Daughters of Fury (Inactive)

Game Master eddv

Map and Handouts


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Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

go ahead and dot here for now

Female Elf Cleric 6 Portrait


The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13


Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision


Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

The group as assembled is a group that just happened to run into each other on the road into Lastwall, all approaching the tiny town of Arwyll Stead for different reasons.

Ishingka and Arileth:
Ishingka and Arileth were given a mission from Ambrus Valsin to come up here and visit what is known as the "Red Archive". In a joint venture with the Paracountess Dralneen's Dark Archive, you are sent to investigate this archive, which is being led by a a man named Gallus Crevak. He is wanted by Cheliax for some sort of heresy when he was a bishop of the church of Asmoden. He has been hiding in this town for some time and he was aid to be one of the world's leading authorities on diabolism and other extraplanar creatures. The Society desperately wants to know which texts he is in possession of and, if possible, to recruit the man. In addition to these points, Arileth has been guided to take this job by Calistria who senses there is some great love gone awry and which needs to be witnessed by you.

Thael Silverstep:
Arwyll stead is said to possess and incredibly pure vein of Iron ore that the town subsists with selling. You are being sent to try and secure a contract to get exclusive rights to some of that ore for one of the Qadiran princes who is willing to pay top dollar to keep the ore out of the hands of his competitors. You are told the Arwyll family are the proprietors of this town's mine and you are to seek out the leader of that family for that purpose.

A half-orc gang member responsible for a particularly heinous string of murders in your home town has been spotted in these lands, hiding among one of the orc tribes, though you know not which one. You are here, having encountered this group just as your trail had gone cold.

You have been researching relics and powerful magical weapons that might be useful in the practice of your faith and occult business and you keep on encountering the same obscure rumors regarding a legendary bow, the angelfall bow, which is capable of felling flying creatures and causing them to crash to the ground. It is also clearly possessed of some sort of spirit or some such due to some special properties it has (it supposedly smells of brimstone). The rumors have led you to believe that this treasure has fallen into the hands of a member of the Hellsfury Orc Tribe which operates on the border region shared by Ustalav, the Hold of Belkzen and Lastwall, which means going to Arwyll Stead

Jag's story is much simpler than the others. He has simply wandered in the area and thought the stories shared by the others were interesting. He is here mainly to sate his curiosity and to learn more about the warmlands. He has recently been traveling through the Hold of Belzken however and ran afoul of one of the orc tribes by way of offending them somehow. As such, he encountered a strange phenomenon - devils unbound and in the wild, something that endangers the nature all around the area.

As the group of you are together, you begin to break camp again before a new full day of travel toward Arwyll's Stead, and if your maps are right you should be arriving in time to have a hot dinner at an inn tonight. The day is crisp and cool as you get deeper into the mountains.

The breakfast fire is dwindling as you all finish your simple breakfast meals and perhaps some coffee, fresh-milled and green.

I will be putting up a map for this right now, I need you to arrange yourselves as though you would be traveling in a marching order once I put the tokens (including horses for those of you who have them). For context, it's just an open road so there aren't many restrictions on how you arrange yourself. Also feel free to introduce yourselves since you're gonna be together for a bit!

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

A small halfling, yes small even for a halfling, with a shock of dirty blond hair under a little cap, smiles at you all... "Hi... I'm Tae. This is Cinder," he says, showing off his scrawny-looking black kitty. The halfling despite being a bit of a ragamuffin, is equipped with a small dagger and rapier and has a small rucksack at his side. On his back, he's slung a longbow, which looks like it was made just for his size, and a quiver of small arrows with mismatched fletchings.

"It will be good having traveling companions, even if for only the last day of the journey. I don't like traveling alone. What brings you all to Arwyll's Stead?"

Female Elf Cleric 6 Portrait

The creak of leather accompanies Arileth as she rises from the campfire's embers. The elf is slim, and the leather catsuit she wears only seems to accentuate her figure. Arileth brushes a few stray strands of her shoulder-length, wheat-blond hair behind one pointed ear. She frowns, the expression threatening to overwhelm the immediate area like she had a personal thunder-cloud over her head. Never did like coffee, she thinks, setting the nearly-full cup aside.

In an instant, the frown is gone, and the thunderclouds with it; now it's all sunshine and clear skies as she smiles. "Arileth, servant of the Unquenchable Fire," she says by way of introduction. "The pleasure is mine, I am sure," she says, an involuntary purr in her voice. "I've some business to attend to for my goddess. That, and I'm looking for a man." She pauses, an amused smile lighting her face briefly as she realizes that could mean two different things. "Business, not pleasure, I'm afraid."

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

The dwarf that had previously introduced himself as Hali Silverforge and spent the whole meal regaling you with tales of his equipment and his ancestors see profile page for a taste stands up and gathers his gear.

"Best be on our way now, eh?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

"Pleasure, Tae. Oh, a kitty! Gods, it had better be a real cat unlike this one 'cat' I met," says a tall, fearsomely beautiful half-orc caparisoned in spiked armor. There is a still-healing scar on her midriff, which is mainly covered by sensible clothing and the aforementioned armor, but enough gray-green skin peeks through to show hard muscle and scars. Her accent speaks of city life in Absalom and other cosmopolitan areas of the Inner Sea, and her features are somewhat on the human side, but this is contrasted with tusks that jut from her lower jaw long as any orc's. Tattoos on her face trail down her neck and disappear into her armor; they are quite merry, with prancing horses and sounding trumpets, limned in green and yellow. She's finished her breakfast and anyone else's, and drunk her coffee in a few efficient gulps, stretching and cracking joints as she rises to a height slightly greater than the elf---but a few body widths wider. "Ishingka Thulkurian, recently back from some truly odd times in Tian Xia. Arileth and I have had quite the amusing time on the road. I'm not sure who rescued whom from trouble more." She grins and chuckles, showing those formidable tusks. "May the light carry us far today. Oh, and my business is similar to Arileth's except I'll be in the business of killing things that get in our way. After eliminating other options, of course." She bows to the group, an uncontrollable smile widening on her face.

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Thael is a 6-foot-tall, bearded wizard with black hair. Though relatively young, his hair and beard are streaked with silver. He behaves in a distinguished manner, and usually dresses in nondescript black robes with silver runes on the sleeves.

A small draconic creature attends him, a golden-hued creature like a flightless dragon.

"I am also looking to meet a man regarding some business. A mining proprietor," he says.

Female Elf Cleric 6 Portrait

Alicia grins at Tae, sparing a glance at Ishingka. "You should have seen her in action two towns ago," she says, laughing.

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

"Ah, so I should be aimin' to keep you two out of trouble, eh?" Hali says as he gives a wry, Dwarven smirk.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

"I distinctly recall you starting said action, the details of which have been sealed for all time. But one innskeeper won't be sitting down again for a while," says Ishingka, guffawing along with the elf. "And Hali, that just won't do. Far better to just aim our troublemaking at other people...a highly effective policy." Ishingka's ease around dwarves speaks again of city life and no doubt, some dwarven Pathfinders in her past, although, with half-orcs, there's always that tiny nod of caution to the race that drove one line of her ancestors out of the Darklands. It's not that Ishingka likes the denizens of Belkzen, but...

"Any of us good at scouting? I'm good at standing in front, but, that's not the same thing," continues the bloodrager. She pulls out her long hammer and twirls the haft to test the weight, the motion easy and practiced.

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

"Yes, ma'am, Cinder is a real kitty," he says to Ishingka with a little smile. "Would you like to pet her?"

When she mentions the innkeeper that can't sit down, he asks with some surprise, "Did you spank him?"

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

"Nah lass, I am no scout"

Hali is doing his best to look past the Orcish heritage here; he is definitely no fan of orcs

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

As the group converses and gets moving down the road they come across an unsettling scene - the clang of metal on metal and the shrill whinnies of frightened horses can be heard from up ahead. As the dusty
road curves around the hills, a scene of battle comes into view some hundred feet away. Panicked horses bolt past, and corpses litter the ground around the road—some are recognizable as human guards or fallen horses, but others are twisted, winged, horned monstrosities with fiendish features.

All of the combatants have fallen, except for three of the flying yellow monsters attacking a lone, wounded desperate looking half-orc woman wielding a bow, standing over the fallen body of probably the most nicely outfitted of the humans.

Oh Hali, this is going to be an interesting adventure for you

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

"That poor woman... we have to help her!" He draws his bow adn shoots at one of the winged thingies...

to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
dmg if hits: 1d6 ⇒ 2

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

Hali quickly takes the situation in, a half-orc, maybe, but those fiends are no friend to Trudd. He glances at Ishingka, "Lass, how would you like to be... Bigger."

offering to increase your size by one category

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

Tae fires an arrow at one of the yellow winged creatures and watches in horror as the arrowhead is crushed without penetrating its skin, and the creatures turn and notice your group.

That was the surprise round


Thael: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Arileth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Ishingka: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Tae: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Hali: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Jag: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18.
Half-Orc: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Yellow Winged Creatures (for the purposes of not making the combat take forever I will roll 1 init for all unique types of enemies): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Round 1


Yellow Winged Creatures
Half-Orc with Bow

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

"Uh oh.. that wasn't supposed to happen. Well, they know we're here now."

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

"One of my favorite tricks, Hali. I won't be able to throw much at them, but if they get in reach I'll knock them out of the sky," says Ishingka, glaring at the beasts. "OI! Get away from her!" she shouts at the creatures.

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

Hali nods and seem to pray as he rests his hand on the haft of his warhammer. He gives Ishingka a pat at the end of his prayer and her height more than doubles as she grows as large as an ogre. Then he barrels past her. "I'll be havin' a word with ye' in the name o' Trudd!" He shouts at the attackers, running more quickly than one would expect of a dwarf.

standard action to use Size Alteration: standard action to expend 1 mental focus to change the size of a touched creature by one step (i.e. reduce or enlarge person but not limited to humanoids).

swift action to use Relentless Footing (Ex): As a swift action, you can add 10 feet to your land speed. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects your jumping distance as normal for increased speed.

move action to go 30' toward the attackers

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

and lo, on this day, a truce was declared between ancient enemies!

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

GM, if that was the surprise round, please take note of the Lookout teamwork feat. Via Solo Tactics, Hali treats the entire party as if they also had this feat. Unfortunately the effect is not mutual

Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round.

by my reading, Hali's action above would have taken place in the surprise round and he would now be up for regular round actions.

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

That is fine - you were all going to be given a round to prepare but...well once Tae attacked it got shortened to a surprise round for just Tae. And that's fine. So my understanding is your action portfolio went like this:

Surprise: Used Size Alteration
R1: Swift Action to use relentless speed and moved 30 feet as a Move Action, leaving you with a Standard.

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

actually if both Hali and at least one of his allies can act in the surprise round, the feat let's him take a full round of actions as if it were a normal round for him

-Posted with Wayfinder

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

based on that assumption

Hali says a prayer, "Trudd, bless us-- help us t' send these fiends back t' th' hells they came from." Then he trudges closer.

I meant to add that Hali would have drawn his hammer and quickdraw shield as part of that move. If that is a problem, we can say he did it as part of this move.
On an unrelated note, I'm not 100% sure that Hali's orisons are all in the enchantment and transmutation schools, so I need to address that.

Round 2 action:
cast bless OR if our cleric casts that spell in the surprise round *hint hint*, he will instead cast Magic Weapon on his warhammer
Then Move 30'

Active Status effects:
Relentless footing

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Elf Cleric 6 Portrait

Back at the campsite:

"How was I supposed to know he had a thing for spanking?" Arileth quips to Ishingka, about the same time Tae guesses it. Shaking her head with an amused grin, she gathers her pack, sword and bow as the group readies to get on the road again. "Don't look at me for scouting," she says. "I mean, I can, but I'm better off right behind Ishingka, where I can keep her on her feet."


Surprise round: Upon hearing the sounds of battle, some combination of curiosity and concern write themselves across the elven cleric's facial features. As the battlefield comes into view, the expression turns grim. "The Unquenchable Fire fill your steps with her fire and passion!" she intones, blessing the party. Casting bless.

Round one: Arileth draws her longsword and dismounts from her horse. With a pat on the half-orc's now-oversized rump, the elf calls down a second invocation. "Take their cause as your own, and may the Savored Sting grant you her favor as your revenge becomes theirs." Dismounting as a move action (and drawing her sword as part of the move action), then using her bit of luck ability on Ishingka; for the next round, she rolls twice on all d20 rolls and takes the better result.

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

"Leave her alone, you big bullies... three against one isn't fair." Tae shouts, trying to get them to leave the archer alone.

Grand Lodge

| Male CG Gnome Brawlbarian 6 | | HP 60/60 | AC:19 (13 Tch, 17FF) | CMD:20(21 v. Bull Rush) | F:+9 R:+5 W:+1 | Init:+1 | Perc:+5 SM:+5 | Speed 20ft | M.Flex. (0/6) {None} | Eternal Hope (0/1) | Rage (0/7) Rounds | Active conditions:

Sorry about the delay.

--At camp--

"Scouting seems easy enough. Just gotta hide and keep your eyes open, right? I taught Ussur how to hide- -he taught me how to hunt," Jag replies with a grin, presenting his companion for all to look upon with awe. Jag puts an ear to the bear's mouth, looks pensive for a moment, and adds, "Ussur seems to trust you guys, so you're okay with me. Jag Koszonommonsk."

--Here and Now--

Jag and Ussur roar in unison, double moving towards the fracas.

Jag: Double-moves
Ussur: Single-moves, heels

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Thael surveys the three yellow creatures, wondering what they might be.

"I think I have read about these before...in fact, I am nearly certain," he says.

To draw their attention, he sends a magic missile from his wand toward the nearest one.

knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Looking for 1) vulnerabilities 2) immunities 3) special abilities

magic missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

as a 3rd lvl wizard, don't you get 2 missiles?

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

not from a wand...I should have said that.

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

ah, I see...

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

These creatures are a type of devil known as a Gaav.

As such, they have Damage Reduction 5/Good and are immune to poison and fire. They are known for their noxious breath attack which can render their opponent nauseated, but its only usable at very short range.

Round 1

Half-Orc with Bow

The trio of devils turn away from the half orc and turn their attention to your party as you rush toward them threateningly.

As the lead of the charge, Hali finds himself ganged up on.

Gaav Claw Attack, flanking: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 181d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Gaav Claw Attack, flanking: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Gaav Claw Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 101d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Gaav Claw Attack, flanking Critical confirmation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 272d8 + 2 ⇒ (4, 7) + 2 = 13

Hali manages to fend off a couple of spearblows but in the process leaves himself wide open to a spear piercing him right at the gut level.

Round 1
Half-Orc with Bow

Round 2
Hali (-22 hp)

Half-Orc with Bow

The half orc woman wearily draws her bow and takes aim at one of the gaav. The one outlined in green

Point Blank Shot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 221d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Her carefully aimed shot from her hickory bow connects, just barely penetrating the skin of this devil.

Round 1
Hali (-22 HP)
Green (-1 HP)
Blue (-2 HP)
Half-Orc with Bow

Round 2
Hali (-22 HP)

Green (-1 HP)
Blue (-2 HP)
Half-Orc with Bow

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

"Circle 'round, Jag, circle ' round! Flank this one wi' me and make a way fer Uss'e and 'jinga to join the fightin'!"

if you move around them to the N and then come down you and I can flank the N-most one, then Ussur and the large lady can charge in

-Posted with Wayfinder

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

also, GM you said those were claw attacks but then rolled spear damage and said spear in the flavor text?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

Yeah I misread the statsheet at first blush and then tried to correct them all, but missed a couple

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

so it is a spear?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign


- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

thanks for the clarification.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

"Hali needs you, Arileth! I'll do the spanking this time!" An enormous Ishingka strides across the path and swings her hammer, a good ten feet long, at one of the devils.

Rage, Hammer, Enlarge, Bless: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
for: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) + 12 = 19
crit?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
double: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) + 12 = 24

"RESIST THAT, FIEND!" snarls the bloodrager as her hammer strikes true.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Abyssal Bloodrager (Rageshaper)/6
HP 64/64 AC 15/12 T/13 FF CMB +7 CMD 21/19 | F +9 R +6 W +5 | Init +2 Perc +9 40' move 60' Darkvision

Wow, my first crit, and it feels so good! AC is a piddling 11, HP 37.

- INACTIVE - (completed campaign)

"Ha ha, that'll do it, 'shingka!" Hali yells in excitement, seemingly oblivious to his injuries.

He swings his hammer at the harpy in front of him and then takes a step back, toward the boulder.

probably burn a standard next round to use legacy weapon to give the hammer the outsider bane enhancement--Hali will be too disappointed in doing so little to hurt them

Round 3 action:
attack green
5' step SW

warhammer, attack, bless, magic weapon: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 = 22 for bludgeoning, Silvered, magic: 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8

Active Status effects:
Relentless footing
Magic Weapon

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Elf Cleric 6 Portrait

Arileth needs little encouragement to charge in after the dwarf and the half-orc. She stops short of the front line, however. Instead, she grips the amulet around her neck, a silver disc on which are embossed three daggers, points outward in a circle, and closes her eyes. After a brief second of prayer, a momentary wave of cold blue light emanates from the elf. In its wake, Hali finds some of his wounds to have healed.

Moving forward 30 feet (well, 25 since I think there's rough terrain in the way either way) and then channeling positive energy, excluding the three gaavs.

2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7

hp 44/51; AC 18 (14 t14 f11); F 5, R 7, W 4; bab 3 +4 melee +7 range; cmb 4 cmd 17; init +8, conc +15, spd 30, wih 25 | halfling crossblooded sorceror / 7. Spells: 1-6/7, 2-7/7, 3-5/5
acro 7, bluff 8, fly 10, intim 11*, kn arcana 6, perc 6*, spellcraft 8, stealth 7*, umd 11

Since he doesn't know if they resist acid, he moves up into range and casts acid splash at the red one.

ranged touch to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
dmg if hits: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

The devil that Ishingka deals with basically just explodes in ball of blood, scale, and fire.

The other two look somewhat concerned, but prepared to press on.

Grand Lodge

| Male CG Gnome Brawlbarian 6 | | HP 60/60 | AC:19 (13 Tch, 17FF) | CMD:20(21 v. Bull Rush) | F:+9 R:+5 W:+1 | Init:+1 | Perc:+5 SM:+5 | Speed 20ft | M.Flex. (0/6) {None} | Eternal Hope (0/1) | Rage (0/7) Rounds | Active conditions:

"Help them?" Jag half-pleads, half-commands Ussur, sensing (and sharing) the bears reluctance to touch these gross whatever-they-are.

Free Action
Handle Animal to Push: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Grumbling "stay, then" a bit under his breath, Jag cartwheels up to one of the things-with-the-spears and attempts to right cross it.
Move Action
Acrobatics to Avoid AoO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Standard Action
Unarmed strike, Power Attack, Bless: 1d20 + 6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 1 + 1 = 20
Damage, Power Attack: 1d4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 = 7

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

With things looking mostly in hand, Thael settles for lobbing another magic missile from his wand at the reddish devil.

mm: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Scarab Sages

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign

With Thael's Magic Missile, the Reddish one falls and the final one looks displeased by teleports away.

Leaving just the group of you and the half orc, who looks at you warily, unsure if you're friend or foe.

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