CN Atomie Fey Mutant [CR1]
Init +26; Senses Dark Vision 60',
Detect Thoughts 60' Perception +32 Sense Motive +30
Hero Points [5/5]
AC[37] TAC[33] FF[24]
[10 +4Armor +22Dex +1Dodge +4Defection +0NA +2Luck +4Size]
Shield [Perminacy]
[smaller]*Deflection bonus
**Enhancement bonus
Immunity to poison; Sleep Effects, all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, poisons of all kinds.
+4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects,
resist cold and electricity 10,
DR 5/cold iron
HP: 110/110 2x[5x{5+6Con}]
Fort: +19, {+1Base,+6Con+2feat+5enchantment+2Luck}
Reflex: +34, {+3Base,+22Dex+2feat+5enchantment+2Luck}
Will: +28,{+3Base,+10Wis+2feat+5enchantment+2Luck}
Speed: 20 ft., fly 50ft. (Good)
CMB: -2; {+1Base +1Str -4size +0misc}
CMD: +36; {+1Base +1Str +22Dex +8size +4misc}
Base Atk: +1
Reach 5' 5'
Base Str 6, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 18 +
101 point buy [+1Levels]
Feats [45]
Level Feats:
HeroPoint Feats
X1:Dodge +1AC
X2:Throw anything
X3:Improved Init
Monster Fears
1: Flyby Attack
2: hover
Race Feats
1:Weapon Finesse
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Light weapons +
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
Atomie CR 1
CN Diminutive fey
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC [+4 size]
hp 1d6+con mod
Saves Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3
DR 2/cold iron
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Light weapons + Melee rapier
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks sneak attack [+1d6]
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +10)
Constant—speak with animals
At will—dancing lights, reduce person (DC 15)
3/day—invisibility (self only)
1/day—shrink item
Base: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD [+8 Size]
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+4 when jumping), Bluff +1, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +20
Languages Common, Sylvan; speak with animals
Fey Creature Template
Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Type: The creature’s type changes to fey. Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves.
Senses: A fey creature gains low-light vision.
Armor Class: Reduce the creature’s natural armor, if any, by 1 (minimum of 0).
Defensive Abilities: A fey creature gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, resist cold and electricity 10, and DR 5/cold iron (if 11 HD or less) or DR 10/cold iron (if 12 HD or more).
Speed: Unless the base creature flies better, the fey creature flies at 1-1/2 times the base creature’s land speed (good maneuverability), rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5 feet. If the creature already has flight with a maneuverability of good, it increases to perfect.
Special Abilities: A fey creature gains one of the following abilities for every 4 HD or fraction thereof.
Long Step (Su) [50'] [Quickling X4 = 200'] 1/2 Rounds
A fey creature can teleport up to 10 feet per Hit Die as a move action. It may use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
Spell-Like Abilities: A fey creature with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or more has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature’s HD (or the caster level of the base creature’s spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).
HD Abilities
1-2 Dancing lights 3/day, faerie fire
3-4 Entangle, glitterdust
Abilities: A fey creature gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity and a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma. A fey creature receives a -2 penalty to Strength. Fey creatures derived from creatures without an Intelligence score gain an Intelligence of 3.
Skills: A fey creature with racial Hit Dice has skill points per racial Hit Die equal to 6 + its Intelligence modifier. It gains Acrobatics, Bluff, Fly, and Stealth as class skills.
Languages: Fey creatures speak Sylvan as well as any languages spoken by the base creature.
Mutant Template
Type: The creature’s type changes to aberration (augmented). Do not recalculate its Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves.
Attacks: A mutant retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon and armor proficiencies of the base creature.
Special Abilities: A mutant retains any extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the base creature.
Abilities: A mutant gains a +4 bonus to two ability scores of its choice and takes a –2 penalty to two ability scores of its choice.
Skills: A mutant gains Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (any one), Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim as class skills.
Deformities: Each mutant has one of the following deformities. It can take a second deformity to gain a mutation as detailed in Mutations on page 181. A deformity can’t be taken if it wouldn’t disadvantage the mutant.
Misshapen (Ex)
Humanoid mutants only. The mutant can’t wear armor (including magic armor) fashioned for humanoid creatures. Armor made to fit the mutant costs twice as much.
Light Blindness (Ex)
The mutant has the light blindness special ability. This deformity can’t be taken in conjunction with the blind deformity.
Mutations A mutant gains one of the beneficial mutations below when it acquires this template, plus an additional mutation for every 4 Hit Dice it possesses. By taking an extra deformity (see above), a mutant can add an additional mutation. Only the first extra deformity provides this benefit. A mutant that gains additional Hit Dice after acquiring this template does not gain additional mutations.
Fast Healing (Ex)
The mutant gains fast healing 5.
Telepathy (Su, Sp)
The mutant has telepathy with a range of 100 feet as a supernatural ability and detect thoughts as a spell-like ability, usable at will.
---------------=Skills=- (180 points; 6 class, 5INT+FC15) +2Luck [+2 Kno and Prof Skills]---------------
^Craft [Tattoo] (Int)____+30{+15rank,+5Int+3Feat+2item}
Disable Device____+10{+0rank,+8Dex}
Disguise (Cha)____+30{+4rank,+4Cha}Item +20
^Escape Artist*(Dex)____+14{+1rank,+8Dex}
Handle Animal (Wis)____+15{+0rank,+10Wis}
^Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Engineering)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Geography)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (History)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Local)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Nature)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Nobility)(Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Planes) (Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Knowledge (Religion) (Int)____+17{+5rank,+5Int}
^Sense Motive(Wis)____+30{+15rank,+10Wis}
Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+2{+0rank,+2Dex}
Spellcraft(Int)____+20{--rank,+3Int}[+15 Item]
^Stealth* (Dex)____+20{+15rank,+8Dex}
Use Magic Device(Cha)____+20{--rank,+3Cha}[+15Item]
concentration [+20][+3Int+2trait+ML/CL+1]
+2 To ALL skills Luck bonus [Item+Trait]
*trait, Focused Mind You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Combat Casting Feat
elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
^In Class Skill Bonus +3
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-
(at will)
Enhanced Diplomacy
+2 competence bonus on a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check.
High Common
High Gothic, Alorant,
Belthouse Military Signals (body+hand)
Elven sign Language (hand)
Special Abilities
Starting cash 880,000gp
Belt: Belt Physical Perfection +6
Body: -
Feet: -
Head: -
Headband: HeadBand of mental Superiority +6
Shoulders: Cloak of of Resistance +5
Wrists: -
Ring L: Ring of Telekinesis
Ring R: Tattoo of protection +6 + Ring of Sustenance
Stone of Good Lucky
Handy Haversack [3000gp] [Crafted][Custom]
Crafted as Belt with 6 Pouchs on it, each 2'c3 holding 20lb
HH Pouch 1
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds 750gp
- Wand of prestidigitation 750gp
Antidote kit 100 gp 3 lbs.
Healer's kit 50 10/10 gp 1 lb.
HH Pouch 2
Symptom kit 25 gp 5 lbs.
Mapmaker's kit 10 gp 2 lbs.
Parasol 1 gp 2 lbs.
Parasol (umbrella) 2 gp 3 lbs.
Thieves' tools, masterwork 100 gp 2 lbs.
HH Pouch 3
Compass 10 gp 1/2 lb.
Dungeoneering kit, deluxe 130 gp 15 lbs.
Earplugs 12 cp x4
Flint and steel 1 gp
Gear maintenance kit 5 gp 2 lbs.
HH Pouch 4
Grooming kit 1 gp 2 lbs.1
Hip flask 1 gp 1/2 lb
Scroll case 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Signal horn 1 gp 2 lbs.1
Signal whistle 8 sp --lb
Silk rope 10 gp 5 lbs.
Smoked goggles 10 gp --lb
Soap 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Stationery 1 gp
Silver pen 2gp
String or twine (50 ft.) 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Teapot 1 sp 1 lb.
HH Pouch 6
Furs 12 gp 5 lbs.*
Courtly Clothing 10lb 1.000gp
Grooming set. 40gp
Books read
Permanency []
-=Carrying Capacity=-
Light 0-55 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
-=Current Load Carried=- 2 lb.
-=Money=- 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP