Primal Companion Hunter

Ulark Bastardson's page

584 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


Wounds (0) HP (39) Saves (8/8/9) AC (19/14/15) Initiative (+4)


LoH (0/3) PT (0/1) AS (0/1) Cold, Acid, Lightning (5) CMB (+6) CMD (18)


[CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Enlightened Paladin (2) Angelic Warrior Vigilante (2)


Common, Celestial, Orc, Sylvan, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic, Giant, Ignan, Terran

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Ulark Bastardson

Race Angel Blooded Aasimar
- Cold, Fire, Lighting resist 5
- Darkvision, outsider
- Alter Self 1/day (+2 str for 1 min per level. Takes on the appearance of his celestial ancestor)
- Truespeaker There are some aasimars whose language transcends all boundaries. They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Class Enlightened Paladin (2)
* Reactionary (+2 initiative)
* Seeker (+1 perception and class skill)

* To Hit: +9
* Damage: 1d8+13 (x3 crit)
* +1 hit and +1 damage with Personal Trial
* +1 hit and +1 damage with alter self
* +2 hit +2 damage +2d6 damage vs humans

* To Hit: +6
* Damage: 1d8+4

* Masterwork Chain Shirt
* Cold Iron Dagger
* Cold Iron Battleaxe
* Human Bane +1 Battleaxe
* Fighter's Kit
* Cloak of Resistance +1
* Sleeves of Many Garments
* Weak healing potion
* 147 gold + 250gp of gems
* Dead Thief’s Pack (50' of Silk Rope, a set of Thieves' Tools, a potion)
* Ring of Protection +1
* Composite Longbow +4 Str Mod

Lvl 1 Paladin Class: Improved Unarmed Strike (1d6)
Lvl 1: Power Attack
Lvl 3: Furious Focus

Social Talents
1: Social Grace (+4 Diplomacy)

Vigilante Talents
2: Eyes of Truth (When in his vigilante form, Ulark has constant detect evil.)

Skills 16 (class) + 8 (background skills)
* Sense Motive: 3 skill point (+6)
* Bluff: 2 skill point (+7)
* Intimidate: 2 skill point (+7)
* Perception: 4 skill points (+8)
* Diplomacy: 4 skill point (+9/13)
* Linguistics: 4 skill points (+9)
* Handle Animal: 4 skill points (+9)
* Profession (Logger): 1 skill point (+4)

Enlightened Paladin:

Confident Defense
* At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, an Enlightened paladin adds 1 point of his Charisma bonus (if any) per class level to his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class. If he is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus, he also loses this bonus.
* This ability replaces his proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.

Unarmed Strike
* At 1st level, an Enlightened paladin gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. In addition, he gains the unarmed strike monk ability, treating his monk level as half his paladin level (minimum 1) for calculating his unarmed strike damage.

Aura of Law (Su)
* The power of an enlightened paladin’s aura of law is equal to his class level.
* This ability replaces aura of good.

Sense Perfection (Su)
* At 1st level, at will, an enlightened paladin can detect life forces as if he were using a paladin’s detect evil class ability; however, instead of sensing evil creatures, he senses creatures that have a ki pool. Each such creature has an aura like a cleric of an aligned deity, and treats its current number of ki points as its Hit Dice for the purposes of this ability.
* This ability replaces detect evil.

Personal Trial (Su)
* Once per day, an enlightened paladin can as a swift action declare one target within line of sight as his personal trial. The Enlightened paladin gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature, to his AC against attacks made by the target, and on saving throws against the target’s spells and special abilities. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +6 at 20th level. The personal trial effect remains until the target of the trial is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains daily uses of this ability. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the Enlightened paladin can use personal trial one additional time per day.
* This ability replaces smite evil.

Lay on Hands
* Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (his own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability.
* Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.

Custom Vigilante Archetype (2):

Ulark is a man of two minds. On one hand, he is a simple woodcutter. A resident of Falcon's Hollow, seeking to make his way in the world. On the other hand, he has the blood of angels flowing through his veins, blood which *demands* that he right the wrongs of the world and fight against evil.

* Identity 1: Ulark Bastardson (lawful good)
* Identity 2: Ulark the Avenger (neutral good)

Dual Identity
Unlike most vigilantes, Ulark does not attempt to keep who he is a secret. Rather, the angelic blood within him is merely a force that he fights against. Or gives into, as the case may be. Because he does not feel the need to hide, he does not need to take one minute to change identities, and does not need to do it in private.
* Bonus: Move action to change identities instead of standard action. This makes him take on the features of his angelic ancestor.
* Con: Ulark does not gain +20 disguise in social or vigilante identities (he doesn't care that people know that he is Ulark). He only gets the bonus using many guises

Angelic Warrior
* Ulark does not get Startling Appearance, Frightening Appearance, or Stunning Appearance. Instead he gets:
* Vigilante 5: When in his vigilante form, Ulark has the feat "angelic flesh-silver."
* Vigilante 11: When in his vigilante form, Ulark has the feat "angel wings."
* Vigilante 17: Whenever Ulark is in his vigilante form, he retains the benefit of Alter Self. This replaces Stunning Appearance.

New Vigilante Talent: Eyes of Truth
* When in his vigilante form, Ulark has constant detect evil.

Build Path:

Build Path:

Lvl 4: Vigilante 2: Vigilante Talent (Eyes of Truth)

Lvl 4 Stat +1 Con (14)

Lvl 5: Vigilante 3: Songbird

Lvl 5 Feat Dodge

Lvl 6: Vigilante 4: Shield of Blades (and Toughness)

Lvl 7: Vigilante 5: Ancestral Enlightenment (+4 trained knowledge tests)

Lvl 7 Feat Toughness

Lvl 8: Vigilante 6: Shadow Steed

Lvl 8 Stat +1 Str (19)

Lvl 9: Vigilante 7: Mockingbird

Lvl 9 Feat

Lvl 10: Vigilante 8: Signature Weapon (Weapon focus and weapon specialization)

Lvl 11: Vigilante 9: Social Grace (+4 Diplomacy)

Lvl 11 Feat

Lvl 12: Vigilante 10: Strike the Unseen

Lvl 12 Stat +1 Str (20)

Lvl 13: Vigilante 11: Social Grace (+4 Intimidate)

Lvl 13 Feat

Lvl 14: Vigilante 12: Magical Familiarity (Sp) The vigilante taps into a past life’s arcane secrets. He selects a 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. The vigilante can cast the chosen spell three times per day as a spell-like ability, using his vigilante level as his caster level. At 6th level, he chooses a second 0-level spell that he can also use three times per day as a spell-like ability. At 12th level, in addition to these 0-level spells, he chooses a 1st-level spell that he can cast once per day as a spell-like ability. At 18th level, he can cast his 1st-level spell three times per day and his 0-level spells at will. The vigilante must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 to select this talent.