GM Auke's Among the Living (Inactive)

Game Master Auke Teeninga


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Famed Pathfinder Bodriggan Wuthers disappeared from his dig site beneath the House of the Immortal Son in Taldor's gilded capital of Oppara. Once a grand temple to Aroden, the Immortal Son is now Oppara's most opulent theater. Sent to locate Wuthers, the Pathfinders must attend an opera with members of the Oppara elite in order to gain access to the secretive theater's dig site. When a cult crashes the performance and the nobility change into hideous walking dead, the Pathfinders are forced to choose between finding Wuthers or saving themselves.

Written by Joshua J. Frost

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

Muluk al-Zadari checking in. He is a 2nd level cavalier/3rd level paladin.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inquisitor 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20/14/17 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 | SM: +12 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 19 | +1 Adamantine Longspear +8; 1d8+5 | Mwk Composite Longbow +6; 1d8+3

Talwin will be 5th as well. I updated his character sheet, but must do the same for his paizo profile later tonight.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

Targost leveled up!! Getting closer to Arcane Archer!!

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Tywin and Graxus reporting for duty.

A week ago, you were seated in the main hall of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, waiting for the arrival of Absalom’s newest Venture-Captain, a tall, red-haired Varisian woman named Eliza Petulengro. Renowned for her composure under pressure and the author of more than two dozen Pathfinder Chronicles entries, she appeared in the hall suddenly, a stack of chronicles in her arms, and looked you over before speaking.

“My greatest pupil, Pathfinder Bodriggan Wuthers, has gone missing. He followed a cleric contact back to Wuthers’s home city of Oppara to work on a massive dig beneath the House of the Immortal Son, Oppara’s famed opera house and once temple to the dead god, Aroden. That was a year ago. He sent monthly reports, hoping to see their publication in a chronicle, before all contact dried up a few months back. I’m worried something has gone wrong, and the Society has a vested interest in the artifact he was researching and seeking. We want you to travel to Oppara and find Wuthers. We’d like to know exactly what he was seeking, too, since he neglected to inform us through his monthly correspondence. He hinted only that the cleric of Irori he was working with told him the object was the world’s greatest ‘living’ artifact—whatever that means.”

“I have a few tidbits of information to pass to you before you go: the House of the Immortal Son is nearly impossible to access. It took Wuthers months and countless bribes to get where he did. For you, I have a much simpler idea. Go to an opera, wait for an opportunity, and then exploit it to find Wuthers and his dig site.”

“Be sure to wear something festive—the Taldan nobility are arrogant on their best days and if you arrive at the opera dressed like that,” she waves her hands at you, “they’ll surely lose your tickets or regret to inform you that the opera house is oversold.”

“Go and report back to me directly upon your return to Absalom.”

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Tywin is a half-elf dressed in slaves tatters while his fiery companion (though master would be a more accurate discription), Graxus, is a fiery demonic beast with four legs and a set of strong arms.

Tywin has the sense that Eliza is speaking directly to him. "B-b-but master Eliza... Tywin has no clothes besides these." He looks to his Graxus through cowered eyes. "Unless master allows Tywin to buy new clothes? It is required for the mission after all...?" He dares to say with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Dark Archive

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14

The demonic beast laughs long and hard. "Don't be rediculous Tywin. Even in the most fanciest clothes they will still sniff you out for what you are."
Graxus turns to Eliza and asks "Are you sure this is the best way to get in? Perhaps we could find this cleric of Irori and put him to the question?"

Eliza looks both at Tywin and Graxus and sighs...

“I'm beginning to doubt if you both are the right choice for this mission.”

Dark Archive

Half-Elf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 | HP 34/34 | AC 16; Tch 16; FF 10 | F +4; R +9; W +3 | CMB+5; CMD 21 | Speed 30 ft | Init +7 | +1 Double-Barreled Musket +8/+8 (1d12+11) | Perc +15

A young half-elf stretches before removing his hat to speak with the new venture captain.

So we're going to a party, and a fancy one at that? sounds like fun.
Do you have a description of Wuthers or this cleric he was working with?

"There's a portrait of him in a couple of Pathfinder Chronicles describing his amazing finds, which include the fabled Azlanti musical instrument 'Garls Harp'. I'm sure you can aquire a copy."

"Your ship will leave in about an hour, so you better hurry to the harbor. I'm sure you can buy anything you'll need in Oppara. Some suitable festive clothes for example"

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

Muluk nods and does as he is bidden, though the prospect of wearing finery in place of his comfortable desert robes fills him with apprehension. He gives Graxus a sidelong glance, raising a curious eyebrow and unconsciously shifting his hand to his scimitar.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

"Well for once I am not late! That is a good omen! Looks like we will need to make a few purchases before we depart. Oh, and greetings to you. I am Targost, archer and sorcerer."

The half-elf bows to the new members of the group.

Dark Archive

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14

Graxus sighs in resignation "Fine, I will dress Tywin up like a pretty little monkey."

Tywin meanwhile is very excited about the prospect of getting some fine clothes. "Ooh glorious master, Tywin is getting something nice to wear!"

You set sail and after a few days journey you arrive in Oppara, the magnificent capital of Taldor.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

Throughout the journey, Muluk watches Graxus like a hawk, never taking his eyes off the demonic beast. He makes no secret of his distaste nor distrust.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inquisitor 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20/14/17 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 | SM: +12 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 19 | +1 Adamantine Longspear +8; 1d8+5 | Mwk Composite Longbow +6; 1d8+3

The tall, broad-shouldered man fixes each of the newcomers with an iron gaze. After a few moments, he seems satisfied, nods, then greets each cordially.

"Talwin is my name, servant of Abadar. My friends and I were recently assigned to the River Kingdoms. A place called Thornkeep. No fancy balls, weddings, or operas there. This should be a welcome change. Don't worry about me among society. My work as a tax clerk has brought me into contact with a great many wealthy patrons."

All leveled up to 5th! Just need to print chronicle and go over purchases. Not sure if enchanting a weapon or boosting my AC would be more valuable right off...

Liberty's Edge

male Human/Shoanti Barbarian 1/Cleric of Gorum 3 \33/36 _HP+0 nonlethal dmg | 18/16 AC/raging | 12/10 T | 16/14 Ff | Fort+7/Ref+3/Will+4(+2 Fort and Will while raging) Perception:+6

Checking in!!!! Sorry so late, rough couple of days at work. will finish leveling Ebon up tomorrow.
A large Shoanti with a battered breastplate meets them at the ship.
" Sorry I am late, Targost, Talwin. Muluk." He says with a nod as he joins them.
" Spent extra time at the temple trying to rid myself of this black cloud that has been following me lately."

Still can't believe a GOBLIN beat me down like that...

Looking at the other Society members on this mission, he remains passive, though his eyebrows raise at the sight of the four armed creature.
"Hunh. Looks to be an interesting trip..."

"Umm. Maybe you should help me find suitable outer wear, Talwin. Ima probably stick out like this guy will."
He says pointing at Graxus.

Dark Archive

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14

"All you monkeys look alike to me, no mater how many tatters you put on yourself." Graxus grumbles.

"Here's some coin Tywin now be off and grab some clothes. One of you other monkeys can dress him. Don't summon me until you are in the opera house." He says and in a burst of flame he disappears. The remaining fireball gets sucked into the red gem in the middle of Tywin's forehead.

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

"Y-y-yes master Graxus!" Tywin manages to say before the Graxus disappears and the flames get sucked in the gem on Tywin's forehead, which now burns white-hot.
Tywin slaps the gem on his forehead screaming "Ouch ouch ouch hot hot hot"
He sticks his fingers in his mouth afterwards trying to cool them.

After a while he pulls his fingers out of his mouths he becomes enthusiastic again as he weighs the bag of gold coins.
"Where shall we go for the pretty clothes friends?" He says with a big smile on his head.

Dark Archive

Half-Elf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 | HP 34/34 | AC 16; Tch 16; FF 10 | F +4; R +9; W +3 | CMB+5; CMD 21 | Speed 30 ft | Init +7 | +1 Double-Barreled Musket +8/+8 (1d12+11) | Perc +15

why do i always get the weird ones?

pokey looks for some fancy, billowy clothes. he is going to try and slight of hand his weapons into the opera.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

", what was that?", Targost asks after the display of the fire and gem in the guy's head!

With some effort you make your way to one of the more exclusive stores in Oppara. You are greeted by a store clerk that is very willing to help you!

"Hello! Foreigners I assume, concidering your 'attire'. How can I help you today?"

Dark Archive

Half-Elf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 | HP 34/34 | AC 16; Tch 16; FF 10 | F +4; R +9; W +3 | CMB+5; CMD 21 | Speed 30 ft | Init +7 | +1 Double-Barreled Musket +8/+8 (1d12+11) | Perc +15

good day! I'm attending a party soon and unfortunately didn't pack my formal wear. so i need something a little loose, i don't like feeling constrained.

"Hmmm... How soon is soon?"

Your contact has given you tickets to tomorrow's premiere of the opera 'Amongst the Living'

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inquisitor 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20/14/17 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 | SM: +12 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 19 | +1 Adamantine Longspear +8; 1d8+5 | Mwk Composite Longbow +6; 1d8+3

"My good sir, as you can see we are just arrived. Due to a slight delay, and other unforeseen circumstances we are in rather a hurry. Our engagement is tomorrow evenin. Nothing too fancy, but we must look presentable! I know good tailors need time, so if are unable to help us we understand. If so, perhaps you could direct us to a purveyor of ready-made clothes? I really don't know if that's a thing in Golarion Perhaps they wouldn't pass muster in Oppara, though in Andoran they are catching on quite nicely..."

I'm guessing we're looking at the equivalent of courtier's outfits, at 80 GP each?

"Six costumes, in such short notice... It's going to be hard!"

The shop clerk thinks for a moment.

"I could adjust some of last years collection to fit you. I would suggest some nice jewelry and accessories to update the outfit to the current fashion."

You're indeed looking at the equivalent of courtier's outfits, at 80 GP each.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

Targost tries on his 'outfit' and, after a little adjustment, pays the tailor.

"This will do fine. I just wonder how we will be able to bring anything we might need in with us? Perhaps I could unstring my bow and use it as a walking staff? Any ideas friends?"

Dark Archive

Half-Elf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 | HP 34/34 | AC 16; Tch 16; FF 10 | F +4; R +9; W +3 | CMB+5; CMD 21 | Speed 30 ft | Init +7 | +1 Double-Barreled Musket +8/+8 (1d12+11) | Perc +15

After paying for his new outfit, Pokey finishes adjusting his clothes to hide his bandolier.
well it doesn't seem like it'll be to hard. Maybe grab an Efficient Quiver?

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

"Oh that is a gem which serves as a portal for master Graxus comes through to this plane." Tywin answers as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

Inside the shop Tywin can't hold back his enthusiasm as he gets his fine clothes.
"Oh glorious, a real outfit for Tywin!

Oh friend Targost, I have an idea! We could get all the weapons, put them in a large sack and give it to master Graxus. When he is re-summoned he will bring them back. But... there is one problem. He did say he didn't want to be disturbed. Perhaps if we please him with the soul of an innocent. Hmm but where could we find one on such short notice... Perhaps a small cat or puppy would be a good sacrifice." Tywin says and looks outside if he can find any cats or dogs.

First: I don't know if using your Eidelon as a Extradimentional storing unit works. It seems that during the playtest it was ruled all equipment would drop to the floor when the Eidelon dissapeared. Second: Even if this would work, would Graxus allow himself to be used as a packmule?

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

Muluk pays for his outfit, grumbling to himself when he realizes that he will be without his beloved scimitar. He buys some simple jewelry to accentuate the look (20 gp worth).

"Well, they will probably allow a nice ceremonial weapon and armor if you own a proper title that would give you the right to bear those."

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Well Tywin of course doesn't know this since he isn't that smart. I believe it was the original rule in the playtest, but it dissapeared from the section in the latest version and there is no faq yet. My eidolon does carry gear (sword, saddle and belt of str) do those go with him upon dismissal? Graxus probably will slap Tywin around a bit then dismiss himself again if asked to carry stuff around (he is angry enough he has to carry Tywin about). He is nobody's packmule :P. I think that makes the situation a lot easier.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

"Mmm?" Muluk considers for a moment, "Well, I am a Trade Prince."

Muluk al-Zadari wrote:
"Mmm?" Muluk considers for a moment, "Well, I am a Trade Prince."

A title as Trade Prince will probably (Barring a failed Diplomacy) allow entry with your studded leather under your outfit and your (peacebonded) scimitar.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

Would it be possible to purchase an efficient quiver at such short notice (assuming I have enough money, that is!)

Oppara is the capital of Taldor. As long as you have the right amount of fame getting a quiver is no problem!

Liberty's Edge

male Human/Shoanti Barbarian 1/Cleric of Gorum 3 \33/36 _HP+0 nonlethal dmg | 18/16 AC/raging | 12/10 T | 16/14 Ff | Fort+7/Ref+3/Will+4(+2 Fort and Will while raging) Perception:+6

It takes Ebon a moment to assimilate and respond to the Tailor, as he keeps being distracted by the dirty little man and his Demon...
"Ummm. Mayhap I could go as somebody's guard?"
He asks as he shrugs, pointing to his Greatsword and Earthbreaker looming over his shoulders.
" I don' think I can hide them very well...."
Could you stuff Greatsword or earthbreakers in a handy haversack? I have one on my chronicles i could buy...
" As for clothing, well, do you have somethin' that'll show my tattoos?"
He grins flexing and pointing to the skull motif on his arms and shoulders.
" Something sleeveless perhaps?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

Once we have our clothes, Targost will track down a place to purchase an Efficient Quiver, if that is ok.

A quiver is reasonably small and can (with a little effort) be hidden under some loose fitting clothes. A haversack is quite bulky and would probably not get in. You could have a spellcaster cast shrink item on them for 150 gp.

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

"Oh darn it, no cats or dogs to be seen. I guess someone else already got to them" Tywin says disappointingly.

"I'm afraid I will have to give up my weapons then."

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

Targost comes back with his new quiver and shows the party.

"I could take a few other weapons in this along with my bow."

Here is the description of the quiver...
This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible.

The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape As a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 6 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it.

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Could a lance fit in there? I'm guessing it will be too long...

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inquisitor 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20/14/17 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 | SM: +12 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 19 | +1 Adamantine Longspear +8; 1d8+5 | Mwk Composite Longbow +6; 1d8+3

Talwin selects a nice ring and a few other pieces to accentuate his outfit.

He then looks at Targost:

"Well, I should at least let you take my bow and arrows with us. A lack of armor is concerning, but nothing we haven't dealt with before! Maybe it would be worth having someone shrink one of my longspears. But my dagger...It seems even the fashionable carry them around often?"

Not sure on Taldan customs/scenarios limitations re: daggers. Also, the efficient quiver seems to work for normal spears and staffs, but reach weapons may be too big, as you said Tywin. GM's call though.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

"Do not worry about armor, as I have magic which will afford us some protection. Now as to that spear and a lance...."

Yup..Dm's call lol"

Lance, Longspear, earthbreaker, two-handers are all too long to fit in the quiver, but if you stack all armour and weapons on one pile, you can have an NPC wizard cast shrink item on the pile (IMO) and have everything available if you need it. (but you have to unshrink all items at once by dropping the 'cloth'...)

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Sounds like a good suggestion. If it only costs 150 gold to have a wizard do it, we could all get our stuff inside easy peasy.

"Well I can summon a monster or two to aid us in combat when it starts. Though I found they are not very sturdy."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inquisitor 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20/14/17 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 | SM: +12 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 19 | +1 Adamantine Longspear +8; 1d8+5 | Mwk Composite Longbow +6; 1d8+3

"That may well buy us the time we need to re-equip ourselves. I don't suppose that your demonic "master" can be counted on to fight if needed?"

I'm for shrinking the pile. We can use mage armor if need be in a pinch. After last time, I have around 4,800 GP available. I want to at least buy a ring of protection +1. I have a judgement that allows my weapon to count as magic for bypassing DR. Does this also allow me to hit incorporeals? If not, I'd better enchant a weapon.

Talwin Bernhold wrote:
"your demonic "master""

Well, some people are a slave to their own inner demons...

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