Defense of Brookside

Game Master caster4life

The farming hamlet of Brookside has suffered some violent and mysterious attacks.

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Group Loot
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Intrigue notes

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HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

Hal blinks when 'Melia' mentions she has only Turion two months, then stifles a shrug.

"Sounds like a reg'lar comedy of errors. I've some sympathy t' the plight o' the 'non-human's as well. Turion's with me though. You kill 'im and I'll curse the lot o' ya out 'a principle - or make damn sure your rebellion fails and falls. I'm not a killer, but I've got a vengeful streak a mile long. Worth mentionin' I'm the nice one in this group, too."

"Sounds like y'r lookin' f'r some surety he's gonna pull his head in if y' let 'im go. That's reasonable. He's not dead, so you're reasonable. I c'n tell ya the three o' us are pretty reasonable too. There's a deal to be struck here, I'm sure... and we make damn sight better Friends" he stresses the word slightly "than enemies. Could be we could help you - and Turion doesn't necessarily need ta know about it if ya want ta steer clear."

"Now, if you'll forgive me, I had ta rip a whole in the caul between life and death, and hold a destablised vortex with me mind last night, so I'm gunna 'port off and get some breakfast." He looks to Melia "With y'r permission, Boss?"

not exactly sure on the roll for this. Might be intimidate, might be bluff, might even be diplomacy. He's trying to establish the group - and especially Mel, who seems to have a history and shared experience - as terrifying. After all, someone who employs two casters capable of causal teleporting must be pretty badass!
Mel seems to be going carrot, so he is establishing this is not out of weakness, rather than trying to intimidate an outcome. Bluff +28, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +5. 1d20: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Brookside Campaign Journal

Yeah I see it s a mixture of bluff, diplo, intimidate so I'm resolving it with something of a composite bonus.

"Isabella" nods thoughtfully "Yes it does seem wise for us to be friends, rather than enemies. If you guarantee that you will do your utmost to keep Turion's temper in check, then we can devise a working arrangement. For my part, I can provide a great deal of information regarding the workings of power in this city. In return, there is a certain high-ranking noble who is a grievous thorn in my side. If I can tell you where and how to bring him down, politically speaking, would you be willing to do so?"

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"I can assure you we will do everything we can to impress upon Janus -- or Túrion, as you seem to have discovered that name -- that it is in our best interests to cooperate with you and not cause problems for you or your operation."

"If this noble you mention is Duke Beaumont, then we are definitely interested," Melia goes on. "He was next on our list anyway."

"In the interests of getting things off to a good start, let me tell you a little bit more about us. We have been acting as agents of Count Aral. Our overarching goal is to prevent Iustia from initiating a war with any of the other kingdoms -- Helm, the Concordat, or Avinoax. To date, our method for doing so has been discovering and exposing corruption on the part of the King's Councillors. We investigated Turick and found nothing untoward; and, in fact, we are currently allied with him. No doubt you are aware that Cust and Harcourt have lately had criminal dealings exposed. That was our work."

"Count Aral knows you exist, but no more than that. He thought contacting you might be useful. We have not mentioned you to Turick; I assume he has at least some information about you from his own sources, but what that might be I don't know. If you provide us actionable information, I think we can avoid letting either of them know it came from you, if you would prefer."

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Something sinks in, and Melia blinks, before adding: "By the way, did I hear correctly that Janus tried to purchase you? As in, pay money for, well, you?"

Brookside Campaign Journal

I think it's more convenient for game flow if Hal sticks around.

"Isabella" waves to someone who brings bread, jam, and milk to set before you. She gestures to Hal "You seem the paranoid type, and perhaps rightly so. You may pour my milk, place jam on my bread, and hand it to me before I partake. Of course, you will be watched carefully to ensure you do not poison me. And you may also cast some simple spells if that would reassure you. But again, please do nothing to alarm me or my associates."

Then she turns to Melia's most recent question. "Yes, I listened in on his conversation with the Madame. He seemed to think that I was a bondslave or some such at the brothel and was offering to purchase my debt and take me away with him." She shakes her head and shrugs. "This contributed to my ill impression of him. He insisted during my questioning that this was for noble-hearted reasons."

To Melia's larger conversation, she smiles and rubs her hands together. "Well that is promising. And indeed, we would prefer our contributions to remain uncredited in the eyes of the Viscount and the old count. As for stopping wars, I would drink to that. For my part, I would benefit most from having more safe ports to smuggle needy clients to. I questioned Turion about Avinoax but, as I said, he is very hostile towards me."

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Melia frowns as Isabella confirms that Janus attempted to purchase her. "I am surprised at him," she says. "Slavery is illegal in Iustia. Which is not to say it doesn't happen; but from what little I've seen of her, the Madame does not truck with that sort of thing. If he had gone around purchasing actual slaves in order to set them free, I could get behind that. But that wasn't what was going on. I find this ... disquieting."

"As for a potential alliance, I have two things."

"First, you should know that Túrion is not a subordinate to anyone in this group. None of us have the authority to simply order him to do or not do anything. We can certainly do our best to persuade him to adopt a given course of action; but in the end, he's a man with a mind of his own who can and will make his own choices. We can promise to try and convince him to leave you and your organization alone, but we can't guarantee he'll abide by that."

"Second, what would you need from us in order to advance this potential alliance? You mention safe ports of call for refugees. Count Aral has some channels of communication with the Bishop of Helm. Although I can't promise it, we could attempt to negotiate a way to quietly send some people to the Bishopric. Orcs might be tricky. The Bishopric was recently attacked by several different tribes. But on the other hand they're also exploring a relationship with a shaman named Halak, who seems interested in turning the tribes towards a less destructive course of life. So there are competing strains of pro- and anti-orc sentiment down there."

"Our desires are, I think, fairly straightforward: we want information on Beaumont. With a clearer idea of where to focus our investigations I think we could move forward expeditiously. Under the circumstances, perhaps it would be best if we left it at that: we exchange information, both ways, related to taking down Beaumont. Anything further would have to be negotiated as it arises."

"The Janus situation makes more direct cooperation ... awkward, at best. It might be better to ensure plenty of distance between you two."

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

Hal takes Isabella up on her offer, thought it quickly becomes clear that for all his skills he's never going to be a professional valet. For himself, he slathers a chunk of bread in jam and eats it with obvious delight, breaking odd a piece for Nelly.

"Yeah. I'd wanna know more. Could be he was lookin' for a playmate for his sister..." Hal shivers slightly "Or just lookn' to buy loyalty through indoctrination 'n' gratitude. If I'm right about where he grew up, then he's pro'lly got a twisted view of 'uman - er sentient rights. Does make me think he'll keep a deal he makes to the letter - and I do mean to the letter. Or at least... his sister will. We could get her in to negotiate on 'is behalf..." Hal's last sentence is said with obvious reluctance and hesitation, before he catches himself and continues "Nah, f#$*it, we can get his sister in to cut a deal for 'im. Reckon she can compel him jus' fine."

noting Hal has a mistaken idea about Turion's childhood but has met his 'sister' and IIRC mistaken her for a juvenile Norn.

Ongoing effects: Reduce Animal(not represented in Stats currently) HP: 90/90 | 1 Heropoint | AC: 28 / T: 13 / FF: 25 | Fort: +12, Ref: +9(Evasion), Will: +4(Devotion) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | Init: +3, Perception: +10 |

Nelly seems restless, not quite certain why the others sit down and talk, but she does take some of the bread Harold provides her. (because she trusts him.)
Still, she attempts to sniff the bread to notice anything odd before eating it. Because she is on edge and has no reason to trust this place.
Perception(with Scent): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 (to check for poisons, drugs or similar substances that could be noticed with scent.)

Brookside Campaign Journal

Nelly does not find anything suspicious in the bread. She does, however, notice that the other occupants of the warehouse are on edge, ready to spring into action if Melia and her comrades prove dangerous.

Isabella nods thoughtfully. "If you can provide a good word with your contacts in the Bishopric and put me in touch, I am open to this deal. However, much will depend on Turion. If he will not promise to leave my organization alone, I do not see how I can release him. Let's ask him." She waves a hand and one of the dockworkers grunts assent before heading downstairs.

She explains to the rest of you. "Please no sudden moves. My entire base has been on high alert since you knocked on the door. To be frank, being called out at a secret base is a very sensitive situation for us. We may have tried to capture you first and ask questions later but we deemed you too large of a threat for that to go quickly and quietly. It would be best if we all stay calm. If Turion tries to cast a spell or escape, he will be knocked out again without any permanent harm." She eyes Nelly. "If that large and powerful-looking dog is so loyal to him, then perhaps we need to make arrangements before a bound Turion can be brought into the room."

As the one who controls Nelly, Turion is welcome to make OOC suggestions for how to handle this. It seems very likely that combat would ensue, at least between Nelly and the Resistance, if Turion were brought into the room.

Dwarf 10HD Sentinel (4) Buffs (n/a) Wounds (24) HP (103) AC (33/13/30) Saves (14/9/7, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+6) MF (2/4) HP (1/1) CMD (28+4 trip and bull rush, +2 vs grapple, +1 disarm and sunder) Battlefield Protector (Sp) sanctuary (3/3) shield of faith (1/2) prayer (1/1)

Kazador kept his arms crossed. He could be armed quickly enough if it was called for, but there was no need to turn the temperature up. "It seems that we've gotten about all we can out of here, aye?" He offered, speaking slowly and deliberately lest he put his foot in his mouth. "All of the very reasonable deals that be made hinges on his thoughts."

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"Agreed," Melia says. "Janus lies at the center of this puzzle. We won't get much further without including him."

She eyes Nelly. "I have a proposal," she says. "Janus' companion here is likely to react with violence if she thinks he's in danger. If you have your people just haul him in here bound, injured and mostly naked, well, that seems likely to set her off."

"So, to avoid that, perhaps it would be best if I heal him in another room before he comes in here. Also, I'm sure we would all appreciate it if you had some spare pants around here someplace for him. The difficulty, of course, is that I am sure you don't want to risk him casting spells. I frankly don't know how his companion here might react if he is restrained. She might not understand its significance; or she might perceive it as a threat to him. It's hard to say." She tiptoes delicately around Nelly's name, not wanting to alert her that she is under discussion.

"It seems as though you've already confiscated his gear, including his spell components -- and also discovered thanks to the 'falling from the sky' routine that he has some incantations that work even then. So asking to remove his bonds and heal him naturally poses risks for you. It would let him play the same sort trick he did before, but perhaps more effectively this time."

"So, how about this? I offer myself as hostage against his good behavior during this negotiation. My combat skills are focused almost entirely on archery, though I've become more familiar with blades than I ever hoped to. I have a very limited number of innate magical skills, none of which are of any particular use in combat. And my goddess has blessed me with the ability to heal with a touch. In token of my good faith, I will surrender to you all my weapons and my holy symbol, and you may bind me if you wish."

She leans forward ever-so-slightly. "Please note that none of my goddess' blessings require that I have her symbol on my person. I offer it as a sign of my good faith."

"In the event that Janus picks a fight, I will not participate on either side. And in the event that he chooses simply to run away, well, I will stay in his stead. Hopefully, we will be able to reach an arrangement where you no longer feel the need of a hostage, at which point I would expect you to return my things and let me go."

"Do you find this agreeable?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

Hal grumbled around his breakfast "Not sure I like you bein' taken too, Boss. That's a lot'a trust. Still, if he wakes up 'n sees your face he's more likely to listen before reactin'."
"If y'are goin' with 'em and wakin' 'im up, might as well talk there?'

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"Well, if we all go, then our furry friend here will naturally want to come too, and then she'd see her friend all tied up and wounded and probably attack someone. That's why I was thinking of going separately. I think I can get her to hang out with you two for a couple of minutes while we get him patched up and dressed. That way she's less likely to start biting people."

Dwarf 10HD Sentinel (4) Buffs (n/a) Wounds (24) HP (103) AC (33/13/30) Saves (14/9/7, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+6) MF (2/4) HP (1/1) CMD (28+4 trip and bull rush, +2 vs grapple, +1 disarm and sunder) Battlefield Protector (Sp) sanctuary (3/3) shield of faith (1/2) prayer (1/1)

”And if they be dumb enough to cross us, then we slaughter them all.” Kazador said, matter of factly. ”I trust the lass to know what she be doing.”

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

"I meant you..." Hal starts, then shrugs.

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"Oh! Well, I'll try to bring him up to speed. But we really need everyone on this conversation."

Brookside Campaign Journal

You do think you have much better odds of getting Nelly to wait here than to sit still with a wounded Turion in the room. But it would still take a little convincing.

That's probably a DC 15 handle animal with a +4 circumstance bonus if you speak Sylvan.

Isabella considers carefully what Melia proposes. "I do not like the idea of holding you hostage and releasing him as that would trade a hostile wild card in custody and a cooperative potential ally at large for a cooperative hostage in custody and a hostile wild card at large. It seems you yourself are only somewhat confident that Turion will act reasonably even when you are my hostage. But perhaps instead all of you should come and talk to him a bit before he is released? If the wolf stays here, that is. I am willing to come along with a retinue of the same number as your unbound lot." She smiles diplomatically, especially at Kazador. "Not that we lack trust for each other. Simply to help keep things stable."

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"That's equally acceptable, assuming our canine friend here will go along with it," Melia says.

She turns her attention to Nelly. "Fan anseo, le do thoil, Laeg Nel. Beimid ar ais go luath."

"Wait here, please, Laeg Nel. We will return soon."

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 4 = 14

Oh, good grief. Anyone care to aid another on that?

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

"She's a good girl, but she's scared. If we're not takin' time for me to prep, then I reckon we need ta distract 'er." Hal comments, then turns to Isabella. "I'll pay ya f'r some offal f'rm the kitchen. Smellier the better. Meat'll do in a pinch. I'll give up leather if I have ta, but I don' wanna."
aid animal handling via advice: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 speaks Sylvan but I do not think this will help so have not included - though am hoping to pick up a circumstance bonus from equipment.

Brookside Campaign Journal

A dockworker provides some meat and Nelly takes her meat to a corner, wolfing it down while keeping an eye on the dockworkers. The rest of you head downstairs into a room with "Isabella" and her escort. Off a small hallway, you find a small room of 15 ft by 15 ft. Tied, gagged, in heavy armor and a loincloth, and unconscious, sits Turion in the corner. Isabella heals him to conscious and points out the system they've worked out for him to signal letters and spell words with his finger. "Let's start with that until he's feeling cooperative enough to be ungagged, untied, and the rest."

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

Hal finds himself a corner to lurk in, mentally trying to work out how he might touch all his compatriots if this goes south.
His eyebrow raises slightly at Isabella's healing. was this a spell, or a potion, or good old Heal?

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Melia pulls up a chair. "Túrion? We tracked you here, and find ourselves engaged in negotiations with Isabella here. Could you please tell us what happened? She's given her side of things, but I want to hear your perspective."

Brookside Campaign Journal

Wand heal.

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

Túrion, barely conscious again, attempts to take in the situation, and quickly starts signing, shifting his gaze from his companions to Isabella and back: If you hurt them, I will return to haunt you. I took precautions, and my soul will not rest until the debt is settled. Let them go.

Sense Motive DC 12:
Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
There are no precautions. Túrions fingers are shivering, in a mixture between anger and fear.

I would love to address Melias question in a more elaborate manner, but with finger-signing single letters while bound, I doubt I'll get to do any verbose statements. Considering how he ended here, he assumes the others have been captured by trickery or deceit -(as violence would be more obvious).
Also, his main worry most recently (as stated to GM) was the other party members safety so he's in a bit of a panic mode right now.

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Melia's brow furrows. "We're not currently being restrained," she tells Túrion. "We walked in here under our own power, looking for you. I think we can probably reach some kind of agreement with Isabella here that would see us all walk out of here together."

"But first, I still want to hear what happened from your perspective. It would be a great deal more convenient if you could just talk. I think our host could be persuaded to remove the gag as long as you're willing to just talk -- no spellcasting. I'd really like to get out of here without a fight. So we need to talk."

That last bit is an edit as I see the GM was suggesting that getting Túrion ungagged is an option if he's willing to not start a fight.

Brookside Campaign Journal

"Isabella" nods, watching Turion carefully. "I don't think he could lie to me. Do you promise to just talk? If the talks don't go well, we go back to where we are right now with no spellcasting, violence, or other unfriendly, escapey, capturey, actions."

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

Túrions mind races. He frantically searches for human words that sound similar to sylvan words he wishes to transmit to Melia.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22
Difficult to sign, but IF he gets to speak, he'll emphasize the words. Right now just looking for some.

Túrion has a defeated expression in his face, but there is a glimmer of stubbornness in his eyes: Your host intends to kill me. Normally I would still agree for her word to let you go, but she cannot be trusted. Why would I not attempt to flee if given the chance? Only fools prefer honorable death over surviving as coward.

For the record, I never initiated ANY hostile action or fight. All I did was try to flee.
Also, just to be clear, I am NOT trying to make this extra difficult, but Túrion is a.: convinced that you are in grave danger and b.: that Isabella wants to kill him once she achieved whatever she is trying to do right now.
Still, he trusts Mel, and knows Kaz would not betray him after what happened in his home. Plus Nelly, of course. But he can't quite wrap his mind around how you could "walk in" here and talk casually, because his own experience was...very different. Just trying to explain where I see him coming from.

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Hal nods slightly at Turion's claims of retribution, then winces at Turion's second words 'That's the bit you don't say' I think it was in semi-Sylvan though, so... 'let's hope she isn't a linguist.'

He speaks up "Turns out we 'ave a common enemy, we're both keepin' secret, and neither group wants another enemy we don't have ta. You've put the wind up 'em. Boss offered to switch f'r ya, but they're worried y'r gonna come back 'n' kill 'em anyway. At this point the question is what we all need ta do ta go Stevens." he explains rapidly.

"Everyone's got knives ready if this goes bad, but it looks ta me like this is a case of various masks makin' agents turn 'gainst each other. I reckon no one needs ta get ganked, but might need ta eat some sh... shoe puddin'."

"First step t'wards buildin' a bridge 'a trust is you speakin' 'n' not runnin'. If ya run the rest of us are f...franked."

Brookside Campaign Journal

"Isabella" removes the old woman disguise she was wearing, pulling off a fake nose, a wig, rubbing away some makeup, and ostensibly revealing a young woman in her twenties. "This is more similar to how Turion knew me and how he has seen me here." She sighs at his continued lack of cooperativity then explains "I get very jumpy when strangers cast spells in my presence, as I'm sure you all do. But of course, Turion has not enjoyed being kidnapped due to my own fears about his intent. Perhaps we simply continue with this slow conversation? He will not be able to speak quickly but he will be able to speak. The alternative is that I ungag him but stand with a sap over his head ready to knock him out if I sense he is about to cast a spell. I am willing to try that only if the rest of you give your word not to panic if I suddenly knock him unconscious. Otherwise, we stick with the slow method."

She points to the chart being held by one of her orc helpers where Turion can use a combination of left and right finger motions to sign dots and dashes corresponding to letters in common.

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"I fully believe Isabella here is a dangerous woman. She would have to be to successfully subdue you, Túrion. But I don't think she wants to kill you. If she did, you would already be dead and we would be busy fishing you out of a sewer or something."

"That said, if you believe you can't trust her, well, why not? We still have only half the story, and it's from a source you distrust. We need to know what happened from your perspective. It'll be slow and tedious to sign it all out. But if that's the only way you're willing to do it, well, better get started. Think of it as an exercise in choosing your words economically."

Internally, she takes note of Hal's comment and thinks "When did I become the 'Boss'?"

Out of character, I don't think we're under any particular time pressure at the moment. So this is largely an RP choice. Túrion can still communicate anything he wants. It's just a choice of how quickly he wants to get on with it.

Brookside Campaign Journal

Agreed on timeline. And Hal has been calling Melia "Boss" for a while now.

Dwarf 10HD Sentinel (4) Buffs (n/a) Wounds (24) HP (103) AC (33/13/30) Saves (14/9/7, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+6) MF (2/4) HP (1/1) CMD (28+4 trip and bull rush, +2 vs grapple, +1 disarm and sunder) Battlefield Protector (Sp) sanctuary (3/3) shield of faith (1/2) prayer (1/1)

Kazador frowned at comment 'only fools prefer honorable death over surviving as coward.' He had spent so long living with the shame of a dishonorable life that he could not bear to do so again. An honorable death was certainly preferable.

"Nay saps." He said. "Never understood this 'knocking people out' business. Blunt force to the head is right dangerous. Scrambles the brain, it does. Looks like a peaceful wee nap, and really the lad is bleeding out before your very eyes."

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

Túrion weighs his options. He most certainly could spell everything out. But that would hardly improve his position. And with everybody except Nelly and Fyrtor here, and his pouch and books in Isabellas possession, he had hardly any allies he could mobilize against her, and no means to save his allies by himself, even if he managed to flee.
This is madness. But fine. I will not use magic to attempt to escape. Now remove the damn gag.
He had few means to support them, without components, but he did have a trick or two left if hostilities took place, and having at least the option - albeit at significant difficulty - to intervene was preferrable.

Brookside Campaign Journal

I'm interpreting Turion's statement and descriptive text as an agreement to the terms but with Turion's internal reservation that he will break the agreement and try to cast a spell if Isabella's side breaks the agreement and starts hostilities.

Isabella watches Turion carefully as he signs for any indication of deceit then nods and unties the gag. "Well, for your side of the story then."

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

Yeah. I can find reasoning not to try and flee immediately, as expressed above - his allies are here, he has no one else close by to turn to. The fact he will not stand idly by to watch his allies get slaughtered is implicit. If she does expect him to not cast anything while she attempts to kill his allies, she'll have to spell that out, otherwise he fully believes that is is not an aspect covered within what he is expected to agree to. That is, he will not cast something unless things go south, in which case he can't be reasonably expected to be held to an agreement anyway. Not that he expects her to keep her part.

Also, sorry for the wall of text. I could not make it briefer.

Túrion coughs a bit when the gag is untied, then spits some blood on the floor. After a few moments he catches his breath, then starts to talk:"Well, where to start. At the beginning, I assume. You know I worked out a deal with the Madame to gain some information from loose lips and pillow talk, assuming to learn some insights on what's going on with the upper echelon of society in this cursed city. Just going in, having a short chat with madame, then leaving again would no doubt be seen as suspicious - as you saw with Alabaster, some nobles had retainers with them that vigilantly remained in the common area. So I figured I need some sort of diversion. A reason to stay there."
He nods towards Isabella:"I had no interest in what trade they offer there. I tried that with human females in the past. It feels all wrong, no offense, but your proportions are all over the place. It's like you are some kind of uncanny valley mockery of what an elven girl is supposed to be like. So instead, I figured I'll have some girl read to me instead. Isabella here seemed out of place, so I randomly picked her. When the Madame told me she can't read, I figured it would be a more productive way to pass the time to tutor her, teach her some basics. Since I had no materials with me, I first tried to learn a bit about her, see if she was a threat - didn't want her to spread tales about me, after all. She looked younger, then, around 13 years old - which is quite young for a human. She also told me that her mum was some associate of the madame and arranged for her to work there. I considered that...troublesome. I have 2 daughters myself. I respect the profession of courtesans, but I would not push them towards it as such an early age. Also if you consider how much unwanted physical contact a bar wench at a normal tavern receives from customers - and what working hours it entails - it did not seem right."
He looks back to Mel:"You remember when I attempted to invite you on a date? Theater and Dinner? I had already paid the tickets and made the reservation. After you refused, on a whim, I decided to take the Isabella I knew, hoping to learn more about her. She seemed a smart enough young lass, and I felt that she was pushed into a certain path in life and not being given options to choose. So I decided that our first noble associate in this country would owe all of us some favors after our job was done, and intended to have her train as maid in his estate. Figured that would be a step up from eventually being expected to join the brothel business, and there was little else I would need from the man."
He looks over at Kaz and Hal before continuing:"So, I took part of my share of the gems we recovered, and contacted the Madame about paying what bond or debt kept Isabella there and take her in my employment. Expecting that we'd be done here within days, and I could drop her off at the estate."
He looks straight back to Isabella:"I have not once - not a single time - acted in any form, way or kind unseemly or untoward in your presense, or towards you. The fact you would immediately assume me to be some sexual deviant or pervert is telling a lot more about you than it is about me."
He returns his attention to his own allies:"So, I was on my way back to our base of operations, to explain things to you - when I was suddenly assailed and knocked out. I awoke, stripped and bound, with guards and Isabella in her true form. She explained to me that she assumed I was after her specifically for some reason, or a pervert that deserves killing."
He attempts to shrug, but finds the bindings and armor deny him the gesture:"I tried to explain that I didn't even have an idea who she was or why I would be after her. Regardless, being bound in a hostile environment with somebody talking about killing me was not exactly...desirable. I managed, with some intense investment of willpower(Hero Point spend) to slip out of my bounds via magic and turn invisible before they managed to react."
He closes his eyes a moment, his voice dropping a bit:"I should have left right then. Fled when I could. But I mistakenly believed it could be some misunderstanding. I figured if I could clear things up, I could retrieve my belongings and we could part ways peacefully. So foolishly, I stayed. I stayed and tried to talk, while remaining ready to escape via magic."
He returns his attention to Isabella:"She asked me some questions, which I answered truthfully, seeing little reason to attempt to lie if I was attempting to establish a basis of trust. She still insisted on some truth-telling magic, which I willingly submitted to. Under that same magic, she made it perfectly clear to me that even if I was innocent, she would kill me for "operational security" unless I was useful to her. While at the same time refusing to tell me what her syndicate was doing except pissing off nobles. I even attempted to explain that we were acting against local nobles, but that did little to change her attitude."
He stares directly into her eyes:"She made it perfectly clear that unless I would be a useful tool to her, she would murder me. And I made it perfectly clear that if she forces me to leave, I would consider her an enemy, and WOULD come back to retrieve what is mine. When I pressed her for information on what she would even expect, what it is she is doing, and why she'd think I would agree to such an arrangement, she attempted to attack me."
Túrion pauses, then looks back at Mel and the others:"She had no way of knowing how I'd escape - if I'd teleport out, just do a short-range hop, or anything else, or where to. So the moment she attacked, any kind of talk was concluded in my eyes. She decided on hostility. Worse, she swindled me with her false form, then attacked me - and I gave her the benefit of the doubt to attempt to clear things up, and she took advantage of that to try and subdue me again. I got fooled twice by her and know she is an unscrupulous murderer, so she is beyond redemption in my eyes."
Eyes looking at the ceiling, he continues:"There, I made my second mistake. I jumped straight upwards, hoping to better pinpoint the location to eventually return here...and expecting to arrive by surprise and be able to turn invisible again and flee. But she had hidden snipers on top of the building that instantly took me down when I arrived. I re-iterate my earlier point: She could not have known how I'd flee, or where to, so she already made her choice at this point. It was a snowballs chance in hell for her, but for my own foolishness, she managed to re-capture me."
He looks back at Isabella with hatred:"Since then, she served me more lies. Some stuff about her organization that she was unwilling to share when I was trying to find common grounds and cooperate, and only when I am bound and helpless. No doubt because she intends to kill me anyway, if there was any truth in that, at all. At the same time, she attempted to coax information about all you out of me, no doubt to better pull your strings or manipulate you, to which I told her to go die in a fire, essentially."
He spits on the floor in her direction:"If you suspect people of something, maybe try to learn a bit more before kidnapping and killing them? And if you really wanted to work together, then a vetting process that does not include violently knocking people out, binding them, and threatening them with murder, then signaling hostile intent all over again would be advisable."
He looks at Mel and the others again:"So I have no idea what lies she told you, but if you did not get assaulted, threatened with murder, and made helpless, then I'd expect her to flip any moment. She's good at going from casual chat to sudden attack. If you even can, I'd suggest you leave." He focuses his glance at Hal a moment, knowing he had means to evacuate the others if needed, "This woman is not to be trusted and after you did what she wants, she'll likely kill you to tie up loose ends. So whatever kind of deal she offered for my life, I'd advise you to not take it. I made my peace."
He looks back at Mel with a sad but determined expression:"When you visit your parents, do tell my girls of my fate. I was cut of their lives by their mothers, but I don't want them to wonder about me in a century or so."

Brookside Campaign Journal

"Isabella" does not look particularly friendly toward Turion but waits as he speaks at length. Her eyebrows raise sharply when he describes sampling human females, maybe as prostitutes(?), in the past. When he is finished, she keeps an eye on him and replies "As you see, our stories are similar in the factual events and widely different in terms of interpretation. For example, taking someone you thought to be a child, alone, on what you describe as a date was quite odd to me. Accompanied by repeated, one-on-one interest, seeking me out, and offering large sums of money to take me away, it raised my alarms. "Grooming" was a word that came to mind. "Agent" was the other. And in terms of trying to recapture a wild card, once my people were ready, I took a gamble, betting on myself. I was not quick enough but my guards were and I read your intentions correctly. So here we are."

She speaks to the room as a whole "The question, as I see it, is whether Turion here can at least agree to avoid me if released so that the rest of us can fulfill our deal and go our separate ways. As I have made clear to everyone involved, I will not release him willy nilly but I would prefer not to need to keep or kill him."

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

Hal stays silent until the end, though his body langauge provides some cues. He nods along at the idea of using the Madame as an information source - indeed that part of Turion's plan had been a smashing success. He raises an eyebrow briefly at the 'uncanny valley' remark, noting it for the future. He raises said eyebrow again for a much longer period at the tutoring, but shrugs. He sighs a little every time Turion admits he took a chance rather than simply flee. which is an idictment of Harold rather than Turion I think

"I didn't reckon you were a pervert - not sure Isabelle here'd still have a free will if y' were. I'd had some worryin' thoughts, but I can see it. I reckon if I saw a kid reminded me of me own I might do somethin' less'n optimal, though in our business my experience is a soft heart just makes it easier ta get the dagger in."

"Despite what ya said, Isabelle, I reckon Turion prolly woulda vanished if you'd not realised he had people lookin' f'r 'im. Still, might be cold, but it is good 'operational security'. In fact, combined with the snipers 'n' all... Makes me curious where ya learned all this - but I won't pry. I will say to our lot that we need to respect that, 'n' up our paranoia a notch."

"Still sounds ta me like a comedy 'o' errors. Two agents with identities mistakin' what's happenin'. I reckon we return everythin' ta the way it was last night, wipe the slate, 'n' go on."

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

No worries, Hal. He won't make THAT mistake again. One way or the other. IF he somehow gets out of this, he will be proper paranoid about things henceforth and not err on the side of trying to work things out.
Also yes on the "sample". He did state that he considers courtesanship a respectable carrier choice. And after he left Avinoax armed with tons of book and theoretical knowledge, he wanted to experience everything the "outside" world had to offer in a practical way. So yeah, aside from exotic dishes, locations, activities, or people, of course he'd also try that. Between consenting adults, and then had decided that he prefers elves after all. He is not ashamed of that but it's not something he'd casually bring up over dinner.

"I paid good money for those tickets, and I was not about to let them go to waste. But yeah, if everywhere you look you see perverts, then obviously it's grooming to expose a child to some culture. Thats why the main talking point of that evening was the inherent political message of the play. Because of grooming. I had taken a liking to your alter ego, but not in the way you presume, and I told you as much earlier. And you always had the means to refuse anything I suggested or express any worries you had. The Madame took you aside to talk with you while I was away and gave you the chance to get out. I even ASKED you if there was anything to clear up or talk about. You did neither, so bringing them to attention post factum is only trying to shift blame.", Túrion responds coldly, "And your gamble was stupid. You can read magic. You took my spellbook. You know I could just as well have teleported away. Or altered the angle. It was foolishness on my side, but pure luck on yours that you got me again. If you had really wanted to find a solution or cooperate, you would not have risked that. Not when all you had to do is keep talking."

He nods towards his allies:"What, you are telling me you told them what you are really doing? Just like that? Without threatening them with murder or tying them up? Then why the special treatment for me? When I was here, under a truth spell, without equipment - which you held hostage -, barely conscious and willing to talk? But you could not even tell me who you are and instead risk me porting away and becoming hostile to you because you stole my belongings? Worse yet, you could not even tell me who you are or what you do after stating as reason for kidnapping me that I was supposedly some agent specifically after you or your organization? If that were true, then what ill would have come of telling me? And if it was not true, then I very clearly signalled my willingness to cooperate if only I knew what the f*ck you wanted."

He looks back at Hal, after forcibly laughing about his free will comment:"I have no idea what kind of deal she refers to that you agreed to with her, which I am supposed to stay out of. But you know that she won't risk telling you the truth unless she has you fully under her control and subdued. Think about that before you do what she demands. If she even is who you think she is. From all she told me before, she could just as well be with the Reaps."

Brookside Campaign Journal

"Isabella" does not have much patience for Turion's continued ranting and keeps things simple. "I've given my explanations of my prior actions. You dislike them and twist things to your own way of thinking. Fine. As to your comrades, they showed up and announced themselves politely, already knowing who I was, in a force that would not be easy to capture cleanly, and with a recommendation from someone I trust who has found them to be moderately trustworthy before, one Alexander Mumblethunder. While I have implied to them that our encounter could become hostile if they provoked my organization, I have been inclined and able to pursue things peacably."

Moving on, she focuses on Hal "I am inclined toward your way of thinking. I would like each of you to give your word that you will do two things. First, you will do what you can to keep my work secret and not further endanger my organization. Second, you will use the information that I provide to damage Duke Beaumont's power."

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

"So when I show up politely, not knowing who you are, I am captured, abducted and threatened with murder, when others show up, you have a casual chat? About the very things you refused to even mention to me when I tried to see how we could cooperate? Who is the psychopath here?"
Túrion does not believe for one moment that she did not have ulterior motives with his allies: "And as for your Mumblethunder, he could have vouched for me all the same, seeing how I helped him out with the guard. Not that you'd CARE for that, or even tried to do any vetting on me before incarcerating me."
He does seem frustrated:"There was no inclination for any peaceful approach in regards to me. No attempt, even. What, you flip a coin? Listen to yourself. With your decision process, there is no safety for anybody trusting you. What is your play there, they advance your agenda and you have them murdered to keep things secret?"

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Mel listens carefully to what Túrion and Isabella have to say, wincing at the unflattering description of female humans. She sighs heavily and rubs her temples, then reaches up and removes her hat. The golden hair and blue eyes of Melia vanish away, leaving Mel standing there with her own narrow, angular face for once -- green eyes, framed by dark hair, and attired in chain like the warrior she never planned to be. A fragment of wood bearing the flower of Ostara burned into one side hangs on a chain about her neck. Her ears are still concealed; a casual observer might well take her for human. But she is not.

"All right. I think I've got a handle on things now."

"First, Túrion, lavishing attention and gifts on an underage girl you met at a brothel does indeed look predatory. Whether you meant it that way isn't germane. Even if your motives were pure as the driven snow, to an outside observer the actions themselves look very much like the lead-up to taking advantage of her. Particularly the part where you offered to buy her from the Madame." She frowns fiercely at this point.

"In this case the girl herself turned out to be that observer, because she was a notably older and more world-wise person than she appeared. I don't blame her for being disturbed by your conduct."

She turns to the leather-clad leader of the Friends.

"Second, Isabella, I don't blame Túrion for being angry about being repeatedly beaten into unconsciousness. In his position I, too, would be royally pissed at you."

She crosses her arms, glancing back and forth between them.

"Thirdly, both of you have been making all kinds of unwarranted assumptions. Not to mention talking past one another. The whole wretched situation has been riddled with misunderstandings, and neither of you went out of your way to clear those up. I've seen children who did a better job of communicating than you two. Grow up."

She turns her attention back to Túrion. "As for you, perhaps you have forgotten the bigger picture."

She leans in closer, looking him hard in the eye, and switches to Sylvan, a language she knows Túrion speaks, but Isabella probably does not, speaking low and intensely. "Rinne mé sabotageáil ar shlándáil mo mhuintire chun iad a chosc ó dhul chun cogaidh le Iúistéa. An cluiche orc. Ansin Kazad Gravr. Agus mharaigh muid an Máistir ann, sa dorchadas. Tá cosaintí mo thír dhúchais lagaithe mar gheall orm. Má thosnaíonn Iúistéa cogadh anois, is i fuil mo mhuintire a íocfar praghas mo thréas!"

"I sabotaged my people's security to prevent them from going to war with Iustia. The orc gambit. Then Kazad Gravr. And we killed the Magister there, in the darkness. My homeland's defenses are impaired because of me. If Iustia starts a war now, the price of my treason will be paid in the blood of my people!"

The pitch of her voice rises steadily during this declaration, till she is practically shouting in his face.

She switches back to common. "And I will not have it! Do you understand? So put your anger aside. We finish what we're here to do: we take down Beaumont. The sooner we're done with that, the sooner we can all move on."

She glances back to Isabella, inhaling. "Now. Isabella, I don't think any of us have any problem keeping your group secret and avoiding endangering it. Right, Túrion? And we will absolutely use any information you can supply to undermine or neutralize Beaumont. That's what we'll be doing anyway, with or without your assistance."

"But I don't think we can strike that bargain with one of our members tied up and entirely at your mercy. If we're to wipe the slate clean, as Hal suggests, then Túrion needs to be free, with his belongings returned to him."

"If you want this deal, it's time decide whether the risk is worth it or not. So? What will it be?"

Brookside Campaign Journal

When Mel removes her disguise, Isabella nods slightly as if she expected something like this. When Mel finishes speaking, Isabella adds "In common please, from now on."

DC 18 sense motive:

She seems to have caught the tone but not the words of Mel's sentences in Sylvan, so that she is on alert for any underhanded dealings but not to the point of being alarmed.

When Mel requests a gesture of good faith, Isabella nods. She gestures to one of her associates, a male orc, who moves to a chest in the corner and withdraws Turion's belongings. The orc then sets the items on the table and steps away. Isabella continues "I have the female elf's word and here is a token in response. Your group may recover Turion's possessions. May I have everyone else's word in turn?" She eyes you each carefully and you can tell she is not an easy person to lie to.

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Mel nods in acknowledgement to her request for Common.

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

"You as well, Mel? You judge me for actions and disregard my intent, then in the same breath tell me to put intent before actions? When I go out of my way to try and help someone, all that matters is that it might look a different way to an observer. But when you do something, all that matters is the reason and intent? I had not expected hypocrisy from you.", he strains against his bindings, but his voice remains cold and matter-of-factly, "I never forgot the big picture. It's why I was foolish enough to remain here in the first place, attempting to find common ground. It's why I even took the risk." His eyes harden:"All I did, since we met, was what was best for my own home, and what aligned with my own moral values. To see you call both my values and character into question now is...sad."
He looks over at Kazador, wanting to look somewhere, but not at either of the females present: "All the same, it is telling that you both judge me harshly where I saw no fault. A fool I may be, but not one that blind. Clearly, I am not compatible with what is out here, and my home is right with their course of isolation. I should never have left."
When he continues, he sounds exhausted: "Seeing how your judgement of me seems to diverge significantly from my self-perception, I would prefer if you do not presume or attempt to speak for me, Miss Elden."
With some strain, he lifts his head and looks at Isabella again:"You know I will hold a grudge. I feel wronged, but beside that, the handling was hardly graceful. You can not reasonably expect me to simply forget that. But I am well aware I am not getting out of here alive if you consider me a threat. I can't help but notice that the word you asked for would leave me free to act against you directly, as long as I ensure your organization is safe. I doubt that was an oversight. I also doubt it was a means to test my character, as you already made your judgement. Entrapment? I have no idea. At this point, I do not have the spirit left to argue. If those two things are your demands, I'd gladly finish things here so I can return home. If that is even an option."

Brookside Campaign Journal

Isabella shrugs. "I wasn't thinking in that complicated of a manner. But if you can somehow find a way to duel the leader of an organization without endangering the organization itself, then I suppose I'll give you the satisfaction."

Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

"Ostara knows my intentions, Túrion, and maybe she'll judge me by them. But mortals? Mortals judge by actions. I have no expectation of being judged positively for the things I have done. Sooner or later I expect assassins, who won't pause to ask what I intended."

"Let's move on. Hal? Khaz? Do you have anything to say?"

HP: 52/52 | Arcane Reservoir 5/13 | Hero: Spent | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 11 | Fort: +5, Ref: +9, Will: +10| M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +9 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18| Init: +12, Perception: +11 (Low-Light-Vision) |
Active Effects:

"Oh, If only those mortals would judge by actions and actions only, and not the worst possible interpretation they could come up with in the dark recesses of their own mind."

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

"Oh, I've plenty things ta say." Hal admits "But not here. Assumin' miss Isabelle 'ere is lookin' for a spirit rather than wordin' type oath, I'm good with keepin' 'er group secret, so long as she's not f...deceivin' us now, and not turnin' on us later."
sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
"Actually, got one thing ta say, though it loses somethin' translated ta common. 'Common friends makes friends. Common enemies makes allies.'"

Dwarf 10HD Sentinel (4) Buffs (n/a) Wounds (24) HP (103) AC (33/13/30) Saves (14/9/7, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+6) MF (2/4) HP (1/1) CMD (28+4 trip and bull rush, +2 vs grapple, +1 disarm and sunder) Battlefield Protector (Sp) sanctuary (3/3) shield of faith (1/2) prayer (1/1)

Kazador shook his head at the back and forth. At length, when there was a pause in the conversation, he added his two pence. ”Well. I’ve heard about enough of this.” He said, his face looking more tired than anything else. ”I believe Turion when he said that he wasn’t predatory. I spent far too long in worse places than…” he waved his hand around …this. Never was tempted by humans. I believe him when he says that. But I’ve been around humans enough to know that it’s a bad look. Because I’ve seen men do horrible things when there is ale and coin involved. Even without.” He added ruefully. ”I don’t see any need for me to get me hands bloody here today. I get that there be a grudge.” He said, putting emphasis on the last word. ”But nay blood has been spilled and we have the bigger picture at the moment, aye? There be a time and place for both parties to seek proper recompense…or understanding. Or the services of a reckoner or whatever it is that elves and men use to mediate these things. So, aye. I’m ready to move on.” He finished, crossing his arms across his chest.

Brookside Campaign Journal

Phew. Crazy Wednesday I had. Proceeding now.

Isabella nods in satisfaction as all agree to move on without violence. "One of you may untie Turion. As to Duke Beaumont, our contacts in the Concordat helped us to determine that he has made an arrangement there with a high-ranking official. He passes state secrets to them for state secrets in return. Both of them end up looking omniscient, or so they think. Beaumont communicates with his counterpart via books of whispers We were not able to reach the books but we were able to interfere with Beaumont's contact, temporarily. We do know that he keeps a small black book of passwords on his person, presumably to his books of whispers and who knows what else."

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