GM Axolotl's Maiden, Mother, Crone

Game Master Axolotl

"When Baba Yaga is approached without good preparation, sincerity, and due respect, she is dangerous. When too many questions (or the wrong questions) are asked, she is also dangerous. Only by maintaining pure heart and faith, proper respect for her as one's elder, and loving care of her creatures can the encounter be successful." - Dubravka Ugrešić

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[dice=Dez]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Anyanka]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Elbrynn]1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Yrja]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Orik]1d20 + 2[/dice]


[dice=Yrja]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Anyanka]1d20 + 12[/dice]
[dice=Elbrynn]1d20 + 25[/dice]
[dice=Dez]1d20 + 15[/dice]
[dice=Orik]1d20 + 13[/dice]

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Hmm. I might go for a fire sorcerer, then. Sounds like it might be a fun way to deal with all that ice break the ice.

GM Axolotl wrote:
...and tortured gothic lone wolf brooding orphan characters tend not to thrill.

For a second I thought we got to torture 'gothic-lone-wolf-brooding-orphan-characters'. Awwww, what a gyp! That's Mahb's specialty. :(

Hey Cathran! Long time, no see. :)

ahem, "self-tortured" characters. If two characters want to torture each other, hey, that's their business.

GM Runescarred Dragon wrote:
Hmm. I might go for a fire sorcerer, then. Sounds like it might be a fun way to deal with all that ice break the ice.

Not intending to shoot the wheels off your idea, but Braegan's all flamey. Big potential for conceptual overlap.

LOL! 'Consenting Adults' and all that, eh? :)

Viemos Kendahan wrote:

its obviously going to have to be reshaped but what do you think of this as a general backstory for my character(background can also be found on the alias profile)?

** spoiler omitted **...

Sounds fine--a zonk back to Lvl 1 and ties to Heldren would be necessary, of course. :)

Braegan. wrote:
GM Runescarred Dragon wrote:
Hmm. I might go for a fire sorcerer, then. Sounds like it might be a fun way to deal with all that ice break the ice.
Not intending to shoot the wheels off your idea, but Braegan's all flamey. Big potential for conceptual overlap.

Aww. I think my sorcerer would eventually wind up being able to be different enough, but for the first four or five levels, which is a lot in pbp, they'd be really similar. That's not fun.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dotting, was pointed this way by Stormraven.


And the whole Flame Oracle vs Fire Sorc. I don't really think a Flame Oracle could keep up, honestly. I rolled him as a cool hybrid to fill a gap, but I don't really want to play second fiddle, either.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hey bro. ;) *fistbump* Looking over stuff now.

Yeah, I completely understand that. General purpose casters carving out a niche by doing someone no-one else does, and then someone comes along with a specialist seldom ends well.

Here's a ranger I've been wanting to play for a good while instead, adapted to the circumstances. Full disclosure, I've played the first book of Reign of winter before, although it was a long time ago.

Segara Kvirale, Statblock:

CG Female Elven Witchguard Ranger 1
Init +3, Perception +7, LLV
AC 16, T 13, FF 13, CMD 15
Hp 11
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 (Warded Against Witchery)
Longsword +2 1d8+1
Longbow +4 1d8
Favored Enemy(Magical Beast) +2
Str 12, dex 17, con 10, int 17, wis 12, cha 10
BAB +1, CMB +2
Point Blank Shot
Pragmatic Activator, Warded Against Witchery
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge(Nature) +7, Knowledge(Planes) +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Use Magic Device +7
Elven Immunities, Elven Magic, Fey Thoughts(Acrobatics & Use Magic Device) Keen Senses, Track +1, Wild Empathy +1
Gear: Alchemical Silver Arrow, 20 Arrows, 20 Cold Iron Arrows, Cold Weather Outfit, Longbow, Longsword, Studded Leather Armor

Segara Kvirale and her brother, the wizard Nathanel, constitute an elven investigative task force, sent out to find the reason for the spreading cold, bring an end to it if they could, and report back to their elders if they could not. The pair worked well together, as always. She dealt with the practical side of thing, he dealt with the esoteric and magical. In that spirit, he went into the wilds to search for and study the source of the spreading cold, while she secured accomodation and learned what she could from the locals.

With him missing their deadline by at least a forthnight, and the weather growing nothing but colder, she's her worry is waxing. She longs, if not to follow him, then at least to do something.

She's accustomed to defending his brother as he weaves his magic, and indeed has retrieved training in magic above and beyond what you might expect a scout to have. They're twins, and has lived together for a very long time, in human years. Being seperated is uncomfortable, but it'll probably help her become her own person.

I would not at all mind for her search for her brother becomes a whole campaign-wide arc, depending on how road-trippy the whole thing is. I envision her always being a step behind Nethanel, only to catch up to him in a pivotal moment... Whether he'll provide some key plot-related insight in just the nick of time, or even has turned over to the enemy team and needs to be fought, I kind of want that to be a big moment, and won't mind spending the campaign finding clues of were he went, or tales of his passage ahead.

She's your steriotypical elven woman. Sleight of build, white hair and blue eyes, the whole deal.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hmm... GM, a question before I apply with this character in earnest:

What are your feelings on alignment and paladins and gods? I'm tempted by the idea of a divine hunter paladin of Skode, since it seems like a giant goddess could tie in to the campaign setting in cool, flavorful ways, but Skode is CG, and paladins, of course, must be LG. Would you permit an LG paladin of a CG god?

If not, I could always go Erastil for the god, it's just less.... interesting. To me, anyway.

As paladins get no benefits crunch-wise from their gods, I don't see how this would be game-breaking. If you were a cleric or warpriest...well, then you'd just be CG. :D

Looks apropos to me, since her portfolio includes "hunting evil".

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Thanks for the ruling! And after making you answer that, I went with, uh..... a divine hunter that is... not that at all. (Paizo, when will you stop naming things the exact same names as other things. T___T )

If I'm accepted, I'll make an alias, but in the meantime, here's the statblock and so forth:

Crunchy crunch:

Female NG Human (Kellid) hunter (divine hunter) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 26, 95)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3 (+5 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather, +2 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +5, Will +2; +4 trait bonus to resist cold conditions, +1 trait bonus vs. cold effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +2 (1d6+2) or
. . dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . longspear +2 (1d8+3/×3)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/×3)
Hunter (Divine Hunter) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, gravity bow, summon nature's ally I
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect poison, light, stabilize
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Opening Volley[UC], Point-Blank Shot
Traits restless wayfarer, tundra child (tundra or cold regions)
Skills Craft Scrimshaw, +2/+4 (with tools), Climb +5, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +6, Ride +2, Survival +6
Languages Common, Hallit, Skald
SQ animal companion (mastodon named Ila), animal focus (1 minutes/day), nature training, wild empathy +1
Other Gear studded leather, arrows (40), club, dagger, longbow, longspear, belt pouch, cold weather outfit, fishhook, flint and steel, furs, string or twine, torch, 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion (animal companion (mastodon named Ila)) (Ex) If no current companion, summon nature's ally spells last 1 min/level but only 1 at a time.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Animal Focus (1 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s). If no companion, +1 slots.
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Furs +2 Fort vs. Cold Weather (does not stack with Survival skill's bonuses)
Opening Volley Successful ranged attack grants +4 on next melee attack roll
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

(I have a good deal more gear purchased, but her animal companion will, under normal circumstances, be carrying it, so I'll share that if I'm accepted. Or I can send you the full HL file if you prefer.)

She will be a primarily ranged combatant, but Opening Volley is there to give her a nice little edge in switch-hitting as needed, and to help tide her over to Level 2, since I refuse to take Precise Shot now when I'm gonna get it for free at Level 2. >___<


A bunch of talking about backstory and such:

The Kellid people have a long history of displacement, having been pushed north by everyone from the Ulfen warriors, to the Irrisen witches, to even demons, when the lands of Sarkoris erupted into a pit to the abyss. They are mostly nomadic, hunting across the frozen north in the lands where even the Ulfen don't bother trying to set up homes. Chiquq is in some ways an archetypal daughter of her people-- she knows well how to live off the land, how to survive deep snows, and how to hunt both the caribou and seals of the north-- but also those creatures less natural, the witch-kin and ice trolls and other such horrors.

Though she doesn't particularly NEED the benefits of civilization, Chiquq has become fond of them in her way: she travels south (well, what qualifies for south to her; it's still in the far north of the world as far as most people in the Inner Sea are concerned) to trade such things as mammoth ivory, furs, and walrus tusks for the benefits of the south-lands-- bolts of cloth, spices, alcohol... She also works as a guide and scout for those who must travel across the northern lands, seeing them safely through the dangerous tundra and steppes.

Chiquq is, whenever possible, in the company of a not-fully-grown mammoth named Ila, which she has trained as a beast of burden and loyal companion. She found the baby mammoth surrounded by wolves, the rest of its herd gone, and drove off the predators. The little mammoth had been hamstrung by the wolves, but calling on her belief in the goddess Skode, Chiquq prayed that the little one would be healed, and they have been together ever since. Her worship of Skode is one of the things that sets her somewhat apart among the Kellids: while she is not the only Kellid to worship one of the giant-gods, it is rare enough that her family and village regard this with some mild confusion and wariness. But Chiquq has felt drawn to the Horizon Huntress ever since she was young, and imagined that she saw a tall, powerful woman striding through the snow wastes of the coast. She sees signs of Skode's favor in the omens of nature around her, and in the fact that Ila stays close to her. There is a family rumor that there may be a bit of giant blood, a number of generations back, and it's true Chiquq is a bit on the tall side... perhaps it is true, and Skode has extended a little blessing to a distant giant-born?

In personality, Chiquq is best described as a fairly friendly, optimistic person with a bawdy sense of humor and a fondness for strong drink. She loves hearing stories of the rest of the world, the more outlandish the better, and trades whoppers of her own. She never feels so alive as when she is hunting; she carves little scrimshaw mementos of her more memorable kills.

As for why Chiquq would be in Taldor: See the Enemy NPC below-- I imagine she was bringing home the survivors of the expedition/looking for more expeditions that might seek to go north.

Let me if know if there's any questions or anything I haven't addressed satisfactorily.

Goals and NPCs:
Goal: To hunt and kill a significant beast (or threat to her people) and take the trophy home;
Or - to have her worship of Skode be accepted by her tribe.
NPCs -
(friend) An Ulfen named Erik Blackspear - A brave Ulfen warrior whose village Chiquq has passed through more than once, and with whom she's been, shall we say friendly, more than once as well. Theirs is both an amicable business relationship-- she brings travelers through his village, leading to trade and profit for them both, and he provides hospitality and a safe waypoint north-- and a personal friendship, founded on mutual respect and liking and the fact that it's nice to share bedfurs on a cold night.
(neutral) Sezra - a jadwiga witch who, despite her loyalty to the Irrisen throne, is of a relatively open mind.... enough so that she is willing to trade, for both material goods and for rumors of what goes on in the southlands. Chiquq has a wary, respectful relationship with her-- she fears the witches of Irrisen as a rule, but Sezra has always dealt honorably with her thus far.
(enemy) - Sir Darron Hillsfar - a minor noble of Taldor. His son was traveling to the northlands on a hunting expedition, as the great beasts of the north are quite the rage right now in Taldor social circles. Chiquq was contracted as a guide for the expedition. However, things did not go smoothly; Darron Jr. repeatedly ignored Chiquq's advice on the expedition, saying that he knew how to hunt far better than a mere savage woman... ultimately, his arrogance cost him his life, gored by one of the mammoths he sought to hunt. Chiquq has written this off as nature doing what it will, and hasn't lost any sleep over it, but Darron Sr. blames her for the death of his son and has sworn vengeance before she can leave for the north again...

Do you play with encumbrance?

Viemos has been updated, except his background. Let me know if you have any issues you want me to fix.

Yep, I do use encumbrance. I usually like to input everything in HeroLab just to check everything, but also use my brainz in case HL has a slipup. :)

... when his brainz is not being used as a doorstop. Obviously. ;P

GM Axolotl wrote:
Yep, I do use encumbrance. I usually like to input everything in HeroLab just to check everything, but also use my brainz in case HL has a slipup. :)

Well drat I'm going to have to redo my equipment then...Do you run with coin weight as well? The downside of playing a character with only 12 strength...I'm currently 22 lbs over weight with no coin wait factored in.

Ahem--gosh, no, I do -not- run with coin weight. Never liked that rule. As if anyone in any part of history traveled with all of their money across the world.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

...some refugees probably have! Of course, having a bank system that extends across countries helps us with that.

But I just assume that, much as we do not travel with hundreds of single dollar bills, the larger coin values are converted into gems/similar, with a negligible weight to value ratio.

Excellent and timely point. I stand corrected.

Without getting too deep into politics, their money tends to disappear on the way and upon border crossing...I know someone who had to flee Uganda, and they started out with a bag of things, a car, and got out with nothing, as the army relieved them of their possessions along the way.

...annnyhow, (shutting up now), I visualize scrip. :D

I'm definitely interested in this! I'm going to try and put something appropriate together!

Edit: Looking at putting together a Hunter, which I think would be appropriate, all considered. Hopefully? Either that, or a slayer. Definitely looking at focusing on the ranged options.

Grand Lodge

Dotting. I'm so pumped that recruitment opened up! This game looks so exciting. I saw that you weren't fond of gunslingers but is the Bolt Ace archetype acceptable?
I've read the players guide and love the winter setting. Thinking Traditionalist part-time witchhunter native of Heldren with an obsession of meat, a distaste for magic and a fondness for woodcrafting and the simple life in general.

Bolt Ace is an interesting archetype; no problems there. :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

*pours champagne for self and all the other hopefuls*

*Brings around a tray of ... whatever it is you pair with champagne.*

Bah, champagne. Go with prosecco!

Not that Mahb would drink either. She exists on angels' tears and the shattered hopes of children.

If anyone else is trying to wrap up your submissions, you have until the...witching hour! I apologize, I haven't had a lot of time to comment on the submissions in the last day or so, but there's some good stuff out there.

I will make my official announcement on Monday. Please understand that being rejected doesn't mean your character is "bad"; it's one of those complicated mixes of fluff, crunch, flavor, party compatibility, and so forth. May Desna smile upon you.

Working on fixing background now. Axolotl is it going to be a big deal if I don't fix the encumbrance issue right now? I will if selected for sure.

EDIT: There background has been updated. I hope you enjoy the changes I have made.

Thank you all for your submissions. I really appreciate the thought you took in creating your characters, and it is never easy to decide on just one slot.

With that being said, let us welcome Chiqug, character of Dien, to join the heroes of Heldren. Congratulations! And thanks for everyone's interest.

Players: when you have a profile, feel free to dot in in the Gameplay thread. I will start with some Prologue to assemble our characters.

Excellent! Where's the Gameplay thread?! (the tab at the top of this page says it's not active.)

Heh. Details.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Woot! Exciting. Thanks for having me, GM. Hey, Eben and SR, we actually all get to PLAY together, le gasp. ;)

I'll make an alias for Chiquq.

Agreed. This will be fun.

Yup, yup. I think this is the first time we've all been players together. Very cool!

Hello potential players! I'm bumping this to the top. Regrettably, our arcane caster has disappeared from the boards. (A very flavorful white haired witch.) I'd love to find a replacement and get us back to 1/day posting speed. We are early yet in the game--just entered the snowy wood. Roles currently held are:

Flame oracle
Fighter dip going to investigator
Hunter with a mammoth buddy
Barbarian going to barb/druid multiclass

I am on mobile, so my replies may be briefer than I would like.
Still looking for:
Non evil, 20 point but, no gunslingers/summoners
One campaign trait, one other trait
150 gp plus a free potion if you list important NPCs
(I am summarizing my initial post, which may be more accurate)

So, bring on your submissions! And yes, while arcane caster is probably what we need, I will look at other classes. Just bear in mind an arcane caster -probably- would be advantageous. Thanks!

Hey Paizonians,

We just lost our melee pyrokineticist kinetic knight, and the party would like one Level 5 melee tank/damage dealer. We are about to ascend to 5th level, having reached Whitethrone in the second book, The Shackled Hut.

We tend to post 1/day, with delays understood for weekends, vacation, life pressures. The current party is:

Tiefling investigator with fighter dip, rapier DEX build
Tiefling witch, hexing and casting
Half-orc cleric, Hinterlander bow build plus Growth domain to embiggen melee person
Human Kellid Hunter (divine hunter) with Megaloceros animal companion (her dear mammoth was slain, but there was a rather moving ritual to find a new A.C.)

Characters do not need to be from Heldren. Irrisenis are fine, as are unusual races at the GM's consideration, if you can make it fit.

Build requirements
Non evil, 20 point but, no summoners (we'll have 5 characters and an animal companion and the occasionally scouting familiar, so summonings will be too complicated). I was originally against gunslingers but I'll be ok with that--but bear in mind we prefer a melee character, having two ranged combatants in the party.

One campaign trait, one other trait. If the campaign traits do not fit as you're not from Heldren, let me know. I think they still will.

10 minute background nets you 1 level 3 potion.
You will start with 6000 gp + Automatic Bonus Progression. This means you don't need the Big Six.

Our players write flavorful posts and are engaged in the story, and so am I! :) Our pyrokineticist will be written out in a satisfying way. I do not mind non-combat ways to surpass an obstacle; I also increase CR as needed or remove things that don't make sense to me. Looking forward to finding that one fighter/paladin/ranger/barb/etc who can speak softly (or loudly) and swing a big axe/club/earthbreaker etc--but can also contribute in some way, even if just via dialogue, out of combat (I know, pally's are short on skill points.)

I’ve got a changeling bloodrager originally made for RoW I could level up to fit the specifications.

Posting with her alias to give a general feel for her character.

Hi Axo, I have some ideas :) will post later

Posting interest. Pondering ideas.

Edit: Considering running with this Alias. It would need a slight rebuild to accommodate the different campaign and build rules, but is loads of RP fun and is good with people (traumatic brain injury changed his personality, lol!)

10-Minute Background:
Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

1. Gardock was formerly a vicious but cunning warchief of the Iron Tusk Clan, a violent tribe of orcish raiders in the frozen north.
2. His cruelty to even his own kin made him infamous amongst his tribe. And that sort of infamy breeds fear. One evening, after a raid, one of his men ambushed him and buried an axe in his skull. They then left him for dead. But he proved to be not so easily slain...
3. Shortly thereafter, he came to. Reflexively he removed the axe from his head, resulting in him passing out once again. When he awoke again, the trauma to his brain had run its course. Where before he was violent, clever, and cruel, now everything was a game to him and he often makes an oxen look clever by comparison!
4. He has spent some time wandering. He’s been duped, fought, enslaved, escaped, and more that he can’t even remember. Through it all, he tends to consider those he travels with as pets rather than companions and friends, and protects them fiercely!
5. Groog (as he is now known) is terrible with names. And words. And money. And most things that requires more than two brain cells to do properly. He needs adult supervision most of the time to avoid stupid mistakes or accidental mischief.

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1. Character Goal - Groog is of simple desires personally. All he wants is a comfortable rock to rest his head on.
2. Player Goal - To one day regain his memory (if he ever can reach Intelligence 10) and gain revenge on his tribe mates that betrayed him.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1. Secret He Knows - Groog stole his weapon from a mercenary he traveled with. He liked it. It was sharp and good at “Smashy” (his term for fighting things). But he has heard stealing is bad. So he left a nice feather he found as trade.
2. Gardock (Groog) was actually supposed to be the next chieftain of the Iron Tusk Clan!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1. Jorgun - This is the orc that led the ambush betrayal on Gardock, and is now acting Chief of the Iron Tusk Clan!
2. (Whoever is the Guard Captain/Sheriff of Heldren - has had more than one run in with Groog when the big oaf has wandered into town.
3. Sonya Fjordborn - a waitress at the local tavern. She is a beautiful young red haired woman who Groog protected from a handsy patron one time. He was arrested, but Sonya paid his damages and bail and now acts as his “guardian” when he is in town.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1. He is terrible with names, and often mispronounces them or gives people nicknames he can understand.
2. He is terrible with the concept of money, and is easily conned if not supervised.
3. He collects heads/trophies of people/monsters he slays. He tends to wear them as jewelry in the form of a necklace or belt. To him, this is a prized possession that he has, at times, given as a gift to people he cares a lot for or if he feels he owes a BIG debt.

Silver Crusade

I have a concept for a dragon disciple Failed Winter Witch Apprentice that I’ve been wanting to use. She should be able to fulfill the rolls mentioned, though she will also be a damn good grappler.

Grand Lodge

I have a concept for an Ulfen Viking I'd like to try out. I've never worked with the Automatic Bonus Progression before, so that will be new for me.

Alright, Ylbanna is nearly updated, I just need to add items and update the background.

Grand Lodge

Brother_Guiness wrote:
I have a concept for an Ulfen Viking I'd like to try out. I've never worked with the Automatic Bonus Progression before, so that will be new for me.

For backstory reasons, has the party encountered any Ulfen tribes who might have a reason to owe them a debt of honor or some other favor?


How did Ylbanna get to Irrisen?


There was an Ulfen barbarian that left the party, and an Ulfen fighter in Heldren. One or the other could be worked through somehow, although it might take some handwaving.

Okay, here is a character from Brother Guiness, the Ulfen Viking "Argentus Skyreaver". His backstory is in the alias profile, and a detailed character sheet is linked in his profile.

Thanks for your consideration.

I could join with this guy (Uthred son of Uthred), but level him down to the group's APL... I have played this adventure in PFS before so this would be 'not for credit' for me and just a cameo to help you all finish the book.

Silver Crusade

Here is my submission in the link

I hope you enjoy and find her to your liking! I consider her submission done though I may make some tweaks here and there, especially if you have any feedback, GM.

Thank you for the consideration <3

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