Fallout - Twin Cities (Apocalypse World) (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

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Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

yeah, been resisting the uege to eat a grenade in front of people, Tazmanian devil style

Just posting to let you guys know I'm watching this drama with bated breath! And since Seth hasn't gotten around to disabling the security camera in the gift shop, just the pharmacy, the BBEG is watching too.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Seth frowns as he stands between the two men, waiting for one to respond.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Vonya huffs and puffs loudly, still staring unwaveringly into the eyes of Francis, waiting for a response.

I'll give Francis another day, and by this time tomorrow if he hasn't acted, I'll bot him as I think his character would act, assuming the player is dealing with some RL business.

Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5

While we are waiting, could I draw attention to the Read a Sitch roll a few posts ago?

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○
Volcano wrote:
"An' as for YOU, cowboy, I dunno where you're from. For all I know you're a Pre-War relic or some s#it, but ya DON'T freakin' negotiate with a godd@m rocket launcher! That's Raider crap! You wanna help these kids, then don't go rampagin' around tryin' to get your way! Be a better example! Scarlet, lass! Runner an' Pallor! You know this guy, help talk him down!"

"You're right; let's be rational about this."

Francis shifts his aim with the rocket launcher and fires, sending a rocket into the armored camera niche Volcano has opened nearby.

Single Combat/+Hard, if needed: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10

Francis will inflict s-harm with the rocket through his Disciplined Engagement move. He will make sure Vonya is in the area of effect, but if possible will exclude himself. He is unconcerned whether Volcano is affected or not.

Mooshy: Shooting into the camera niche is really just flavor to explain the reduced damage of the rocket; feel free to change this detail if you like another explanation better.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Seeing him aim for where the camera once was, Volcano gapes and attempts to dive for cover while shouting, "FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF RATIONAL!!!"

Cool?: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 1 = 5

Scarlet, while all this is happening, you catch your eye on a small something in an easily-overlooked spot on the wall. Approaching it curiously, you see that it's actually a tiny vent made with a grid of little holes, too small to even get a pen through. When you examine it closely, it lets out a little puff of gas, barely visible except as a small distortion in the air. Being so close to the vent when a blast is released makes your head spin a little, and your blood starts pumping faster. You feel your adrenal glands beginning to spin up in reaction to whatever you just breathed in. Irrational irritation and anger begins to fill your mind. It's not to the point where it sends you into a berserker rage, just...subtly influences you to be more irritable, more likely to lash out at your friends...

Looking up and around, you see that other, identical vents, unnoticed by the others, are dotted all around this area, silently and invisibly filling the area with a mood-altering chemical of some sort...

You're unable to make any other observations, however, because at that time, Francis fires his rocket into the security alcove, enveloping Vonya and Volcano in a fiery explosion! They take 4 S-harm, which means stun harm - nonlethal damage, in other words.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

So we roll Suffer harm, and then gain Hx with how much stun damage Fran does to us? Or does stun damage not count? I don't quite know how stun harm is handled.

In any case, my armour soaks up 3 of the 4 harm cos I think I was being scary as f*ck and triggered my Rasputin move. My Juggernaut move also means I get a -2 on this roll.

suffer harm: 2d6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 1 - 2 = 7

The bottom assumes I'm even able to do this right now.

Vonya was too slow to realise what was going on, but started laughing when he did. Chortling as he did it, he moves to hunch down and rugby tackle Francis by the waist.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Suffer Harm: 2d6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 1 - 2 = 10

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○

If a character suffers s-harm, they are disabled without suffering any harm, i.e. without marking harm on the harm countdown clock (dethklok?); any action they wish to take while stunned counts as Act Under Fire. Also, I failed to point out that on a 10 Single Combat check I inflict +1 harm and take -1 harm during the exchange.

Cool+3 | Hard-2 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 1/6 | XP: 3/5


"Everyone calm the F$+& down right NOW! We are all being gassed by some bastard or other, and I'm leaving you goon-bags in here if you don't toe the line."

Manipulate (?): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 + 2 = 5


Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

toe the line and tow the line are very different

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
Specialist BENJAMIN, FRANCIS A. wrote:
If a character suffers s-harm, they are disabled without suffering any harm, i.e. without marking harm on the harm countdown clock (dethklok?); any action they wish to take while stunned counts as Act Under Fire. Also, I failed to point out that on a 10 Single Combat check I inflict +1 harm and take -1 harm during the exchange.

Oh, so for me to tackle you, I have to act under fire first? Also if you add +1 harm, then I ended up rolling an 8

DO SOMETHING UNDER FIRE: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 = 9
On a 7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer you a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice.

Scarlet completely fails to get through to anyone over the sounds of everyone's ears ringing from the explosion. Eventually, she has to default to putting a finger in one ear and saying "Mawp? Mawp?" over and over. reference.

Meanwhile, Seth really got the worst of the explosion and was struck in the head by some flying shrapnel, take 1 harm that ignores armor, Seth and you're bleeding from a cut on your bald head.

The huge, masked man goes barreling after Francis, but the explosion is still ringing in his ears, throwing off his balance tremendously. You face an ugly choice, Vonya...

1) Your charge fails utterly and you slam facefirst into a wall instead of striking Francis. You take no damage, but Francis has a +1 advantage against you. He is now standing over you with his weapon aimed at your head.

2) Your charge connects, but Francis is ready for you and strikes you hard enough in the face for you to suffer 1 harm that ignores armor and your mask is torn off. You are now tussling with him without your mask on.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Seth holds his head, struggling to stand.


Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

All this hubbub threatens to give Pallor indigestion as he eats the lock in the gift shop.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:

1) Your charge fails utterly and you slam facefirst into a wall instead of striking Francis. You take no damage, but Francis has a +1 advantage against you. He is now standing over you with his weapon aimed at your head.

Dammit! That IS a hard choice, I pick one.

Laughing grimly to himself over the dumb ringing in his ears, he looks up at the motherf*cker who was possibly about to end things for Von.

"Didn't think you had the balls to fire it" he yelled, unaware of how loud he was being. "Tellin' ya though, this ain't gonna go down easy. I'm a hard man to kill. Lotsa f*ckers have tried. The last time," he paused, and chuckled to himself.
"Last time this c*nt figured I was starin' at his girl. Smackin' her around he was, in a bar - a settlement a ways from here. Treatin' her like sh*t. He'd been pimpin' her out to pay for his psycho habit. This jumped up little b*stard tries to pull a sawn-off in my face thinking I was eyeing her up when she wasn't on the clock; she was on his time, he said. Irony wasn't lost on Tom and me, no sirree. Anyways interested or not I wasn't looking at her, I was watching him, knew he was trouble." The humour in his voice drained as he turned towards Francis and growled "I popped his head like a mutfruit, in my bare hands. And I relished every second."

I'm gonna threaten Francis to back the f*ck off and get off my back, or I'll break his f*ckin' arm. - GOING AGGRO

Going Agrro:
When you go aggro on someone, make it clear what you want them to do and what you’ll do to them. Roll+hard. On a 10+, they have to choose:
• Force your hand and suck it up.
• Cave and do what you want.

On a 7–9, they can choose 1 of the above, or 1 of the following:
• Get the hell out of your way.
• Barricade themselves securely in.
• Give you something they think you want, or tell you what you want to hear.
• Back off calmly, hands where you can see.
On a miss, be prepared for the worst.

hard: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5) + 3 = 12

"Get the f*ck outta my way, and off my back. We got bigger fish to fry right now. You got my respect for firing that f*ckin rocket but test me any further and you won't like it. I promise you that I will, though."

COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

Runner watches all this insanity go down from the relative safety of the hallway.
From past experience, Runner knew Von was the sh!t but it looked like this new guy was just as hard.. or just as crazy.
I remember Vonya poppin' that guys head like a grape; up in Pinecreek near the CanAm border.
He really needed to meet a guy up there for something important.
I don't usually care who hires my wheels or why or where they need to go but that trip was super weird for so many reasons...

As the scene inside the drug store remains tense, Runner keeps watch on the long hallway outside.

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○

I should've put that rocket in this guys's mouth...

"You talk too much. Hand over the insulin or get some."

Francis is forcing Vonya's hand and sucking it up.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

So how do I got about breaking his arm then?

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

"MEDIC!" Volcano yells deliriously.

Francis may have military training and the edge, but he's pushed it too far in this post-apocalyptic world he now finds himself in. With startling speed, the Faceless snatches the weapon in Francis' hands aside, overtaking even the military man's sharpened reflexes. In an instant, Vonya's on his feet again, having used Francis himself for leverage, and forcing the man out of time to his knees.

CRUNCH. Mercilessly, Vonya makes good on his threat; as he always does. Francis feels white hot pain shoot up his arm as the bone cracks between the large man's ham-fists.

Meanwhile, Pallor's f*cked-up mouth finishes doing whatever the hell it was doing to that lock he was sucking on, and the thing snaps clean off. You pull the lid to the footlocker open, and find 3 vials of blue liquid, and a tape recorder. There's a tape inside, along with a pair of headphones included.

When you pick up the tape recorder, you find that a modified 10mm pistol has been stashed beneath it, along with 1 barter's worth of pistol ammo; enough to stuff your pockets with. The 10mm has the silent, extended mag and laser scope tags.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

weird: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7

Pallor holds a blue vial in each hand, opening his mind to what possibilities they can bring.

Before your eyes, a flash of bloodsoaked teeth, snapping shut in a ravenous chomping out of nowhere. Behind and around the teeth, you note, dispassionately, are evidence of necrosis of the flesh.

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○


Francis grits his teeth and grimaces as the larger man fractures his arm. ”Next time you talk big to somebody,” he hisses through clenched teeth, ”be sure to tell ‘em about the time you mangled a guy for telling you to save some kids instead of shooting up.”

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

Pallor walks in, seeing the broken Francis and the masked Vonya.

"Maybe this will heal your branches." he says, holding out a strange blue vial towards Francis.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Is it over?!" Volcano drawls, still dizzy from the shock of his wounds.

Many of you still have ears that are ringing faintly from the explosion of the rocket launcher. Meanwhile, the itty-bitty little vents in the walls continue to periodically puff little almost-invisible clouds of substance into the lobby room. What do you do?

COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

"Scarlet, whaddya mean GASSED?
I can't smell anything.
Wherzit comin' from?"

Runner scans the room and tries to make sense of Scarlet's warning...
Read a Stitch: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 1 = 6

Since she already knows where they are and I assume is pointing them out to you, I'll give you a +1 to that roll without Scarlet having to roll anything. Situational bonus.

COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

Runner wonders to himself...
what’s my enemy’s true position?

Your initial reaction is that everyone around you is your enemy...then you shake your head, clearing your mind of the aggression and stress hormones that the gas is releasing into the room. Looking closely at the vents, even taking a big risk and peering directly into one, indicates that they lead upward. Whomever is controlling these vents is likely near the top of the building. Some executive suite or other, you'd reckon.

You glance back the way you came, at the bays of elevators you passed to reach the pharmacy and gift shop. They would be the logical next step, but there's gotta be stairs nearby in case of fire.

Next to the pharmacy, you find an emergency door with its alarm handle snapped off. The door can be opened and leads to a stairwell leading up as well as down.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

"Dammit does ANYONE HAVE A BLOODY ASPIRIN?!" Volcano screams.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

"I have this. Maybe it will help." Pallor says, holding out a blue vial.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

"You sure that s#it's safe, kid?"

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

"How sure are we of anything in this world?"

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

"The scientific method."

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Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

"of course. I hypothesize that this may have healing properties. I just found it so i havent tested it yet."

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○

Assuming that Vonya is done with his physical assault, if not our verbal battle...

I should shove a grenade bandolier up this guy's ass... Francis's good hand actuallu starts to move towards the bandolier's clasp for a moment before he's checked by the psychic scratching on his brain surging to a painful intensity. What the hell am I thinking?

The soldier winces as he gets to his feet, walking away from Vonya towards the Pharmacy exit, where he realizes Runner and Scarlet have been shouting from. No way I'm getting that insulin from him with only one good arm; seems like these other people don't much care about this 'Power Army' either. "That $#!t looks like anti-freeze," he says to Pallor and Volcano. "The big guy probably has some meds you can use; why don't you ask him?"

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Grinning madly inside his mask, Vonya starts to laugh to himself at the proceedings. He'd never been sure if the filters in Tom ever really worked but he didn't seem to be too altered by this weird gas. Granted, he'd just broken someone's arm over insulin. He was starting to wonder if maybe the gas had been affecting him and Tom.
"P-pain pills?" he stammered a little, amidst a coughing fit. "Let's get outta this gassy sh!t before we start popping anything.

Vonya moves to help the old mechanic outta here and up a level.

Don't forget that silenced pistol!

Vonya and Volcano start to head upstairs via the stairwell, and the others fall in line behind them, Francis bringing up the rear with his broken arm held in his one good hand. Pallor continues to toss the blue vial back and forth in his hands idly as he climbs, which worries Francis a bit - he has no idea what the vial contains, but it doesn't look like it's good for your health.

As you climb out of the gas-filled area, all of you feel the lingering aggression and anger from the gas, but it's no longer being continually reinforced by what you're breathing. The effect has you all flagging in energy a little as your adrenal glands calm back down a little from where they were before.

The stairs are in great condition considering how crappy the outside world is. From inside this stairwell you get glimpses of some of the unique aspects to this building's architecture. Seth in particular makes note of the fact that this office building, an innocent high-rise from the exterior's appearance, is in fact designed like a bunker on the inside. Extra reinforcing beams crisscross each other in the walls and ceilings.

You reach the next level, Floor 3, without much incident. The door leading to this level appears to be unlocked when you cautiously tap the handle, Vonya. Do you enter this floor or keep climbing?

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

"Large man. I don't want my branch broken, but what if i trade this blue drug to you for insulin. Insulin won't get you high, this might. Might not, but might is better than wont. Then the insulin can fix the saplings." Pallor attempts to appeal to Vonya's reason as well as his desire for a high, and this blue drug looks pretty cool and advanced so Pallor is betting it will be pretty interesting.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-1 | Sharp=0 | Weird+2

Seth coughs a bit.

"Thank ye, kid."

He looks around at the walls.

"This place...it ain't the kind of place people do wholesome things in. I've seen enough Pre-War places to know that. Vaults, bunkers, buildings like this. They were built by people who had things they wanted to hide from the rest of the world. If anything, that gas back there proves it. Our Crane fella'll probably talk a great game about saving the world, but places like these weren't meant to save anyone."

He shuts his eyes, and tries to connect his cracked head to the rhythm of this twisted place.

Open Mind to the WEIRD: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2) + 2 = 10

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Cocking his head to examine the strange blue vial, Vonya felt conflicted. On the one hand, the promise of a strange and possibly powerful drug tempted him. On the other hand, Tom grew eerily quiet around Pallor and Von wasn't sure why. There'd been occasions where he'd lost portions of his memory, pure blackouts, and he'd been told that he'd been with Pallor for these moments.

"Maybe later," he muttered to the brainer. Turning his attention to Seth, he asked "We keep goin' old man or try this floor?"

Are Runner and Scarlet with us?

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COOL+3 | Hard=0 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD-1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 | EXP 2

Runner follows closely behind the group.

Cool+1 | Hard+1 | Hot-2 | Sharp+2 | Weird+3 | Armor: 1 | Harm: 2/6 | Exp: ●●●○○ / ●

Pallor nods, almost imperceptibly.

Someone will try this, one way or another. I must know what it does.

Seth, you still haven't found any pain pills and Vonya's not being very forthcoming with his stash. Damn junkies. Still, the headache doesn't get in the way of your connection to the psychic maelstrom, manifesting in your sense of tech.

Reaching out with your mind, you sense...Super Mutants. Their presence is like a valley in a mountain range of high technology; by contrast, the nests those monsters build for themselves are primitive. Up above your head, the stairs continue for at least another 5 or 6 floors without any big green brutes present.

You can't hear the Super Mutants from where you are in the stairwell, but you know without a doubt that there are a large number of them on this floor.

Cool+1 | Hard+3 | Hot-1 | Sharp+1 | Weird+1 | Armour: 2(3) Weapons: Magnum (3h), Steel Pipe Warhammer (3h) | Harm: 3/6 | XP: ●●●○○

Seeing Seth's face contort with pain, Vonya remembers that he has a f*ckton stash of the good sh*t. He rummages around to produce something for the old volcano.

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