Demon Hunters ala Fabian (Inactive)

Game Master Fabian Benavente

Telling the interactive story of a group of 'demon hunters' and their incursion into the Worldwound.

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Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Sorry for the delay... I think it will be easier to keep my former action and just improvise...

"I did not tell you? I told you three times, girl! The first you got distracted by a squirrel, the other by birds and on the third 'the spirits of the land' were talking to you..." Kazmuk (the sheriff) sighed.

At Arodric's comment he turned to him. "No... it was not like this... what really..." Kazmuk then turns his attentions to Otto. "Otto, please, help me here, tell them what happened before my head explodes."

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

I'm in prison with the Pathfinder's right?

I'll get a post up, where I query them a bit, without telling them who we are.

Sabola wrote:

I'm in prison with the Pathfinder's right?

I'll get a post up, where I query them a bit, without telling them who we are.

Yes, you are but a conversation was started and the guard shut everyone up. Read Turn 036.

Game on!


Turn 038 is up.

Read the OOC.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?

Game on!


adding penalties on disguise check as bonuses to Otto's roll
different race: +2
recognizes on sight: +4
Otto perception to see through the disguise: 1d20 + 1 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 2 + 4 = 17, fail
Hedda survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Kaede perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
1d8 ⇒ 7
1d8 ⇒ 2

Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Action 2

Kazmuk sighed at Otto's mention of Ekira. "Tell me, Otto, is that what you all wish? Having a stranger as mayor, specially one that ' hear the gods'?"

Kamuk looked around at his companions. "So, gentlemen, have you seen all you want? If so it would be better to return to the town..."

Action 3

Away from the farm, Kazmuk let the illusion fade and he returned to his original form.

"So... what you guys think? To me all of this stinks. I think we should search for these devil circles and, after that, pay a visit to this Ekira... after all she is also new in town and who really knows which god whispers to her..."

Not sure if I missed it, but we know who the victims are?

Kazmuk Doortsgarf wrote:
Not sure if I missed it, but we know who the victims are?

No, you didn't miss it. No one has directly inquired about the victims or the alleged crime.

Game on!

Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Action 3 - cont.

"We should also discover whom the victims were and what are the alleged crime... We should have done it already, right?"

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 2:

It seemed odd to Hedda that someone would go to the trouble of bringing a dead body to display at Otto's farm. When the farmer and Kaede rejoined them she asked, "Did you know who was killed or why they were found on your property?"

tag Otto

Otto's son wrote:
"Sally’s out-of-town cousin said he saw ‘em, for real.”

"Is her cousin still in town to watch the show? I'd like to hear more of this story, I always enjoy a good tale. Where would I find Sally or her cousin?"

Hedda would like to follow the humanoid tracks as far as she can back to Dawnton on their way back to see if she can find a source.

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 3:

Kazmuk wrote:
"So... what you guys think? To me all of this stinks. I think we should search for these devil circles and, after that, pay a visit to this Ekira... after all she is also new in town and who really knows which god whispers to her..."

Hedda nodded agreement. "Does anyone know if this so-called witch and Ekira are the same person? If so, this doesn't bode well. I agree with Kazmuk that we need to take a look at these devil circles and see if anything was left behind. I think we should also talk to Sally and her cousin as well as the sheriff. If the sheriff is seen as weak and unable to protect Dawnton, the people will want to replace him. Maybe he has some enemies that are behind this."

tag everyone


We'll wait for our other three players for one more day but I intend to recap tomorrow...

6/27 HP NDzE/

Action 2
"Skinned! Wow... that's... that's pretty bad." Arodric doesn't have to act much to look horrified. His time as Arodric had worn away at his sensibilities, but hadn't had time to wear that far.

Action 3
"So. For me the question is this: what happened to the skin? Is there something out there wearing the bodies of townsfolk? Seems to me that the guy was dead before they started stripping. I wonder if he wasn't so much hanged as hung, so they could get cleaner cuts."
Arodric looks around "Right. We used to get issued passwords when we thought there were shapechangers." he sighs "Let's start then."
"Should we split up? We don't have much time."

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Ugh...sorry, my cold's now devolved into full-on bronchitis, and I've spend the last couple days back and forth between doctor's office, buying drugs, and sleeping.

Action 2

"Skinned and hanged? That's a lot of effort for a crime of passion, or anything unplanned, really; there's no point in all this if you're just trying to defend yourself or get someone out of your way. It almost has the feel of some kind of ritual killing, or a way to make some kind of point." Kaede turned to Otto. "Do you know of anyone that'd be trying to send that kind of message to you? After all - it was on your property. Maybe you know who the dead man was?"

After their initial perusal of the crime scene, Kaede had focused mostly on occupying Otto's time to allow her companions time to look at the scene undisturbed; small talk wasn't her strong suit, but at least she'd managed to get in his good graces. Somehow. The button she had found intrigued her; as they returned to the others, she turned it over and over in her pocket.

"Heck of a thing, this," she mentioned as they walked. "I was surprised to say the least when I got near town and started hearing about it. Just not the kind of thing you hear about often - has anything like this ever happened here before?"

Action 3

"Well, you guys saw as much as I did at the place they found the body - more, probably. But I did find this out around the back half of the property while I was keeping his busy." She held forth the obsidian button she had found. "No idea if it has anything to do with our concerns, but I figured it was worth pocketing, at least to see."

Hedda wrote:
"I agree with Kazmuk that we need to take a look at these devil circles and see if anything was left behind."

"Devil circles," Kaede harrumphed. "Wouldn't surprise me if they mean the Sarkorian druidic circles all over the place around here. But I agree - they seem like a place to start, at least, and the woman Ekira, too. Witch circles...ignorant swine..." Her speech diminished to a low grumble.

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 3:

Hedda looked at the button that Kaede pulled out. It was an odd substance to be sure and Hedda tried to think of anything pertaining to demons that would make it significant.

knowledge, planes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

tag Fabian if anything tweaks for Hedda

"I would still like to have a chat with Sally's cousin if we can track them down...or at least talk to Sally."


Turn 039 is up.

Read the OOC.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?

Game on!

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 2:

Arodric wrote:
Arodric looked around, “Right. We used to get issued passwords when we thought there were shapechangers.” He sighed, “Let's start then. Should we split up? We don't have much time."

Hedda nodded, "Passwords would be good and it makes sense for us to split up to find out what we can quicker. Maybe I can track down the cousin unless my tracking skill is needed at the devil circles."


Their inquiries about the prisoners and their alleged crimes did elucidate the scene a bit better. It seemed that the murders began the night the Pathfinders came to town and ceased as soon as the Pathfinders were arrested. All three Pathfinders were seen at Otto's farm just hours before someone found the first victim there.

Orug Foram discovered the second victim in front of his general store. At the scene of the second murder, the sheriff found a dagger belonging to Dakota Spire, one of the dwarven Pathfinders.

Hedda's face was grim. "Odd that both Orug and Otto failed to mention some of these important details. Why were the Pathfinders at Otto's farm? How many people have actually been killed? Orug failed to mention one was killed on his doorstep. With all the people here for the hangings, why wouldn't he play up his connection?"

tag everyone

We never found out the names of the Pathfinders or what they looked like, did we?

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 3:

Ekira wrote:
She approached the companions, disdain in her voice, “So what are you doing here? Are you members of the Pathfinder Society.”

Hedda snorted and matched Ekira's tone of voice, "Why is that any business of yours? If you must know, I came to watch the show just like everyone else. I'm hoping that at least one is a twitcher."

tag Ekira

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Fabian, did Hedda ever learn anything more about the humanoid tracks near Otto's farm? Direction, why you called them 'humanoid', etc? You never asked for a roll but would have gladly done one if she could have learned more.

Hedda Halbjørhus wrote:
We never found out the names of the Pathfinders or what they looked like, did we?

The accused Pathfinders are Corwin Burke (male halfling), Torum Grunsch (male dwarf) and Dakota Spire (female dwarf).

The humanoid track led to Dawnton but were 'lost'.

I'll post for Ekira once I get at least one more post from players.

Game on!

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Action 3

"Nope, not members of the Society. You really think I look like their type? No, I travel around the area here, helping farmers with crops, aiding in magical and spiritual matters...and it seems you're the spiritual sort as well, from what I'm hearing. Word is the Inheritor's speaking to you."

Hedda Halbjørhus wrote:
Ekira wrote:
She approached the companions, disdain in her voice, “So what are you doing here? Are you members of the Pathfinder Society.”
Hedda snorted and matched Ekira's tone of voice, "Why is that any business of yours? If you must know, I came to watch the show just like everyone else. I'm hoping that at least one is a twitcher."
Kaede of Sarkoris wrote:
"Nope, not members of the Society. You really think I look like their type? No, I travel around the area here, helping farmers with crops, aiding in magical and spiritual matters...and it seems you're the spiritual sort as well, from what I'm hearing. Word is the Inheritor's speaking to you."

Ekira looked at the barbarian and her wild child friend with something close to disgust. "A twitcher?! The killing of blasphemer and demon-lovers is no laughing matter! Do you enjoy senseless killing?"

She looked at Kaede, "I don't care what you look like or do. Al I care is that you don't interfere with justice. Iomedae does indeed speak to me in the language of angels and she has decreed the prisoners fate. My Lady's faith is far more civilized than the worship of wild spirits."

Ekira, hand at her sides to pull back her red cape and reveal her weapon, said, "Stay away and do NOT interfere!"


Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 3:

Ekira wrote:
"A twitcher?! The killing of blasphemer and demon-lovers is no laughing matter! Do you enjoy senseless killing?"

Hedda looked around at all the people and shrugged. "Not necessarily but it seems like the rest of the people do. You can't tell me Dawnton would have this many people if it wasn't for the hangings. And since when are blasphemer and demon-lover official charges requiring execution? Doesn't sound very official." Hedda watched Ekira get more and more red-faced with some glee before adding. "You also don't look like the sheriff. Who are you to give us any orders?"

tag ?

Ekira wrote:
Ekira, hand at her sides to pull back her red cape and reveal her weapon, said, "Stay away and do NOT interfere!"

Hedda's eyes glanced at the weapon and said sardonically, "Are we playing you show me yours and I show you mine? I can guarantee that mine's bigger."

tag ?

Sorry guys if this starts a fight :) Hedda really should have a filter for her mouth, alas she doesn't.

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Action 1

Sabola's intoxicated act had been convincing enough to get him locked up in the drunk tank near the Pathfinders, but when one of them tried checking on him, the jerk guard was having none of it.

Sabola decided that he could wait, and besides sleep is what most people expected drunks to do anyways. Sabola slept, but only for a couple hours. His internal clock woke him up in the darkest hour of the night, well before daybreak. Sabola looked around. His Orc eyes could see fine in the dark, as could those of the dwarf that had spoken to him earlier. Sabola tossed a few stones at the dwarf, who was sleeping nearby. Finally, the dwarf roused and looked at Sabola. Sabola placed his fingers over his lips to silence the dwarf, and mouthed the word "friend" in common.

It took a few minutes, but the two developed a method to communicate in the dark by spelling out letters with their fingers in the dust. Sabola wrote "friend of Pathfinders, what happened? What is truth?"

Tag Fabian

It took a while, but finally Sabola knew as much as the dwarf was seemingly willing to tell a stranger, so Sabola ended with, "sleep now, in morning I go out and try to prove you innocent." Finally, he wiped the whole are clear of their writing, and added some boot prints to cover it up.

Sabola went back to sleep, and on the morn the guards released him, keeping a portion of his coin equivalent to the fine for public drunkenness.

As he pocketed his possessions, Sabola gave the dwarf a long stare and a wink before turning and walking out into the late morning sun.

"Now to find the others," he thought.

If needed to convince the dwarf...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Sorry that took me so long folks.

Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Action 2

With what they had discovered, it was hard to prove the pathfinders innocence... every clue pointed to them, even if everything was circumstantial.

"So let's take a look at what we found so far... the pathfinders arrive in the town and soon after three bodies appear, all of them of mysterious people. The pathfinders get arrested based solely on circumstantial prove and them the crimes stop..." The dwarf thought for a while before continuing. "The problem is that a couple things are not right... see, in a small town like this, I'd be surprised if all the residents do not know each other, and even if the corpses are skinned and beyond recognition, they are still bodies, and people should have been missing. It would not be hard to link the bodies to the missing, yet this is not the case, which makes me think those murdered men were not from Dawnton."

Kasmuk pauses for a moment.

"These crimes, even if looking like just to terrorize the people, does not make sense... if I would try to send a message to these people by skinning someone, it would be someone from the town, not a random man... I'm not sure, but this looks like a set up for the pathfinders... perhaps they found a clue about the weapon and their competition decided to frame them..."

Action 3

Ekira wrote:
She approached the companions, disdain in her voice, “So what are you doing here? Are you members of the Pathfinder Society.”

Kazmuk merely spited on the ground.

Ekira wrote:
"I don't care what you look like or do. Al I care is that you don't interfere with justice. Iomedae does indeed speak to me in the language of angels and she has decreed the prisoners fate. My Lady's faith is far more civilized than the worship of wild spirits."

Kazmuk stepped forward before speaking. "Ah, so, could you tell us the name of the victims? Iomedae speaks with you, right? I'm sure she would tell you everything about this case, not just 'hang this men because I said it so'... Our glorious goddess would not act this way... Last time I checked, blind obedience looks more like the way of a reddish god, fond of pentagrams."


Turn 040 is up.

Read the OOC.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?

Game on!


enemy stealth: 1d20 + 18 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 18 + 20 = 54
enemy sleight of hand: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Kazmuk perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Kazmuk perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Posting before I've read the recap - Hedda, Kaede's juuust fine with you picking a fight with the chick that called her gods "wild spirits". It may be true, but she says it so disdainfully. ;)

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Action 1

Kaede let out a small, private sigh of relief when she saw Sabola making his way back. She hadn't thought he'd run into too much trouble - after all, it was merely public drunkenness he'd gotten in for - but it was good to have him back, all the same. "So what'd you find out? Are the agents ok? What'd they have to say about the charges?"

Action 2

"Dagger missing? S$ thing we know, you're going to be framed for killing the next guy in line." Pondering for a moment, she spoke up again. "We have to tell the sheriff, report the theft before it's found buried in someone's gut. If Ekira hasn't denounced us all to him as witches and heretics already..." Even those not familiar with Kellid culture could recognize her next gesture as less than polite.

Action 3

"Little hunter, your pack's got a lot to learn yet. Especially about taking on prey your own size...weasels don't do well taking on a wolf." At the last word, a feral glint crossed her eyes, and with another harsh Kellid word, sparks danced across her fingers. She hunched slightly, her own bared teeth mirroring the wolf fangs crowning her brow, and a low growl escaped her lips.

Intimidate to scare them off: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9 Circumstance bonuses for being the new scary witch lady in town? *puppy eyes*

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 1:

Hedda never thought she'd be happy to see anyone but when Sabola returned she was actually relieved and glad to see him. She seemed to be getting used to having the others around.

She listened to Sabola answer Kaede's query and was somewhat disturbed at the obviously conflicting stories that they were learning.

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 2:

Kaede wrote:
"Dagger missing? S! thing we know, you're going to be framed for killing the next guy in line." Pondering for a moment, she spoke up again. "We have to tell the sheriff, report the theft before it's found buried in someone's gut. If Ekira hasn't denounced us all to him as witches and heretics already..." Even those not familiar with Kellid culture could recognize her next gesture as less than polite.

Hedda agreed with Kaede and felt a sense of foreboding. "Planting a dagger seemed to work for them once already. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried it again. We need to talk to the sheriff and also find out how he feels about Ekira. He needs to know that she's planning on taking over because that may put a wedge between them and hopefully cause him to question her motives."

Hedda definitely didn't like Ekira and had a feeling that she was going to try to make their life difficult. "I don't trust Ekira. She said that she provided all the evidence to the sheriff regarding the Pathfinders. Either she's framing them or someone is playing her. Either way we need to find out why."

tag everyone

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 3:

Hedda had had enough. The day had been long and there had been too much talking and thinking and she was done. She felt her restraint starting to weaken and the anger roiling to the surface.

Kaede wrote:
"Little hunter, your pack's got a lot to learn yet. Especially about taking on prey your own size...weasels don't do well taking on a wolf." At the last word, a feral glint crossed her eyes, and with another harsh Kellid word, sparks danced across her fingers. She hunched slightly, her own bared teeth mirroring the wolf fangs crowning her brow, and a low growl escaped her lips.

Hedda smiled her own feral grin. "You should listen to her. I hope you don't, but you should.

The bloodrager's claws began to grow and she stood up at her full height. "Are you sure you want to play?

intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

she'll add her intimidate to Kaede's

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Action 1

Sabola greeted the others and upon hearing Kaede's query he responded, "They are well fed and well cared for. Naturally they claim innocence. The male dwarf said hey came to investigate a Sarkorian ruin and were arrested in their beds on their second night here. He didn't know much about the murders, and were actually in their rooms at the time of the second murder. That might be a decent alibi if we can confirm it. They haven't fought anyone, and have made no attempt to escape. Apparently Tobia Luin received a letter that identified them as the murderers, which was the first time they came under suspicion." Sabola had been ticking items off on his fingers as he related them, one finger remained standing. He stared at intently at the errant finger, "Oh right, and they are all worried about being executed." He lowered the last finger.

He considers his companions, "What have you learned?"

Action 2

Sabola considered the missing dagger before announcing, "so, ummm, if that item shows up quillons-deep in a body, might I suggest that none of us claim any association with it? Even better, might I suggest you discard your empty scabbard at the earliest discrete convenience, and stop wearing it right now?"

Action 3

Sabola stepped forward and bared his teeth a bit more than usual. He looked at the young whelps, "life is all about choices. I advise that you choose to be elsewhere and not threaten your betters. It's just advice though, your call." Sabola pulls forth his two saps and commences limbering up with them. "Shall we agree to keeping the injuries as nonlethal ones?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17


I intend to recap today.

Kazmuk? Arodric?

You know I get nervous if I do not hear from you every day... :)


Moving this along...

Turn 041 is up.

Read the OOC.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?

Game on!


1d8 ⇒ 5
1d8 ⇒ 3

6/27 HP NDzE/

My fault, spent too long looking for something clever to say, and not enough time actually posting.
Actions 2

Torn on which way he'd go on this... lose temper?: 1d20 ⇒ 9 yes

"You stupid ****ing townies!" Arodric screamed at the crowd, standing forward. He raised his arm and the sword Arodric - glowing with ethereal light - emerged from his palm.
"I am ARODRIC. Bearer of the last sword forged by the divine swordsmith ARODEN. Charged with destroying EVIL. SHUT THE **** UP!"
Arodric shook with rage "What is it about you Medev townies, anyway? I just came from judging Appleton and here you all are falling for the stupidest demon-con in the book!"
"You want to know how that knife got there? I'll tell you. I came here to investigate some rumours. Sure enough, the moment I get here it was pretty obvious someone was jerking your strings..." he pointed his sword at a member of the crowd who had started to talk, and the blade's glow intensified "SHUT UP OR I'LL CUT YOUR JAW OFF" "... SO we started to investigate. Took about, what, an hour to realise you had someone stealing skins. So here's the thing, you know who steals skins? Things that wear skins. We call them - and I know I might be dealing with lore no-one here can understand - 'Skinstealers'. Some type of demon or something that... anyway, no point in trying to educate you lot. We found out - big surprise - that someone new showed up and started trying to take over from the sheriff and suddenly there was a bunch of weird martial law questions. No-one thought that was suspicious. Oh my god, you people, how do you even BREED?!"
"So we confronted her. Erika or something. Ekira? Some stupid name. Anyway she claimed Iomedae talked to her in the tongue of angels. So. Here's the deal - I was talking with an Angel last week, and you know what? He spoke my language. It's like a being of near infinite celestial power just speaks whatever the target understands. You know who speaks Celestial to people? Demons on the con."
"Straight after that, Kazmuk noticed his dagger was missing. We went 'well, she'll be using that to frame you', and headed for the sheriff. A bunch of your podunk little 'toughs' slowed us down and then someone was dead before we got here."
"Now, here's the thing. Kazmuk's a pretty powerful wizard - yeah, I know, he looks like that as a disguise. He can probably make the dagger talk, or something, but you won't believe it isn't a trick because you all have a collective IQ of a black ooze. Here's the thing, though. Because he's so damn powerful, Kazmuk can kill people with magic. I've seen him fight a Vrock - that's a powerful demon for anyone from Dawnton - and he never once drew his knife. If you'd found a guy who'd dissolved into acid, or had his heart turned to stone, or been dragged screaming into a wall by stone hands, only to have it go solid and trap him there to scream till he died... well, then I'd be having some words with Kazmuk. But 'he stabbed him'? You have to be kidding."
"So here's the deal. I'm Arodric. I answer directly to Aroden, and as he's not here, Iomedae herself. I just got done judging Appleton for Urgathoan worship - hope none of you had relatives there - and now I'm trying to work out which of you are stupid, and which of you are actively in league with demons."
He turned casually to Kazmuk "Can you stop any getting away?"
intimidate+luck: 1d20 + 9 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 8 = 31

6/27 HP NDzE/

so, who wants to be good cop, and who wants to help out with intimidation? Remember our mission briefing was to appear neutral.

Arodric wrote:
so, who wants to be good cop, and who wants to help out with intimidation? Remember our mission briefing was to appear neutral.

Good post! Thanks.

Game on!

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Action 2

Sabola looked at the body to discern its condition...

Heal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3

...and learned nothing.

"Now, now, let's all be calm," interjected Sabola, as he laid his hand on Arodric's and stepped forward. "There is surely a rational explanation here, and one that doesn't require name calling and accusations. I am certainly no expert in forensics, but I do know a man can't be in two places at one time. However unlikely of a witness he might seem on Kazmuk's behalf, Torben Sacha has watched our every move for the last hour, and is fully aware that this horrid deed was not committed by any of us, as it looks relatively recent to my novice eye."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 1:

Apparently, the sheriff himself wanted to hang the murderers. It was said that he had a written testimony from a witness that said they’re guilty. A young woman attested to the fact that when the Pathfinders were arrested, the accused halfling had blood all over his hands and clothes.

Hedda's head hurt with all the contradictions. She'd take a straight up fight any day to this. "How could different people in this town all have a story that contradicts what Sabola learned from the Pathfinders in jail? It seems like too much trouble to get this many people to lie about what they saw." She paused briefly before adding, "We should also try and see if we can get a look at that witness note."

tag everyone

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

I should get posted for action 2 tonight - busy day/night for me.

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Action 1

Hedda wrote:
"How could different people in this town all have a story that contradicts what Sabola learned from the Pathfinders in jail? It seems like too much trouble to get this many people to lie about what they saw."

"They're probably not lying, though, is the problem. Every one of these people believes they are telling the truth." Kaede rubbed at a spot on her temple in irritation. "If they were lying, they could be scared, coerced, bought into telling the truth. But they all completely believe what they're saying - it's just twisted so much from mouth to ear to mouth again that it's impossible to say what the truth actually is. And yet that's our task. The impossible one. Great."

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 2:

Hedda resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Arodric's rant started. Here we go again. At least last time it ended with an enjoyable dustup. Maybe this would too.

Hedda took up position beside Arodric and didn't have to try that hard to appear menacing. She growled, "Are you all so whipped that you can't see you're being made fools of by someone in Dawnton? They framed someone before with a stolen dagger and now they're doing it again."

intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

will add intimidate roll to Arodric's but without entering a bloodrage (which probably wouldn't be wise at the moment) Hedda may not be that intimidating :)

were both men murdered with daggers? how was the other man killed? Can Hedda make a perception roll regarding the bodies and another one for the crowd? She'd like to look for anything interesting in the crowd, especially during Arodric's rant.

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |
Kaede of Sarkoris wrote:

Action 1

Hedda wrote:
"How could different people in this town all have a story that contradicts what Sabola learned from the Pathfinders in jail? It seems like too much trouble to get this many people to lie about what they saw."
"They're probably not lying, though, is the problem. Every one of these people believes they are telling the truth." Kaede rubbed at a spot on her temple in irritation. "If they were lying, they could be scared, coerced, bought into telling the truth. But they all completely believe what they're saying - it's just twisted so much from mouth to ear to mouth again that it's impossible to say what the truth actually is. And yet that's our task. The impossible one. Great."

Hedda turned to Kazmuk and asked, "Can someone be tricking these people with magic?"

tag Kazmuk

Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Action 1

"I fully agree with you, Kaede... the best way to make someone to lie for you is making him to believe he is telling the truth."

At Hedda's question, Kasmuk nodded in agreement. "Yes it is possible, and quite easily. Remember the little trick I used earlier to look like the sheriff? If I stabbed the farmer with my dagger, do you have any doubt that his son would swear the sheriff was the murderer?"

Action 2

Kazmuk shook his head at Arodric's question. "Unfortunately I yet do not possess this kind of advanced magic..."

As soon as someone shouted, Kazmuk tried to pinpoint the origin of the sign.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Unable to do so, he whispered to his companions. "Hurry, my dagger was completely plain and common... no one should be able to link it to me, except for the one how stole it! I'll keep talking and distracting them while you look..."

Kazmuk stepped forward, with his hands at his back, although not covered by his cloak.

"Good people of Downton... you are indeed being played, and this murder is one more proof." He then puts his cloak away, revealing the empty scabbard. "My dagger was concealed by my cloak all the time during my staying in your noble town, so how could any of you know for sure of its existence or description? Take a look at it... it is a common dagger, much like the ones many of you carries with you." The dwarf pointed at a random townie. "You... could you describe that man's dagger? Or that other man? Mine has no mark, so sign, no jewel... and if I told you it was not mine, or simply threw away my scabbard, I'd never know... a think that I would have done IF I had killed that man... but I'm not doing this, because I'm honest like many of you."

Kazmuk pointed at Arodric. "As my companion already said, I'm a wizard and the last method I would use to kill a man would be a dagger... and frantically, do you think I'm stupid enough to leave the dagger behind if I was indeed guilty?"


Turn 042 is up.

Read the OOC.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?

Game on!

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Action 1

"Don't rile them up? It seems to me all the 'riling up' has been started by them...maybe it's them you ought to muzzle." Through her tirade, Kaede began to bare her teeth, and for a moment, it was almost as if her nose and mouth began to lengthen...but suddenly she took a deep breath. "I'll start no trouble if they don't."

Female Human HP 38/38 | AC 17 | FF 16 | T 11 | Per +12 | F: 6 | R: 2 | W: 8 | Init +1
Acro +2 | Climb +7 | HA +6 | Heal +10 | Know (nat) +4 | Know (planes} +4 | Prof (herb) +11 | Ride +6 | SM +6 | Spell +7 | Surv +11 | Swim +7
Menhir savant druid 1

Action 2

Kaede peruses the letter, and though the situation is grim, she can't help but feel a faint sense of relief. All the investigation and subtlety had started to wear on her, but this - this was something she could do. She glanced furtively toward Hedda, who she suspected felt much the same.

"Ok, if anyone intends to do anything in response to this besides finding that house, tearing its door off the hinges, and showing this bastard what it means to f&$% with us, speak up now. Because that's my plan. I wasn't made for subtlety - Anni got all the cooler blood between us."

Male LN dwarf cleric (forgemaster) of Torag 4 | HP: 12/39| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16* | F: +8, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM +11 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd - 4/4, 1st - 5/5 | Active conditions: none.

Action 1

"So, you believe we are not guilty, and with proof that someone is framing other people, you still intend to hang those men, even if they could also be framed? We are not pathfinders but they are... and they would not bother seeking justice against you all if they were indeed guilty, but if they are proven to be innocent, I'm not sure there will be no consequences to those involved..."

Action 2

Kazmuk brought the letter to his nose and smelled it. "Here... anyone else feels the smell of trap? I would not be surprised if this house is filled with corpses and a clever witness to spot us as we enter." He looks to Kaede before continuing. "It makes no sense to me... why would this person bother bringing this letter to US and not the sheriff? Unless he is the murderer... we need to show this letter to someone, to have a proof that we were sent there."

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

Action 2

Sabola responded, "A trap? Why Kaz, I'm surprised at you. Of course it's a trap, but knowing that, we can go into this a little bit smart. There have been several other notes right? Might I suggest we compare the handwriting in the various notes, to try and determine some of the veracity of this?"

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 1:

This was the first time they had had to talk with the sheriff so Hedda wasn't about to let it go. He seemed level headed and reasonable, even if he was wanting to hang potential innocents.

"Why the rush to hang the three? Is your evidence that strong? We haven't been here long but have found many inconsistencies. Do you know who the victims were? No one else seems to know who died."

tag Tobias

Female Human (Ulfen) CN Bloodrager (abyssal) 6 / mythic 1 | HP 63/63 | AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF) | CMB +10, CMD 21 | Fort. +7, Ref. +3, Will +3/+5(when raging) | Init. +5 | Perc +11, Sense Motive +0 | Speed 30ft | Rage 16/16 | Spells 2/2 1st lvl |

Action 2:

"Why must people be so secretive?", Hedda hissed. "Why send a note with a child when the child can help you escape? And I thought I wasn't smart."

The bloodrager could feel the anger growing with her frustration. "We should just break into the sheriff's, see what evidence he has, free the pathfinders, and raze the house being used as a trap. The freed pathfinders deal with the weapon and we all find some demons to punish."

tag everyone

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