Dain's King Maker Chronicles

Game Master dain120475


This is the Kingmaker Campaign, yet it is filled with many deviations from the boxed set. The "Campaign Information" page is meant as a quick resource to help sum up the thousands of posts quickly.

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"Pay no attention to the sorcerer behind the curtain... "

HP: 47 AC: 14 Hexblade 5

[spoiler=Kae/Ry convo cont'd.]
Clari approaches Ariarh looking somewhat weary and worn. It is late, the hunt embarks the next day, and Clari has been scolded more than enough for one day. Yet, Malas'rae disturbed her as she was preparing for sleep, saying that Ariarh seemed worried about her. Unsure of what exactly the worry is, she asks, "There a problem? Malas'rae said that you was worried 'bout me. Look, I'm sorry 'bout your ward. It's just that me and Malas'rae bein' sister and brother is a strange thing for me to think, for a bunch of reasons. But like i said before, and the little one didn't get, i guess, He's got friends that trust him, and they're... well yer all good people, so i guess he didn't turn out the way i figured he would."

"I never saw him since i found out who his father was, so I don't much know what sort of man he is, and he was a brat of say 15 back then, looking about the same age as me, cause of the different aging and all. So he's had a lot of time to grow up, and humans and half-breeds do a lot of that at around that age, and i missed all of it. We were never really close, fought a lot, he was a little wretch back then, no offense. It was tough to live with him, his mother took me in, after all, so i spent a lot of time trying to avoid him. But he grew up fast, so it wasn't bad as if he were a true elf and acted like that, not that a proper elf ever would, mind you. Anyways he grew up and was suddenly about as old as me, and the rest of the clan all tended to keep their distance from us, and well... I mean, he grew up fine, and..." she pauses a moment, loosing track of her thoughts it seems, " But that was a long time ago, and i found out who he was, er, who his father was, and it made me sick thinking about it, so I just left. Tried to get revenge, but lost the monster, so i came out here, cause i heard about someone what may have been Malas'rae, and came looking." She then gives Ry a rather serious look, making sure she is very clear, "Before you go saying that i'd take it out on him, I know Malas'rae hates his father much as I do, so I got no reason to start fighting with him. We're on the same side on this one, so no need to worry on that one." Hopefully disclosing more of their history will inspire confidence for Ariarh that Clari is no threat to Kae. Still some things are personal and don't need to be discussed. they make no difference anyway.

Malas'rae also mentioned something about Ariarh being concerned about this Yuan-ti, but he was very sparse with details when he mentioned it. But it was likely worth talking about if Kemat was also going to be hunting. "So you are worries about some Yuan-ti woman, called Kermit or something of that sort? What about her don't you trust. The beast didn't tell me what exactly had you so worked up. Just that you showed up and told that him and me and you had something to talk about. That and something about this snake-woman not sitting right with you. So what's the situation, and is there anything ya want me to do fer ya about it or something?"

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

"These first months are likely to be very important to our Baronies, so I would suggest that we tax the Baronies at a 10% rate for the next three months, and then we raise the rate to 15% and hold it there for the rest of the year."

The to and fro regarding the levy on the baronies was becoming taxing in itself. That Kae spoke somewhat of a compromise alleviated some of the dissension in the group although with so many voices and independent ideas the entire process proved an arduous task.

Brett spoke the truth of the matter in the capital. Alaric did not establish a levy on the people of the capital and that was now part of the greater problem -- trying to sustain an ever-growing, overgrown population. Yet, his reign was short-lived and plagued with supernatural issues and a growing insanity due to the magical ring. And in her experience time never seemed to be on their side; they seemed to be chasing it like an unwanted lover.

"I will go on record that I am not in complete accord with this tax levy on the baronies. But as the vote is succeeded by the majority and a compromise must be reached and presently, I shall comply with a 10% levy for the first three months and then revisiting the levy with a possibility of increasing it to 15% for the remainder of the year."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ry's response to Clari:

The past seems to get in the way sometimes, she thinks to herself. Ariarh listens attentively to Clari, noting not only her words but expressions and body language.

"I am not seeking apology for what was said between you and Anuk-su regarding the distinction of your relationship with my General, so please do not worry. I do believe my ward and even I may have not understood entirely what you and Kae were to one another. Also, Anuk-su can get quite insistent on certain matters and it can be a hard thing for a stranger to understand or comprehend. Her ancient culture had their own way of handling issues and conducting their society. I just ask that you try to be a little more patient with her -- for all her ancient bloodlines, in physical age she is still young and has more to learn of this world and how to conduct herself, as I suppose we all do." She smiles gently at the elven woman, sorry that Kae had woken her yet relieved to see her unharmed.

"I will not pry further into the nature of your relationship with Kae. As I mentioned to you earlier, Kae has been maturing during our association and I believe it has been for the betterment. I am concerned about his father's power and the consequences that may arise with your joint oath to avenge his many misdeeds. I am not keen on vigilante-styled justice but that is not what I wanted to discuss with you."

"An hour ago I found Kae engaged in an intimate moment with the Yuan-ti called Kemat. I judged it as inappropriate for it would give the impression that he was collecting sexual favor for rescuing one of their caste. But also, the Yuan-ti purebloods seem to have this magical affinity to sway another creature's will and I was unsure whether the interaction between them was natural or manipulated, if you catch my meaning. I would not see him go without companionship yet I cannot see him make a grave mistake." Ariarh sighs and massages her temples for her words were becoming clumsy this late night. "I do not want Kae used by the Yuan-ti female. I would know if she had an ulterior motive. If it was for physical gratification I could accept that. I just don't know and that is what concerns me -- their kind is unknown to us and I would know more so I may be prepared to handle whatever comes our way. If you can keep ears and eyes on what is transpiring around the camps and especially on Kae, I would appreciate it. Please be subtle and unobtrusive for I would not disrespect our guests or my General. Kae deserves his privacy yet I do not want him harmed in any way. He has become a brother to me but he doesn't always heed guidance very well."

Diplomacy with Clari: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Dain GM wrote:
”I am Har-Te-Ma – I lead my folk now that our lords are dead. We will die soon, I think – for you have slain our masters, and therefore with them, we shall follow – for that is the way of those who would end the lives of a people. First the leaders are killed, and assuredly the slaves shall follow – else we be spoils of war to you? In either case – I speak for my people – what would you have of us?” said a tallish one, with a dark face, and white flecks of hair around his mouth and eyes; making him look somewhat distinguished even as he looks both weary and careworn.

Osiriani/"Har-Te-Ma, hear me as I translate my leader's words. The Lady Ariarh Kane will spare you and your people for she does not kill creatures for the sole reason that they were once commanded by evil lords. Your will was not your own and you were bidden to travel a dark path. If you can swear loyalty to her and the nation of Praxis, practice good and follow the laws of the land then she will allow you to live among her community if you so choose it. If you choose to leave the capital and take your chances with the other nations of this world you will be free to do so. Yet, if you return to these lands with another lord to perpetrate evil upon her people she will protect those in her realm and you will be considered an enemy of Praxis. The Lady Ariarh seeks no slaves for she believes creatures are entitled to their freedom. If you stay here then you do so because that is your heart's wish and you would aid in the betterment of the community. What say you, Har-Te-Ma?"/Osiriani

Diplomacy with Anumus: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Dain GM wrote:
”I am Har-Te-Ma – I lead my folk now that our lords are dead. We will die soon, I think – for you have slain our masters, and therefore with them, we shall follow – for that is the way of those who would end the lives of a people. First the leaders are killed, and assuredly the slaves shall follow – else we be spoils of war to you? In either case – I speak for my people – what would you have of us?” said a tallish one, with a dark face, and white flecks of hair around his mouth and eyes; making him look somewhat distinguished even as he looks both weary and careworn.

Osiriani/"Har-Te-Ma, hear me as I translate my leader's words. The Lady Ariarh Kane will spare you and your people for she does not kill creatures for the sole reason that they were once commanded by evil lords. Your will was not your own and you were bidden to travel a dark path. If you can swear loyalty to her and the nation of Praxis, practice good and follow the laws of the land then she will allow you to live among her community if you so choose it. If you choose to leave the capital and take your chances with the other nations of this world you will be free to do so. Yet, if you return to these lands with another lord to perpetrate evil upon her people she will protect those in her realm and you will be considered an enemy of Praxis. The Lady Ariarh seeks no slaves for she believes creatures are entitled to their freedom. If you stay here then you do so because that is your heart's wish and you would aid in the betterment of the community. What say you, Har-Te-Ma?"/Osiriani

Diplomacy with Anumus: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh stands beside the Priestess, believing her words perfectly translated into Osiriani as she had meant them; having faith that the Priestess would undertake the offering to the Anumi. She bows her head toward the Anumi and says in somewhat stilted Osiriani (which Isani had recently taught her), "Salam alekum".

"Peace be with you."

Ry's diplomacy with the Anumi: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Later ...

Conversation with Anuk-su:

"Dearest, I have a question to ask you, and, I would respectfully say my piece before you reply. I have decided to establish a barony of my own, upon the lands of the Temple of Erastil. I call you sister because I mean it with all my heart. If you would come live with me on my lands, then I would welcome you with open arms. I do not know of your plans, whether you will reside in the capital (for I understand your connection to Cloudwatch Keep) or elsewhere. So I ask you now in earnest, would you consider my request to live with me and among my community once my term in Saravale is complete?"

Diplomacy with Anuk-su: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

smashing dip check sister! You may have actually gotten through to clari! Quite a feat. Anyhoo...

Re: Ry's concerns:

Ka'etil thinks on his interaction with Kemat. There was a unique and viseral connection to the woman, something he had yet to experience before. She was not the most attractive creature he had ever met, so it wasn't simple physical attraction. Her manner, in many ways was actually rather off-putting, the suggestion that he was being manipulative, and considerewd himself the master of her people did not sit well, but she was also very straight-forward, simply offering herself. Yet things were rarely that simple, were they.

Ariarh was right, there may be an alterior motive on her part, and kae knows that he is not one that can see through manipulations very easily. Yet she may also feel bound to him and feel like this is her obligation, as opposed to a simple offer based on her own wishes, also not alright. It's worth noting that it doesn't even occure to kae that there is any remote possibility of romance or any desire for such an emotional attachment. Doesn't even cross his mind. Kae will consider what she actually wants from him, and clari will likely have something to say during the hunt as well.

Still there is the matter of what it is that draws him to the serpant-woman. It's almost as if there is something in his blood drawing him to her. Something he can almost taste. he is envenomed so there is snake-magic in his blood.

Having a moment to himself, Ka'etil meditates a moment, augry
While a personal matter, it may be one of consequence. Is there a dangerous manipulation that I walk into with the female Kemat, or am I violating my principles and taking advantage of my position of power?woes
Or is this simple as I believe it to be?
Making another use of his augry he also asks:
What aspect of my nature draws mw so strongly to her? I know blood of both dragon and Orc flow through my veigns, coming from powerful ancestors of both my mother and father, but what of the serpent? Am I even more tainted being than I thought?

HP: 47 AC: 14 Hexblade 5

to Ry:

She is slightly taken aback at the situation with Kemat, and there is clearly a strange wash of wmotions that further contort her usual sour grimmace, yet the nature of the emotion they betray is uncertian. Then she laughs it off with a brief yet harsh cackle. Well, if Malas'rae is looking for love, then he's grown up a lot more than I could have ever guessed. But I'll keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't get himself into too much trouble, and keep an eye on her too, make sure she doesn't try to pull any tricks. But if I know Malas'rae at all anymore, she may be biting off more than she can chew." she adds with a "grin".

There is still certianly something odd about the two, but Clari will keep an eye on things, and keep Kae out of trouble. She may be inclined to be a bit overzealous, but seems like she'll make an effort to be subtle out of respect for Ry.

Isani Isu wrote:
Dain GM wrote:
”I am Har-Te-Ma – I lead my folk now that our lords are dead. We will die soon, I think – for you have slain our masters, and therefore with them, we shall follow – for that is the way of those who would end the lives of a people. First the leaders are killed, and assuredly the slaves shall follow – else we be spoils of war to you? In either case – I speak for my people – what would you have of us?” said a tallish one, with a dark face, and white flecks of hair around his mouth and eyes; making him look somewhat distinguished even as he looks both weary and careworn.

Osiriani/"Har-Te-Ma, hear me as I translate my leader's words. The Lady Ariarh Kane will spare you and your people for she does not kill creatures for the sole reason that they were once commanded by evil lords. Your will was not your own and you were bidden to travel a dark path. If you can swear loyalty to her and the nation of Praxis, practice good and follow the laws of the land then she will allow you to live among her community if you so choose it. If you choose to leave the capital and take your chances with the other nations of this world you will be free to do so. Yet, if you return to these lands with another lord to perpetrate evil upon her people she will protect those in her realm and you will be considered an enemy of Praxis. The Lady Ariarh seeks no slaves for she believes creatures are entitled to their freedom. If you stay here then you do so because that is your heart's wish and you would aid in the betterment of the community. What say you, Har-Te-Ma?"/Osiriani

Diplomacy with Anumus: 1d20+13

"In this - I must think on it... I shall answer you better soon..." he answers quietly.

These creatures are unique and different to what you may have encountered in your travels. A Knowledge; Arcana check could help you - especially if you have augmented it by reading any of Lencher's journals - which still exist in the libraries of your Capital - but it may give you valuable clues on how to deal with them - though of course your Knowledge; Arcana check won't hurt either.

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Later ...

** spoiler omitted **

Anuk-su’s Response:

”Ah – brevity! For this I am deeply indebted – for surely I have not smiled mightily since the challenges I and my kinsmen faced in the foul city to the south… Surely you mean – you would wish to live on my lands? Well – naturally this acceptable to me – I shall permit it, indeed! And as for your suggestion of seeking the title “baroness” – a mean title of base level – I would have found it better to grant you the name Magna Ducissa – still, I shall endure it, if you prefer.”

”Now – if you speak of relocating on the remains of the shrine to Erastil – well; perhaps – but it is an odd place, even in my own time before you were born – there were strange things that reached into ancient ages past – our loremasters warned against straying there too often, if at all…”

”It seems better to me to expel these fool “Council Members” to such ruins, while we formally seize the capital and put this land to rights under our reign!” she adds with a gentle, sisterly smile.

”Still – I know thy mind in these matters; I sense that thou would not be interested in such pursuits, even though they would be more practical… Even so – if thou would go to this ruin and make something useful of it – I shall come with thee – of a certainty. Clearly thou would be best served with a companion with experience, maturity, and a stable sense of thinking, and who better to serve this position then I – though of course I shall not “serve” – rather, we shall work together to bring life into those ruins; at the least it would be wise to have one to protect thee near those forests – for I sense dark things afoot – even if they obfuscate themselves for now…”

Despite her straight words – she seems quite enthusiastic to travel with you!

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Clari Miali'ahel wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

to Clari:
Ariarh notices the new emotions flickering across Clari's face but keeps silent on the matter.

"I am uncertain in what he is looking for but companionship can make a hard day a little easier, or so I have found. I want to know if Kemat's motives are pure or whether this mind skill the Yuan-ti possess will be a problem. They have sworn to ally with us and some would say that is enough. I just need to know for certain, well as certain as anyone can be. Thank you, Clari."

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Dain GM wrote:

"In this - I must think on it... I shall answer you better soon..." he answers quietly.

These creatures are unique and different to what you may have encountered in your travels. A Knowledge; Arcana check could help you - especially if you have augmented it by reading any of Lencher's journals - which still...

Isani's Knowledge, Arcana re Anumi: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

smashing dip check sister! You may have actually gotten through to clari! Quite a feat. Anyhoo...

** spoiler omitted **...

In women thou may find both sides of a blade; for they cut deepest if grasped poorly –

Yet he who holds a thing correctly shall not be wounded by it, for he knows its measure best –
To answer thus; thou must first know her measure –

Next “question” –

If thou would know the answer to thy heart’s query – thy must first know thy heart. Until thy can know thyself better; truer – how then can thou hope to know anything?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Anuk-su Seti wrote:
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Later ...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

to Anuk-su:

Ah, Anuk-su's lands, how could I have been so mistaken in my presumption that I would be baroness, nay, Magna Ducissa of my own barony. Ry does not show her feelings on the matter and had precipitated Anuk-su's reaction to her request. At least, her dragon ward would be living with her and she could keep an eye on her and provide protection. She cares about me, this I do understand. Yet the road is speckled with stones and one must be careful not to tread unwisely.

"Beloved I am mindful of the shadows hiding in the seams of those lands and my hope is that I and my aides will be able to clear the land of the darkness which may still exist once and for all. There are ancient sources at play in that part of the land but I believe ultimately that it will suit our purposes and be a place where a community can grow and flourish. I appreciate your support and your acceptance of my invitation. I have had words with the silver kobold guard and have left them to decide on where they would live and work."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Isani Isu wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

"In this - I must think on it... I shall answer you better soon..." he answers quietly.

These creatures are unique and different to what you may have encountered in your travels. A Knowledge; Arcana check could help you - especially if you have augmented it by reading any of Lencher's journals - which still...

Isani's Knowledge, Arcana re Anumi: 1d20+8

Response to Arcana Check:

The Anumus are not – strictly speaking – a race of beings. Rather, they are a conjoined race of beings – where a normal animal is given ancient powers to grant – essentially – supernatural development. As such – the Anumus are often very close to a “master” at some point before the ritual.

This type of closeness is most akin to a “pet” – though, on some level – it eclipses a pet for something more powerful – such as an Arcane Caster’s “familiar” – or, perhaps an “animal companion”.

Therefore – these creatures posses at a basic level the animal psychology of their species of origin. In this case – the “jackal-type” creatures are most akin to the lupine mentality – pack mentality, brutal, savage, wild and close-knit. However – there is a clear bond between a dog and its master – even more pronounced when logic and reason are mixed into the equation. In this case – these creatures are able to feel that the bond has been severed – by your folk. And whatever evil their masters may have perpetrated – they are clearly deeply upset inside because of the loss of their master – emotions which are not easy to clarify or identify – for they are a newly formed race; built with magical properties and powers – and have not had the benefit of long years of experience to differentiate between what harm their masters clearly did, and why leaving their former masters is a good thing.

Essentially – it would be like killing the master of a dog, then trying to tell the dog that everything is okay, and it was all for the best. In short – it will take some doing.

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Anuk-su Seti wrote:
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Later ...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Her Response:

"In matters regarding the Fey Forest - it is vast and deadly - and its powers are ancient - so we were told in tales of lore - for though it covers a mere few hundred miles - it is said that many who enter it never find their way out again - and those that do are seldom the same...."

"Hmm... yes - my kinfolk... Thou do broach a complicated issue - namely; the absorbing of the new kobolds into my own peoples..."

"I see they are without direction and guidance - even as the accursed ones vie for my splendor. Very well - I say unto thee - arrange henceforth a meeting with all the newly drafted silvers so that I may address them properly - then I shall deal with the accursed ones myself; though of course - thou may be present to witness such proceedings, if thy would," she adds with a generous wave of her hand.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Anuk-su Seti wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Reply to Anuk-su:
"Yet for all its dangers, I must find a way to enter and speak with the Fey -- encourage a truce or a tentative friendship, although I have a feeling they may be reluctant to enter into such dealings with non Fey. I will not demolish the Fairy Nest -- no tree that makes their home shall be chopped down, the land will be preserved. If I can assure them of this they may consider it a gesture of goodwill." The look Ariarh directs at Anuk-su is one of hope, even though she is not naive in this matter.

"I shall arrange a meeting with the new silver kobold clan. Sir Sylvath has mentioned there is difficulty between the two groups and I have spoken to the leader Grymm and he does not think well of our paladin friend. Their cultures seem diverse and thus the disconnect. Mayhap a word from you will help bridge the divide? At least it may open a discourse and a harmonious partnership. I shall attend to that as soon as we are finished here. And aye, I would like to be present at the assembly, I thank you for your courtesy, sister." Breathe, Ariarh. She does not mean to be so high-handed with you. Ariarh would have read the Draconic War Manual on the ride back to Saravale. What was the bonus for that again? (if any)

After the meeting .... Ariarh pens a note and sends a messenger down to the village to find Grymm and deliver this message:

Greetings Mister Grymm, Lady Anuk-su has requested an urgent assembly with you and your silver kobold clan at Cloudwatch Keep. She will meet with you all in the dining hall for there is ample space there. The meeting will be held in two hours, so please send word out to your folk. I shall be present in the meeting also. With regards, Baroness Kane.

Diplomacy with Grymm: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Between meetings with Anuk-su alone and the new silver kobold clan (held in two hours), Ariarh excuses herself (unless Anuk-su would like to join her) and goes to find Robert "the Drake" Tyrell and possibly Gragahk (if he is around in the Keep). She collects Isani on her way to Drake. The Priestess seemed to have information regarding the cultists and would be useful in the meeting.

Robert and Ariarh:

"Robert, I apologise for not speaking with you sooner. As you can imagine it has been rather daunting with our new guests and catching up on the capital's affairs. Please, how are you faring? I imagine you are wanting to get back to Oleg's as soon as possible. I have a few questions and business with you and then mayhap we can get you on the road sooner than you think." She smiles at the deputy leader/mayor of her city.

"I want to thank you for all the work you have done in our absence. It could not have been easy especially with the treasury being exhausted. I have to ask you, has Gragahk heard or seen anything down in the village whilst we have been gone? Before we left, he mentioned someone spying on my village apartments possibly because of Anuk-su. I would know what has been going on. And what news of the cultists under al-Kazeem? Or the mysterious Mister Wu? Please tell me what you know, if anything."

Ry's Diplomacy with Robert: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Ry's Diplomacy with Gragahk if he is present: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

Then later she asks,

"I need a report on what happened with Khald Mak Morn and Henry Ironhorse's travels to the Spider's Nest. What did they discover and was anyone hurt? Is the Nest still undiscovered by our enemies?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Anuk-su Seti wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

”I should think – of the Fey Forest – the best recourse would be to simply state you intentions; then bend them to thy will – or break them all to pieces. This seems the logical way for folk like us – folk of power. Still – thou art often more compassionate then I in such matters. I suppose I shall acquiesce to thy ideals in this matter,” she says.

”As for this ‘Grymm’? What is the best course with him – I think I should simply order him – it is his place to obey in this matter, eh?” she asks.

Naturally the bonus has been calculated – Anuk-su is being much less obnoxious then she may otherwise be. Of course – you’ve seen it already – she’s been a peach – considering…

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Between meetings with Anuk-su alone and the new silver kobold clan (held in two hours), Ariarh excuses herself (unless Anuk-su would like to join her) and goes to find Robert "the Drake" Tyrell and possibly Gragahk (if he is around in the Keep). She collects Isani on her way to Drake. The Priestess seemed to have information regarding the cultists and would be useful in the meeting.

** spoiler omitted **

Robert's Response:

”Naturally, madam – I am eager to return to Council Member Oleg. After all – though it was you and your companions who returned me to the right path – it was his home and very land I attacked when you gave me the second chance. As such – I’ve felt a specific and lingering responsibility to Oleg – for the attack on his lands led to my eventual path to redemption.”

”On that end – naturally – there are many things to report.”

”No doubt you’re aware that many of the elven ladies to the north are without suitable husbands – some of them are looking for new homes – Master Rowan has asked any interested parties in Oleg’s lands if they would rather find a new home to the west – so that he does not need to have to deal with much of the troubles from recruiting from Saravale directly. Even so – there are many elves who find the proximity to the Fey Forest somewhat… homey? And are not as eager to leave as Mater Rowan had hoped.”

”Further – I have received word from Captain N’Var that the official in Oleg’s land; you recall, William Tinker? He will eventually be replaced as the military adviser here – though he is considering resigning from Squire Kaid – and working for Oleg directly. Even so – Kaid is not happy with this potential loss of Tinker, and I think he was hoping for more political clout with Oleg’s barony – and trying to angle the position of a Marshal being granted permanent appointment through his auspices – a matter Oleg will no doubt have to address.”

”Another foray of northern raiders was stopped about a week ago – a dispatch to that effect was delivered via our scouts – the barbarians had attempted to attack Oleg’s again – but, as the reports suggest – were mere outriders – I suspect another force, stronger, but likely not until the beginning of next month and recommend all of our provinces quickly attempt to provide stronger border patrols for both local and national protection.”

”Further – there was attacks from the south into Oleg’s barony – we don’t know from where – but some reports indicated that there was a foul creature seen in the night assaulting sheep – it looked like a giant bird of prey – very large – the wingspan estimated at roughly 36 – 40 feet; rumor had it the creature assaulted a herd of sheep, and stole a sheep and flew off with it. Supposedly this creature looked like a black bird; some suggest a giant crow – though the dimensions would be very wrong… Whatever it was, the creature returned back toward the Fey Forest.”

”Riders were dispatched to examine this creature, to at least discover a lair – but nothing was discovered – it was as if the creature vanished from the very sky and earth…”

”Ah – finally – a personal request… In six weeks time I and the lady Dasha intend to become one – and formally marry. We would be honored if a priest or priestess would preside – while father Kolgrym Barringald agreed to the request – his goddess is Pharasma – and we had hoped for someone more aligned to Erastil to complete the vows. Do you know any that could do this service?”

”Of course – in either case – you are naturally invited – as well as all in the council,” he adds with a bow.

”Ah – as for your reports? Gragakh has been unable to discover little on this “Mister Wu” – though I visited him once myself – a strange man, very odd – spoke no word of Common – I almost took him for a mute, but he smiled and chattered in a language I could not understand. He keeps company with a strange creature – one I had never seen before – like a small bear, but it follows him around and helps him in his shop. Very odd fellow – but he seems harmless enough. He simply smokes, drinks his teas, and does barter for odd spices or rare goods. Nothing very unusual about him, I should think…” he adds with a non-committal shrug.

”Concerning al-Khazeem? I have some relatively good news on that front – I should think. Roughly six days ago he and his entire party of followers – and his little trail of “cultists” were seen packing up a small group of horses and mules and decided to leave town. It was very abrupt, I should say – and they moved fast – and I should add – he left some of his “converts” behind to maintain an eye on his property. As it is paid up for the next three months, and we had no specific course of action on the matter – we did not intrude – but at least he is gone – though I confess, I do not understand the need for such speed,” he muses the last aloud - it should be noted that the date of his leaving was the same day that you had destroyed the swamp ruins – and – coincidently – that was right after the night you finished the enemy at the temple – no doubt, another mild coincidence.

”No word back yet from the Spider Rock Cave – as of yet – though reports are expected any day… I am sure things will be fine – now…”

He glances at you –

”Well – you should be very happy to know that while you’ve been gone – things have been fairly easy to deal with here; there have been no more attacks from the swamps recently – no more undead beasts on the horizon – and no more great monsters of huge size spraying acid onto the citizenry – which is a great relief. Aside from the issues to the north – and the possibility of national bankruptcy – ah – and the issues with that near riot between some trade-unionists and a consortium near the “tent town” – which was put down rather easily – well; as you can see – everything is moving along rather swimmingly,” he adds with a genuine smile of pleasure.

After all – now that you’ve returned – he’s confident that the problems will be solved, or – at least – solved by someone else who can handle the modest difficulties with relative ease.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Ry, Robert and Isani:
Pacing somewhat around the meeting chamber, her eyes turn to meet Isani's and she nods at some silent understanding,

"If al-Kazeem retreated from Saravale at the time that you said, Robert, that would have meant that he, his followers and their horses, mounts and pack, would have been riding south about the time we were returning north. There is one way across the river down there and that is the fjord. However, this is where it gets most curious. From here to the fjord there is mainly open plains with some tall grasses. Yet we saw no sight of them, our paths did not cross, our hunters and trackers caught no sight or scent of them, Dior and Mister did not warn us from their vantage above. There would be no place for them to hide out on the plains yet their large company passed without notice or disturbance. How can this be so? We have come to realise that al-Kazeem, or whatever his true name is, is one of the Yuan-ti purebloods. Yet, if it were magic he must have powerful mages and alike in his party. There were fog clouds dotted to our west and if they were not natural, mayhap they could have passed under the cover of them ... What would you say, Robert? Isani? How could we have crossed paths without seemingly doing so?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

"I believe congratulations are in order on your betrothal to Dasha. How fortunate that I have recently recruited a priest of Erastil for my barony. I shall speak with him -- You require the service in six weeks time? And Robert, thank you for extending an invitation to the Council. For myself I shall happily accept and will be in attendance. I will pass on the invitation to the others."

GM, a quick question. Al-Kazeem and his followers were living in their own tent city in Saravale. Yet in the previous posting, Robert told Ariarh that the remaining followers were keeping an eye on al-Kazeem's property. What property is this, please?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Anuk-su Seti wrote:

”I should think – of the Fey Forest – the best recourse would be to simply state your intentions; then bend them to thy will – or break them all to pieces. This seems the logical way for folk like us – folk of power. Still – thou art often more compassionate than I in such matters. I suppose I shall acquiesce to thy ideals in this matter,” she says.

”As for this ‘Grymm’? What is the best course with him – I think I should simply order him – it is his place to obey in this matter, eh?” she asks.

Naturally the bonus has been calculated – Anuk-su is being much less obnoxious then she may otherwise be. Of course – you’ve seen it already – she’s been a peach – considering…

Conversation held with Anuk-su some time earlier.

Ry and Anuk-su:
"Aye, sister, I will not attempt to bend the Fey to my will for fear of losing my will entirely. There is no need to play with ancient creatures and magic. I need to find a way for us to co-exist, to grant me and my people a tentative truce and ensure they will be safe if they wander too close to the Fairy Nest. I believe I shall go down to the village and have a word to Patty Ironhorse. Mayhap she can read my cards or tea leaves and determine the fate of these lands I would take as my own. I am concerned that the grey cloaked Hunter who saved us from the perils of the large black crow may not be happy with my intrusion ... I wish I had a way to encounter him once more and speak to him directly."

Turning her attention back to the subject of the new group of silver kobolds, Ariarh shakes her head,

"If you order Grymm to accept Sylvath and the others that will only be a temporary measure and will not create a true harmony between the clans. It may even create a greater divide as the new lot may see Sylvath as asserting his superiority upon them through you. There must be another way, Anuk-su. We cannot have them at loggerheads with one another -- we will accomplish very little if they are warring and spurned."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

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1. While the "tent town" is a loose confederation of tents and shacks - there are a few buildings within the confines of the borders of this part of town that are more solid; it those buildings specifically that have been built and paid for buy al-Kazeem - and the very same buildings his flunkies are guarding.

Robert’s Respone:

”Lady – it may be that your folk could have missed the caravan going south – possibly – but there may be evidence or clues of their passing that are even more likely missed. For example – perhaps they discovered a secret passage in some underground lair? A tunnel – or something like that… While you certainly would have seen evidence of the caravan on the grasses, if they were riding – you may have missed them if they attempted something covert…” he says, musing grimly.

”Perhaps a second attempt may be sent out? Only now we send scouts and trackers directly from the city – and let them follow the trail south – you may have missed it traveling north – but we can find it for certain traveling south… What do you say to this?” he asks.

”I should ask if we could get a company of about 20 outriders – if we find them in the open field – we may need troops to apprehend them… In which case – how challenging would you guess this villain may be? How many men to apprehend them would be best? Naturally – I shall do as you ask in this matter – but I think if we track them from the city itself, we shall be far more fortunate… but I agree – something about this is suspicious.”

"Ah - and of course - thank you for the congratulations - I am eager for the wedding to proceed - hopefully nothing too dramatic or mysterious will happen during the ceremony," he adds, even as somewhere a mysterious voice whispers - In this world, that would be the day.... -

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Anuk-su Seti wrote:

”I should think – of the Fey Forest – the best recourse would be to simply state your intentions; then bend them to thy will – or break them all to pieces. This seems the logical way for folk like us – folk of power. Still – thou art often more compassionate than I in such matters. I suppose I shall acquiesce to thy ideals in this matter,” she says.

”As for this ‘Grymm’? What is the best course with him – I think I should simply order him – it is his place to obey in this matter, eh?” she asks.

Naturally the bonus has been calculated – Anuk-su is being much less obnoxious then she may otherwise be. Of course – you’ve seen it already – she’s been a peach – considering…

Conversation held with Anuk-su some time earlier.

** spoiler omitted **...

Her Response:

”Ah – very well – yet I am quite surprised that thou pursue only this random hunter with such enthusiasm – I should think that thy would be interested in other mysterious things – for example; if Master Rowan’s accounts are accurate – what ever happened to the mysterious hunter with the running wild women – who traveled over the western plains and recruited with her an elf from thy original company with a bow like a moon crescent? Also – as I think on the matter – what was the real threat of the strange runic symbols etched on those blades; both the one called Arasmes, and the other – this elf wizard Shaezon – both seemed to think that the Aboleth writing bespoke poorly of the water – and methinks the Yuan-ti may know more of this…” she adds.

”Still – perhaps thou art right – fighting against the Fey Forest directly could not only prove deadly; but also be counterproductive – indeed; they may be powerful allies, and as well – it may also be a wise thing to learn of their culture, and certainly it would please the gods.”

"And as for this Grymm fellow? Very base and vulgar he is - like as not he'd not obey my orders in any case - very well; we shall leave him to the others - meanwhile; I shall let thee attend to thy duties," she adds.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ariarh and Robert:

"A secret passage in some underground lair seems possible. And if it is indeed that, then they are at an advantage and I do not like that we do not know where this hidden passage is located." She ponders her words for a moment before continuing.

"Aye, we should send trackers and scouts after them. This cultist leader has proven rather clever in his subterfuge and I would presume he is quite capable and resourceful and our people should be wary of him and his followers. I believe there are magic users among his followers. He has a special skill of getting inside one's mind and bending it in his favour. We should warn the riders of this lest he try it on any of them. Twenty of our riders seem sufficient. Inform the scouts and trackers that the half blooded Yuan-ti have a poisonous bite and spit and a tail which they use during combat. The purebloods are the ones with the mind tricks. There may be other races among them -- I unfortunately did not meet all the followers when I spoke with al-Kazeem, their leader, and am only going by the information I have gained since the Yuan-ti refugees joined our caravan home. If al-Kazeem and his people reach the slaver city to the south, then they will have backup and will be stronger to take on. You are right, we need to get to them outside of the slaver city. Please arrange it, Robert, and keep me informed."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Ariarh, Robert and Isani:
Isani had remained silently attentive as the Lady druid and the Deputy leader from Oleg's town spoke of the cultist and his escape from the city. Al-Kazeem needed to be captured for the safety of all in Praxis and she was concerned that he moved out of the city with such speed and unhindered by the city guards.

Once Lady Ariarh had issued her request to Robert Tyrell, Isani respectfully asks to be excused so she may seek out the Foreign Ambassador, Arasmes ibn'Fayad. Perhaps her fellow southerner would have some idea on this cultist or how he could be brought to justice.

"Lady Ariarh, I would seek out Arasmes ibn'Fayad and confer with him. Perhaps between the two of us we may discover a way to stop the cultist al-Kazeem or minimise his influence in the capital. I shall go now as time is of the essence", and with that she bows before Ariarh and Robert and quickly exits the meeting chamber, going in search of the Foreign Ambassador through the fortress grounds.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani and Arasmes:

It had been some time since she last saw or spoke with Arasmes. She had not meant to distance herself or stop her interaction with the summoner, but her duties with the Lady Ariarh had been numerous as well as time consuming. And her misunderstanding with Anaitis nes-Ma'at still lingered in the back of her mind, unresolved. She believes I will perpetrate ill upon the Lady druid and the city. Her fears cloud her judgement, Isani muses silently as she moves from room to room in search of Arasmes.

She is relieved when she finds him ten minutes later, bent over a desk and formulating plans from the looks of it. He appeared very focused on the paperwork before him that at first she was hesitant in disturbing him. Yet necessity won out in the end and she knocked on the ajar door and then proceeded to enter the chamber.

"Apologies, sadiqi. You are working and I seek words with you. Do you have a moment to speak with me?" She bestows him a shy yet cordial smile, happy to be in his company again.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

A tired look upon his face, Arasmes says while still looking at the papers I have told you that the first step will be to rebuild the tower and after that we can begin clearing land on the eastern shore for farms there... looking up a bright smile splits his face as he sees who it is. Your pardon, sadiqati, I did not realize it was you but am overjoyed that it is. You know I always have time for you and if I do not then...well...I will make time. A look of delight on his face he draws Isani over to a pair of folding camp chairs and has her sit down. He fusses over her a bit, fabled southern hospitality coming through. Can I get you some wine? Tea perhaps?

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

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"Very good, lady," Robert says with a brisk salute.

"I believe twenty may be sufficient - yet... I have other concerns in regards to this..." he adds.

"I am little versed in the ways of these "snake men" you brought with you - but I believe our real difficulty is two-fold, and has less to do with the "snake men" then our people..."

He pauses, as if not certain how to proceed...

"You see - as of now, al-Kazeem left with many "converts" - yet, from what Master Rowan informed me - and your own suggestions - I feel that many of these "converts" may have joined with him against their will. Perhaps through the influence of narcotics - which we work hard to stop, but can have a powerful hold on someone - or perhaps a black magical ritual or rite which binds their will - or even a natural hypnotic charm... They say cobra's can "hypnotize" their prey with their gaze alone - well... surely you see the difficulty?"

"If it was only a few citizens who had "sold their soul" to darkness - I should smite them with greater ease, and no stain on my heart. But - if they are citizens here - goodly folk that have been manipulated, drugged, blackmailed, deceived or otherwise controlled beyond their will - we may find ourselves fighting friends and comrades who seek to attack us only because they are under some foul control... To kill such people, even as they raise steel to us - it seems as if we would be killing innocent folk."

"In this matter I would rather have spellcasters who had the ability to ensnare these citizens - a few wizards who could use the spell called "Web" - or your own skill as a druid to use "Entangle" - perhaps arrows that held poisons which can render a person unconscious- not dead? But by all accounts, I would have the "converts" of this wretch be brought back safely - rather then simply kill them because they were deluded by sorcery."

"Come - what do you say on this matter? Does this seem reasonable to you? If so - I should think the company of 20 outriders and those gifted with such magics may be helpful... What do you think on this matter? And if so - who would you bring, knowing this?"

"Ah - which reminds me - if we had magical healing on this journey - it would better - we may have great need to heal not only our outriders - but those who have been seduced by darkness... Do you know any who may venture with us?"

"Meanwhile - I know few good trackers in this place - though I have heard that Master Rowan is excellent with readings signs - if not him - who would you take? Please let me know - and I will make all haste to prepare what is needed."

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
A tired look upon his face, Arasmes says while still looking at the papers I have told you that the first step will be to rebuild the tower and after that we can begin clearing land on the eastern shore for farms there... looking up a bright smile splits his face as he sees who it is. Your pardon, sadiqati, I did not realize it was you but am overjoyed that it is. You know I always have time for you and if I do not then...well...I will make time. A look of delight on his face he draws Isani over to a pair of folding camp chairs and has her sit down. He fusses over her a bit, fabled southern hospitality coming through. Can I get you some wine? Tea perhaps?

For all of the Lady Ariarh's gentile manners toward her, Isani's only friend was the Foreign Ambassador, or it seemed as such. The Lady druid trusted her and supported her presence in the party and city. The others seemed to warily tolerate her inclusion and she wondered how long her unusual appearance would keep them at bay. I am no witch. How can they not see that? Grant them clear sight, blessed Everlight. Anaitis certainly had made her thoughts clear enough and was attempting to sway the Lady Ariarh, with not much success however. Isani was grateful for the faith shown to her by the baroness.

It felt good to be so warmly accepted and Arasmes' smile made her feel safe and welcomed. At his gesture, she takes the chair nearest to his and looks up into his weary, yet still handsome face. "Many concerns sit on your shoulders, sadiqi. I thank you for granting me audience amid the many preparations for your barony. I will be sad to see you leave the capital yet paths meet, merge and separate in the blink of an eye. Who knows what fate and the gods have in store for any of us...", her voice trailing off to almost barest of whisper. She is saddened by the thought of being separated from her only friend but understands duty and honour and speaks no more of her feelings on the matter lest she make a fool of herself. "I would take some tea, if it is not too much trouble. Wine merely muddles my head and I require a clear mind to solve puzzles."

Gesturing gracefully toward the mountain of paper on the desk she asks, "How go the preparations for your new home?"

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

"Lady - every moment these citizens have left us is a precious one to me - I would rally the men myself, and lead them southwards - for I am a tracker of some skill... But I should add that in all my dealings with Kessel and the other bandit outriders I never recalled much of a secret lair or passage in the southlands - and though this doesn't mean it doesn't exist - it means that all help will be needed in finding it," he adds, somewhat tensely.

"For this mission I would prefer many trackers - and possibly healers, and those gifted with magic - for I sense that trouble on the road south. I ask you again - who do you feel is best suited for this task? Please - guide my steps - or, if you prefer - untie my hands, let me lead the forces I choose - and take direct action at once. But I would prefer those gifted with healing and the arcance to come with me..." he adds, looking up you with tired eyes, gifted by a grim determination to act.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:

"Lady - every moment these citizens have left us is a precious one to me - I would rally the men myself, and lead them southwards - for I am a tracker of some skill... But I should add that in all my dealings with Kessel and the other bandit outriders I never recalled much of a secret lair or passage in the southlands - and though this doesn't mean it doesn't exist - it means that all help will be needed in finding it," he adds, somewhat tensely.

"For this mission I would prefer many trackers - and possibly healers, and those gifted with magic - for I sense that trouble on the road south. I ask you again - who do you feel is best suited for this task? Please - guide my steps - or, if you prefer - untie my hands, let me lead the forces I choose - and take direct action at once. But I would prefer those gifted with healing and the arcane to come with me..." he adds, looking up you with tired eyes, gifted by a grim determination to act.

"Thank you for taking on the position as leader for this mission. I am well versed in your skill and have every faith in you. Brett Rowan is indeed a fine tracker as is our general, Ka'etil. There are some others of the Yuan-ti with such skill however I am unsure if they would accompany our people to seek out a previous ally but I may be wrong. I have recently acquired a companion and she is gifted in the ways of nature and healing and she may be useful. There is the Priestess Isani who has immeasurable talent in healing and has proven herself on quests. Arasmes ibn'Fayad and Shaezon the wizard and his apprentice Galen have fine arcane skill. Arasmes is preparing his barony at present however the Elven wizard is available, I believe. So, you have many to choose from, Robert."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

"Lady - every moment these citizens have left us is a precious one to me - I would rally the men myself, and lead them southwards - for I am a tracker of some skill... But I should add that in all my dealings with Kessel and the other bandit outriders I never recalled much of a secret lair or passage in the southlands - and though this doesn't mean it doesn't exist - it means that all help will be needed in finding it," he adds, somewhat tensely.

"For this mission I would prefer many trackers - and possibly healers, and those gifted with magic - for I sense that trouble on the road south. I ask you again - who do you feel is best suited for this task? Please - guide my steps - or, if you prefer - untie my hands, let me lead the forces I choose - and take direct action at once. But I would prefer those gifted with healing and the arcane to come with me..." he adds, looking up you with tired eyes, gifted by a grim determination to act.

"Thank you for taking on the position as leader for this mission. I am well versed in your skill and have every faith in you. Brett Rowan is indeed a fine tracker as is our general, Ka'etil. There are some others of the Yuan-ti with such skill however I am unsure if they would accompany our people to seek out a previous ally but I may be wrong. I have recently acquired a companion and she is gifted in the ways of nature and healing and she may be useful. There is the Priestess Isani who has immeasurable talent in healing and has proven herself on quests. Arasmes ibn'Fayad and Shaezon the wizard and his apprentice Galen have fine arcane skill. Arasmes is preparing his barony at present however the Elven wizard is available, I believe. So, you have many to choose from, Robert."

"Very good," he says suddenly with a brisk tone.

"I shall certainly be asking Master Rowan - I have no doubt he will not delay and come at once, if asked - I will also take your advice and ask Master Shaezon, and also his apprentice - this "Galen" - who shows some promise as a wizard..."

"As for yourself, the Lady Isani, Master ibn'Fayad, General Ka'etil, and your new companion? I have no idea on your plans - but you all, as I see it - outrank me... Therefore, as I have no authority to order you on this mission - I can simply ask if you would come," he asks, giving you a look - trying to read your intentions.

"Knowing that innocents may be taken, and goodly folk could be in peril - I will not wait. For myself - I shall issue orders to summon a company of men - and we shall ride south within the hour. Please inform the members of the Council that if any of them wish to head south and assist - I would greatly appreciate it. As it seems I am the de facto leader of this expedition - a position I accept, naturally - I ask only that someone remain in the city to act as a functioning leader while I and the others are gone on the journey."

"Based on guesswork - I should think a mounted company would take no more then two days two sweep the entire lands here to the fjord mentioned on Sir Dashan's map - and then two days back - no more then five days at most, I would think - if that would aid any others in the packing of their gear," he adds, bowing before you.

"My men - and all their gear - will be assembled in the town on the plains north - so we can discover best the tracks made by this caravan and follow them directly to the south. If any of you wish to come with us - we shall meet you there in one hour; may the gods be with you," he adds in a type of salute as he turns and strides quickly for the door, not eager to waste any more time, and instead - get on the road as quickly as possible.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

"I swear Robert, it seems as though we barely step a foot inside Saravale then we are out again. Of course I shall accompany you on this mission. I believe that I shall leave General Ka'etil in charge of the city in our absence. He has a certain relationship with the Yuan-ti that will be useful in retaining harmony among the community. I will speak with Corlia, my new companion, and I shall find Priestess Isani and Arasmes and determine if they too will be riding south. I will see you on the northern plains in an hour, Robert."

"Very good lady - ah - that recalls to my mind, after many of your difficulties, Master Rowan left a package for you," he adds, calling out over his shoulder and rushing out the door.

Curious - you wander over to the package, and open it.

Inside you see a thick cushion for a sore neck, it curves nicely around your neck, so you can lay back against a chair and rest your head.

An odd gift from my Holbyt friend - I wonder what he meant by it? you muse, and then you see the note...

Picking it up - you read quickly, and are quite clear it has to be from Brett, as no one else would have written this...

Dear Ry, lass;

Hope you like the pillow - it goes round your neck, but it is for your head. I read somewhere something that I reckon applies here, even though this is a Republic. See, the words I done read goes like - "Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown"...

Sorry lass - I like a good joke! See - because I figured with a heavy head, you'd likely need a comfortable pillow for your head, no matter what you put on your head. But then again - as leader of this berg - no doubt you have all sorts of things to deal with. At the least you can be comfortable when you rule a nation. And - if ruling a nation was easy - why... then EVERYONE would be doing it, and where is the fun in that?

Your old pal, Brett!

You let out a deep sigh from clenched teeth - you take his point very well, but - you also take the pillow!

Isani Isu wrote:

For all of the Lady Ariarh's gentile manners toward her, Isani's only friend was the Foreign Ambassador, or it seemed as such. The Lady druid trusted her and supported her presence in the party and city. The others seemed to warily tolerate her inclusion and she wondered how long her unusual appearance would keep them at bay. I am no witch. How can they not see that? Grant them clear sight, blessed Everlight. Anaitis certainly had made her thoughts clear enough and was attempting to sway the Lady Ariarh, with not much success however. Isani was grateful for the faith shown to her by the baroness.

It felt good to be so warmly accepted and Arasmes' smile made her feel safe and welcomed. At his gesture, she takes the chair nearest to his and looks up into his weary, yet still handsome face. "Many concerns sit on your shoulders, sadiqi. I thank you for granting me audience amid the many preparations for your barony. I will be sad to see you leave the capital yet paths meet, merge and separate in the blink of an eye. Who knows what fate and the gods have in store for any of us...", her voice trailing off to almost barest of whisper. She is saddened by the thought of being separated from her only friend but understands duty and honour and speaks no more of her feelings on the matter lest...

Arasmes prepares some of his best black tea, pouring it traditionally from a distance in order to get the proper foam. While busying himself with the tea, he says in OsirianiPreparations are going very well, sadiqati. I have decided to model the city off of Nex and the ancient city of Quantium and also the city state of Alkenstar. I am sure you are familiar with them as they are just to the south of Katapesh and Osirion. He hands you a cup of fragrant tea with a bow before settling himself in the chair next to you. In fact I am thinking of writing to Elder Architect Oblosk, the designer of the Bandeshar Palace, to see if he would be willing to design a building or two for the new city. That in itself would be a great draw for the Pech is an absolute master and contemporary of Nex himself. Unfortunately I do not expect a favorable reply as he has not left Bandashar for long years but I remain hopeful nonetheless. After all it is impossible to get something unless you ask...however unlikely it may be even with the asking. He smiles again as he sips his tea. Obviously reveling in your company and conversation. As you are watching his eyes perform a rapid shift from black to bright silver as the sun sets over the horizon out the open window. Not sure where we are so I'm ad libbing

Now what is this about our paths separating? You don't really think that I could keep myself away do you? Besides I still have my position within Saravale to consider. In addition, you will always be welcome in the Island City of Calignis. My first business there is we will be rebuilding the tower and then the library as soon as possible. This town will be a bastion of knowledge and learning that I hope will one day be renowned the world over as such...just like Quantium and Alkenstar. I would hope you would visit often...though perhaps I can convince you to take up residence there yourself? I will not ask if you feel your duties in the capital would suffer as a result but I find myself wanting to spend as much time with you as I can. You have become my closest friend and I would not lose you could I help it. I did not expect to find one such as you that I could come to respect not only so quickly but so much. I am very glad to have met you, Isani Isu, my afdal sadiqati. He continues to gaze with silver eyes at you over his slowly draining cup of tea...watching your reactions and awaiting any responses.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Sipping her hot, fragrant tea and watching the light shift not only in the sky through the open window but in the ambassador's eyes, she allows herself to relax and sink deeper into the chair, granting her aching muscles a reprieve after such a long time in saddle.

Hearing his voice and speaking in their native tongue it was as though they were back in Osirion, where the pale sands shifted in whispers and rolled endlessly instead of the long flowing grasses of the plain lands of this country.

"If it would help, I could write to my father at the Temple of the Eternal Sun and ask him to lend weight to your personal request of Oblosk. I do not believe it would do any harm," and she gently blows atop her tea before sipping. "Black tea is my favourite", not realising until the moment it happened that she spoke the words out aloud.

"When I came to this green land, I never expected I would be crossing it on horseback as many times as I have. Does the Council never rest or reside in the capital for long? One crisis after another cannot be an easy life, not that I am seeking ease. Yet, it would be good to establish roots and develop relationships. I believe the people would prosper with a leader and council in residence rather than traversing their land from pillar to post." She blushes slightly, hoping she had not spoken out of turn and offended.

"The Lady Ariarh has offered me position here in Saravale as High Priestess, which I view as an honour. I can have my room in the Keep for as long as I stay, which is a blessing. I would like to forge a small place of my own, possibly not a barony like your own, but where I can construct places of worship, healing hospices and a teaching establishment for new healers. A garden or park would not go astray and it may amuse you to think that a southern woman like myself would be interested in green gardens but I do find them peaceful."

Having listened to Arasmes speak of the aim and purpose of his island city, she nods in sanction of his plans. "Calignis sounds like a community where knowledge and wisdom will be valued and perpetuated, sadiqi, and it does me good to hear of such things. I spent a great portion of my life in study with fine tutors. I would see any interested party have the same advantage. I have heard it said that Quantium's magnificence equals that of Sothis in Osirion, my once homeland. Quantium's universities of arcane magic are certainly admirable and I hear a great many magic students travel to the port city with the express purpose of studying there. Your vision is an honourable one, sadiqi", her voice grown soft as the light flits and shadows the spaces within the chamber. She looks up and catches the silver brilliance in Arasmes' eyes and enjoys their particular luminescence. "Your eyes turn a lovely shade of silver in this light", and she smiles gently as if lulled by the peace in the room and company.

"I am glad to hear you will reside part of the time in Saravale. I do not mean to sound melodramatic but I feel you are one of my only friends, if I may count the Lady druid as one also. Yet, she is my leader and I am honour bound to aid her however I can. Time has been in short supply and I have not had the opportunity to become more familiar with her or the others in her party. I have been reserved for fear of rejection. Since my appearance in Saravale and beyond its walls, I have been accused of witchcraft and I have patiently prayed to the Everlight, hoping she will grant the naysayers sight and patience. Your offer to visit or live in Calignis is kind and generous. I will think on it, sadiqi. I was not expecting such an offer of residence so you have caught me by surprise. I would enjoy spending more time with you, Arasmes. Shukran Gidann."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Trust Brett to give me such a pillow ..., she muses to herself as she walks the corridors, pillow tucked under her arm, as she searches for Arasmes and Isani.

About ten minutes later

Hearing low voices and what sounds like the southern language, she peers into the chamber and notices the two sitting side by side and drinking tea. It looks like an idyllic sanctuary and now I am going to spoil it, she sighs and knocks before entering. Our lives are not our own as Councilmen.

"My apologies, Arasmes, Isani. I wish I came with good news but alas I must interrupt your private conversation. Robert seems to think it a good idea to organise a riding party to move south in search of the cultist al-Kazeem and his followers before he can reach the slaver city. He is gathering 20 men to accompany him and seeks healers, spellcasters and those with some knowledge of the land to join his mission. I come to ask if you would consider it? I will be riding with him. If you decide to take up the mission, collect your gear and replenish your supplies and meet in an hour in town on the north plains. I will be asking Kae to stay in town and oversee the running of Saravale in my absence. Again, my apologies for the interruption", and with that she turns on her heels in search of Corlia and her wolf. And of course Dior.

Even as you politely ask for favors - you hear a noise behind you.

"Ya har! Well now, lads and lasses - what be all the gabbing for! Our lad Drake says there be trouble to the south - said mayhap spell-slingers and healer folk be handy - said at best it be a 5 day round trip journey - innocent folk needing saving - lives at stake - danger all about at - and everything hanging in the balance when we got but only moments - and nay hardly time fer ourselves! Gods damn! But it be a hell o' a thing to rule a kingdom - er - republic - well... maybe a confedericie! Anyhow - he be taking 20 outriders south - and in less then an hour. Who the hell be with me? And that magnificent basteard "General" Kae - aye - let him lounge around here running the show - but tell 'em to keep 'way from the bathouses, eh?" he adds with a grin.

"Well - what the hell are we waiting for - let's ride! Yaaaaaaa" he roars out lustily as he charges down the hallway, waving his pistols in the air.

Brett is using a "Channeling Spell" seemingly - in which magically summoned the spirits of "Bluto" - from Animal House, Gimli the Dwarf - and somehow - Yosemite Sam... Very odd chap... Oh well.

To Kae - and others

Okay - I'm off to work - getting some stuff done at my dad's after via insurance paperwork - not sure when I'll be back.

However Kae since we don't know when YOU'LL be back - and you may want to come - well; you've been sort of voted into watching the fort. No worries, though - while this is going on - you can always send Clari to help - then you can have "voice" on the ride south - do something fun - and give her something to do.

Or - even more likely and better - you can send one of your captains south to be in charge of the outriders - remember; you still have 2 NPC's - and it would make sense if the one in charge of cavalry came. Remember, too - you don't have to post on this point - but we don't know when you get back, we wanted a formal member of the Council to keep an eye on things on this quest - and we figured you may not be back until the party had already returned (yeah - well, my planning is a bit off).

Anyway - if you choose to come - Kae is at home watching over the town, making preparation for the baronies and such - keeping an eye on things and looking "leaderly" - as it were - but if you want to post and join the fun - yeah, I recommend one of your NPC Guys - then you can "post" and join along - and you Kae will still maintain continuity by watching the town.

And of course - not sure when I'll be home tonight - but I do need to get some things done with legal issues regarding my insurance and the accident - but hopefully it won't be too late.

As Arasmes opens his mouth to reply to Isani's kind words and to commiserate with her feelings of being somewhat of an outcast, Lady Ariarh walks in the door. Hearing her plea, he turns to Isani and says I suppose we must continue this conversation another time...or perhaps on the road south yet again. You are right in that it never seems there is a moment of respite here. I sometimes wonder if we do Saravale a disservice by not delegating more. Just as the best generals do not tend to lead from the front line, perhaps we as leaders should not lead from the field. Ah well, to be continued, habibty. Arasmes reddens a bit with the much more familiar term he used but begins to gather his gear and as he begins to perform the ritual he pauses a moment and looks over at Isani Would you like to help with the summoning? I have never incorporated another into the summoning but I have a feeling that it would be interesting to try.

Just had a neat idea regarding the summoning of Cali and decided to incorporate it.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

As Arasmes opens his mouth to reply to Isani's kind words and to commiserate with her feelings of being somewhat of an outcast, Lady Ariarh walks in the door. Hearing her plea, he turns to Isani and says I suppose we must continue this conversation another time...or perhaps on the road south yet again. You are right in that it never seems there is a moment of respite here. I sometimes wonder if we do Saravale a disservice by not delegating more. Just as the best generals do not tend to lead from the front line, perhaps we as leaders should not lead from the field. Ah well, to be continued, habibty. Arasmes reddens a bit with the much more familiar term he used but begins to gather his gear and as he begins to perform the ritual he pauses a moment and looks over at Isani Would you like to help with the summoning? I have never incorporated another into the summoning but I have a feeling that it would be interesting to try.

Just had a neat idea regarding the summoning of Cali and decided to incorporate it.

And duty calls once more. Blessed Everlight you have a path set for me I yet understand, but I shall travel it with grace and patience. She looks upon Arasmes with a shy wonderment. His use of the endearment was not lost on her and she wondered at the change that was wrought with a simple familiarity. "I would be honoured to continue conversing with you as we ride, sadiqi. I shall endeavour to remain close to you on the journey." Her words were not smooth as before, her sudden nervousness palpable in the small chamber.

Upon Arasmes' request, she stands and walks to him, a smile upon her face. "I have never been part of a joined summoning, sadiqi. Yes, I would aid you. Please show me how."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh discovers Lia and her wolf Revion in one of the stalls in the stables. The half elven female did not seem overly comfortable inside the walls of the fortress, mayhap due to her upbringing, and was continually moving around the courtyards and alike.

"Lia? It is good I found you and Revion. We're taking a small party, 20 odd men, some healers and spellcasters down south. It seems the cultist leader that once resided here has fled and taken with him new converts. We do not know if they have willingly consented or have been manipulated through mind magic. So, we must do our duty and find them, return the people to Saravale and capture the cultist leader before he regroups with his own camp in the far south. I have come to ask you to join us. We could use someone with your particular skills. It will be a dangerous mission for we do not know what we will encounter. It has been months since I last spoke with the cultist and even then he seemed rather cunning. Will you ride south with our party?"

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

At some point before they meet the riders to head south, Ariarh will try to purchase more of the tar concoctions Selendria Grear had sold them previously. No harm in having stock of such things in case they were required on this mission.

Expediting the process and undertaking the conversation.

"Well met, Mistress Selendria. I am here to enquire after your tar concoctions or any such material/substance that could be useful in a new mission we undertake south. We ride after the cultist leader. Have you any of this mixture that I can purchase?"

Diplomacy with Selendria: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Ariarh Kane wrote:
At some point before they meet the riders to head south, Ariarh will try to purchase more of the tar concoctions Selendria Grear had sold them previously. No harm in having stock of such things in case they were required on this mission.

Selendria has only 7 of the doses left - but will happily sell you them all - at regular price, no questions.

She does ask if you have know what has happened to those men who traveled north to the mysterious "Spiders Cave" - she feels they are overdue for return...

In what seems like moments the company is soon arrayed down by the streets of Saravale. Brett himself is on his trusty pony – with him are some comrades – the silver Kobold, Grymm – who had little interaction with the company – is riding near him, sullen but alert. He is currently garbed in leather armor, and is carrying a rapier at his hip – and a short bow on his back – he sits astride a small horse.

Nearby is another lad you recognized – he is smoking a thin, hand-rolled cigarette – and watches the company with an odd look, his eyes flicking from Grymm back to Brett. It is Galen – and though Shaezon is not there with him – it seems that the young man is more eager to ride forth action then cool his heals; he too sits astride a horse – with a fresh kit on his mount.

Finally – you recognize the easy form of Brett’s new “shadow” – the one Yuan-ti Anaitis. She is armed and armored with the weapons he gave her – and is also carrying an “adventurer’s kit” slung over a fresh horse.

Of the others you see 20 of Kae’s best men – ready, armed and armored in standard riding gear on their horses. They are also carrying other gear for a brief travel south, though nothing overtly spectacular.

Brett kicks his pony into a brief trot over to all those who had come down from the fortress. He indicates that Drake should take four riders and move to flank at about 100 yards to the east – and that he would lead an advance scout roughly 100 yards forward of the company to check the tracks.

Drake indicates that the tracks are relatively fresh – as they are only a few days old – and soon you see signs that they lead south and slightly to the east. It is not difficult to follow them – and you’d guess no attempt at subterfuge was made while during their trip south – at least not so close to the capital. You suspect that you will find no evidence of such a diversion from the small path that leads south until they are farther out – perhaps about five or six miles or so – and well out of normal vision of the fortress – though this is only a guess, you’d suspect.

Brett is currently on point – an excellent tracker in his own right – his time dealing with human slavers as an enemy – he has an special talent for tracking humans in general. He will, however – consent to taking anyone forward with him. Currently that is Anaitis – but only because she insists on being close to her new “Master”.

Grymm follows somewhat behind – roughly 20 yards – not close enough to interrupt Brett, but far enough ahead that he is untroubled by the others in the company – who he seems rather suspicious of. Galen, of course – is content to ride where the company – and the protection – are the thickest.

Okay – need some semblance of marching order at this point – more specifically where you want each of your company to be, and where you want to be yourself – in relation to the others.

Your move gang. Let’s see what happens next…

Brett will roll a quick "tracking roll" - though he has not "maxed out" his survival - and the bonus is still set for level 6 - he does have a fairly decent modifier or two - as his "favorite enemy" is human.

He tosses his roll - again - it is not a very high modifier - even with tracking bonuses - so if any wish to aid him - they are free to do so now. Also - remember - you should still be level "6" - but will before any real trouble starts. Just not for the current rolls -

Brett's "Survival Roll" to track - if anyone can "Aid" him - that would be helpful - also what are the "flying folks" doing?

1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
Ariarh Kane wrote:
At some point before they meet the riders to head south, Ariarh will try to purchase more of the tar concoctions Selendria Grear had sold them previously. No harm in having stock of such things in case they were required on this mission.

Selendria has only 7 of the doses left - but will happily sell you them all - at regular price, no questions.

She does ask if you have know what has happened to those men who traveled north to the mysterious "Spiders Cave" - she feels they are overdue for return...

Ariarh agrees to buy all 7 doses from Selendria.

"I have spoken to Robert Tyrell regarding those who travelled to the Spider's Nest and he told me there is a report due in today. I have not heard anything as of yet but I shall leave word with General Ka'etil that if no word has been heard by day's end he organise a party to ride to the Spider's Nest and investigate the matter. I would see no harm befall any of the brave and good men who travelled there on behalf of the Council. I am sorry I cannot bring you better news at this time, Selendria."

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