First Steps-Part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master fine_young_misanthrope

We're playing through first steps!

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Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

@Calogero: Just to let you know, but the Perception DC to identify *ANY* potion is a flat 25 :-/

Liberty's Edge

CG Male Musetouched Aasimar Swashbuckler1
Looking for ship in Absalom harbour:
Init +3; AC18, Touch13, FF15, CMD15; hp 2/10; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0; Perception:+0 (darkvision 60 ft)

According to PRD:
Identify the powers of a potion through taste 15 + the potion's caster level
Or does this mean you need to consume whole potion to understand what it does?

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Huh. My apologies - I could have sworn it was a flat 25. That makes Perception *even more* valuable :-)

Hans dips his finger into each potion vial, and tastes it.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17.

"I think the pink ones are healing potions, and the blue one is a swimming draught; I don't know what the yellow one is."

He then proceeds to feed the pink ones to Calogero.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7.

Liberty's Edge

Rusthedge dice set up Rusthedge Map

Calogero is alive. He might not want to be, he's had his pockets rummaged through, and he's in pretty rough shape. What would the group like to do now?

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Well, other than rummaging through the pockets of our attackers, head back to the Lodge, and report in?

Liberty's Edge

CG Male Musetouched Aasimar Swashbuckler1
Looking for ship in Absalom harbour:
Init +3; AC18, Touch13, FF15, CMD15; hp 2/10; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0; Perception:+0 (darkvision 60 ft)

"Huh... Thank you, Hans and you, Karuut.. I missed that blow coming. And then there was no place to step back. Stupid mistake!" he slowly took all of his belongings and walked behind others.

To the Lodge we go

Grand Lodge

Male Human | HP 10 | AC 15 | FF 12 | TCH 13 | Per + 1| Init +9 Magus 1

To the lodge.

Dark Archive

Female Aasimar Ranger 1 HP 12/12 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | Perc +5 | Fort +3 | Refl +4 | Will +1 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 30' | Init +4 |

Senne turns to head out to the lodge, following the group.

The Exchange

Str: 20 Con: 16, +6 HP
Pitborn Tiefling | HP 25/25 | AC 18 | FF 12 | TCH 16 | Per +5 | Init +2 | F/R/W: 5/2/1
Rage Rounds 8/8

Karuut, spits on the ones who tried to skewer him, and blast him with violet ad ruby shades.

Hmph, weaklings should have never tested my strength

Karuut, heads back to the lodge with the others...this had better be the final "errand", otherwise others heads may roll.

Liberty's Edge

Rusthedge dice set up Rusthedge Map

In the attackers pockets you fine a elixir of hiding and some money. They don't have much, but you leave the bodies to be dealt with later. You head back to the lodge, and approach Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin. He looks up at you, grabs a stack of four letters, and says Report! in his gruff voice.

The Exchange

Str: 20 Con: 16, +6 HP
Pitborn Tiefling | HP 25/25 | AC 18 | FF 12 | TCH 16 | Per +5 | Init +2 | F/R/W: 5/2/1
Rage Rounds 8/8

Karuut, in a growling-like voice, turn to the VC, and snarls a bit...if out of instinct, then lets one of the other more well versed folks talk.

Liberty's Edge

Rusthedge dice set up Rusthedge Map

Valsin glares at Karuut, but waits for the rest of the group to talk.

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Since no-one else has said anything...

Hans shrugs.

"Well, we retrieved some documents from down near the docks for Guaril, fighting off some rats in the process; we then proved that Auntie was running a crooked orphanage for Olysta; after that, we dealt with some puzzle chests for Salhar, retrieving the permission to investigate the crypts in Sothis; from there, we went and saw Zarta - it seems she was hoping you would visit her personally, but after dealing with a little devil, we retrieved the item you were after."

Almost as an after-thought, he adds:

"On the way back, we were ambushed by a bunch of thugs - it was the last mistake they will ever make."

Liberty's Edge

Rusthedge dice set up Rusthedge Map

Valsin seems not not be paying too much attention to Hans as he give his report, right up until he mentions the Zarta She mentioned me.... WELL, good work Pathfinders. You did a great job today. The ambush is the only thing I didn't get a formal report on. He waves the stack of papers in his hand Go turn in what you found, get some rest and chow, and we'll see what you have to do next. DISMISSED!

And that's the end. Thanks for playing!

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Thanks for running it :-)

Liberty's Edge

CG Male Musetouched Aasimar Swashbuckler1
Looking for ship in Absalom harbour:
Init +3; AC18, Touch13, FF15, CMD15; hp 2/10; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0; Perception:+0 (darkvision 60 ft)


Dark Archive

Female Aasimar Ranger 1 HP 12/12 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | Perc +5 | Fort +3 | Refl +4 | Will +1 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 30' | Init +4 |


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