GM Blade of Heaven's WotW Campaign

Game Master Divinitus

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So here's the stats for my Suli Bloodrager/mix of other stuff. (yes I'm taking a weird combination of stuff in that slot.

Str(Focus): 20 (+2)
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int(Foible): 6 (-2)
Wis: 14
Cha: 15 (+2)

I'll have the rest of the crunch for 1st level up for this evening, as well as a potential background!

EDIT: Slight changes made because Kermah is bad at math.

Jaq, I believe the recently released Demons Revisited has variations to the Half-Fiend based on which Demon you are descendant from.

Templates of all sorts seem to be allowed, at least the standard, not overly insane ones. Even some of those might be allowed. Half-Fiend was approved already.

Jaq, it is certainly an option. If there's a template out there you like or an undead creature you would like a template for, then feel free to PM me and I'll definitely consider allowing it. If you want to be a half-fiend great wyrm red dragon ravener, I will respectfully have to say no. ;)

Lord Foul II, thanks for understanding. It cuts down on confusion levels and messageboard clutter.

My main concerned was the Chaotic Evil nature that is normally associated, that may or may not be allowed. There's a path in Lord's of Chaos, a ritual, but it wants you to be CE. I'll have to wait till I'm home from work to look at Demons Revisited. But I'll take a look tonight. It's been a few weeks since I last looked at the book.

And really he is half-fiend, because of his parentage. It's just not showing in his blood yet.

Kermah, what sort of mix? I'm curious. Also a 6 Int? That's going to be interesting to roleplay! 'What's your name? *Kermah* What do you do? *Smash* Can you elaborate? *Crushes inquisitive Halfling with a meaty, flaming fist; SMASH!*'. :D

Jaq, CE is allowed since not everyone has to be an Asmodean, unlike the original version of WotW. Just don't antagonize other players, as per my etiquette rules listed very early in the thread. Sound good?

The most chaotic thing I feel he would do to the party is blame someone else for something he actually did to not get caught. I do try to not cause unnecessary inter-party drama. I've played with someone that all they wanted to do was troll the rest of us, and it was not fun. Too bad the DM would not let us kill him off or leave him with a hag coven. He was evil and we were good, and it was Ravenloft.

Do you mind if I make the Alignment Change on his sheet now?

6 Int will be fun to RP, but he's not going to be a complete idiot. He has a decent Wis, so he's at least decent at that kind of check. I'm also investing into Sense Motive, so he'll turn out to that guy who looks dumb but is actually quite good at figuring out what could be wrong. Also investing into Intimidate and maaybe Diplomacy.

Kermah Orletithar
LE Medium Outsider (Native)
Age: 17
INIT: +1 | SENSES: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6
AC: 17 | Touch: 11 | Flat-Footed: 16
hp: 12 (1d10+2)
Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +2
Resistance 5 (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid.)
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed +5 (1d4+5 nonlethal)
Lucerne Hammer +7 (1d12+7, x2)
PA Lucerne Hammer +6 (1d12+10, x2)
Space: 5 ft.
STR: 20, DEX: 13, CON: 16, INT: 6, WIS: 14, CHA: 15
BaB: +1; CMB: +6; CMD: 18
Feats: Skill Focus (Kn. Planes), Power Attack.
Skills: Linguistics -1, Sense Motive +3, Perception +6, Intimidate +6, Kn (Planes) +1.
Languages: Common, Ignan, Draconic.
Equipment: Lucerne Hammer, Breastplate, Oil of Magic Weapon, 35 gp.
SQ: Elemental Assault (Su): +1d6 elemental dmg, 1 rd./level, Swift. 1/1
Bloodrage(stats below): 6/6 rds. 2 bonus hp.
Arcane Bloodline:
-Disruptive Bloodrage: +2 Concentration DC when opposing caster is threatened.
Fast Movement (Ex): +10 ft. speed
Favored Enemy(Humanoid [human]): +2 Bluff, Sense Motive, Survival, Perception, Knowledge. +2 dmg and attack rolls.
Track(Ex): +1 to Survival to track.
Wild Empathy(Ex): 1d20+2 to improve attitude of animal.

Please tell me if I am being overly pushy
Well you can't be an alchemist with that int... You need at least a 14, preferably at least a 16, to really take advantage of them
Why do you not want to be an alchemist? They synergize excellently with barbarian
And with either the beast morph archetype or the ferral mutagen you can get pleanty of natural attacks
And with the vivisectionist archetype you can get sneek attack,
Is it the fact that they are an int class and you want to play a stupid character (not stupid character concept just one who in character is stupid)
I'm just trying to get in your head,

@Lord Foul/Yellow Boxes/Wade Wilhelm: Just giving you a heads-up that your critiquing of other people's builds can come across as pushy and irritating. In my experience, people tend to have good reasons for doing the things they do, and unless they ask for help, it's better to keep quiet. Not trying to tell you what to do or anything; just stating my opinion.

@Wade, I've been reading some of the critiques you have been giving to Kermah and I find them a bit uncalled for. You do have some decent comments, but you are, at least to me, coming off as very rude. I know this isnt your intention, but this is how you are coming off.

This s supposed to be a fun game, but to constantly critique or put someone down (the "wanting to play a stupid character" especially) is borderline breaking some of the forum rules. I dont mean to be hurtful, I just want you to realize that some of the things you are saying are coming off as sarcastic and intentionally hurtful. I know that you dont want to do that, and please keep contributing to the discussion; you do have great ideas, just please take into consideration others feelings, we are all humans, and we all dont like to feel bad. :)

Also, sorry to double team you, that was not my intention!

no I meant stupid as in low intelligence

I thought I made that clear when I said "not a stupid character concept just one who in character is stupid"

I was trying to ask if he wanted to play the stereotypical "dumb mussel"

I am not trying to critique, it's just I am excited and will have to wait in order to [i] find out[/i[ if I can play, and so this is something to do while thinking of the game

I've not been selected for several, several previous way of the wicked, either by coming in too late or just bad luck, it just makes each new time I apply more nail biting and this one comes with a significant delay between when recruitment opens and the characters are selected, and is gestalt (a game style I love) and offers the possibility of adding templates among other things,

Lord Foul II, The Cloaked One and Preet -NS 3.0- speak true. Alchemists are very 'mad scientist' flavored and not everyone wants that flavor. I love alchemists personally, but if that is not what Kermah wants, he does not have to take levels in it. He doesn't have to optimize his character for power play, because in truth that is only 1/2 the game. Roleplaying and character flavor are equally as important. I'm not trying to be combative, merely point out something.

On a lighter note, love the avatar Preet -NS 3.0-! Goblins rule!

Shadow Lodge

yeah, I was mostly curious as to the reasoning....
and a tad bit bored.
I like learning how people tick

not an excuse, a bit of background on the way I think:
I have asperger syndrome, (and ADHD, and OCD tendencies, poor vision, and possibly mild dyslexia, but not diagnosed and have a 138 IQ (for reference x<70 is retarded 88-112 is "average" and 140-145 is "genius or near genius"in short I'm messed up in the head,) so social rules are rather hard for me I'm not very good at knowing what others are thinking unless I've been around them for a good long while, so on and so forth, so finding out more about people think is a fascinating thing for me,

and while that's true about the mad scientist bit the "master chemist" comes with a stronger mutagen with it's own separate personality and as standard mutagens lower mental scores.... you can see why I call this the "hulk" build, you can play as both Bruce Banner and the hulk

and that's why I was asking if he wanted to play the "dumb mussel"
if he was it would tell me more about what he wanted, (and what to suggest to him should he ask again as he had previously and some insight into how he thinks, you don't even have to like your other half, which has amazing RP potential

and if that is the case, or if it isn't but he wants me to back off anyway, that's fine,

that being said

build suggestions, based on you redefined stated characterization, if you are tired of then you are free to ignore this:

if you are going to stick with ranger, the shapeshifter, trapper, wild stalker and falconer deserve a second look
trappers get trap finding, which is an incredibly useful ability

falconer gets an animal companion of a druid equal to your level without losing hardly anything (other than restricting you to bird animal companions)

wild stalkers get rage and rage powers,

and shapeshifter... should be self explanatory, though it is worth mentioning that those abilities are not a polymorph effect and thus stacks with them should such ever come up,

this brings me to my next point
if you are not doing archery, and already have full BaB and d10 HD,
(and are not taking prestige classes to maximize favored enemy) druids can do everything rangers can, and then some
you can wild shape while raging,
you can cast cure spells, and blast spells, your animal companion is stronger, and there are some awesome archetypes such as
the Blight Druid, which I thought would be appropriate for this campign, you'd be a source of disease and death, the proof that nature can kill even easier than it can heal,
Dragon shamen, it's thematic with your whole, dragon blooded thing, at 2nd level you get an additional shapeshifting ability on top of (but not stacking with) your existing wild shape thing,

I would like to take the Druid levels, as it looks interesting, but I don't think Kermah would work well with that setup. I want him to be LE, which doesn't work with Druid due to alignment restrictions. As well, I'm not going to take full Ranger, instead using a weird combination of levels to get me some sort of Natural Attacker.

However, I might look into the Alchemist style if I'm allowed to reflavour the abilities a bit to avoid the scientist part. No guarantee it'll happen though... (though I might dip for the mutagen?)

And I'll think about the Shapeshifter as well...

I appreciate all the help that you're wanting to give me, and I think that it should turn out interesting (since I wouldn't have even spotted the Shapeshifter archetype.) I will insist on taking the Dragon Disciple levels though. :)

Actually, Rage doesn't stack with Bloodrage... so that line of thought was doomed to failure. Thanks for showing a way to get it.

EDIT: Trapper will probably be taken, but retrained in favour of MoMS when retraining comes around because I'm betting on having the template by then.

Shadow Lodge

you could make him NE with L tendencies,
if you take the Master chemist you could flavor it as some form of possession
like the vials are the result of bottled spirits, and when you get to the master chemist you are letting one of them temporarily fuse with you

and fine, go ahead with dragon disciple, were I playing a sorcerer I would be playing one too, they rock :P just remember you need some spontaneous casting to qualify,

I am planning on having him be somewhat irrational, but still somewhat wise, so I probably won't take Alchemist. Cool idea though, I might end up taking it with another character.

I'll think about Druid though, if only for Wildshape.

EDIT: NE actually sounds like it might fit him better...

Shadow Lodge

you plan on taking blight druid and/or dragon shaman?

Dragon Shaman maybe.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

You are wanting to make a natural-attack based character that is moving towards becoming a half-dragon correct? If this is correct, a couple classes that you might like to consider are:

Dragon shaman (Druid Archetype): It gives natural attacks and has a tie to dragons.

Shapeshifter (Ranger Archetype): This one also promotes natural attacks, and has a few ties to dragons as well.

Shadow Lodge

heh, I already suggested both of those
but thanks

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Lord Foul II wrote:

heh, I already suggested both of those

but thanks

I hadn't realized you had suggested both of them till just a moment ago.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Oh! What Age Scale are you using for races like Aasimars and Tieflings? Because there are two rulings on this. Are we using normal aging? or the adult at 60 aging?

To bring up another archetype, the Saurian, I'd like to see if that would be accepted instead. The question is whether or not the +2 to Wildshape would give me an advance at how much I can use the wildshape. (X/Day)

Shadow Lodge

I was just about to bring that up, heh
there are forums on it and the consensus is that by RAW. yes
now weather or not the DM rules that that is RAI, is another matter

Sorry guys, busy glancing over the books. Read through all 6 of them. And in case anyone is wondering, I'm a speedreader, so it IS possible to read about 700 pages in a few hours time. I stopped a few times to gaze at the artwork, but it's so evocative you can barely help yourself.

Kana and Lord Foul II, I go with the RAW version on the aging portion, so use the ARG.

Kermah, when it refers to Wild Shape at +-X level, everyone I have ever seen has ruled that it does effect uses per day IF the +-X level puts it at the corresponding level of power.

EDIT: Use RAW in both questions.

Shadow Lodge

no sweat, anything that makes this happen sooner is fine in my book

Shadow Lodge

Hopefully this will work as the place marker/character sheet for everyone to see. The background and minor description is in the profile.

Would everyone like selection to begin 1 day after everyones final submissions are in? It seems I have tore through the initial stages of planning. If anyone is done with their character post under the alias with the phrase CHARACTER FINALIZED FOR SUBMISSION, all in caps and bold so I will have a better idea of how much earlier selection can begin. Remember if you have any questions about your character that you need answered, just ask.

Origami here posting up her dastardly little fellow. Kaishere is a tiefling sorcerer (infernal)/rouge combo. Commentary is appreciated. Thinking about following a half-fiend template for later on!


If someone had told Kaishere that he was going to burn at the stake in three days for Blasphemy of all things, he would have laughed, made some quip about Mitra and his mother (he had a million of them), and then promptly thrown the offending party into an empty grave in a fit of paranoia preparation. And yet, here he was-in a cell-contemplating his history and awaiting the moment where he would be led to a stake and burned for the entertainment of the lower classes. For the alleged worship of an archdevil that he didn’t even follow.

Like most Tieflings he was born to a human mother but unlike most (he assumed anyway, the contact within his kind was rather rare and Not Wanted on his part), he was allowed to stay with her until she died of old age or some disease associated with old age. During her life she was a devout worshipper of Asmodeus and believed in fostering the evil and ill will in his heart in anyway possible, hoping to someday help him corrupt others to her church faithfully. He was, truthfully, a bit of a mama’s boy. He spent his formative years studying words and magic, embracing his demonic heritage thanks to her . Unfortunately, while his brains grew, his presence continued to be daunting to most others, and he was quick to learn not everyone was as fond of his heritage as he was.

But he soon learned to use that to advantage.While in the day he would work diligently at bookkeeping in dark dirty holes for nameless businessmen whose deals were less than reputable and needed someone with a good hand and eye to make everything work, at night he did something more. After the sun would set he would haunt graveyards and approach hapless mourners. He would approach them as a unholy emissary, promising the release of the soul of the loved one in exchange for something...tangible. He made good money that way. He never stated who he represented (he was greedy-not stupid), he just promised hope of a good afterlife after an appropriate time had passed.

Graveyards were good money. He wasn’t above selling dead bodies to enterprising scientists who only want to further life down here for the living (a noble endeavor in his book). And he was often able to use his less-than-human appearance to discourage any who would come between him and his unholy work. He was working slowly but surely to his nest egg goal, with just a few big works to achieve his life’s dreams. A small secluded island, where he could write scathing letters about the education system within Talingarde. His own background education had been filled with a demonic sort of education and he felt he was well rounded.

But now that was all gone. When Kaishere was captured, they took everything. His books, his clothes, his MONEY-all because he was overheard saying that this wave of petty crime would’ve been dealt with swiftly has Asmodeus still held the city. The criminals would have been too afraid to become an unwilling part of the slave trade if caught to dare steal from shops in broad daylight. Some goody two-shoes busybody put in a word to the good knights and suddenly he was in jail on the crime of blasphemy-more specifically worshipping Asmodeus. Which is a complete and utter lie-Kaishere follows Mephistopheles...not that those ignorant Shiners would know the difference.

So now here he sat-rubbing the branded F on the back of his hand as if he could rub the failure off his skin. His demonic heritage had obviously got him into this mess (Those racist pigs. If he looked as human as the person he was talking to he wouldn’t have been charged with nothing), it could surely get him out. He’d knew he’d get back to where he was...he just didn’t know how.



Tall and thin with a pale grey cast to his skin and large orange-yellow eyes, Kaishere is more perceptably nonhuman than normal. He has two Tahr-like horns that sprout from his forehead and curve back. He has short, messy, dark brown hair and, coupled with his bearings mark him as overall attractive but otherworldly.


Kaishere is smart and he knows he’s smart and this gives him a bit of a smart mouth. However, what he lacks in charm he makes up for in brains. He will speak circles around anyone and turn them about until they’re agreeing to do something that they really didn’t want to do. He’s overall agreeable and friendly, but he has something of a shark smile in wait for those who ask him a favor. He never forgets favors lent to him and will call upon them at the most inconvenient times. In his own humble opinion, he is only mildly terrible.


:Kaishere Fameri
Sex: Male Race: Tiefling Class: Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline)1/Rouge 1Age: 73 Height: 72 in. Weight:134 Diety:Mephistopheles
LE Medium Tiefling/Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +5



AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
HP 9 (1d8+1)

Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4(+2 from Feat Iron Will)
ER Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5



Speed 30 ft. 

Spell-Like Abilities
Corrupting Touch-5/day


Skilled: Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the charm subschool, increase the spell's DC by +2.
Bruising Intellect: Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier.
Trapfinding: A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Sneak Attack 1d6 damage




Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD; 

1st: Eschew Materials; Spell Penetration; Weapon Finesse

Blasphemy(Either you have defamed the great god Mitra or you have
been found guilty of worshipping one of the forbidden deities (who preeminent among them is Asmodeus).
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (religion) and
Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill for you.

Bruising Intellect, and Scholar of the Great Beyond (knowledge:planes)

Skills:15 per level
(1)Acrobatics +7
(0)Appraise +5
(1)Bluff +8
(0)Craft (Alchemy) +5
(1)Diplomacy +6
(1)Disable Device +7
(1)Escape Artist +7
(1)Intimidate +9 (Bruising Intellect Trait)
(1)Knowledge (Arcana), 9
(1)Knowledge (Religion) +11
(1)Knowledge (Planes) +10
(1)Linguistics + 9
(1)Perception +5
(1)Perform (Act) +6
(1)Profession (bookkeeper) +5
(1)Sense Motive +5
(0)Slight of Hand +3
(0)Spellcraft +5
(1)Use Magic Device + 6

Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Gnome



(CL 1st; Concentration +3)
Cantrips - Save DC 14 (+2 racial bonus)
1.Dancing Lights
2.Ghost Sound
4.Mage Hand

Level 1 - 4/day Save DC 15
2.Magic Missile

Vincent, you know that this technically isn't a Pathfinder Society game, right? Just asking because your alias lists the character as PFS.

Shadow Lodge

To be honest I have no template in mind that I really wanna roll with. I may give it some thought this weekend. (Got some time to think while doing security for an Anime Con) But we will see, to be honest I would be curious about how he might "boost" me up to the template wanters instead.


Yea, but I was having trouble with the site letting me use a normal alias so I just set up a PFS one

Shadow Lodge

With it "listed" as a PFS character then everyone should be able to see my character's everything without me leaving a giant wall of text in the recruitment post because I'm still not the greatest with messageboard formatting.

Kaishere, your character is a very amusing read. I can practically sense the irascible nature of your character in some of his words. He's that snarky, but somehow endearing intellectual that people shy away from and are drawn to in equal measure. Like his backstory. Glancing over your stats, I saw your skill points and my eyes went O_O! That's pretty crazy, but it befits his personality (Especially since you added that comment in about 'Talirian education' in the snarky way you did! I was amused at that. Overall a solid build, crunch and fluff. As I stated earlier, not getting into the nitty-gritty tearing apart statblocks to make sure calculations are correct yet, but nothing caught my attention beyond the 15 skill points, but I looked it over.

Vincent/Jing, I was just making sure. Don't worry it's cool, I just didn't want you to think you'd get any PFS credit for this campaign. I am fine with simply 'boosting' your character if you do not want a template, I just figured everyone would like a template since it adds a world of new possibilities to character possibilities.

Shadow Lodge

If anyone would like to critique the character idea/make sure I didn't screw up the gestalt rules, I would greatly appreciate it. I like the idea I had for the background as I've always seen the "disowned" and "hidden" child Tiefling and went...Why would they be ok with this, they have demon blood that grants them power? So I wanted him to have a hatred to humans especially and then from his readings see that the Angel-born were treated much differently almost revered and not be too pleased with them. It's also why I took Profession Courtesan, learn the in and outs of your enemy completely so you can set them up for the biggest fall. He'll be primarily a "destructive" bombardier but sometimes you just run out of supplies and have to fall back on arrows. Also if anyone has some suggested reads to help with posting for PbP I would be more then happy to read them so I can be a better player.

Shadow Lodge

Danke for the consideration ^^, I'll look over the templates some more to figure out if something makes sense to me. I am serpent like in looks so Half Dragon would be one that makes sense on the whole thing, not to mention that dragon's blood is a potent alchemical component. Having a near endless supply from my own self wouldn't be terribly bad (From a masochistic prospective).

@blade. trust me. thats exactly how i felt when i realized the amount of points i'd have. oh! Also, how does favored classes work within the gestalt builds? i mean in regards to race things? I assumed you just picked one or the other but wasn't sure.

Shadow Lodge

his skills are fine
8 (rouge, though really with that INT I'd have a vivisectionist, but that's just me)+5 (int are you cross-blooded with the one that gets INT casting? because you are listed as not, which means you won't be able to cast higher than 4th lvl spells and your save DCs will kinda suck,)+2 (the campaign gives us 2 extra)

as for me, I just have to pick my traits and my 2nd feat and I'm good

Kaishere Fameri wrote:

@blade. trust me. thats exactly how i felt when i realized the amount of points i'd have. oh! Also, how does favored classes work within the gestalt builds? i mean in regards to race things? I assumed you just picked one or the other but wasn't sure.

different DMs do it different ways, as 3.5 had different way of doing favored class

but they were given an extra favored class then

Shadow Lodge

The Half-fiend template would be more appropriate as experiment's gone wrong (or right dependent on the mindset). So if I had a choice, tapping into my inner demon to rain tyranny down upon those who condemn me just because of my birth would make for a good continuation of the original character idea.

@wade he's built more for character play than battle efficiency (although i hadn't considered the hm hm!!) but i mean, at first level i don't know that many high powered spells so it didn't really bother me to sacrifice it. i mean, if i plan accordingly i can raise my charisma so i can acquire more high level spells in the long run.

besides. a tiefling isn't really who'd i'd normally pick for a charisma caster in the first place with its -2 for cha, but i dunno, its a little bloodless to max out stats for my tastes and i wanted to try something strange (We're a party and if i do get in, i doubt very seriously i'll be the go to for all the spells.)

but i'll look into it! thank you very much for the suggestions.


i knowwww the half-fiend feels like an excellent template for tiefling, especially as a progession type thing. i'd also recommend looking at the devil-bound creature if you're interested! it could also tap into revenge sorts of things.

Shadow Lodge

Tieflings actually have quite a few "Variant" Heritages that are in existence. For instance, my Beast blooded Tiefling has +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis compared to a normal Tiefling. These alternate heritages come from the Blood of Fiends companion book. I wish the celestials had a downside so I would want to play them more, from an RP perspective not having a stat flaw isn't that fun.

Vincent, going over your stats like you asked I found a few errors. You forgot to put in a few things like BAB, melee and ranged attack bonuses, ect. Add those in and I will review further. In regards to posting, there is a small tab below the text box that shows you how to format your text. Common ways text is used in PBP are listed below.

Bold=Conversation in Common
Dagnabbit, Leeroy's been fornicatin' with those chickens again, somebody call the priest!

Bold Italics=Conversation in another language
Vossa emuus kar, di-lok tans sumanes!, Infernal speech about how to corrupt youth by destroying their minds with a full diet of Tofu!

Italics=Thoughts in one's own mind
Look it that little bunny over there, it's so cute and... OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THOSE TEETH! I knew this dungeon was too easy!

Spoiler=For secrets, (No secrets from the GM though, so it's use to you is minimal,)

Goat milk! You spoiled it, you waster!

Quote=Helps clarify what you are referencing another person saying

Patrick Starfish wrote:
My snail is bigger than yours!

OOC=Out of character comment, basically you speaking to us, not your character speaking to PCs or NPCs

Hey guys, my character sat on a mimic shaped like a chamberpot, any chance I could get some help here?!

I believe that covers the basic examples! Yeah, I just posted random nonsense for the examples! :D

Shadow Lodge

Hmmm, the template is interesting. It sounds more like a pet template more then a PC template. I think for this character the Half fiend feels better because with the alchemist background, the character himself could bring about the change through the various experiments he performs. The information behind the devil-bound would be him summoning a devil and making a contract with him which is outside the learning of the character and the character would be feeling like he'd be receiving a handout power wise which would go against his personal mindset...I think ^^


Danke, I will reference back to that from time to time to make sure I don't screw up RP wise. I shall make the corrections now.

By the way everyone, BOTH classes you start out with count as Favored Class, but you cannot get the same bonus twice, so no +2 HP or Skill Points though you may get +1HP and +1 SP or something similar!

Shadow Lodge

It has been updated

Shadow Lodge

Origami Revelry wrote:

@wade he's built more for character play than battle efficiency (although i hadn't considered the hm hm!!) but i mean, at first level i don't know that many high powered spells so it didn't really bother me to sacrifice it. i mean, if i plan accordingly i can raise my charisma so i can acquire more high level spells in the long run.

besides. a tiefling isn't really who'd i'd normally pick for a charisma caster in the first place with its -2 for cha, but i dunno, its a little bloodless to max out stats for my tastes and i wanted to try something strange (We're a party and if i do get in, i doubt very seriously i'll be the go to for all the spells.)

but i'll look into it! thank you very much for the suggestions.

rouge over vivisectionist is a stylistic choice

but I see no reason notto have your strongest stat be your casting stat,
but then that's just me

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