Kevin O'Rourke 440 |

Inconu Tain-Human (Varisian) Bard, NG, Age 20, Hair Black, Eyes Green
Although I am quite keen to try out a brawler this is a bard build I've been looking at doing for a while as well and feel like it might contribute a bit more in ways that aren't in over abundance in the currently submitted characters.
I gave him frontier healer (campaign trait) from Iron Fang Invasion as it suits quite well for a Varisian Bard who might wander through this area and mechanically would help with healing but I can pick out something else if it would be preferred to be avoided.
Inconu Tain is a Varisian bard who has been through Falcon's Hollow several times in the past. He's not quite a stranger but not quite a local. He has found himself drawn to the area the last few years as he has attempted to court a young local woman, though of course she is sure her family would not approve of her running off with a Varisian.
Perhaps if he could find some way to prove himself to the locals it would go a long way to overcoming this little obstacle.
Keeping it simple and not going into details about the woman as it lends itself to the GM linking it to an existing NPC in the campaign.
HP: 11 (8+2+1), AC: 19, FF: 16, Touch: 13, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Melee: Longsword +2, 1d8+2, 19-20/x2
Ranged: Javelin +2, 1d6+2, 20/x2
Traits: Armour Expert (Combat), Frontier Healer (Campaign, Ironfang Invasion)
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform: Oratory)- From Focused Study Alternate Racial Ability, Dodge
Class Features: Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
Acrobatics 1+2+3, Bluff, Climb 1+2+3, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Local) 5=1+0+3+1, Knowledge (Nature) 5=1+0+3+1, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Intimidate, Perception 4=1+0+3, Sense Motive, Spellcraft 4=1+0+3, Stealth 1+2+3, Use Magic Device
Appraise, Craft, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Geography) 5=1+0+3+1, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobility) Linguistics, Perform (Oratory) 10=1+3+3+3, Sleight of Hand
Languages: Common (Taldane), Varissian
Spells Known
Cantrips- Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st-Cure Light Wounds, Grease
Equipment: 105+50gp
Longsword, Chain Shirt, Heavy Wooden Shield, Cold Iron Dagger, Brawlers Kit, Spell Component Pouch, Club, Javelin x4, 10gp

Gobo Horde |

So you are not using this rule?
A character may multiclass freely between their monster class and other classes, and is not required to finish their monster class. A character with relatively few monster levels might be a runt compensating for their relative weakness with training, a freak of nature, or maybe even a magical experement gone wrong. As usual, a character cannot normally have levels in more than one monster class.
As is, even a 1 level dip for a full caster (like Oracle) is a hard pill to swallow and being only allowed to take 1 level in Oracle for the first 5 levels guts the full caster idea.
I was planning on taking my second level as an Oracle with the Intrigue mystery and the Haunted curse.
The Intrigue mystery would allow me to do some trixy things with my spells like hiding them or at-will disguise self and the Haunted curse would represent Natures annoyance at my "betrayal" and the petty vengence at her behalf by little spirits and sprites and such.
The spells would largely be focused on enchantments.
But if I can only go 1 level of oracle at 3rd level then I will have to basically stick it out as a satyr with an Oracle dip for a mystery.
Its doable too.
I wanted to ask you if it would be alright if I took the Haunted curse at the start before my first level of Oracle. It would represent natures annoyance with me and would pair well with the Warded Against Nature drawback :) (even if I dont get an extra trait from the drawback, just for flavour)
I will try and get him finished by tonight ^_^

DM Azure_Zero |

@Gobo Horde
I'll tweak it a bit so you can alternate and get a better caster level.
if(Monster Class!=Complete)
Non-Monster levels <= monster levels
Else if(Monster Class=Complete)
Add Any Class level
I say No to drawbacks in general....
But I will say this,
Your entry is quite Intriguing....

Gobo Horde |

So I can basically alternate taking Satyr and Oracle levels? That should work well enough I guess. I will be using 1st level spells for a LOOONG time but thats ok :)
I was seriously worried about being stuck as a full Satyr, its combat abilities early on are very limited.
Lvl 1: Charm person 1/day. Then switch to backup weapon...
Lvl 2: Charm person 1/day, Mass Charm person 1/day, Sleep 1/day.
Lvl 3: Charm person 3/day, Mass Charm person 1/day, Sleep 1/day.
Lvl 4: Charm person 3/day, Mass Sleep/Charm person 3/day, Sleep 3/day.
Only at lvl 3 and above can I handle more then 3 foes a day without being in deep trouble :)
And his other combat options are not stellar either. He is 3/4 BAB so He cannot take Power Attack until 3rd level.
He also does not gain a Str/Dex boost initially either.
He is proficient with most weapons but he has zero armor/shield proficiencies, so hes squishy.
All in all, I was struggling hard to figure out how to make him viable from early levels (even if I have to just suck for the first level, thats ok). Keeping in mind that I don't think that this AP will advance very much.
Oracle at second level will help tremendously!
And the drawback without the benefit is just to add flavour to the character :)

DM Azure_Zero |

Though don't forget you get; Natural Armour, DR, and then some powerful Pipes at second level of satyr.
Since you plan on getting haunted, you could say the fey, up your "traitor" status by putting a haunting curse on you at your second level.
Yeah, I've looked though a number of the Fey monster class and Huldra is the only one that can really do combat offensively since it gains enough strength to help with the poor BAB.
Nymphs could also be good in combat provided you take weapon finesse.

Kinshara Medaan |

It took me too long to get to, but I got around to beefing up Kinshara's backstory some. It isn't done yet, but it at least gets her from the Mwangi Expanse to Andoran. I also added Kinshara's background skills.
Question: I read the guide to Falcon's Hollow that Gobo Horde linked to as well as the Falcon's Hollow entry on pathfinderwiki.com. While they are alike in broad strokes, the linked guide emphasizes the dens of vice to a much greater extent and paints a darker picture of Falcon's Hollow. What is your vision of the settlement for our game?

Gobo Horde |

I already included the pipes in the Mass Charm person XD
Also note! Nowhere in the wording does it say that your allies are exempt from the charm person >_>
Haunting curse at second level sounds like fun :) I'll go with that.
I have basically finished up my crunch but I do have a question on how you would rule something.
I have taken Spell Focus (Enchantments) in anticipation of getting a few with my next oracle level.
Does it affect my SLA Enchantment (Charm Person)?
Crunch is basically finished and I gotta say, I am looking forward to playing this guy :)
Working more on backstory now ^_^
Male Satyr 1
CN Medium Fey
Initiative +2, Senses, Low-Light Vision, Perception +5
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat Footed 11, (+2 dex, +0 Armor, +1 NA)
hp 9/9 (1d6+3)
Special Defenses DR 1/Cold Iron
Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 1
Speed 30ft
Melee Horns +0 (1d4/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4/x2) 50ft range
Modifiers +0/+0 BAB, +0/+0 Str, +2/+0 Dex
Satyr SLAs
Charm Person: 1/1
Dancing Lights: 3/3
Ghost Sound: 3/3
Spell DC: 14 + Spell Level (+1 for Enchantments, +1 for peaceful Charms or Compulsions)
Current Magical Effects
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +0 CMB +0 CMD +12
Feats Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Traits Honeyed Words, Magical Knack, Warded Against Nature
Skills x10 (6/lvl, 1 Int, +2 Bg, +1 FCB)
Bluff +8 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +4 Cha)
Diplomacy +9 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Honeyed Words, +4 Cha)
Disguise +8 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +4 Cha)
Escape Artist +6 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Dex)
K Geo +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int)
K Nature +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int)
Perception +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Perceptive Edge, -1 Wis)
Preform (wind instruments) +10 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Musical Prodigy, +4 Cha)
Stealth +8 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Shadow Lover, +2 Dex)
Survival +3 (1 Rank, +3 CS, -1 Wis)
Languages Common, Halfling, Sylvan
Other Gear
Sling (0gp, 0lb)
20 Sling Bullets (2sp, 10lb)
Special Abilities
DR gain DR 1/Cold Iron.
FCB (Satyr) +1 skill point.
Honeyed Words +1 to Diplomacy. +1 to the DC of any charm or compulsion that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts.
Horns 1d4/x2 horn attack. 1 1/2 str to damage.
Magical Knack (Oracle) up to +2 CL to your Oracle spells.
Musical Prodigy +2 to Perform (wind instruments).
Perceptive Edge +2 to Perception.
Shadow Lover +2 to Stealth.
SLAs gain SLAs. DC 10 + Spell Level + Cha Mod.
Spell Focus +1 DC for your Enchantment spells.
Thick Skin +1 NA to AC.
Warded Against Nature Animals do not willingly approach within 30ft of you unless you or its master succeeds at a DC 20 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.
Encumbrance 0lb
Light 33lb, Medium 66lb, Heavy 100lb
Eee.Peees 000

DM Azure_Zero |

I have basically finished up my crunch but I do have a question on how you would rule something.
I have taken Spell Focus (Enchantments) in anticipation of getting a few with my next oracle level.
Does it affect my SLA Enchantment (Charm Person)?
I'll need to look that question up before I can get an idea of how to rule it.
I can say this you character will likely mess with some townsfolk heads.
And odds are you'll know the local Kabran Bloodeye.

DM Azure_Zero |

For locals I recommend add this as a spoiler in your alias; so either me or Vayelan add understand and use this bit for extra NPC actions and interactions.
The Other entry is basically notes for the GM to better understand the NPC's thoughts and actions towards your character.

DM Azure_Zero |

Falcon's Hollow NPC List for those whom live there
Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum (male human), overboss of the Lumber Consortium
Gavel Thuldrin Kreed (male human), leader of the Lumber Consortium
Kabran Bloodeye (male half-orc), Rouge Lady owner, leader of Redrock Guild
Lady Cirthana (female human Cleric), priestess of Iomedae
Laurel (female human), Roots and Remedies owner
Namdrin Quinn (male half-elf), Quinn’s Carnival owner
Sharvaros Vade (male human)
Sheriff Deldrin Baleson (male half-elf), sheriff of Darkmoon Vale
Vamros Harg (male halfling ), Falcon’s Hollow magistrate
Syntira (female nymph), Eternal Queen of Darkmoon Vale
Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks (male gnome), Goose’n’Gander owner
Jak Crimmy (male human), Jak’a’Napes owner
Jarlben Trookshavits (male human), Lumber Consortium main camp boss
Milon Rhoddam (male human), Lumber Consortium hunter

Boreas Summers |

I can say this you character will likely mess with some townsfolk heads.
And odds are you'll know the local Kabran Bloodeye.
Ya. This is the best way that I can think of to make a Satyr work, and he should be effective enough :)
NOTE: He has not very effective once combat starts, instead he has a significant more focus on trying to prevent combats from happening in the first place.But he will probably play pranks on the locals >:)
Oh, also. My Satyr's name is Boreas, but he adopted a Surname: Summers. Normally he will go by Summers (Or Mr. Summers if you really want to butter him up!)
Boreas Summers
Male Satyr 1
CN Medium Fey
Initiative +2, Senses, Low-Light Vision, Perception +5
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat Footed 14, (+2 dex, +0 Armor, +1 NA)
hp 9/9 (1d6+3)
Special Defenses DR 1/Cold Iron
Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 1
Speed 30ft
Melee Horns +0 (1d4/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4/x2) 50ft range
Modifiers +0/+0 BAB, +0/+0 Str, +2/+0 Dex
Satyr SLAs
Charm Person: 1/1
Dancing Lights: 3/3
Ghost Sound: 3/3
Spell DC: 14 + Spell Level (+1 for Enchantments, +1 for peaceful Charms or Compulsions)
Current Magical Effects
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +0 CMB +0 CMD +12
Feats Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Traits Honeyed Words, Magical Knack, Warded Against Nature
Skills x10 (6/lvl, 1 Int, +2 Bg, +1 FCB)
Bluff +8 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +4 Cha)
Diplomacy +9 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Honeyed Words, +4 Cha)
Disguise +8 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +4 Cha)
Escape Artist +7 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +3 Dex)
K Geo +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int)
K Nature +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int)
Perception +5 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Perceptive Edge, -1 Wis)
Preform (wind instruments) +10 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Musical Prodigy, +4 Cha)
Stealth +10 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Shadow Lover, +4 Cha)
Survival +3 (1 Rank, +3 CS, -1 Wis)
Languages Common, Halfling, Sylvan
Other Gear
Sling (0gp, 0lb)
20 Sling Bullets (2sp, 10lb)
Special Abilities
DR gain DR 1/Cold Iron.
FCB (Satyr) +1 skill point.
Honeyed Words +1 to Diplomacy. +1 to the DC of any charm or compulsion that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts.
Horns 1d4/x2 horn attack. 1 1/2 str to damage.
Magical Knack (Oracle) up to +2 CL to your Oracle spells.
Musical Prodigy +2 to Perform (wind instruments).
Perceptive Edge +2 to Perception.
Shadow Lover +2 to Stealth.
SLAs gain SLAs. DC 10 + Spell Level + Cha Mod.
Spell Focus +1 DC for your Enchantment spells.
Thick Skin +1 NA to AC.
Warded Against Nature Animals do not willingly approach within 30ft of you unless you or its master succeeds at a DC 20 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.
Encumbrance 0lb
Light 33lb, Medium 66lb, Heavy 100lb
Eee.Peees 000
Gold: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 5) + 5 = 120
Boreas was curious one day about the humans on the other side of the grove and while his elders warned him to have nothing to do nor speak with them he would constantly hear the sounds of merriment and the sweet scent of delicious wine coming from the small town. Soon his curiosity got the better of him and he set out to explore the town and find out what all the excitement was about.
Within the town he soon caught the eye of Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks, the owner of the Goose'n'Gander and in a moment of shrewdness, he invited him into his establishment. Sparing no expense, Brickasnurd treated Boreas to all the pleasures and alcohol he had to offer, free of charge.
Boreas had the night of his life, the apex of all that his race desired and revered. Boreas was hooked.
However, the night never lasted and soon it was dawn. With the coming of the light, Boreas understanding also came to him and he realized that such things were not free. Thrus Boreas was introduced to money. And a loan by Brickasnurd. While that lasted only a while Boreas soon realized he would need more to more greatly experience the pleasures of this decadent town, so Brickasnurd introduced him to Boss Payden, the owner of the Lumber Consortium. There they struck up a bargain where Boreas would provide safety, knowledge and guidance for the lumberjacks in the forest in exchange for money, which he could then spend on wine and women to his hearts content.
Boreas agreed. The forest cried.
Summers first loan
"Oh yes! It was great! I never knew of all the pleasures that they have here. And beer. Why its even better then the ales we have back in the tribe! I cant wait to do this again!"
The suave gnome paused for a moment, contemplating. "You know. It wont be that easy. I don't know what it is like back at your tribe, but here, the world revolves around money. And only money will get you what you want."
"Money? What is that?" the young Satyr asked.
"Why here! It is this! With this the world is your oyster and nothing is out of your reach. Keep it, it is a loan."
Brickasnurd pressed a platinum coin into the hand of the Satyr.
"A loan, sir? Whats that?"
"I will give you some money up front, but it is not a gift. You are expected to pay back exactly what you were given at a later date. In the meantime, you can use it to buy more enjoyments!"
"Great! Thank you Sir Hildrinsocks! You are really kind! You know, I like you humans so much I want to be more like you. I know! I will adopt a second name, like you guys have! From now on I am Boreas Summers! Like the summer period, at the opposite ends of my TrueName."
"Heh heh. I like it Mr. Summers. It is a good name."
"Thanks Sir Hildrinsocks! Look! Over there, sweets! I am going to go get some!"
"You do that boy. You do that."
It wasn't long after his first foray into the human settlement that his Satyr tribe found out about his transgressions, after all, he was bursting with excitement and keen on telling his friends all about it. Later that evening the elders convened and dealt harshly with the young Satyr in efforts to dissuade him from returning.
However Boreas was forever changed by his time with the humans and could not be persuaded, much to the growing ire of the tribe. Over time their displeasure grew, and with it came minor curses as punishment, but they were never able to dissuade Boreas.
Lately, the town has gotten sicker and more run down then before. Summers is not overtly concerned, after all he is not like those frail humans. He is a Fey, and they are made of more durable stuff then the frail humans and it would be unthinkable for him to catch some of that "human diseases."
...Wouldn't it? He WAS superior. He WOULDN"T get sick. Right?
Ya know, he wasn't so sure anymore and it is starting to trouble him.
History/Other with town Locals
Name: Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks
Relationship: Summers's "friend" in the town
History: The first person to introduce Summers to all the pleasures that the town had to offer. Summers now considers him one of his trusted friends (Not that this goes both ways, and Brickasnurd has no qualms taking advantage of his naivete)
Name: Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum
Relationship: his boss
History: Introduced to him by Brickasnurd, Summers works for him by being a guide/protector out in the forest, usually for a very low wage.
Name: Kabran Bloodeye
Relationship: Introduced by his good friend Brickasnurd
History: Kabran is one of Summers' favorite humans, and often the one he goes to for some of the more physical pleasures. Summers holds him in high esteem
Name: Syntira
Relationship: reletivly unknown
History: Syntira is generally displeased with Summers walking away from his natural path. Might be part of the reason he gets cursed.
Other: This one ok?

DM Azure_Zero |

I've gone over the Submissions and so far 3 (1,2,4) do not have my eye, and it is mainly due to the absence of a background or a background so generic it is not answering some basic questions about their relationship with the area or Falcon's Hollow itself.
I'll give these three til Midnight to fill it in.

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:
I'm wondering if you want to run a second group?
since we have 9 submissions so far, which could easily make two groups.Sure, I'll run a second group.
Should I withdraw my character so we have two groups of 4?
No I was think we'd run on for the other,
I as GM have you as a PlayerYou as GM have me as a Player

vayelan |

vayelan wrote:DM Azure_Zero wrote:
I'm wondering if you want to run a second group?
since we have 9 submissions so far, which could easily make two groups.Sure, I'll run a second group.
Should I withdraw my character so we have two groups of 4?No I was think we'd run on for the other,
I as GM have you as a Player
You as GM have me as a Player
Sounds good.
How closely were you going to follow the printed modules?
I want to know if I should change anything in mine to keep it interesting.

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:.....
No I was think we'd run on for the other,
I as GM have you as a Player
You as GM have me as a PlayerSounds good.
How closely were you going to follow the printed modules?
I want to know if I should change anything in mine to keep it interesting.
I tend to keep to them a lot, but also add-to/modify them as I run them.
Now I generally add interactions with NPCs and might add mini-events.
Ran a mini-event the first time I ran Hollow's Last Hope It added to the feel that the town was more alive.
To give you an idea, I have NPC interaction ideas for Mr Summers (Big Evil GM Grin)

Darion Holdfast |

I've gone over the Submissions and so far 3 (1,2,4) do not have my eye, and it is mainly due to the absence of a background or a background so generic it is not answering some basic questions about their relationship with the area or Falcon's Hollow itself.
I'll give these three til Midnight to fill it in.
Thanks DM for the character review. I updated my character backstory to give some insight into why he is in town and who he knows. Since he is not local and is a very recent newcomer to the town I hope this will be sufficient

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:Thanks DM for the character review. I updated my character backstory to give some insight into why he is in town and who he knows. Since he is not local and is a very recent newcomer to the town I hope this will be sufficientI've gone over the Submissions and so far 3 (1,2,4) do not have my eye, and it is mainly due to the absence of a background or a background so generic it is not answering some basic questions about their relationship with the area or Falcon's Hollow itself.
I'll give these three til Midnight to fill it in.
Good start, just one error though.
Everyone hates the Lumber Consortium (sans themselves and to a good degree the Redrock guild) and with good reason.
Darion Holdfast |

Darion Holdfast wrote:DM Azure_Zero wrote:Thanks DM for the character review. I updated my character backstory to give some insight into why he is in town and who he knows. Since he is not local and is a very recent newcomer to the town I hope this will be sufficientI've gone over the Submissions and so far 3 (1,2,4) do not have my eye, and it is mainly due to the absence of a background or a background so generic it is not answering some basic questions about their relationship with the area or Falcon's Hollow itself.
I'll give these three til Midnight to fill it in.
Good start, just one error though.
Everyone hates the Lumber Consortium (sans themselves and to a good degree the Redrock guild) and with good reason.
With that being said Darion will take whatever council the priestess advises. Even if that advice has nothing to do with the Consortium

DM Azure_Zero |

Current Character sub List
Dugan Dwarf Barbarian.
Darion Human Wizard
Kinshara Human Cleric
Ulark Half-Orc Paladin
Inconu Human Bard - Alternate Submission
Bastian Human Bard
Boreas Satyr
AZ's Game
Corindus Human Ranger
Vayelan's Game
Joanne Redeemed-Succubus
Tomorrow both I and Vayelan will list, in order, the 6-7 characters we want sans the two decided beforehand (see above).
The lists well be sequenced top to bottom in order alternating between the two lists. If a character is already taken the next one in the current list is taken instead.
This will allow both GMs to equally have the characters they wish to have in their game.

DM Azure_Zero |

Is this still accepting applicants?
Can you give me a summary of the mechanics for the minotaur race/class that's available? $15 a bit steep of an investment for a game that I might not even be playing in.
I'll allow you to submit a character so both groups have 5 characters, as I figure there'll always be one drop out in each group.
BUT you'll have until 10:00PM EST to get it submitted it with a back story, and two NPC relationships.NPC List is two post down from this.
Savage Races II fragment has the minotaur monster class for $2.00

Gobo Horde |

Can you give me a summary of the mechanics for the minotaur race/class that's available? $15 a bit steep of an investment for a game that I might not even be playing in.
Minotaur is basically a "class" and race combined.
At first level you are medium and get +2 Str, Con, -2 Int, Cha. You also get +1 NA and a 1d4 gore attack. Your class is a Full BAB class akin to a fighter without feats or armor.You get more Str and durability as you level up and you grow to Large size at level 4. The class caps out at 6th.
You get access to a couple of fun racial feats like re-rolls for mind effects, hoof attacks and maze immunity/abilities.
Interestingly, it does not gain any crossbow related abilities and would probably make a good natural attacker or 2-handed fighter.
Note with the rules that the GM has in place, you can only multiclass at a 2/1 ratio (Monster Class/Regular Class) so that puts a limit on your options.

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero |

Kevin O'Rourke 440 |

Only just spotted the relationships requirement so in addition to the intentionally easily modifiable love interest.
Namdrin Quinn (male half-elf), Quinn’s Carnival owner- I'm thinking Inconnu dislikes Namdrin after previously playing a few games of chance with him and he suspects (rightly or wrongly) the carnival owner was cheating.
Syntira (female nymph), Eternal Queen of Darkmoon Vale- I like the idea of the little mortal man accidentally finding himself in Syntira's presence while slightly drunk. He sobered up fast but managed to extract himself from the situation entertaining her by reciting poetry. He didn't touch a drop of alcohol for a month after.