Even Angels Weep

Game Master DragonBlood472

Eberron/Pathfinder hybrid starting with the Fallen Angel module.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3


Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Damn!!! There fighters in Full plate with AC's lower than these bastards!

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

My reaction

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Lol, indeed. Normal weapons are hard to use against these critters.

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

Cuz we first levels always carry weapons beyond normal. :P

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Spells and bombs seem to work :P

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Male Dwarf Fighter

At work ATM I will post when I get homr

DM Twilight wrote:
Spells and bombs seem to work :P

Ummmmmmmm. Maybe not.

We are screwed! Rat 1 shook off two save or suck spells with a worse than 50/50 chance and has a better than 80% chance not to get hit with weapons... ;)

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Pfft, I didn't say they worked spectacularly. To be fair, it shaking of the spells is far more a matter of the dicebot loving me when I'm a DM and hating me when I'm a player. If you go look back over the last battle, the things that did the trick were bombs and spells.

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Male Gnome Alchemist/1

bombs arent as good till level two when i can control where the splash goes. So i'm pretty useless while everyone is crowding down the hallway and lying next to the targets dying.

Male Dwarf Fighter
Akasha wrote:
Damn!!! There fighters in Full plate with AC's lower than these bastards!

yeah I haven't hit a single one of them

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening
"Demise" wrote:
No problem. Things have been crazy for me as well. I am enjoying the game!

Excellent! I'm glad, I welcome feedback from everyone on the game. I'm a little surprised I've managed to keep it afloat this long, lol.

Male Gnome Alchemist/1

I don't mind when someone takes a long time because I know sometimes I can take a long time.

I wouldn't mind a 24 or 48 hour rule though. I know I am OK with being DMPCed if I am busy so others could act. Thoughts?

Male Dwarf Fighter

I agree with Demise it would keep the game moving. If the dm acted after a day or two stand still.

Male Gnome Alchemist/1

Im cool with that as well

Shadow Lodge

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Male Elf Druid 3


Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

I generally like to at least give those that I have ways to contact outside of Paizo a reminder before posting for them, but indeed I'll try to keep the wait time to a minimum. I'm not sure what happened with Lianna this round, I do know that her player was going to post...

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

If I'm alive next round I'll heal Bosramir. Didn't have enough actions to get inside, switch to my wand, and heal the dwarf in one round.

Male Dwarf Fighter

I apriciate it...

Grand Lodge

Female Elf Sorcerer(water elemental bloodline) 1

I was editing my post and then I got caught up in work and forgot, sorry ;.;

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

No biggie, love.

Shadow Lodge

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Male Elf Druid 3

I have never seen mere rats shake off spells so easily... This place is cursed! :P

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

Should be able to post into tomorrow, then Vannevar and I are heading to Larp. Bosramir, hopefully when we return your daughter shall be here! Everybody that is able should totally come to the next event in May, cuz it's on my birthday Vandlar

Where do you guys live?

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

Myself I'm in Goshen Ohio, Vannevar is in Blanchester Ohio, Bosramir is in Kettering Ohio, I believe Balthazar is somewhere about Maryland but has made it to our larp events before. Lianna hasn't yet made it to an event. DM Twi is in Kansas, for now, and I have no idea where Akasha resides :P

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Wizard of Oz jokes will be met with vicious random attacks on your characters :D

Shadow Lodge

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Male Elf Druid 3

Jeez lady, who dropped a house on Your sister?

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Lol, Silian first!

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

NYC. My wife's from Kansas and yes Wizard of Oz jokes are very much frowned upon by them.

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

It's mid-afternoon/early-evening. How much time are you spending in this room?

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

Six or seven years at least... If the rats are dead I say we explore the room and move on quickly.

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Anyone with Disable Device or similar skill can try to open the lock on the box Silian found.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

That would be our Alchemist

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

I'm not sure if he's away for the weekend with Vannevar (who needs to get Internet access before I REALLY start having fun with Vannevar) and Silian.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

So half the team may not have net access? Sounds like we're on pause.

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Pretty much. They should be back tomorrow night. If those of you who are still here really want, I can DMNPC them all until then.

Shadow Lodge

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Male Elf Druid 3

Vannevar and I are back from Larp. Much fun was had by all... especially me since I'm essentially the DM. April is our Fey event.

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Welcome back, love.

Shadow Lodge

Male Elf Druid 3

So is a 28 good enough to open the box?

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening
DM Twilight wrote:
He is pretty sure, however, that he just doesn't quite have the skill necessary to open this particular lock...

I tried to make it clear that it was not.

Let's be clear here, without using an action point and probably taking a 20 to boot, that lock will remain locked. You could hold on to the box until your skill increases, sell it as is, smash it open, ask someone else later on to open it etc. It's in your possession now, it's not dire that it be opened immediately.

Grand Lodge

Female Elf Sorcerer(water elemental bloodline) 1

We can just get a scroll/wand of knock when we're done with this :P

Male Gnome Alchemist/1

What do i need to do to roll for an action point? just roll a d6?

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Yeah, if you think it's worth it.

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

I'm feeling a bit sick to my stomach tonight, so I'm probably going to end up in bed rather early. You guys figure out what you're doing and where you're going next and we'll move on in the morning (unless I start to feel better).

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Where to people?

Boss Lady Dragon of the Early Evening

Have I lost you guys?

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I'm here. I am just waiting to see where the others want to go!

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Here too. Could be a weekend thing.

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