Eberron: Shadows of Breland (Fantasy Noir)

Game Master Elton

This campaign mixes pulp noir, steam, and adventure. The campaign presents a dystopian view of Breland and delves into the question of Sovereignty - both personal and national. The campaign is a dystopian fantasy espionage campaign.

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Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

It was a stormy morning on Lake Brey. A lone passenger carrack christened the Queen Lorsanna rode the waves and the storm on the Lake well. It left Isla i Gador carrying the last Prisoners of War. People captured during the last war. The rain was calming in the early morning, as six prisoners slept on board with many others.

All six of them were dreaming, but who can say what they were dreaming? Was it the horrors of the Last War? Or was it pleasant dreams? But the promise of being released to their own countries couldn't come soon enough. All of the prisoners aboard the Queen Lorsanna greeted the news that they were finally going to be released to their own countries with glee.

"Wake up!" said an elven voice. "Are you dreaming? Wake up!"

Male Herbivorous Meatsack Epic Level Pain in the Backside

Wake up!"... "Are you dreaming? Wake up!"

Danir came awake with a start- he had been dreaming, dreaming of the last time that he saw his parents. He had gone home to Whitehearth to inform his parents that he was leaving House Cannith and enlisting directly with the forces of Cyre- he could not abandon his comrades and the nation he had grown up in simply because the House had ordered him to.

Things had gone badly, and his last words with his parents had been bitter and angry- they were disappointed and angry with him for betraying his House while he was upset that they could not see his point of view... As he shook the sleep from his head and rose, Danir wished one last time that he could change that day, at least say goodbye on good terms if not save them outright.

"Today will be the first free day of my life," he thought to himself, and the thought filled him with a mix of joy and anxiety- he had no land to go back to, no House, no family, what was he to do with this freedom? As he turned to face his future, Danir remembered his goal- to return to the blasted land of his birth, now the Mournland, and to see for himself what had happened at Whitehearth and hopefully find some mementos of his parents and family. But before that could happen he needed to face this first day...

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

I am at work right now, so will post more prolifically in about 5 hours.

Kyndril jerked out of his sleep, sitting bolt upright as he looked around for the source of the voice. He blinked blearily at his surroundings, expression dully curious, until he abruptly recalled where he was. The Queen Lorsanna. Wonderful. Awake now, he patiently waited for the interruption of his rest to be explained. Well, at least the Flame might smile on him and make this quick. He was tired of being imprisoned, tired of being unable to work his magic.

Edit: Changed wording that was bothering me.

Xov rolled a bit on his side. "Goodbye", he whispered, as he sat up, and blinked a few times in the light.

Although he had been lying down with his eyes closed, he had not been trancing. Indeed, he had just been communicating with his direct superior
By means of a Crystal Ball in the Tower of Eyes and a message spell
in the Tower of Eyes, a human named Gwen. He did not know her last name, nor had he ever seen her, as she could not have been born by the time he was captured. Nevertheless, his conversations with her were the only thing he found comforting in prison.

Freedom, he thought. At last, after 80 long years in prison, he would be free. What that meant for him, he was not sure. Although he had been sent into Breland to collect intelligence, he had been severely limited in his ability to gather information whilst in a war-prison. Now, more than ever, my Queen needs information.. Now that his homeland was in a shadow-war, spies like himself would be even more critical. For the first time in a long while, he felt happy. Happy that he could be of use to his Queen, for he knew how to do nothing else.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

spoiler everything that have to do with Xov's mission.

male human lvl 2 (varient multi-class rogue)

Othan awakes from a dream about his last battle, watching his comrades being cut down while he has to badly hurt to aid them. When he wakes up he realizes that his mindblade had been subconsciously manifested. He begins to look around for the person who called him.

Perception check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8


Othan: He's behind you, but he hasn't noticed you creating your weapon.

male human lvl 2 (varient multi-class rogue)

I turn around to find out what is going on dismissing my blade as I turn.

Good morrow stranger, I am Othan and who might you be, who has disturbed our rest.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

"We're docking and I think they are going to let us go!" said the elf, happy at least. "We are part of the last Prisoners of War. And I can't wait to get home!"

He looked at all of you. "What are your names?" he said.

Male Herbivorous Meatsack Epic Level Pain in the Backside

As he hears someone address the person that had woken them, Danir looks around to see if there are any small rocks or pebbles that he might use as a weapon. Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8


There seems to not be any.

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

"Wake up!"

Ebran woke up in a better mood than usual. The nights in prison had brought him little in the way of pleasant dreams. He dreamt primarily of his life in Sarlona, moving from town to town, never settling, while his family dwindled to nothing from the collateral damage from the unseen conflict.

Last night, however, brought him dreams of relatively more recent history. The rocking of the carrack reminded him of his years at sea. The thrill of repelling boarders, sneaking aboard known pirate ships and sabotaging them, truly days to make a man feel alive. Whether sea-lass or airship, Ebran truly preferred his freedom free of land.

"I am Ebran," he said as he stood, looking around to assess his location.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Kyndril tilts his head at the gathered prisoners, green eyes sweeping over them before finally coming to rest on the elf. A faint smile appears on his face. Freedom, at last! It hardly seemed real, but even less real was the prospect of actual peace, something his mother had told him of as a child. The Last War, as they were calling it now, over? After a century? It was amazing. Surely the Church would now have much more time to devote to eradication of evil, a prospect that delights Kyndril.

"I am Kyndril Mieren. What about you?" He looks around the cabin, then sighs. "Where exactly are we docking, again?"

Again, apologies for the brevity of the post. Will be posting in greater length shortly.

Male Herbivorous Meatsack Epic Level Pain in the Backside

"I am called Danir, what is your name stranger?"

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

"I am called Alassindon," said the elf. "We are docking at Hatheril, an elvish community -- ah to be among my own again!"

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov nervously glances around at the elf who had called out, and at the other soon-to-be-released prisoners.
"I am known as Xov."
As he glances at the other people, he looks for anything unusual about them.

Xov makes a Perception check while looking at everyone else, to look for signs of allegiances.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
If he notices any of the dragon marks on the other people, he makes a spellcraft check to identify them:
spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

EDIT: Oops, too slow

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

None of the dragonmarked told me where their dragonmarks are on their person.

We wait until Essar Kalvin have answered before we go on to the next phase.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5
GM Elton wrote:
"I am called Alassindon," said the elf. "We are docking at Hatheril, an elvish community -- ah to be among my own again!"

Blend in, talk to them!, thought Xov.

[B]"It certainly will be nice to be among elven kin," he replied.
Okay, wait, but I don't want to talk too much. Just a little.

Male Herbivorous Meatsack Epic Level Pain in the Backside

My dragonmark is located on my right shoulderblade

"An elvish community?" Danir thought to himself, "As good a place as any to start my new life, since I'm not going home anytime too soon."

"What of we Cyrans? Where are we to go now?"

an elf community, interesting. Do they pay thier soldiers well?

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

Ebran's dragonmark is on the left side of his neck and stretches down to the collarbone on the left side of his chest.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8


You see Ebran's Assur Dragonmark on the left side of his neck, but you can't be sure but somehow it looks like

The Mark of Storm

To all:

"I don't know about Cyrans," said the Elf. "I haven't the slightest idea. I was a prisoner like yourself." The boat rocks and creaks in the water, even though the feeling of forward motion has stopped.

Male Herbivorous Meatsack Epic Level Pain in the Backside

Danir is a little suspicious, he makes a Perception roll to see if anything is 'off' with Alassindon.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

Success Alassindon is on the level.

Use 'sense motive' checks to counter bluff checks.

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

Sense Motive check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Kyndril remains quiet, simply taking it all in and planning for the future. After a few moments, he opens his mouth to ask Alassindon

"What do you know of Hatheril? Other than the facts that we are here and that it is an elven settlement, of course."

The magus surveys his fellow prisoners lazily, eyes bright.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Sense Motive Untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 5

And I return, so now I can do actual posts!

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov cautiously looks at everyone, trying to work out if anything strange was going on.

He uses sense motive six times, one on each other player and once on Alassindon:
Alassindon sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Ebran Asur sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Danir d’Cannith sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Essar Kalvin sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Kyndril Mieren sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Othan sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

Danir sits up on the floor and while paying attention to the conversations around him, he begins his morning breathing exercises to center himself and prepare his mind to channel magical energy for that day.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Kyndril isn't doing anything odd. I don't think. It really depends on what you're looking for?

Male Drow Sorcerer 5
Kyndril Mieren wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

My character was checking to see if anyone was trying to bluff, or if anything was "off". I (player, not character) doubt that any of the other player-characters were lying about what little they said, but Xov wants to check everyone.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Kyndril Mieren wrote:

"What do you know of Hatheril? Other than the facts that we are here and that it is an elven settlement, of course."

"Nothing except it's our ticket home," said Alassindon.

Steps could be heard coming towards you and your group's compartment aboard the carrack. The door opens and there is a strong, burlish guard standing in the door way.

"This is where you get off, follow me," he commands. He awaits everyone to stand up and get moving. Alassindon says:

"You better do as he says."

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Danir wrote:
[dice= Sense Motive check]1d20+1

Success : He is on the level.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Kyndril stands, stretching slowly. A catlike smile appears on his face as he looks at the guard, and he very deliberately starts to walk towards the man, eyes glittering.

"Of course, good sir. Ah... Will my spellbook be returned to me?" He asks the guard, then shrugs, knowing he likely cannot change what will happen. If the Silver Flame was with him, it would go well, and he would be permitted to leave. If not, then, well, he couldn't exactly try to escape yet. Patience was in his blood, it seems, what with the elven heritage. The half-elf walks where the guard directs him, keeping a sharp eye out for anything out of place. Like people waiting with crossbows or pikes to spit him, for example.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8


"Maybe," said the Brelish guard. "My duty to escort you to the deck."

Human Marksman (Shroud/Sniper) 5

Ebran follows as bidden, not looking to rock the boat.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov walked quietly towards the guard, glad that he didn't have to worry about a spell-book. On the other hand, he would need his spell component pouch for all but the simplest of spells. He did not worry, though, as there was nothing expensive in his pouch when he was captured. His familiar ven'xol slid along behind him.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Also, I just realized that I forgot to include the fact that I have alertness as a bonus feat from my familiar when I was making sense motive checks earlier.
perception for my familiar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

You see a long hall way, with other compartments. Most of them are empty. It seems that yours was the last. At the end of the hallway is a ladder. Oh, there is a hole in the floor that leads to the bottom hold where the cargo and the food you've been eating was stored. There seems to be a trap door above the ladder, and there is a woman at the end of the hall, also in Brelish livery.

you have a snake as a familiar, huh?

Through your familiar its much the same, except you get a belly view. Fortunately the view is in color. The little snake saw most of the compartments were empty. Who was left were prisoners who committed murder and are convicted to die. They will be taken to another place, where they will get their just desserts. Some of the murderers look at you with eyes of savagery, hate, and scorn.

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov cautiously approached, speaking no words, but making a quizzical face, as if you ask "who are you?"
sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Which what? The person he is making the face to is the woman.

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

You can't read her face. It's as stern as ever. Despite this, she looks really attractive.

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

Following the others towards the ladder, Danir keeps quiet and just takes in his surrondings. Although he is looking forward to the first real freedom in his lifetime, he is still wary and looks for any potential threats.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Similarly to the human, Kyndril follows the drow's lead. A drow! Here! He marvels at the sheer unlikelihood of the event, and makes sure to ask the man about the fabled Xen'drik, soon. Surely there were great mysteries of magic and battle to be found there! But first, the magus remembered, his expression growing grim, he would have to get home. Preferably with all his limbs still attached, and maybe even with his spellbook returned to him? He smiles at the woman, a little awkwardly, but speaks nevertheless.

"Excuse me, but... Where are we to go?'

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8

"Get yourself on top immediately, and don't ask questions," said the guard.

"Climb the ladder," said the attractive Brelish woman.

Human Artificer 4 HP:21/27 AC:17/16 f-f/11 tch

Danir approaches the ladder as his turn to climb up to the deck comes, while he waits, he looks up through the trapdoor at the sky, attempting to determine the current weather above deck.

would this require a Perception check?

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 3/Cleric 2

Kyndril follows Danir up.

I still feel like there are people who haven't posted recently... Should we wait for them?

Male Drow Sorcerer 5

Xov hurries up the ladder as he is bid, carrying ven'xol with him. "How do I get out of this?" he wondered,

secret thoughts:
"it is not time for me to return to Aundair, and I doubt they would let me come back here without a bunch of questions. Hmm..."

you have a snake as a familiar, huh?

It's been on my character sheet the whole time--I shuffled spells and feats a bunch before the game started, but I never changed my familiar...guess you just missed it (or maybe you were only looking at my alias profile, which has less information than the full character sheet on mythweavers)?

Silver Crusade

male Human Atlanteologist 10/G.eneral O.perations D.irector 8
Kyndril Mieren wrote:

Kyndril follows Danir up.

I still feel like there are people who haven't posted recently... Should we wait for them?


male human lvl 2 (varient multi-class rogue)

I follow the group up the ladders, ready to manifest my mind blade if anything goes wrong.

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