Dawn of the material plane

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Well with my charisma where it's at, I could very easily throw out both classes and all that gold to go with oracle/sorcerer if needed. Or keep what I've got and just switch 1 feat for leadership and have follower with 9th level spells. The theme of my character would stay the same.

Yeah, as undead/oracle/Antipaladin, I'll be using Charisma quite a bit.
But I want Battle, so no Charisma to AC.

I do have to say, Gestalt classes with ultra MAD components are fun. Like Soulknife/Monk. Wis to AC, attack, damage, and Power Points and Ki.

Yes... said Bloodrager actually abuses that heavily from what I can tell. Only thing he doesn't have is Wis for attack... but then again he has Wis for defence twice when fighting defensively.

You sure? Stat bonuses to AC don't stack if they're both untyped.

Focused Defence is a dodge bonus.

Sundakan wrote:
I do have to say, Gestalt classes with ultra MAD components are fun. Like Soulknife/Monk. Wis to AC, attack, damage, and Power Points and Ki.

Ceratinly you mean SAD.

I, uh, no, um, "MAD" means "M-one Attribute Dependent", uhhh...

Grand Lodge

That's how I learned it.

And SAD is "S-everal Attribute Dependent."

Why, what did you think it meant, Peter?

EDIT: Smurf

M is for mono i always thought. Yep

So i'm looking around and realizing the while we have lots of beefcake and DPS and so far 1 assured skillmonkey, who is playing support characters? IE cleric or bard or druid? Those classes with healing and/or outstanding party buff spells/abilities?

I'll be a 20th level oracle, spellcasting-wise.
So, I'll be able to provide condition removal, plus some healing and buffing through the oracle spell list. (Blessing of Fervor, anyone?)

Not much though, as I am focusing on self-buffs (Divine Favor, Divine Power, Righteous Might, etc.).

Normally I wouldn't care who was playing what because over the course of the adventure we would figure out a way that worked. But as we are starting out at level 20 and have been together as a group for an indeterminate time we should put some effort into covering all of the roles in the group BEFORE we start adventuring. At this point I'm ok with playing with whatever is needed in such a way that it would still be a powerful character but I still need to know who is playing what.

Bigrig- Oracle (battle) 10, Hellknight Signifier 10/Antipaladin 10/Hellknight 10.
Fury- Investigator/Slayer
Iron Orchid- Telepath/Cryptic
W E Ray-Wizard (Abjurationist)-15/ Loremaster-3/ Alchemist (Mindchemist)-2 and an Unchained Monk-20
Sundakan- Psion/Alchemist?
Alexander Torov- Wizard/Mindchemist
Ashe- Bloodrager/Monk 1, Gifted Blade Soulknife 18, Darktempest 1

Am i missing anyone?

Darn Ninja'ed was just working on a list, :)

Annaara Can Heal and bring ya back to life, wanted that as part of her flexibility, I'm waiting one a maga-DMG build to come, Milti attack +60TH 100DMG per hit shape shift'er badness. Anyone taken Dragon form?

I Wanted to keep clear of a Be all PC, you can make some made set ups at 20G with a small army summoned to help. With this set up, we make be off alone attacking on multiple fronts at times. So that is not a bad thing, just wanted my PC to need to be part of a group that has skills and Ability's she dos not have.

Sundakan wrote:
Tik has Off-Brand Mind Blank and Off-Brand True Seeing going at all times, among other things. Most spies should have a hard time staying hidden.

Aannraa is the same with Aura sight onto, and can read most if all NPC minds if they have one, Can't wait for Mytic-Overmind, Get the read any mind buff. MY hope is she can act as team security. If we had an Unchained with SM unloacked God-Take-Down team I think can spot pays.

Sundakan wrote:
I do have to say, Gestalt classes with ultra MAD components are fun. Like Soulknife/Monk. Wis to AC, attack, damage, and Power Points and Ki.

I always thought Wis V Gestalt classes do not stack as they tend to be 'insight' and same types do not stack, but if ones insight and another luck O mama! Seeing 20+ on TH/AC coming

ON a side note - Thematic PCs

Thee seem to be some really cool ones coming out here, not just rule's maxed PCs, [because of the task set] I am really excited about that.

Bigrig- Oracle (battle) 10, Hellknight Signifier 10/Antipaladin
10/Hellknight 10.
Human+ Hates hell and its master for letting them die
Fury- Investigator/Slayer
Iron Orchid- Telepath/Cryptic
Psionic-tech PC, Agent from the grater galactic community seeking to liberate these God-Enslaved worlds
W E Ray-Wizard (Abjurationist)-15/ Loremaster-3/ Alchemist (Mindchemist)-2 and an Unchained Monk-20
Sundakan- Psion/Alchemist?
[i]Cyberised-Insectoid-seeking to help freeing the locals from God Enslavement.
Alexander Torov- Wizard/Mindchemist
Ashe- Bloodrager/Monk 1, Gifted Blade Soulknife 18, Darktempest 1

Well i'm pretty much done with brawler/rogue, now looking at sacrificing all that gold for a double caster character. Cleric/wizard, cleric/druid and wizard/druid all look fun, not to mention pairing arcanist with cleric or druid. Only thing that holds me back is one of the strongest asset of cleric and druid is the ability to summon hordes of creatures. However how would that interfere with our attempting to stay under the radar of the gods? I know I could play a domain cleric and druid can just as easily pull their power directly from nature instead of a god but still, too many possibilities of exposing us just from using class abilities. I think that might be the only thing I don't like about this campaign, the very nature of it makes playing a divine caster of any type tricky.

As gods over see realms they come from that may be a big old flag to something going off. I worked on my PC being alone with its Cohort.
So as to keep a low profile.

We may all have to rethink our PCs if we need to give NO hint as to what we are upto. Any Magic/ability linked to a divine realm may flag us.
As domains have linked spells YAIKES!!

Just thinking this thought, magic may be a big liability if it in any way links to a gods realm of operation.

Actually maybe not. Sure they will feel when the magic is used but how many billions of times per day do they feel that? And secondly we will all be shielded by mindblank so even if they come looking there will be a void.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Once we start hostile actions they will look, a void dos not do it, that will just make there agents even more suspicious, we need to lay a false trail. Mind Blank just stops them looking at us, not all actions we take, Hence the need of ability's to lay false trails.

Think Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, a plot that took years.
The key is to keep the Agents of the gods and the gods themselves guessing until its way to late.

It was my main idea behind Taking a Psion->Telepath, to rewrite minds so it cant be spotted and have, a compulsion can be spotted but a complete fabrication of experience will be much much harder.

=================== The MEETING RP ====================

She then says:

Draft plan to bring down the god-likes

::"Stage 1: War in heaven - We exacerbate and set up new points of conflict between the God-likes and their factions. They have in place, demarcation lines, we orchestrate actions to cross them and set up false trails leading to other God-likes and their factions. This should have the effect if done right of initiating open conflict not just on the prime but also between the sub dimensions controlled by each God-likes and their factions. The aim being to weaken the gods as they fight each other, while massively disrupting their followers/believes lives as they get pulled into the confects, as this drags on so resentment to the gods them selves can be encouraged setting the stage for stage 2"::

She looks at the group.

::"Stage 2: No more souls to feed on - We use this conflict and anti-god resentment to craft a new counter god movement, introducing science, Math-a-magic's and other forms of none faith based thinking to explain being, existence and why the gods are no needed and bad for you. under its banner we will lead an Anti-God-Slave Jihad, Seeking to end the flow of souls to the gods by any and all means. While wee also seek direct ways to block souls being consumed by gods as there power source. Again to weaken the gods and remove artefacts and locations of power from them, this well set us up for Stage 3"::

She stops a moment to let that sink in.

::"Stage 3: The end Game - If stages one and two have worked the last few gods will band into a group and come after us. We or lose now they will forever be seen a tyrants and slavers, gods they may be but not even a god can fix a bad reputation with out remaking there pocket worlds. But of we set this up right, they will be at a point of weakness so as to be vulnerable, if we have the following and might we can brake them. The aim being they take a lesser place in the order of things a allow the worlds to expand out into the greater cosmos or they are eradicated. The details of each stage practicality will need study and planning but I feel the group here is more than capable of that."::

She lets that sink in then ends with

::"Be under no illusionist about me, I am utterly ruthless and completely dedicated to this endeavour, I was made to be. I have spent a lot of time analysing problems like this with minds miserably more sophisticated than the local god-likes. This is one possible course of action scenario they formulated for this set of circumstances and presented facts."::

Her cold unfeeling words stop.


Well you wanted a plan

Grand Lodge

I don't think the group will need a support/buffing PC -- a 20th level Bard would be cool, I guess, but I just don't see the need.

A 20th level Cleric, on the other hand, yeah I think we could definitely use one.

And technically clerics don't 'need' a god. they can follow 'ideals'. I think.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yep that is right, they can follow any thing of divinity that has the power to grant Divine magics etc. The bigger the idea the better, you could take the view that what the gods have done its nick big ideas and make them into their domains to lord over. The idea came 1st not the god.

Hey guys sorry I post mostly from work. 7:30am-4:30pm eastern. Last night was SCA meeting and dinner night with friends. So lots of post. A bit busy this morning and I post in 8 or 9 games first so I will read and catch up and look over some sheets. I wan't to be involved in the meeting but would like to hold off until game play opens. We have a true colors thing this afternoon at work from 12:30 to 4:30 and the wife and I do Friday happy hour with two other couples so I may not be on much until later tonight.

So I'm full on board with the war in heaven. My thinking is we start a war on the prime between the factions. We choose what agents we want to represent and hunt down agents of another god. Mind Blank will keep our true intentions hidden while we will gain support from one side to crush another. Sorry gotta run to the rest room. More to come.

Ok settled on my Concept.

A Human+ (Name Here) Is a legendary thief, the greatest of all time. He takes up with these godslayers and usurpers for his own purpose, to plunder the artifacts and wealth of the other plains.

Build will be

Stalker 20 // Bloodrager(sanguine from sorcerer if allowed, otherwise maybe arcane.) 12 / Knife Master Scout 8.

Sundakan wrote:
This DM has a stellar post history for his other Campaign though.

Thank you! You make my heart feel glad. This is my only profile.

So back on the holy war. We can weaken a god by removing many follower from the world. What we need to figure out is a way to do this and keep the souls from strengthening another. We can also go around performing acts of power for common folk and start to have them worship us as living gods. A step may be to get Razmir on our side as a self proclaimed living god. That or start by over throwing him and taking control of his city.

I really dig the graveknight it is one of my favorite templates. I thought about that or vampire, but mechanically I wanted moral bonus/effects. I will look at others and see if I can offer any advice. My biggest piece is find something you would have fun playing. Mechanically you can feel overshadowed but you still can contribute. Not all things have to be equal. For me I heard slay/overthrow the gods so I went power house trying to cover all the bases I could. Insane damage, Great defense, good saves. Can fight multiple or single enemies well. It is all about versatility and you have to try at this level not to make something good. Even if your optimization is a little shaky I'm sure you will be able to contribute. The biggest thing for me is playing with guys/gals that will post and keep posting often if possible but all games have different paces.

I had to stop making my unmonk/druid but have the time to get back to it now. Will finish this weekend.

@Fury of the T:

First I love Fortunes Favored template. I was considering it for a bit. I wanted to go with a Jedi like feel so I went with the soulknife, and Bloodrager is just a go too high level powerhouse with crossblooded. I mean Fates Favored should be taken by all, take extra traits if you have too. With the jingasa and the luckstone you can get +2 AC, +2 skills, +2 ability Checks. You did it with the template which I like.

I will have too look a bit more tonight as I have to leave to go to the work thing at 12:30.

Graveknight is also one of my favorite templates, even for NPC use, which is why I fit it in on this guy.
It just got the idea I had for him so well, I couldn't help but take it.

On the topic of templates, are there any special rules for them in this game?
Do we get everything, including ability score bonuses?

GM what time frame for this are we looking at now.
I may tweak my PC a little but its 90% there now.
Ran out of space so make an alt for her background.
Filling in that now.

Can I get a role call to see who is still here and everyones state of progress?

I'm here, although I haven't made it very far, comparatively, as I just joined.
Edit: thought I'd add a bit of detail. I have the levels/template I want to take set, but am crunching numbers to get things together.

When were you thinking about closing up recruitment?

bigrig107 wrote:

I'm here, although I haven't made it very far, comparatively, as I just joined.

When were you thinking about closing up recruitment?

I'll decide after the role call. Sort of want to figure out how many people I have.


I'm basically done, but I have ~100k gp left to spend, and not sure what to spend it on.

Here just working on the viability of my toon. Hero lab it tonight/tomorrow. Work on backstory some.

I'm here and basically done 99.93%, Been mostly done a while,
a bit of gold left but may keep that for later, and some bits I may add to her backstory.

I really like the idea of her, I think she will be a lot of fun to play.

I'm here, reworking my character (for the last time dernit!) into cleric/something. Should only take me a day.

Sundakan wrote:


I'm basically done, but I have ~100k gp left to spend, and not sure what to spend it on.

I could likely give advice if I could see the sheet.

Ashe wrote:

@Fury of the T:

First I love Fortunes Favored template. I was considering it for a bit. I wanted to go with a Jedi like feel so I went with the soulknife, and Bloodrager is just a go too high level powerhouse with crossblooded. I mean Fates Favored should be taken by all, take extra traits if you have too. With the jingasa and the luckstone you can get +2 AC, +2 skills, +2 ability Checks. You did it with the template which I like.

I will have too look a bit more tonight as I have to leave to go to the work thing at 12:30.

Thank you, I am glad you like it! Fortune-Blessed + Fate's Favoured is a new combination that I have currently fallen in love with. I especially love combining it with the 3rd Party Luckbringer Class, through due to the DM's desire to avoid too much 3PP I'm avoiding it for this campaign. That, and the Slayer works better for the fluff I have in mind

Powergaming DM wrote:
Can I get a role call to see who is still here and everyones state of progress?

Crunch done, fluff just needs to be written up.

Powergaming DM wrote:
Sundakan wrote:


I'm basically done, but I have ~100k gp left to spend, and not sure what to spend it on.

I could likely give advice if I could see the sheet.

'Ere you are.

Still in this. Just trying to find a place for 130,000 gold on a character that doesn't use armor of weapons.

Also no templates.

Templates are for the weak.

TarkXT wrote:

Still in this. Just trying to find a place for 130,000 gold on a character that doesn't use armor of weapons.

Also no templates.

Templates are for the weak.

But...they're free? Don't even have to give up class levels for it.

try this thread if you want Useful magic items for alchemists

Hmmm....not much there useful for me (that I don't already have, anyway).

May just go with the more "standard" stuff. +1 AC Ioun Stone, +1 attack Ioun Stone, Clear Spindle + Wayfinder, Jingasa, etc.

You know, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make Intimidate better, and I overlooked something obvious.

Are Skill Unlocks available for this? The Intimidate one is AWESOME. So is the one for Knowledge.

bigrig107 wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Still in this. Just trying to find a place for 130,000 gold on a character that doesn't use armor of weapons.

Also no templates.

Templates are for the weak.

But...they're free? Don't even have to give up class levels for it.

Without the help of mythic, hero points, and using a core race and two core (well semi core if you think of the unchained monk as anything but a revision) I'm basically hitting hard enough to kill one tarrasque with enough movement to kill his brother after that.

Templates at this point would be almost overkill.

Sundakan wrote:

You know, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make Intimidate better, and I overlooked something obvious.

Are Skill Unlocks available for this? The Intimidate one is AWESOME. So is the one for Knowledge.

Yeah, that's actually in my build already.

It's gonna be awesome, especially with graveknight's +8 racial bonus to Intimidate.

Noice. I think I'll get both.

TarkXT wrote:
bigrig107 wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Still in this. Just trying to find a place for 130,000 gold on a character that doesn't use armor of weapons.

Also no templates.

Templates are for the weak.

But...they're free? Don't even have to give up class levels for it.

Without the help of mythic, hero points, and using a core race and two core (well semi core if you think of the unchained monk as anything but a revision) I'm basically hitting hard enough to kill one tarrasque with enough movement to kill his brother after that.

Templates at this point would be almost overkill.

So take a template that's good for the flavor. There are some neat, off the wall ones that aren't so much a power boost but an options boost.

Nightmare and Shadow Creature are cool, for instance.

TarkXT wrote:

Still in this. Just trying to find a place for 130,000 gold on a character that doesn't use armor of weapons.

Also no templates.

Templates are for the weak.

Have a look at Psionic items, a Skin would always help

Well, Green Warden definitely fits the eberron orc theme I'm going for.

EDIT: Sadly it's limited to plants.

Sundakan wrote:

You know, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make Intimidate better, and I overlooked something obvious.

Are Skill Unlocks available for this? The Intimidate one is AWESOME. So is the one for Knowledge.

Wow, your not kidding. Rank 10 alone is basically equal to the old Knowledge Devotion feat from 3.5, and then Rank 15 makes it better by applying it to saves! Do you have to take Signature Skill for each and every knowledge through? Or does the Skill Unlock cover Knowledge as a whole?

Intimidate... eh its cool that it ramps up just how terrifying you can be. But it doesn't change the fact that fear immunity is pretty much the most common immunity that exists.

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