TheJim's page

3 posts (114 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Woke up this morning (I'm running on UK time) and decided I'd rather change Dust to be a woman. Seems like a better fit to me.

Dust is a hocus with an innocent face and burning eyes. He wears tattered vestments concealing a graceful body.

Dust creates whacked out electronic music which his followers party to under the influence of whatever crazy drugs they can find as a means to contact whatever psychic weirdness is out there.
People from the surrounding area might like to come to our parties to get f@+#ed up and have a good time but for my 20 or so followers it's also a ritualistic experience.

Stats: cool +1, hard -1, hot +1, sharp 0, weird +2.

Followers are my scene and come with me when I travel.

They are involved in successful commerce: +1fortune
They are joyous and celebratory: surplus +party

They aren't really mine, more like I'm theirs: want judgement instead of want desertion
They are drug fixated: surplus +stupour

Moves: fortunes, charismatic, divine protection.

Hi, I saw your post on Reddit too and would like to join if there's space left at the table. Never played AW but have been listening to any APs I can get hold of and have a decent understanding of the rules.