Eberron: Shadows of Breland (Fantasy Noir)

Game Master Elton

This campaign mixes pulp noir, steam, and adventure. The campaign presents a dystopian view of Breland and delves into the question of Sovereignty - both personal and national. The campaign is a dystopian fantasy espionage campaign.

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Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov smirked at the dispute between the humans. "You might have understood the beginning of the last war better if you were actually there, at King Jarot's funeral."

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

"By the Host, Karrn, you are not only delusional about the present, but you have completely re-written the past as well! Fortunately, any one of any real intelligence knows that your 'recall' of 'history' is biased and totally wrong. But that's okay, you live in your own little world- as long as you point in the right direction and fire when we see undead, then you're of use to us."

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

casting guidance for perception roll

When we get to Karnnath I will show you the charred rubble of the towns that Thrane torched. Let the evidence of their atrocities speak for itself. Now I advice that you keep your eyes peeled, the cogs await us.

perception check to notice the presence of anything unusual1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Danir wrote:

As they walk, Danir addresses Essar's earlier outburst-"Yes, Karrn, I have faced the undead horrors that you country so cowardly sent against the other four nations during the Last War- which is why I carry a morningstar- it both bludgeons and pierces, being effective both skeleons and other undead, and I will weave an enchantment into the weapon to make it more effective against any we encounter."

GM- Can I perform all but the last part of the infusion, taking a minute beforehand to do most of the casting and then take a standard action to activate the infusion?

I'll allow that.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Ven'xol's perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Xov smiled as he heard Essar speak.
How cute, the human thinks it inevitable that we must go to Karnath, almost like he assumes our mission will go there. Well, if he didn't have such a crazy mouth, I would tell him that "when" we go to Xen'Drik, I will show him the scarred remains of my clan being torn apart by magic too powerful for him to comprehend, even if that isn't what happened!

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

Descending into the city means going down into the sewer network. the Sewers of the city is often supplied by pipes, but it doesn't mean that it stinks. The smell of human (and other kinds of waste) give the sewers the smell of something decomposing.

Finding the entrance into the cogs below the sewers requires some searching (Perception checks).

DM ruling:
For everyone taking 10 or 20, a fortitude save against nausea is required. Failure means that the person is slightly nauseated. A roll of 1 means that the PC has caught a disease that turns his skin a slight shade of green. Then he violently throws up for 4 hours.

Such the effect of mixing the sewage of several different races.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

of course, Xov's perception is impeccable. His familiar finds the right entrance to the cogs, even though he finds the air thick with goblinoid offal mixed with human, elven, halfling, and dwarven dung.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov tried to endure the awful stench, for that was the task he had been given.
fortitude: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

He began to feel very queasy, though he did not catch a horrible disease...
"Hey guys, I'm not feeling so great, can we slow down a bit?"

EDIT:Just realized you didn't actually say what the fortitude DC was, but I'm guessing a 4 fails...

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

A four fails. Your nauseated, I think the condition monitor would say: your nauseated.

Nauseated: Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move actions per turn.

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

fort vs nausea: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

"Good idea. Rushing is never a great idea in such matters," Ebran says, visibly sickly.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

"I hope..." Xov wheezed as his stomach churned--"I hope we can get out of this stench soon."

male human lvl 2 (varient multi-class rogue)

Othan will let others search for the sewer entrance.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

"Hey, guys", Xov wheezed, "I found the entrance! Let's go."

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

fort save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Xov I was right you are a liability, if a sewer nearly hobbles you the undead will kill you by simply glaring. Until you actully look like you can defeat an obese halfling in fair combat I must withdraw and focus my efforts on something that won't kill me. Unless you wish to try the Karnnathi traditional home remedy for nausea if so this will be fun...

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov laughed. Not just giggled, he actually laughed for the first time in many years.
"You want to withdraw? Go ahead, you've caused nothing but trouble for our team."

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

Essar has an iron stomach.

The cogs await. Also the dangers below.

GM does a roll and keeps the result. 1d20 ⇒ 15

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Your lack of experience fighting the undead is plain for all to see, do you really want to fight a ghoul while your gut is convulsing? As I can assure you the undead won't care if your Royal eye of Aundair, to them you are a weak piece of juicy meat to be eaten. Can you even cast a minor cantrip?

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

"Onatar help me," Danir thinks as he works his way through the sewers, feeling the smell of offal clog the very air and lie heavy over them.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Fortitude: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Keeping his wits, and the contents of his stomach, Danir waits for his visibily sickened companions as well, noting that perhaps the combination of the Karrn's spotty personal hygiene habits and close proximity with the Karrnathi undead had rendered him without a sense of smell...

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Can I use heal to remove Nausea?

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

Yes, you may. Just be grateful no one got Sharn Sewer Disease.

The healer's kit you got should have enough medicines to give you a +2 bonus to the heal check. You can also use cleric spells, but you don't have remove disease or lesser restoration yet.

Undiseased Nausea is DC 16 to heal.

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

With the nice Perception roll up above, Danir was going to be making a continual scan for anything out of place or dangerous- or anyone possibly following us- did he see anything?

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Danir wrote:
With the nice Perception roll up above, Danir was going to be making a continual scan for anything out of place or dangerous- or anyone possibly following us- did he see anything?


hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Essar grabbed Xov by the mouth and poured a small vial of codliver oil down his throat. He did the same with Ebran.

heal check1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
heal check1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Feeling better, Xov continued scanning the area as he walked.
taking 10 on perception for 15
Ven'xol's perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

Xov, you see a vigorous beetle that is not unlike the nile scarab, except its abdomen glows a erie, neon blue light in a particular pattern.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

"Hey, guys..."
The vulkoori stopped suddenly, pointing and casting Detect Magic (SLA).
"what's that?".

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

I wonder if house cannith dumps any of its alchemy experiments gone wrong in the sewers? Now hurry you fools, hurry that Cyran is going to get himself killed.

Essar hurried into the sewer his scalemail armor clanking.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

What is crazy-mouth talking about? Cyran? The only Cyran around is Danir, and the only person on our team who nearly got themselves killed is crazy-mouth himself. Oh well, it's probably just ramblings of a lunatic.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

The thing does glow with magic.

Then, not bothering with asking for a perception check, you see THEM!

Thousands of glowing scarab beetles rushing towards you in a SWARM!

Congrats: you just met your first, REAL LIVE monster as two of the scarabs glow and shoot themselves at you!

ARCANE SCARAB SWARM NOT-SO-MAGIC MISSILE ATTACK against Xov: Touch Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

The same against Essar: Touch Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Hit, Xov's touch AC (and normal AC) is 12

Using vulkoori dexterity, Xov tried to dodge the swarm, but was hit by the edge of the swarm.
In the heat of being attacked, Xov attempted to recall anything he may have learned about these arcane beetles.
knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Essar raised his iron skull and channeled negative energy, a burst of red energy spread out from his hand and began to engulf the incoming swarm of rainbow scarabs.

damage1d6 ⇒ 3
init roll1d20 ⇒ 17

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Xov wrote:

Hit, Xov's touch AC (and normal AC) is 12

Using vulkoori dexterity, Xov tried to dodge the swarm, but was hit by the edge of the swarm.
In the heat of being attacked, Xov attempted to recall anything he may have learned about these arcane beetles.
[dice=knowledge (arcana)]1d20+5

The scarab beetles are related to the Sharn beetle, except that they are magical and able to turn themselves into a glowing magical attack much like a magic missile, but not as accurate.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Essar Kalvin wrote:

Essar raised his iron skull and channeled negative energy, a burst of red energy spread out from his hand and began to engulf the incoming swarm of rainbow scarabs.

init roll1d20

hit, but you only killed a few of them.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

What was the effect of being hit by the beetles?
Also, do I know if mind-affecting magic works on them?

EDIT: Also, where any other player-characters hit by Essar's negative energy?

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Xov wrote:

What was the effect of being hit by the beetles?

Also, do I know if mind-affecting magic works on them?

EDIT: Also, where any other player-characters hit by Essar's negative energy?

Essar you take 1d2 ⇒ 1 damage, and Xov you take 1d2 ⇒ 1 damage. They count as magical beasts. Secondly, I forgot that Essar's negative energy is a wave. Thanks for reminding me. Everyone, make a will save.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"Essar, do you even think before you cast!?"
Waiting to see the initiative order before declaring an action.

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

All of you get at least thirty feet away from me! I will deal with these damn insects, there are too many for you to kill conventionally.

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

"Who better to serve as the scout for our party? I know now to stand thirty feet behind you. Perhaps you could trail a rope of the correct length behind you so that I know for sure how far I should be?"

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Essar ignored the comment from Ebran as he too busy trying to kill the blasted scarabs...

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

"Thrice-damned moron!!" Danir thought to himself as he attempted to get out of the way of Essar's negative energy wave. Realizing the fool would likely just continue to waste the reserve of divine energy he could channel daily on the swarm, Danir decided to deal them in a more expedient fashion, he tosses a flask of Alchemist's Fire at the centre of the swarm

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 1 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 8 = 24
spent a hero point for the +8 to roll.

Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
1 pt splash to 5ft.

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

When I added the initiative roll, it changed the Will- save, it was originally a roll of 18+3

male human lvl 2 (varient multi-class rogue)

Will save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

"I can do little against these creatures."

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

Ebran backs up 30 ft and spends a standard action to assume a defensive posture.

"Dont worry guys. Essar will save us."

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov's next action depends on whether Danir already killed the swarm before my turn:
If the swarm is already dead, then obviously Xov will not attack.
If the swarm is still up and flying:
"Save your energy for undead, crazy-mouth!"
Knowing that these were no ordinary insects, but intelligent magical beasts, Xov let forth a rainbow cone of flashing light at the swarm.
Casting Color Spray, Will Save DC 14, 15 ft cone
With that, the vulkoori retreated 30 feet, as fast as he could, away from Essar.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

save: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

The scarabs are affected, and many of them are dazed!

Interestingly enough, they are dazed long enough for the party to advance. Or better yet, RUN!

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Rolling for the effect of color spray:
Unconscious for 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round...
If they have 3-4 HD, then skip the unconscious part...

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

"Okay, I think they are out of commission long enough 10 rounds(!) for Essar and Danir to finish them. Or we could just go past them, but choose quickly before they regain mobility." Xov did not particularly care what happened to these random monsters, but he didn't see much point in trying to force his allies away from an easy fight if they didn't want to leave. Othan seems the type to want to finish the kill, while Essar would not want to flee when he could show off his supposed magical talent.

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

"Well, hero, now's your time to shine!" Ebran calls out to Essar from 35ft away.

hp 8,ac 13/10/13, fort 2+, reflex 0+, will+6, Initiative 2+, Perc 4+

Lets move we have undead to destroy and I have little time to persue my own research.

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