Deepwater Rising

Game Master Winterwalker

The first waves that came where unexpected. They did not end. Soon entire towns and civilizations where engulfed in a magical flood that no one could stop.

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Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

"You seem to be misunderstanding me, I am perfectly happy to fix the boat myself, it would just be so much faster with somebody stronger " After speaking Krendec moves over to the Wizard calling out to gahrul "I'll help you when I can. The wizard is a more pressing matter" At the wizards side krendec murmurs "May gods on high favor you wizard" as he lets healing radiance flow from his hands

[dice=Heal check] 1d20+0
Guidance and CLW on the wizard

GM: His wounds, whatever they may be, do not appear to be physical of nature, as the wizard is still in the current befuddled state. The heal spell would not help him. (so feel free to keep it rather than cast it.) Heal Check: Perhaps it's the heat, as he does seem to be slightly red in the face and arms. He does feel warmer to the touch than maybe he should.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Grauk wrote:

Grauk has been quiet since his earlier display. Others can shout and beat their chests to display their strength, he had displayed his, he did not think they would give him trouble openly now. Still even his pragmatic lizardfolk heart could not ignore Erimis and the two elven women.

He moves over to the aquatic elf and the two elven women. "All different people, use different words. Not all the same words but Erimis tries to use kind words at least even if in your tribe they are not right for now. We come together on small things, Lizardfolk mother, Elf mother, all need water yes? You need normal water Grauk can make. Erimis has own magics, good ally to have. None have tribe now, must learn. Grauk learn tongue, maybe you teach Grauk Elf tongue later so all work together better."

GM: Grauks broken words strike a chord in the elves, and earn him a little bit of trust.

Aruae: "Al Hond Ebrath, Uol Tath Shantar En Tath Lalala Ol Hond Ebrath?" She pauses. "Maethe."

Kaylessa: "Ty’athalae, nys."

Aruae: "Newetik, N'Tel’Quessir?"

Kaylessa: "Nias."

Aruae: "..." she pauses to look at the lizardman. "Cinna?"

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Got cut off translating. Here is just a bit more.

Kaylessa: "Angulócë hanwa carpa, caitha."

Aruae: "Alima"

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

After seeing Chees state Krendec turns to Yorick "All I know is that it has something to do with the heat, maybe some water can help?" He is going to fill the nearest container with water and leave it sitting next to Chee.

Craft (Ships) Aid another: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Yorick nods at Krendec,

"My thanks. I'm glad we have a miracle worker to at least offer some water. Hopefully next we can find a reliable source of food."

Yorick helps Chee with the water if it looks like he may struggle with it.

"There you go..... I can't imagine what it must be like to wake up surrounded by strangers with no memories of what's transpired. If you'd like I can sit with you awhile and try to answer any more questions you have, or if you'd prefer I can leave you be?"

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

When he finally gets time to himself Krendec is gong to cast read weather

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Yorick of the Swamp wrote:

Yorick nods at Krendec,

"My thanks. I'm glad we have a miracle worker to at least offer some water. Hopefully next we can find a reliable source of food."

Yorick helps Chee with the water if it looks like he may struggle with it.

"There you go..... I can't imagine what it must be like to wake up surrounded by strangers with no memories of what's transpired. If you'd like I can sit with you awhile and try to answer any more questions you have, or if you'd prefer I can leave you be?"

Chee: "Than- Thank you." He takes the cup. He shakes like there is a strong wind but manages to drink. "I don't know if this is normal, but I don't know who I am. That's...wrong? Isn't it?"

GM: His confusion seems no better.

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1
Winterwalker wrote:

Chee: "Than- Thank you." He takes the cup. He shakes like there is a strong wind but manages to drink. "I don't know if this is normal, but I don't know who I am. That's...wrong? Isn't it?"

GM: His confusion seems no better.

Yorick nods, gently saying "Aye, it is wrong. Its alright though, we're all here to help one another and we'll protect you as best we can, perhaps your memories will return from wherever they've been wandering after you drink some and rest. If it's any help, you introduced yourself as 'Chee' and claimed to be a weaver of spells. Your robes certainly seem to back up that claim. I even heard you claim to have transported us here to get away from a particularly bad storm, only you also claimed that you didn't know where the spell had taken us. Is there anything that you do remember? Family? Friends? A pet, perhaps?"

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Yorick of the Swamp wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:

Chee: "Than- Thank you." He takes the cup. He shakes like there is a strong wind but manages to drink. "I don't know if this is normal, but I don't know who I am. That's...wrong? Isn't it?"

GM: His confusion seems no better.

Yorick nods, gently saying "Aye, it is wrong. Its alright though, we're all here to help one another and we'll protect you as best we can, perhaps your memories will return from wherever they've been wandering after you drink some and rest. If it's any help, you introduced yourself as 'Chee' and claimed to be a weaver of spells. Your robes certainly seem to back up that claim. I even heard you claim to have transported us here to get away from a particularly bad storm, only you also claimed that you didn't know where the spell had taken us. Is there anything that you do remember? Family? Friends? A pet, perhaps?"

He starts going through his belongings and tossing them to the deck in abandon.

Things he casually tosses aside are a large book he squints to try and read but can't. spellbook

Various components from a small bag at his waist. Odd bits of bone, sulpher, hairs, string, and other oddness tumble out.

Digging through his pockets provides little else.

Chee: "These are not my things I'm afraid. Not my belongings."

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1 grandmother began acting similarly as she went senile. It could just be his age I guess, but I don't wish to throw away the possibility of fouler forces at play...

Yorick squints at Chee, to see if there's any dark forces within him. Uses the detect evil Paladin ability.

Yorick frowns at Chee again, saying simply "Indeed, if these are not your things then I shall make sure they're taken care of until we can sort out who they do belong to. Thank you for your help Chee, I'll leave you to rest. Come...come talk to me if you need anything."

Yorick will pick up the book and as many small odd bits from the bag he can before walking over to Eremis with purpose.

"Ear-aymus. Can you take a look at this? It's a book of some sort that belongs to Chee, the robed man over there, but he seems to have trouble remembering, well, anything really. But I overheard him earlier talking about transporting the ship away from the storm, so with any luck it may have some sort of clue to where exactly he may have taken us."

Showing him the trinkets and knicknacks, Yorick continues-
"He had this in some sort of pouch as well. I came to you because you seemed like someone well-learned in this area."

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

"Everybody, buckle everything down. In 25 hours there is going to be a strong thunderstorm. In 37 it's going to become a hurricane with lightning"

male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5

Erimis' eyes light up when he sees Yorick's offerings. "Yes, I believe I can find some use for these trinkets. And the book may prove very valuable." He sets to examining the spell book right away.

Any spells in it? And does that bag count as a spell component pouch I'm guessing?

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

With news of a storm and then a hurricane Grauk is becoming a bit more active lending his strength and abilities to getting ready.

[ooc]Let me know if there is something you would like me to roll.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

it's so peaceful

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

GM-Q?: So the ship actions are to "batton down the hatches" I take it? Which involves a thorough check of what's up with the ship etc? Any other preparations or actions you want to accomplish? (This isn't a GM trick question, just planning.)

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

no nothing else really.
Is there a lower level to the boat?

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

no nothing else really.
Is there a lower level to the boat?

gm: Yes, I'll try to get you an actual boat schematic soon. But you are on a larger sized ship, so it includes a lower level.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

my vote is to secure everything and then wait it out. any time in between Trying to get the wizard to cast his spell

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Upon hearing Krendec's warning, Yorick's face shows even more concern.

A storm? In this pile of wood? I guess Gahrul's prowess really will be tested.

Yorick will help "batton down the hatches", helping in any way he can while keeping an eye out on Chee to see if he becomes lucid again.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

so we're waiting for Gahrul

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

I have tossed in all the rolls I think I can to find all the problems and secure the ship. Just waiting on the results from the GM and the Npcs.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

GM NOTE: It's the calm before the storm, so to speak. GM results coming shortly. Probably later today or tomorrow on plot advancement.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Not just a phrase what with the hurricane coming

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Patience, Patience

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

The crew goes about securing what can be secured, hours stretch out until the skies darken after the hours pass. When both suns set they cast the world into shadows. So to know a storm is coming with no light is rather concerning out at sea.

There is literally, no moon, or moonlight so only darkvision works normally without a light source.

Most of those that braved being on deck for most of this time, see fit to go below deck. It's cramped and stuffy, and rather unpleasant, but still an alternative to being on deck during a storm for most.

When the storm comes it does so quick and sudden. Cracks of thunder resound over head with no delay in bright piercings of lightning. The buzzing air is electrified still as you count the strikes.




Each strike lends a charge to the air and makes all your hair stand on end. The air is dry and anticipating.

Where is everyone? loose descriptions only, as I don't have a boat map yet, will work on that. Above on deck, below deck, hiding, crows nest, etc.

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Yorick flexes his muscles and allows his pupils to 'turn' when the sun sets. They become a yellowish-green with a slit pupil, their crocodilian features allowing him to see in the dark.

Shift to darkvision feature for skinwalker.

Yorick is tempted to go beneath the deck, but he stays on deck a while longer, scanning the waters around the ship for any more apparent threats. He wasn't a very good sailor, but he was strong enough and he hoped he could help secure anything vital to the ships well-being if anything were to go wrong. If it got too bad they were all doomed anyway, and he could always head below if he needed to.

Yorick's features are completely still, he looks to be deep in thought.

Lightning. With a storm like this, the gods and spirits here must be pretty angry. I wonder if we are trespassing somehow?

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Unless he is put in his place, Gahrul continues sweeping the deck and ordering the sailors of the group about throughout the storm after putting his weapon securely below deck so it doesn't get wet.

He makes a habit of wrapping a bit of rope around his waist and tying it to the nearest bit of thick wood he can find till he's eventually make such safety lines throughout the ship. (Provided he can find the extra rope.)

I'd think no more than...four might be needed of the fifty footers to try and make safety lines for other to tie onto with a shorter bit of rope and be able to safely move across the deck with less fear of being pitched into the water.

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

Grauk stays just off deck, skulking so he can keep a view of it for the moment. He is both concerned with being caught below deck if the ship could sink and being caught on deck if the mysterious water should come over the side of the ship. It is easy enough to spot him however as a light shines from near where he is sitting as he keeps casting light on a nail in the wall beside him.

He sits on his haunches, to be a lizardfolk caught with so many smooth pink skinned humanoids and trapped by the mysterious yet deadly water annoys him greatly. He should not have to be so wary of the water, the idea was as unnatural as the water itself.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

As soon as it gets dark Krendec is going to move toward the closest lightsource and stay there

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:

Unless he is put in his place, Gahrul continues sweeping the deck and ordering the sailors of the group about throughout the storm after putting his weapon securely below deck so it doesn't get wet.

He makes a habit of wrapping a bit of rope around his waist and tying it to the nearest bit of thick wood he can find till he's eventually make such safety lines throughout the ship. (Provided he can find the extra rope.)

I'd think no more than...four might be needed of the fifty footers to try and make safety lines for other to tie onto with a shorter bit of rope and be able to safely move across the deck with less fear of being pitched into the water.

GM: Rope is abundant. Noted. Safety lines are a good idea. Adding that into your survivability matrix charts. I wish I had made such a chart, that would of sounded so much cooler if I had that much forethought. But noted none the less!

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:
As soon as it gets dark Krendec is going to move toward the closest lightsource and stay there

GM: The dark skinned Elf and Pe'Oter will stay above deck with you all. Pe'Oter sort of begrudgingly adopts the rope idea at first, but once the pitching of the ship starts to increase he starts to tie it off faster.

The Elf, casts two spells that need no spellcraft to identify as one creates "Light" and the other "Dancing Lights" which adds two areas on the ship with some decent lighting. The magic of the lights continually fighting the now raging storm of rain and lightning.

The wind whips up into a fury and as the sky in punctuated by bouts of deafening thunder and blinding light flashes again.

A deep, chest rattling, deep bass note fills the air.


The water now has actual waves, and the boat pitches forward, moving considerably where once it did not move at all, a current sweeps up the ship and the sudden momentum shift threatens to knock you all to the deck.

DC 15 Dex check or fall on your butt. Or DC 10 if you use ropes/are braced. (which I think most are)

NPC Dex Checks and results:

Pe'Oter: 1d20 ⇒ 9 (9+mods) Passed
Elf: 1d20 ⇒ 10 (10+mods) passed

GM: Pe'Oter and the elf manage to keep their footing with the aid of being braced (+2 bonus, and ropes +2 more)

Giant waves are now hurtling the boat, making moving very difficult, as the boat rocks back and forth, riding the waves forward in a dizzying speed and uncertain direction. No stars light the sky, so direction is disorientating enough, but a strobe light effect throws off your vision and the droning bass sound gets louder and louder, closer and closer.

Underneath the waves, a sickly green glow starts to form. You feel like you are being watched.

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

Grauk digs his claws into the wooden walls around him to steady himself.

Dex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

His claws hold him steady though he continues to find the motions unsettling having to rely on wood bound together just to stay out of the water. From his current vantage point slightly off deck he wouldn't have a clear view of the green glow in the water itself but alerted by the droning sound observes the light landing on the deck of the ship and rigging. With the uneasy feeling of being watched he cast guidance, not sure what was about the happen or the source of the light or sound but doing what little he could to ready himself.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Holding onto the ropes Krendec just barely manages to avoid falling
Dex: 1d20 ⇒ 10
how far away Is the glow

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

Holding onto the ropes Krendec just barely manages to avoid falling

[dice=Dex] 1d20
how far away Is the glow

GM: The glow is probably more than 1k feet away, give or take. But being that it's so dark around your, it's rather easy to see it's a large mass of glowing "something" under the waves.

male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5

Erimis is unwilling to go below deck while there is still so much uncertainty- he would never feel safe down there. When the storm hits, he wraps his forearm in the rope, careful to not tie himself so securely that he would be dragged under.

dex+rope bonus: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 2 = 20

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Dex: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12

Gahrul gets whipped around a bit but manages to stay on his feet through the turmoil. He curses a bit when he starts to see the green glow. "Someone go get me boomstick!" he says as he tries to keep an eye on the ship and the storm.

It is hard to do so little yet feel that you have to be there to do what little you can. Still, there was no sense attempting to steer the ship and with everything battened down, that was the best they could do without some heavy magic or extreme luck.

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Dex+Brace: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

*Barely, staying standing Yorick looks to his brother, glad he remembered to emulate his brother and brace himself with some rope. Yorick calls out while pointing at the glow~

"Anyone with magick!!!!! Wh-what the hells is that now?!?!?!??! You, Grauk! Can you yell at it to make it leave like you did the other thing?!?!"

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Breeching the water the massive for of an ancient whale holds suspended in your minds eye as it slowly tumbles in mid air. Droplets of fresh salt spray cover the deck and faces of those struggling to stand close by. The eerie green light emanates from this creature, or rather, from the massive hole in it's mid section. Pieces of rotted meat and strips of sinew fall off at regular intervals. Clinging to one of the exposed ribs is a figure with a towel wrapped around his face.

Reggie Two Fist:

Welcome to the game, I suggest debarking from the undead whale ASAP, thank you for flying undead airlines underwater flight D33P-6. Don't forget to always bring a towel.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 book time: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Book time: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Knowledge (other applicable): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
-2 to Knowledge (Planes, Arcana) if I don't have 30 seconds before the whale drops in the water

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

[dice=Knowledge (Planes)] 1d20+10 [dice=book time] 1d4

[dice=Knowledge (Arcana)] 1d20+10 [dice=Book time] 1d4
[dice=Knowledge (other applicable)] 1d20+4
-2 to Knowledge (Planes, Arcana) if I don't have 30 seconds before the whale drops in the water


It's undead for sure, it's missing vital organs, giant rotting holes, no doubt it's undead at all. It's also a giant whale, as for a real world eq. it's a giant 'blue whale'.

As for the green glow, that's new. You're not too sure what that may be, it could be a parasite of some sort, or strange effect, or some unknown quality of the water. You'd have to study that closer to be sure.

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

Grauk moves forward onto the deck as he seeks to see the cause of the disruption. Taking a javelin in one hand he waited to see what the behemoth and the mysterious figure hanging from it would do... he did not want to fight it unless necessary.

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Grauk wrote:

Grauk moves forward onto the deck as he seeks to see the cause of the disruption. Taking a javelin in one hand he waited to see what the behemoth and the mysterious figure hanging from it would do... he did not want to fight it unless necessary.

[dice="Knowledge Religion"]1d20+7


undead fall under religion doesn't it, ya I think so. This type of undead is from the "zombie" flavor. It doesn't have a name formally, as it's homebrew. So call it what you will.

Keep some tabs on characteristics though if you wish.

  • Eerie green glow/s.
  • Animated corpse
  • Water functionality/tolerance of some sort

  • Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

    The dreaded Cetacea Mortis! He had heard tales of these glowing horrors eating a tribe of lizardfolk, if it chose to attack it would be a truly formidable battle, he tries not to raise his voice too much. "Many names and none, shiny green undead big fish are, I heard of one eat a village... my people call it Cetacea Mortis, Grauk no know name in common. Is undead like zombie, no one upset it and maybe it go away, but Grauk not think so." He tries not to make any sudden movements, if it decided to attack he'd be quite happy if it went after someone else first all things considered.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

    Reggie had been a crewman aboard the merchant ship, "The Orca" before the "event" the plunged the world into water. At least this was the way she remembered it.

    the seas remained calm and there were many surprises to be discovered in this new world or where ever she was now.

    then came the whale, the undead whale to more precise. the crew of the Orca took what weapons they had to defend their ship. but their efforts proved useless. the whale ripped the already severely damaged "Orca" to bits.

    Reggie managed to jump to a longboat that had bit in the water from earlier investigations. attempting to row away fro the Orca wreckage. the strange whale continued the assault, it moved toward Reggie's little boat.

    Alright then, you wanna dance? then bring it on!

    As the undead whale plowed through the small boat Reggie managed to grab hold of the beast. ripping pieces of bone hoping she can injure the thing.

    but the constant in and out of the sea as the whale swims on proved to make things difficult.

    It seemed like hours before the whale made yet another leap.

    from the corner of her eye, she notices another ship in the storm. As the whale reaches its closest point to the new ship, she tries to leap toward the ship's deck.

    acrobatics to jump: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

    did that make a deck landing or into the water?

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    Gm: Nice roll. You do in fact succeed.

    Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

    Is mostly waiting to see if anyone actually fetched his stupid Musket...otherwise he's gonna run for his own weapon before worrying about murdering a dead thing.

    Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

    Landing on the deck of the ship, covered in undead slime and soaking wet, Reggie removes the towel from her face, wiping what she can from her face in the process.

    the woman under the towel is of average appearance. long reddish black hair, a leather trench coat, leather pants and light tunic. she has a sword belt with an empty scabbard.

    modled off this character

    looking around a bit she finds her slime covered hat lying on the deck. silentkly she picks it up and gives it a fling to get the excess slime off of it. she places it on her head then looks to the people assembled on the deck.

    So, who's in charge here she asks glance to the sides of the ship for signs of the undead whale's return.

    perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

    sorry we havaen't really established who's in charge

    Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

    Grauk jacks his thumb over his shoulder at the ocean on the far side of the ship "People die too fast, not bothered picking for a while, water keeps melting them." He nods at Gahrul "Gahrul likes to shout." He points to himself "Grauk scare away big monster and save Gahrul though." The he points to the door leading below deck "If your tribe like women in charge we have pregnant elf... she cries a lot. You pick who you want to call leader, not leader because keep dying but maybe make you happy before undead whale kills you. This not Grauk's tongue, you speak Draconic maybe?"

    well played Grauk, well played

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    Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
    Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

    We have quite the pretty party
    Gahrul: 16
    Krendec: 19
    Grauk: 16

    Reggie and yoricks rolls if they wanted to roll their beauty and use these rolls:

    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 5
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 4
    Reggies beauty: 1d20 ⇒ 19
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 15
    Yoricks beauty: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 11
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 5
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 16
    dice: 1d20 ⇒ 12

    Sorry for all the dice sometimes I just like rolling crap

    male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5

    beauty+cha: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

    Erimis is somewhat better looking than average for an aquatic elf. Of course for surface-dwelling races that makes him somewhat grotesque. He has a fishy appearance, with a round, toothy mouth and prominent gills. His midnight blue hair flows around his greenish turquoise, scaly skin as if carried by the currents, even when he is above the water's surface.

    Years of study has given him a permanently downturned mouth but his eyes are alight with curiousity.

    He wears no armor and carries only meager possessions. The only weapon one notes offhand is the trident slung across the back of his always-wet cloak.

    Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

    I really should do character description O.o apparently. I have not done that, I will not get to it tonight but I shall do so shortly. (I guess I got a 17 if Cha counts in this beauty bit.)

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    geez, you're all super

    Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

    Since he's a pretty boy...maybe add a full beard too him as well.

    Gahrul: 16
    Krendec: 19
    Grauk: 16
    Erimis: 14

    I may be unable to post for the next week depending on how things turn out

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
    Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
    I may be unable to post for the next week depending on how things turn out

    Turn out with what? Hope all is OK.

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    How is everyone? We all good? :) Hope so.

    Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

    Doing well just wanted to let people go for positions before I settled on a final one for Grauk.

    Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

    Doing well myself, thanks!

    Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

    Sooo I started to read the starfinder rules.

    I wonder if there is a way to use the starship combat rules for ocean vessels. If that would be an improvement that is.

    Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

    I think we have all been sitting here with the twiddling of thumbs.

    SO lets just recap what we are looking at.

    Grauk, Gahrul, and Reggie all are really good candidates for the Position of Captain.

    Mind you if it comes to being personal-able, Grauk legit has the strong suit on that front.

    The same step, each of them would be able to make a good Navigator given they have all the same needs a captain would.

    Sweeps: Reggie, Grauk, Yorick, and Krendec could all perform this readily. (They have the highest two Str Modifiers)

    Engineering: Krendec is the only one with any actual ranks in Craft Ships apparently so he is obviously best suited for this of the group?

    Magical Support: Obviously Krendec and Erimis can easily fill this roll as well as one NPC.

    Other: I mean this one is as the imagination lends everyone can fill this...

    So here is the nonsense and sorta a break down.

    Grauk has a bit more respect from the people on the ship than the rest of us...where as I believe Gahrul and Reggie has more of the moral support from the sailors.

    Personally...I would lean that Grauk either take the Captain or Navigator spot (If we are talking long term, just because he has the rapport with the majority of the NPCs and could probably easily pick up the sailors.) and of course have Gahrul or Reggie take the other slot.

    Though, if Gahrul were to take position of Captain, I'd be picking up Diplomacy as a skill and probably spending a feat on Skill focus Profession (Sailor).

    That's just my thoughts. Background wise, I'd say Gahrul or Reggie should be Captain...but I'm extremely flexible.

    Also, we could go Gahrul and Reggie as Captain and Navigator (First Mate..whichever you really wanna call it.) and have Grauk be the face of the group who goes between the people and the sailors...

    Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

    Reggie does NOT want to be Captain... She is still new to you guys so that would not be right.

    I do not mind Navigator or Quatermaster.

    I second the motion for Grauk as captain

    Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
    Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

    I don't particularly care.

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
    Reggie Two-Fist wrote:

    Sooo I started to read the starfinder rules.

    I wonder if there is a way to use the starship combat rules for ocean vessels. If that would be an improvement that is.

    I'll check that out, maybe it could work. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    I'm going to generate a list of events and a timeline, and roll randomly on a few things and present encounters to over come, some could be long, or a skill roll etc. Working on that this week so by Friday or so I will have the first one up and ready.

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    Sorry for the delay, been a busy work week last week, and still catching up. Still here though! :) going to try and get more active as I free up work load.

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    As long as you're acting IC, I hand-wave Bluff and Diplomacy attempts when PCs use them on PCs. So however you wish to respond, feel free, you can act anyway you wish :) More an FYI than anything else.

    I will be mostly without internet for the next 5 days

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
    Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
    I will be mostly without internet for the next 5 days

    Noted, no big deal :) thanks!

    male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5

    Hey guys, I hate to have to do this but I have had some stuff come up in real life which has limited my Pbp time severely. I have to back out of this game, at least for now. I'd be happy to have Erimis remain on board or whatever in case I can pick it back up in the future. If you want to feed him to the sea monsters that's ok too. heh

    Thanks for a fun game and good luck moving forward! :D

    Liberty's Edge

    M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

    Ya I may have to bail too, sadly a new job is dominating my time, bets to just shelf this for now seeing as i cannot give you all the attention it deserves :)

    Sorry all!

    Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

    Real life comes first. No problem.

    RL always is first. Could you mark the game as inactive though?

    Please mark the game as inactive?

    Male Human Level 3 Investigator

    Please mark the thread as inactive.

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