Demon Hunters ala Fabian
Game Master
Fabian Benavente
Telling the interactive story of a group of 'demon hunters' and their incursion into the Worldwound.
Kaede of Sarkoris
Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1 Menhir savant druid 1
Hedda Halbjørhus
Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |
Rowan Drovenge
Kazmuk Doortsgarf
Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.
Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)
Shaeda Stormborn