Spell-Storing weapons in downtime

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 1/5

According to the PFS FAQ on Spell-Storing items, stored spells carry over if a PC uses their own spells or else pays for spell casting services, while spells from fellow PCs only last for the adventure, and that GMs should make note of spells being carried over.

But what about downtime? In theory, a PC with spell slots can have cast any number of spells into their items during downtime, or else have purchase any amount of spell casting. Can a PC begin an adventure with the assumption that they've filled their spell-storing items? Of course, with a specific list of which spells are stored.


I played a magus with spell storing armor a lot until he hit L12, and I always had noted that the armor had vampiric touch loaded unless I had time and reason to change it. That was an interesting surprise for enemies.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Considering the fact that you can charge your staves between adventures, I think it's reasonable to assume that you can fill the spell storing item during the downtime. At the very least, you could fill it at the end of the scenario, so yeah, it should always be filled at the beginning of a new scenario.

4/5 **

I have a character with spell-storing weapon AND armor, and I always change the spells in each during downtime.

5/5 *****

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Just do it at the end of the session. Nothing says that the game ends when you report back to the venture captain. In fact quite often you might need to take several more days to resolve a disease or curse for example.

If your GM has an issue with it simply delay reporting back to your VC at the end by a day or two so you can prep relevant spells and load them into any spell storing items.

Likewise, doing things like sharing spells between prepared casters is something which routinely takes place at the end of a scenario.

Sovereign Court 1/5

andreww wrote:

Just do it at the end of the session. Nothing says that the game ends when you report back to the venture captain. In fact quite often you might need to take several more days to resolve a disease or curse for example.

If your GM has an issue with it simply delay reporting back to your VC at the end by a day or two so you can prep relevant spells and load them into any spell storing items.

Likewise, doing things like sharing spells between prepared casters is something which routinely takes place at the end of a scenario.

Unfortunately, the local VO that most frequently runs the tables I play at is very adamant that the adventure is over the moment you finish the last encounter, and takes delight in punishing parties who intentionally delay the adventure.

4/5 ****

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ZᴇɴN wrote:
Unfortunately, the local VO that most frequently runs the tables I play at is very adamant that the adventure is over the moment you finish the last encounter, and takes delight in punishing parties who intentionally delay the adventure.

No amount of rules are going to solve the social problem of a GM deciding to be difficult.

5/5 *****

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Pirate Rob wrote:
ZᴇɴN wrote:
Unfortunately, the local VO that most frequently runs the tables I play at is very adamant that the adventure is over the moment you finish the last encounter, and takes delight in punishing parties who intentionally delay the adventure.
No amount of rules are going to solve the social problem of a GM deciding to be difficult.

Pretty much this. I suggest sending it up the chain of command or simply avoiding this persons tables.

4/5 **

ZᴇɴN wrote:
Unfortunately, the local VO that most frequently runs the tables I play at is very adamant that the adventure is over the moment you finish the last encounter, and takes delight in punishing parties who intentionally delay the adventure.

If it's a situation where, more often than not, this is the only GM available to you, then escalate it up the chain. Look up their VL or VC that they report to and send them an e-mail.

The idea that an adventure is over as soon as the last encounter is done is a bit asinine. Most adventures (at least recently) have a summary for when you report back to the in-game Venture-Captain, plus if a scenario ended right at the end of the last encounter, then there wouldn't be any chance to resolve ability drain, negative levels, curses, etc.

Also, FWIW, unless it's specifically noted in the scenario that there's a time limit for something, then your party cannot be punished (though there are suggestions for GMs on how to handle parties that like to "rest" after every encounter to get spells and abilities back).

The way you speak of them, though, makes them sound like a toxic VO, and I suggest reporting them.


Review the season 10 Guide.

you have three options to load spells into a spellstoring item;
1) at the conclusion of the adventure, write it on your chronicle (or have your GM write it) and have the note signed off by the GM when he signs your chronicle.
2) figure it out and bring it as a note to your GM before your GM starts the game, usually during review when he checks your last chronicle. That way it will be added on to the new chronicle and gold deducted before you start.
3) during the adventure, stop and do it (you, NPC, or fellow party member) as outlined above.

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