Kramac |
Looks like we have Martha, Flynn, Kiboko, and Kramac ready up for Mammoths.
Any word from Karsa or Juhnavi on whether they want to hop in too, or should we go looking for new recruits?
andreww |
I would be interested although I have run and played it before so would need to use a GM star. Karsa is now level 11 so I would look to bring a diffrent lower level character. Options include:
Alchemist 7
Psychic 7
Sorcerer 8 (plus animal companion)
Druid 8
Shaman 9
Alchemist 9
Magus 9
Sacred huntmaster Inquisitor 9
Ishmail Ibn Jad |
Given the lack of arcane magic in the group and that I think we already have two animal companions I would probably look to bring Ishmail.
GM Batpony |
I've got capacity this weekend, so I'll get the prep and introductory post up, once everyone checks in ready, I'll kick the adventure off!
Kramac |
Are we going to use this thread for the next game? I vote we do - don't need another one cluttering up my feed since there is that bug where you can't deactivate them...
GM Batpony |
Are we going to use this thread for the next game? I vote we do - don't need another one cluttering up my feed since there is that bug where you can't deactivate them...
That is most definitely the plan!
Flyndyngylyn |
Think we're just about through with the next to last encounter in the session Flyn is in (Golden City)...the 'boss' would seem to be just through the next door...
Kramac |
We're about to start what I assume is the last encounter as soon as Supervilian posts. At the rate the group posts, I suspect it will take the week for finish it up, unless he decides to be less merciful with hit botting. I will attempt to be the best murder machine I can and wrap it up quickly.
Flyndyngylyn |
I think we're an open door from the last encounter as hopefully, Flyn will survive and be free shortly...
supervillan |
It looks like I am going to become a dad this weekend! My wife is scheduled to be induced on Friday, so I don't know whether I'll be able to post Friday or Saturday, and then I'll be adjusting to a whole new way of life :o
I'm hoping that in the brief windows between feeding and changing I'll have time for pbp posts, but I'm deliberately not taking on very much so that I have time to adjust :)
I'm hoping to wrap up the game with Kramac and Kelumur very soon!
Flyndyngylyn |
Congrats, Kiboko, that's awesome...I pray that all goes well...
We're a couple of rounds into our final encounter...looks like it'll be a tough one but, if we survive, shouldn't be too much longer...
Kramac |
I do not. I'll get any purchases made and post in gameplay tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!
GM Batpony |
Hopefully Flyn get's done soon and then we can get started completely! But I will start to entertain the introductory RP for the time being.
Flyndyngylyn |
Hey Bat, not sure when it'll wrap up. We started the encounter with the 'boss' on Tuesday but haven't progressed much as hardly anyone has posted over the Thanksgiving weekend...
Hopefully, posting will start back up again today and we can get this finished soon. While I really want to play with y'all, I don't want to delay the session where it'll interfere with Retrocon...if you feel you need to start without Flyn, I'll understand...
Juhnavi Ahliwylia |
Sorry, I didn't notice this thread had become active again. I think I'm going to have to bow out, I barely can keep up with the games I'm already in.
Thanks for the fun. Please remove me from the players/characters list so the game doesn't show up in my active games.
Kramac |
Shall we recruit a 6th to replace Juhnavi?
GM Batpony |
I think keeping it at 5 would definitely be more interesting. And in terms of a hard start date, let's set the 4th of Dec to go on if Flyn has not join us yet.
Flyndyngylyn |
I'll try my best to push it where we'll be through by the 4th...there was hardly any posting for 5 days but I think that was due to the Thanksgiving's somewhat picking up and hopefully that'll continue...
Flyndyngylyn |
I think keeping it at 5 would definitely be more interesting. And in terms of a hard start date, let's set the 4th of Dec to go on if Flyn has not join us yet.
Good news, I think. Looks like we'll be done before the 4th so Flyn should be able to join y'all. Thanks for your patience...looking forward to journeying with old friends...
GM Batpony |
That's great! Looking forward to getting this rolling with the gang back at it!
Flyndyngylyn |
That's great! Looking forward to getting this rolling with the gang back at it!
Me too! I went ahead and dotted in the Gameplay thread...I did the delete thing on it afterwards but I'm guessing the system burped as it's still there...
Should be able to post in earnest in the Gameplay thread in the next day or so...I think it's mostly just wrap-up now. Working on upgrading Flyn now...
Flyndyngylyn |
We just finished our last encounter; the GM stated he'll be doing the wrap-up post tonight or tomorrow. I'll finish upgrading Flyn and post in the main thread soon...
And here's Flyn's PFS info:
Player: Otha
Character: Flyndyngylyn
PFS#: 239913-1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Advancement: Normal
Day Job: None
Flyndyngylyn |
Flyn is officially finished with City of Golden Death. Am upgrading him now and will post later this morning or early afternoon...
Flyndyngylyn |
Just recalled that Flyn has a vial of antiplague...not sure if I'm reading it correctly, but, since Ishmail has already contracted demon plague, wouldn't it allow him to roll two more saving throws and take the highest roll?
Kiboko |
I think Ishmail avoided the plague thanks to having mirror image up.
Flyndyngylyn |
Ah, thanks Kiboko, you're right, I missed that...
GM Batpony |
We're at a wrap! I'll provide chronicles before the weekend.
But if you need the information, you've received 2PP and 4360gp or 6045 if you're out of tier. we had an APL of 8 so we were playing within tier 7-8 the whole time.
Kiboko |
Thanks for running Batpony!
It was nice to get Mvumbu out of tunnels and sewers for a change :)
dayjob, survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
After the upcoming Gameday I will set up a game of 6-21 Tapestry's Toil, if you are still interested. This is tier 5-9 so Kramac will possibly too high level.
Flyndyngylyn |
Thanks, Batpony, fun as always. Enjoyed playing with everyone! I'll see Batpony, Kiboko, and Kramac when Retcon starts up next week...
Kiboko, Flyn would be interested in the Tapestry's Toil, if you have room...
GM Batpony |
Still interested! Just a bit distracted with my move to the states. A lot of paperwork / moving to be done. And I'm increasing my frequency of games here to wrap them up before I leave my groups.
On that same note I've started running book 4 for giantslayer and I'm really keen to run book 3 onwards for this group in the PFS setting. I think you guys facing giants is going to be really fun! But we can only start once everyone reaches level 10.
Kramac |
Kramac won't be able to play, but Ridley, my alchemist, recently hit level 5, so he could probably jump into that game.
I'd be down for book 3 of Giantslayer with Kramac. He'll be level 10 after the game day.
Ishmail Ibn Jad |
Many thanks for running.
Alchemy day job: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Alchemy day job, stars: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 5 = 21
I get 75gp due to the slush fund boon.
Kiboko |
I'm up for Giantslayer, but Kiboko isn't likely to reach level 10 for several months at the soonest. I do have a level 10 cleric available though (Nana).
I'll set up Tapestry's Toil after Gameday.
GM Batpony |
Giantslayer is in no rush!
And chronicles are uploaded here!
Apologies for the slight delay on my end, been preoccupied with family and relocation matters! I believe everything should be right, but do let me know if I need to make any corrections. I'm missing Martha's dayjob roll though.
And if any of you folks are going to any local cons in the States, do let me know! I'm actually quite keen to try my hand at some local play while I have the opportunity!
I'll close this thread in a few days and open a new one for Giantslayer after Kiboko's Tapestry Toil! See you guys at the special!
Flyndyngylyn |
Thanks Batpony, mine looks good. See y'all in Siege of the Diamond City...
Kiboko |
Looks like you missed my Day Job result off BP.
Martha and Ishmail, you are both welcome at Tapestry's Toil, I'll send you invites before looking to fill vacant spots on Flaxseed.
See you in the Diamond City :)
Ishmail Ibn Jad |
Tapestry's Toil is a great adventure but i have played it and run it several times. I could burn a star but I would rather give someone a chance to play it, especially given it links into the Hao Jin Cataclysm.
Kiboko |
Kiboko's chronicle is updated in the same link!
All good, cheers!
Kramac |
What part of the states are you in Batpony? I live in Houston - we actually have a convention coming up pretty soon - Owlcon in late February. I'm not 100% if I'll be able to go or not, but if you're anywhere nearby you should check it out.
Also, now that you're in the states I highly recommend a trip to Gencon at least once, though it tends to be a bit expensive and require you start planning around now. Maybe wait until next year when you might have a group of locals to make the trip with.
GM Batpony |
Midland,Texas! I'll only make my move down in March though but if you're going to any other cons around Texas, do let me know!
Kramac |
Ah cool! You're not too far away. Well in terms of the overall US. Still pretty far away objectively...