularly cold night while Darnarian was hunting for food, he came upon a drow. It was rare to even hear of them, let alone see one. If it hadn't been for the time he had spent in the libraries looking up the Elven enemies of old he would never have even known of them. Unbeknownst to him, a Lantern Bearer had been tracking the tainted elf for some time. Darnarian saw that the drow had captured a young elvish girl and was dragging her by the hair to only the gods might know. He carefully sneaked up on the drow and fired an arrow from the brush nearby as he passed silencing the devil forever more. He took the girl back to the village but left the drow laying where he fell. The Lantern Bearer watched it all in silence and smirked as his work had been done for him.
Life in the barracks takes it's toll on most youth's soul. It wasn't long before a hierarchy was established amongst the platoon of youths and Darnarian was one of the aggressors. He excelled where others did not and he began to get smug about it over the years. Cyras was one of the weaker ones in the platoon and caused trouble for the others by failing at the tasks given to them from time to time, something that often caused the entire platoon to be punished for. It was for these reasons that Darnarian had taken up the stance of intimidating and pushing the poor youth around. Cyras grew to resent the brash youth and his resentment only grew as they grew older and eventually left the guard.
Drow's rarely come to the surface, and even rarer still will they come to the surface alone. It wasn't one of those rare ocasions where a drow would be exiled from the underworld to have to try and live a life on the surface. The drow that Darnarian had slain had been one of several and had had many friends. The drow's mate was more then a little angry when she found out about the demise of her lover, swearing she would seek revenge upon her surface kin till she found the one that had bested him.
Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to join very many online campaigns but the one that I did manage to get into I posted rather regularly. I have a lot of free time and am generally on the computer quite often or near one at least. I'm more then willing to try and match the posting habits of my fellow players but can get a little over zealous and post a bit more frequently.
Mostly Darnarian is going to be ranged damage support. There is likely to be a time in which, he will pick up a dagger or longsword to help slip into the fray and help flank. He'll be looking for a partner to help make enemies flat footed at some point, making it easier for him to stay at range and fire away with his bow. He is also easily ready to dive into most situations without worry as he's had many years to work on many skills to help him with his work as a bounty hunter for the Prophets of Kalistrade.