Arodric |
I've got something for later, assuming we survive, around the campfire. I'll post it in a spoiler so I don't forget
Arodric carefully sketched the ‘battle’ in his book. The book was nicely - if plainly - made. Leather cover, brass cornerplates, a simple latch and an integrated pocket for inkpen and vial of ink. As he wrote, he periodically referred to other pages. Strangely, while the ink he used was black, the rest of the pages in the book were written in red, and in a different hand.
”Hmm…” Arodric looked up ”So, according to the enchiridion, we could have done things better. No...” he holds up a hand to forestall argument ”...I’m not talking about my charging in. Let’s drop that one. Once in combat with demons, the book says it is essential to stop them summoning in support. They tend to become distracted when that happens, so if you can keep them off balance - by surrounding them for instance - you can take advantage of that distraction to hit them. That’ll either kill them or at least make it harder for them to concentrate.”
”Apparently we should concentrate on getting people around them. While the Rain of Rocks was alright - making the ground treacherous like that stopped all of us moving quickly - the Oil Slick just meant it was too risky for us to move at all, and gave them a safe radius.”
”What would be perfect is if someone had a long weapon. That way even if they backed up to get some room we could go them. I’ve got my longspear, if anyone wants it.” he looks around the group ”Yeah… I think we’re all sort of stuck with our weapons, except Kazmuk, maybe Kaede, right? Otherwise, while Arodric is going to hate it, I guess I could use it.”
”That’ll help with any of the complicated effects - and I point out that that is what nearly took us down. They weren’t hacking us up, they were twisting us up with Abyssal energies.”
Translation, we need to keep demons in AoO range as they are casters. Either keep close and surround them, or get reach.
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Kaede wrote:You all right?"No. Not really." there's a bitter tone in Arodric's voice as he speaks just as quietly. "I'm guessing whatever I coughed up I probably need, long term. I knew this damn thing was a death sentence, didn't realise it came in parts. I'm good to go though. Sword'll keep me going till I drop and it grabs the next in line."
"I know what you mean about responsibilities keeping you going - more than most." Arodric had seemed strange to Kaede at first, but now she began to understand him a little better. She, too, had inherited a responsibility much bigger than herself.
He looks pensive "You know much about Roan? Didn't think he'd just run. Do you think they got to him somehow?"
Kaede let loose a harsh word in Hallit. "I didn't think he would run either. But sometimes this place gets into people's heads. We can only hope the hordes didn't get to him, though - he knew our plans, knew where the weakness in the defenses was." Leaning closer, she whispered. "But it might be it wasn't the demons got to him - he may have just gotten tired of the windbag." She gestures rudely but discreetly at Sir Ilivan.
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Kaede lifted up the head of the hammer lying next to her on the ground. "You mean, a long weapon like this?" She chuckled grimly. "I've got that handled - but it wasn't much use without a pair of wings, apparently. Story was my mother and grandmother could actually change their shapes, take on the forms of beasts, as they bonded closer to the spirits. But damned if I know how they did it."
Sabola |
Sorry, weekends can be rough.
Action 1
Sabola had nothing to add to the discussion regarding their newfound dwarf, so he kept quiet and listened.
Action 2
Sabola ignored Ilivan's question about following orders, but he responded nonetheless, "anyone care to wager that not all of those buildings are truly abandoned? And I am not talking about cats and mice here. Still, we do need shelter for the night, so scouting those buildings seems a reasonable thing to do. What is the plan?"
Kaede of Sarkoris |
I might be. (Not that I need another game, but it's a drug, I swear.) What type of characters are they looking for?
Fabian Benavente |
I might be. (Not that I need another game, but it's a drug, I swear.) What type of characters are they looking for?
We currently have a male human ranger (me), a female human sorceress, and a female human oracle.
Look in my profile, you'll see the game right away and contact the GM; tell him I sent you. :)
Hedda Halbjørhus |
Action 1:
Hedda listened to Arodric’s assessment of the last battle. It made sense but she was also getting used to working with the others. ”I can increase my reach when necessary but it has limits. Not like I can do it whenever I want.”
Action 2:
Hedda tied one of the cloths Sabola had shared around the nose of her horse. She turned to thank the half-orc, better late than never, when she saw him struggling. A cold knot formed in Hedda’s stomach as she thought she recognized the signs.
knowledge planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Her eyes flicked towards where the vermlek had bitten the half-orc and didn't like what she was seeing. "He has demon fever," Hedda said bluntly.
tag everyone
Arodric |
Can I assume we got rid of the bodies, rather than just leave them out there to get Vermlek possessed again. Given how much damage was done to them, I can imagine there wasn't much left.
Actions 1
"So long as we all bear it in mind, I think we'll be okay." Ardodric chewed his lip "The sword can help a bit with manoeuvrability. I'll look through those sections again tonight. Should mean I can get behind something - once. Make sure you make the most of it."
"Kaede, if you've a way with horses, then I'd like you to check mine. Sabola gave me a cloth..." he nodded gratefully to the half-orc "But I can't seem to help him much. I've still got my wand of healing if they need it." at the end he drew a military-issue Iomedean combat cleric's healing wand. Simply carved, mass produced and lacking any decoration it resembled nothing so much as a slightly magical stick. "You did a great job with my wounds - I've felt much better since..."
His eyes widened as Arodric realised what had happened "You son of a b+&~@!" he said into the air "You cured my cold. You could have done that weeks ago!" Apparently enraged, Arodric drew his sword from his scabbard and proceeded to beat it against the walls, floor, and nearby rocks. Despite the rough handling the sword appeared no worse for the abuse. Inasmuch as it was possible for an inanimate object to look smug, it did.
Black Blade is indestructible so long as it has at least 1 point
Actions 2
"Really?" Ardoric's voice was sad "I liked him. How bad is it? Do you think we can get him to a cleric? How bad is it?"
Arodric |
Actions 1, cont
"So, Kazmuk - I don't see many dwarves out here. Especially wizards. What's your story?"
Tag Kazmuk
"I'm an Arodric - hang on, you won't have heard... When Aroden took out Deskarii last time, he forged the sword Arodric for one of his Clanthanes. The sword can only be wielded by the current heir - also called Arodric. Story is the sword is actually powerful enough to kill Deskarii, with the right wielder." his voice turns sour "So far it seems to be determined to find that wielder by grinding through the whole family line."
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Crap, I forgot to pick up a scroll of remove disease.
Action 1
"Sure - I'll take a look at your horse. All of them, if you guys like." Kaede responded, tactfully ignoring his outburst at the empty air that followed. She faded into the dim nimbus of light surrounding the edge of their camp, checking over the mounts for any signs of injury. After several minutes, she retook her place closer to the fire, rubbing her hands together to warm them and listening to Arodric's story.
Action 2
Would it be too metagamey to trade Soften Earth and Stone for Lesser Restoration in my prepared spells, since I did know that a couple of people were bitten yesterday and that the bites had a fair chance of causing disease?
Kaede gave the girth of her saddle one last tug and turned to sneak a glance at the other horses' tack - I don't even know if they've seen a horse before this - and turns as Sabola staggered and threatened to drop his saddle. Wait - he wasn't that weak yesterday...
"He has demon fever," Hedda said bluntly.
"Really?" Ardoric's voice was sad "I liked him. How bad is it? Do you think we can get him to a cleric? How bad is it?"
Kaede's face fell at Hedda's pronouncement, but then she remembered the preparations she had made during her morning meditations. "My magics may be able to help him - well, at least help stave off the ill effects. Come here." She directed him to kneel on the earth, then placed one hand on his shoulder and another on the packed dirt. "Nigh an olc as a chuid fola agus an filth as a anam. Tabhair dó an neart chun leanúint ar aghaidh," she chanted in Hallit.
Casting Lesser Restoration to return 1d4 ⇒ 3 points of CON and eliminate fatigue.
"It's all I can do for now. If the fort has any of the right spell scrolls, I may be able to cure the taint entirely, but my own magics can't do it."
Fabian Benavente |
Would it be too metagamey to trade Soften Earth and Stone for Lesser Restoration in my prepared spells, since I did know that a couple of people were bitten yesterday and that the bites had a fair chance of causing disease?
No, this is fine. And I always assume that you prepared the same spells as the day before unless you guys tell me otherwise.
Good RP going on.
Game on!
Sabola |
Action 1
Having seen more of his internal organs than he had intended when he awoke that morning, Sabola's mood was quiet around the evening meal and campfire. Giving the occasional nod as affirmation to questions posed to himself, or in general, even if a nod was not an appropriate response, Sabola slowly chewed his rations, and checked on his horse before bedding down for the night.
Action 2
His head hurt, his bones ached, and it felt like his bowels were on fire, but the sun was up, and so Sabola got up. He approached the day with clenched teeth, and doubts about keeping his breakfast down.
His saddle must have gained fifty pounds through the night, he thought, as he struggled to get it up on his damn horse. Tightening the straps seemed easy, once he blinked away the double images and managed to thread the buckles with his shaking hands. "I cannot decide if it is cold, or hot," he thought, as his skin was clammy, but he sweated profusely, "better drink plenty of water today."
Kazmuk Doortsgarf |
Action 1
Kazmuk heard as Arodric talked about strategies to fight the demons while he took a look at their supplies, trying to make a good meal for all of them... for all he knew and experienced in the last months, he knew all of them made sense.
Profession (Cook): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
When he finished, he handed it over to all of them.
"Not my best work... but it will keep you from starving... I see a lot of you have abilities to meddle with the divine or the arcane. If you tell me more about your capabilities, I could prepare myself to better support you."
Tag Arodric, Kaede and Hedda
Kazmuk grunted as Arodric mentioned his story.
"All dwarven stories looks the same... throw in your clan, lost treasures we love, more ale than planning and end it with a bloodshed..." Kazmuk spitted at the fire, as if it ended the subject.
Action 2
Kazmuk woke up early... not that he had slept much in the last nights. He packed his stuff and prepared something to eat.
Profession (Cook): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Hum... much better now!
Among Kazmuk's passions, food and drink were on the top of his list.
"Here, eat while you can. Specially you there, my food will put some color in your face! Demon fever is not a pleasant thing, but demon fever AND bad food is worse!"
Arodric |
Um, Kazmuk's interjection seems like Arodric is angry at him, instead of at the sword...
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Action 1
"That's encouraging..." Kaede mutters under her breath, watching the plume of smoke rise into the sky. She shudders as the dark curls writhe and twist against the clouds.
Action 2
At Sir Ilivan's words, Kaede's hands flew upward, away from the hammer she'd already subconsciously begun to reach for. She may not have thought much of him, but he was certainly more versed in the crusaders' ways than she; it would have been foolish to defy him.
As the soldiers circled around to join them - good seats in the saddle, Kaede allowed begrudgingly - she subtly guided Pakad with her knees to match their pace. She never rode with a harness or bridle; she had raised the horse from a foal, and he was smart and well-trained enough that the lightest touch or the softest word was sufficient to give him guidance.
"Sent from Nerosyan," she muttered. "Seeing to the defenses."
Action 3
"I may be able to help with that, if you've any of those prayer scrolls written to aid in the treatment of diseases." Kaede tapped Pakad's side lightly to guide him into circling around in front of the group. Still filthy from the muddy water and with large strands of hair worked loose and hanging wildly around her face, she knew she must be even more of a sight to the crusaders than her dragon-scale armor and bone fetishes usually made her. With a sigh at the stares, she continued.
"Your Inheritor's magics draw from the same source as my own, though most of you try to deny it; I should be able to cure him, and I'll pay for the scroll if need be. If you have nothing that will aid me, then so be it."
She tapped Pakad out from in front of the rest, coming to a stop beside Sabola. "If there's none that can cure you here, I'll stay outside of the fortress with you at night; I'll not leave you to the mercy of the demons, and the open spaces suit me anyway."
EDIT: Changed the last bit to be speaking directly to Sabola rather than saying it to the soldiers.
Hedda Halbjørhus |
Action 1:
Hedda was relieved when Sir Ilivan confirmed that they were close to their destination - not that she let it show. As they had traveled she kept looking over at Sabola and couldn't help but be concerned. Hopefully they'd get help at the fort.
Action 2:
Hedda's eyes narrowed at the challenging approach of the soldiers and her hand flinched towards her own weapon when Sir Ilivan yelled to stand down. Keeping her muscles tensed to react if need be, she heeded his words for the moment.
When they were on their way and addressed by one of the soldiers, Hedda was glad that Kaede responded. When the women seemed to look at them expecting more all Hedda added was, "What she said."
Action 3:
“Everyone is clean except the half-orc. He cannot enter the fort.”
Hedda barked, "Unexceptable. We know what's wrong with him and he needs healing. He's not staying out here alone."
tag anyone
I'm without internet at home until tomorrow night - stupid modem :( My posts will be limited to when I'm at work.
Hedda Halbjørhus |
I hang my head in shame. First day back at work and I've been putting out 'fires' all day. Plus there was snow...or as I call it - albino brain leeches.
Fabian Benavente |
soldier wrote:“Everyone is clean except the half-orc. He cannot enter the fort.”Hedda barked, "Unexceptable. We know what's wrong with him and he needs healing. He's not staying out here alone."
Sir Ilivan scoffed and didn't even try to contain his laugh, "I think she means unacceptable. You know their type. They don't start out with much smarts and then take too many hits to the head. It's a sad story really for many low templars."
"Your Inheritor's magics draw from the same source as my own, though most of you try to deny it; I should be able to cure him, and I'll pay for the scroll if need be. If you have nothing that will aid me, then so be it."
The guard seemed to know Kaede but looked at the patrol leader and shrugged his shoulders, "Not my call to make. I only tell the captain in charge what I sense."
Sir Morgan stepped down from his horse, "What you are asking is to spend some of our resources and I don't think Sir Ilivan agrees with request."
Sir Ilivan shook his head, "Hell no, he got bit for no good reason too. You don't have to spend needed resources for the knights on his cure."
Sir Morgan turned once more to the group, "So do tell me, why should I spend some of our precious resources on you? provided you can pay for it, of course."
Kaede has been here before to take care of the Wardstone but she doesn't recognize Sir Morgan.
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Sir Morgan turned once more to the group, "So do tell me, why should I spend some of our precious resources on you? provided you can pay for it, of course."
"Because with him ill, he's one less we've got for the fight. It seems you've lost plenty lately here at the fort - I saw the bodies being carried away, and felt the cries as their spirits joined the land's flow. Can you really afford to throw away one who, with such little care, could be ready for the fight again? It seems a waste the crusade can ill afford, especially one I heard praise your Inheritor's name with what he believed to be his dying breath."
Kazmuk Doortsgarf |
Action 1
Kazmuk chanced his position on the saddle. It was not unknown that dwarves preferred to walk instead of ride by horse... and Kazmuk was no exception. He had aches in his aches. He looked at the spires of smoke and smiled.
Oh sweet Folgrit! I'll finally get down this cursed animal... even if it is to fight, I don't care...
Action 2
Kazmuk looked at the fort and sighed. It looked well built, but to a dwarf, used to live and fight inside their powerful strongholds, any fort build by men looked like a crude and unsecure.
He looked at the men riding alongside them. "The same as you are... killing some cursed demons, or die trying." He looked again to the fort and muttered. "Probably the later..."
Action 3
Kazmuk got to his feet at last. It was clear to anyone seeing that the world could be ending in flames and fear and the dwarf would be as happy as he was right know.
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
"And might I know why, sir? The man indeed has demon fever, a disease contracted by the bite of some demons, one that will not infect your man, since Sabola is no demon and also not fond of biting people."
Kamzmuk tried to remember a passage of the book The Acts of Iomedae.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
"Hum lets see...'I will never abandon a companion, though I'll honor sacrifice freely given.'... Does this means anything to you, my good man?" Kazmuk looked at Sabola. "Do you feel sacrificing yourself freely Sabola? If not we shall not abandon you, our companion."
Tag Sabola
Hedda Halbjørhus |
Sir Ilivan scoffed and didn't even try to contain his laugh, "I think she means unacceptable. You know their type. They don't start out with much smarts and then take too many hits to the head. It's a sad story really for many low templars."
Hedda could feel her anger starting to simmer. Through gritted teeth she said, "That's what I said...unexceptable. I don't know what that has to do with taking too many hits but at least I can take a hit and don't have a stick up my arse like you."
tag sir Ilivan ?
Sabola |
Action 1
Keeping himself in the saddle was a full time job for Sabola. His head hurt, and he could barely stand the light as he saw the smoke in the distance. ”Maybe they are burning fever victims up there,” he considered.
Action 2
”An odd question,” Sabola thought. ”I’m trying to stay on this horse, if I can. What does it look like?”
Action 3
Hearing his health being discussed and the need to remain outside, Sabola looked up, ”I’ll just stay outside here, shall I? I don’t suppose someone can take care of my good steed here? See that she gets plenty of food and water, and let her next owner know that she has a tendancy to want to pull to the left.”
Arodric |
Action 1
Arodric sat uncomfortably in his saddle. It wasn't that he was in pain, but his insides felt different. From time to time he would glance at Sabola, guilt on his face.
Action 2
Arodric was all too familiar with the standard "greeting" procedures. He'd once seen a pair of returning scouts that had proven to be a well disguised Glabrezau. Killed twenty three men - and very nearly him. Massed ballista fire had finally brought it down. He'd also had a fellow trainee killed when he didn't take it seriously, back when he started. For years he'd nursed a grudge - until he realised why the procedures exist.
Action 3
Guilt warred with obedience.
"Look..." he started, only to hear Kazmuk quote Iomedae at the knights.
"Do you feel sacrificing yourself freely Sabola? If not we shall not abandon you, our companion."
"Yeah." agreed Arodric, guilty and relieved at the same time. "I'm a volunteer, apparently."
Arodric |
As the commander spoke, Arodric tried to reconcile what she said with what he knew of demons. Demon taxonomies were an exercise in futility. Demons were all different - some even shifting over time - and the taxonomic categories tended to be fairly loose. Still...
trying to guage power level and tactics/intelligence. Does this story make sense, or might the whole thing have been a trap by something greater? What sort of challenge might we be looking at?
knowledge:planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 Dretch
knowledge:planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 Brimorak
knowledge:planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 Schirr
Every time his mind tried to categorise the demons his eyes drifted back over Sabola.
He blanched as the scenes were described. All too easy to imagine being in that story.
When the captain called for volunteers he started "What is your estimate on the surviving numbers of demons? We..." he paused
"Sadly, we've a sick man."
Kaede of Sarkoris |
So, ah...that awkward moment when I don't actually have any ranks in Knowledge (planes). Any chance Knowledge (nature) or Spellcraft would suffice?
Fabian Benavente |
So, ah...that awkward moment when I don't actually have any ranks in Knowledge (planes). Any chance Knowledge (nature) or Spellcraft would suffice?
I actually was throwing you a slow ball. I was making it easier for you. You know... Kaede checking on the wardstones.
OK, use whatever skill Kaede uses so knowledge nature would have to work for you.
Where's everyone over the weekends?
Did we decide no playing on the weekends?
I actually have more time to play on weekends unless I go away entirely.
Game on!
Kaede of Sarkoris |
I'm the same - weekends tend to be my most available time. And I'll go ahead and use Spellcraft, since they are magic constructs. Unleses you'd be willing to let me move some skill points around, if it's not too late. I honestly don't know how I got out without Knowledge (planes) points.
Kazmuk Doortsgarf |
Kazmuk spent a lot of time studying the planes, specially the demons, getting ready for his journey north with his kin. They are now dead and he had never the chance to put it in practice.
I'm sure I have already read about this species of demons...
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 Dretch
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 Brimorak
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 Schirr
"Even when our options are clear as water, when the lives of our kin are in play, even years of experience and preparation are forgotten... you are not the first or the last commander to act with your heart."
With the mention of the wardstone, Kazmuk tried to remember anything about it that could be causing such change.
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 Inspired Reroll
The check is to just notice something is wrong, or we actually get a clue of what is happening? (Since it is buzzing, everyone in the fort already knows something is wrong, right?)
Fabian Benavente |
The check is to just notice something is wrong, or we actually get a clue of what is happening? (Since it is buzzing, everyone in the fort already knows something is wrong, right?)
I figured the wardstone buzzes and pulses on a harmonic pattern whereas it is now 'off key', if that makes sense to you.
@Kaede: you may do a 'limited' reallocation of your skill ranks if you like or you can use knowledge nature, up to you.
I'll detail demons' weaknesses and stuff later today.
No other questions for the commander?
Game on!
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Knowledge (planes) - wardstone: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Oh, good, I passed. :)
The moment she walked into the chamber, the sheer wrongness of the wardstone's pulse nearly overwhelmed Kaede. She had spent most of her life working with the stones, and their heartbeat was as familiar as her own. The first half of the conversation was lost on her as she stared worriedly, but finally she managed to collect herself in time to hear of the cavalry's plight.
More later.
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Btw, I reallocated two ranks from Heal to Knowledge (planes) - it seemed appropriate. Thanks for the flexibility.
Hedda Halbjørhus |
Action 1:
The recent demon attack on the fort solidified Hedda’s resolve to do what she could to stop further carnage. She liked the young commander and respected how her knights held her in such esteem. The bloodrager had been doubting that she had made the right decision with the constant friction between herself and Sir Ilivan. Maybe she had been correct after all.
She listened to the demons listed by Commander Manaria and definitely recognized dretches from her conversation with Hez. She then tried to remember what she could about the others from what she had picked up through the years.
knowledge planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 brimorak
knowledge planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 dretches, more info?
knowledge planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 schirs
Hedda was lost in her own thoughts about the demons and being mesmerized by the subtle pulsing coming from the wardstone.
knowledge planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 wardstone
It was the first time she had ever encountered a wardstone this close. It was truly remarkable that it could keep demons at bay. She was surprised when a couple of the others voiced their concern about the wardstone being 'off'.
She was even more surprised when the commander asked for their help. She expected Sir Ilivan to decline and say something about those soldiers getting themselves captured and that they should be left in Worldwound. "I don't think rescue missions are high on Sir Ilivan's to-do list but I'm in. Your people shouldn't be left without hope, exposed to their taint."
Sabola |
Action 1
Sabola's voice was slow and quiet as he spoke, "I didn't come out here to die in a sickbed. If my days are numbered, then I would prefer to die in battle, with the Inheritor's name on my lips."
Kaede of Sarkoris |
"I don't intend to leave them to their fates, either. If you need someone to aid in a rescue mission, count me in," Kaede responds with a dirty look at Sir Ilivan.
"But I think the more important issue is the stone. Something's wrong about it...seriously wrong. Telling you more will take time, but it's no wonder it didn't keep those abominations out." The dissonance of the wardstone's hum still pulled at Kaede's nerves, like a fly buzzing at her ear - if that fly was the size of an aurochs. "Do you mind if I examine it while the rest of you figure out what we'll need to do to rescue those poor souls? I can check to see if there's been any unnatural creatures in the area as well; it might help us to rule something out."
If there's time, Kaede will take 20 on a Spellcraft check for a 26 to examine the wardstone's enchantments; otherwise, she'll just make a Spellcraft check of 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18. She will also use Spirit Sense (Detect Undead for undead, fey, outsiders, astral/ethereal/incorporeal creatures) to check if there's been anything unusual in the wardstone's immediate surroundings.
Arodric |
"Well, I'd prefer you didn't die at all. Hells man, I nearly bought antiplague for my cold two days ago! If we push on, I'm sure we'll find somewhere that'd sell us a scroll or something."
bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
"The Wardstone's BROKEN?" Arodric was instantly alert "Anything you need Kaeda, just say."
The only thing saving us - saving the world - was the wardstones. If the Worldwound has found out how to compromise them... it could be the end of us all.
Kaede of Sarkoris |
Well, as I can't fail that check...:P
Suddenly, Kaede noticed Arodric's obvious tension. She nearly spoke up, but checked herself at the last moment. After all, it wouldn't do to draw the Commander's attention to some kind of weakness in her allies as long as it wouldn't interfere with the work they're about to do. (And avoiding giving Sir Ilivan fodder to work with also seemed preferable.)
"You've got some skill with magic. Come here, take a look at this with me." She could genuinely use the help, as the outward trappings of the crusaders' magic were different than what she was used to, but she had another motive as well. "Back here," she called with a gesture, waving him behind the wardstone.
As soon as they were behind, she began speaking in a low whisper. "What's wrong? Something's bothering you - something about Sabola. Either that, or you're using Sabola to draw our attention away from something else. Spill - I don't fancy getting eaten because you're distracted."
Arodric |
"It's my fault he got bitten." Arodric explained miserably "Always knew the damn sword would get me killed. Didn't realise it'd take out the people around me."
Hedda Halbjørhus |
Action 2:
After Arodric and Kaede disappeared behind the wardstone, Hedda voiced a few more questions to Commander Manaria. ”How many of your people were taken and do you have any way to identify them? I know demons often disguise themselves just to get closer in order to cause more carnage. Does your fort have some sort of identification phrase or is it the same as when we came here?”
Tag Manaria
Then Hedda asked the hard question. ”What makes you think they’re still alive? Why would the demons take them rather than just killing them? There must be some reason you have for sending a rescue team other than just hoping they're still alive, right?”
Tag Manaria
Hedda couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between the demeanors of Commander Manaria and Sir Ilivan with regards to the missing soldiers.
sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
In the end, she came to the conclusion that Sir Ilivan was just a privileged poof who only cared about his own hide.
Action 3:
Hedda saw Sir Ilivan roll his eyes and open his mouth. It was then that she stepped between the boy and the knight but instead of addressing the boy, she stared down the knight. She crossed her arms and shook her head no while glaring at Sir Ilivan. She whispered harshly, ”They’ve taken his family, you won’t take his hope.” She continued to stand her ground with Sir Ilivan while someone else talked to the boy.
tag Sir Ilivan ?
Not really a comforting personality so Hedda will rely on one of the 'faces' to comfort the boy without giving false hope...
Arodric |
Actions 1
"The sword's immortal, and powerful." he explained in more length "I'm an engineer, barely passed weapon training, and you've seen what it does for me. In the hand of a real hero... there are stories. But the sword doesn't need me. It just needs someone - someone alive - to wield it. When I die, someone else gets it."
"Damn thing pushed me into that last fight. It's trying to push me into this one! And, honestly, why not? As soon as I got the word I knew I was going to die soon anyway, might as well try to save people while I can. Thing is, it's not just me. Everyone followed me into that last fight, and Sabola nearly died - I actually thought he did! I might be doomed, but you're not."
"I want to do this... but I don't have the right to drag you all into it."
Actions 2
on hold pending Kaeda's action 1, I think.
Actions 3
Arodric's heart ached for the kid. He'd grown up in the war as well. He'd started training as a carpenter's apprentice as a path into the Engineers about the same age as well. All to easy to imagine himself in the kid's shoes.
Still - he looked around to see if anyone else had a good answer...
Arodric |
Actions ???
Arodric looked for the fort's Engineers. Something the size of this had to have at least a few, just to deal with the basic maintenance if nothing else.
"Hey. Uh, Arodric. Engineer with... actually, I uh, guess... Look... I've ended up transferred out of Engineers and into Special Operations. Do you know who I talk to about picking up some armour? Something light enough I can still move? Maybe just a chain shirt? I figure you'll have some surplus."
It was a sad fact that after every battle there was always dead, and equipment they couldn't use. Scavenging was distasteful, but one of the few ways of getting the parts you needed to keep your own kit in good nick. Everyone knew someone who knew someone who could get you what you wanted... if you weren't picky about the provenance.
Difficulty was getting people to admit it.
is it possible to buy a chain shirt? Maybe studded leather? Not a problem if not, Mage Armour will still work. Figure on getting it refitted to masterwork when they're next at a proper supply depot.
Kazmuk Doortsgarf |
Action 1
Kazmuk heard Kaede's ask for help with the Wardstone, following the two outside. When he got close he also heard their conversation. He intended
to let them speak, but decided to express his opinion.
"Pardon me for the intrusion, but I must say you are seeing this from the wrong angle. You blame yourself for Sabola's disease, thinking it was your fault because you charged ahead... it is not the true reason... you should feel guilt for the way you think of yourself!"
Kazmuk looks deeply into Arodric's eyes.
"Some man chose to fight, others are just taken from their warm beds and thrown into the cold battlefield... it makes no difference, for once you are fighting, you need to embrace it. You, young man, have two options: or you swallow your doubts and embrace your fate, or just kill yourself and put thi incredible sword in the hands of a true warrior."
Kazmuk turned around to leave the two behind, but decided to add something before.
"I, personally, am hoping for the first option... some man are natural fighters, even if they choose the wrong carrier to start..."
Action 2
Kazmuk hears at Hedda's questioning and soon answers.
"They are alive because it is the only thing that makes sense..."
He pauses to make sure that all of them are paying attention.
"According to the commander's report, they came and tortured one man, forcing the defenders to attack, just to surprise them, killing many warriors and them take prisoners... If their intentions were to just to kill them, they could have done that at that moment, even forcing more defenders to come to their rescue... The right question now is what do they intend to do with the prisoners? They were after just a couple of men, or for a specific man among those who charged?"
Sense Motive (DC 20): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
With Sir Ilivan's reaction, Kazmuk spitted in the ground but said nothing.
Action 3
Kazmuk looked into the kid's eyes before speaking to him.
"I sorry for your loss and for what you have already seen, but because of this you know that everything is ugly outside. I have no doubt your brother and father were brave warriors and I'll do what I can to bring him back with us... and while you wait for our return, why don't you train to be as brave as your brother, uh?"
Looking at the others, Kazmuk explains himself.
"The kid needs something to occupy his mind and, if we fail and his father is dead, it is better to know how to wield a sword before running towards those cursed demons..."
Fabian Benavente |
Action 3:
Hedda saw Sir Ilivan roll his eyes and open his mouth. It was then that she stepped between the boy and the knight but instead of addressing the boy, she stared down the knight. She crossed her arms and shook her head no while glaring at Sir Ilivan. She whispered harshly, ”They’ve taken his family, you won’t take his hope.” She continued to stand her ground with Sir Ilivan while someone else talked to the boy.
Sir Ilivan scoffed, "You may as well tell him now so he can get to doing something useful instead of just hoping for the impossible. What do you gain by lying to him?"