About Ulark BastardsonRace Angel Blooded Aasimar
Class Enlightened Paladin (2)
Social Talents
Vigilante Talents
Skills 16 (class) + 8 (background skills)
Enlightened Paladin:
Confident Defense
Unarmed Strike
Aura of Law (Su)
Sense Perfection (Su)
Personal Trial (Su)
Lay on Hands
Custom Vigilante Archetype (2):
Ulark is a man of two minds. On one hand, he is a simple woodcutter. A resident of Falcon's Hollow, seeking to make his way in the world. On the other hand, he has the blood of angels flowing through his veins, blood which *demands* that he right the wrongs of the world and fight against evil. * Identity 1: Ulark Bastardson (lawful good)
Dual Identity
Angelic Warrior
New Vigilante Talent: Eyes of Truth
Build Path:
Build Path: Lvl 4: Vigilante 2: Vigilante Talent (Eyes of Truth) Lvl 4 Stat +1 Con (14) Lvl 5: Vigilante 3: Songbird Lvl 5 Feat Dodge Lvl 6: Vigilante 4: Shield of Blades (and Toughness) Lvl 7: Vigilante 5: Ancestral Enlightenment (+4 trained knowledge tests) Lvl 7 Feat Toughness Lvl 8: Vigilante 6: Shadow Steed Lvl 8 Stat +1 Str (19) Lvl 9: Vigilante 7: Mockingbird Lvl 9 Feat Lvl 10: Vigilante 8: Signature Weapon (Weapon focus and weapon specialization) Lvl 11: Vigilante 9: Social Grace (+4 Diplomacy) Lvl 11 Feat Lvl 12: Vigilante 10: Strike the Unseen Lvl 12 Stat +1 Str (20) Lvl 13: Vigilante 11: Social Grace (+4 Intimidate) Lvl 13 Feat Lvl 14: Vigilante 12: Magical Familiarity (Sp) The vigilante taps into a past life’s arcane secrets. He selects a 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. The vigilante can cast the chosen spell three times per day as a spell-like ability, using his vigilante level as his caster level. At 6th level, he chooses a second 0-level spell that he can also use three times per day as a spell-like ability. At 12th level, in addition to these 0-level spells, he chooses a 1st-level spell that he can cast once per day as a spell-like ability. At 18th level, he can cast his 1st-level spell three times per day and his 0-level spells at will. The vigilante must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 to select this talent. |