Dain's King Maker Chronicles

Game Master dain120475


This is the Kingmaker Campaign, yet it is filled with many deviations from the boxed set. The "Campaign Information" page is meant as a quick resource to help sum up the thousands of posts quickly.

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F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Lia has donned her leather armor, her wooden holy symbol visible, and is riding atop Isil, her grey mare. Revion, her wolf brother, is waiting beside her. Corlia has her long bow upon her back, her keen edged scimitar and dagger at her waist. In her backpack she carries a healer's kit and 2 flasks of Alchemist's Fire and other supplies and gear. Using mud she paints the rune of armor on her horse (+1 bonus to AC as long as the paint lasts) and the rune of vitality (+1 HP per level for as long as the paint lasts) on Revion. Seeking permission from the griffon, she paints the rune of striking (+1 to all attack rolls as long as the paint lasts) upon his wing.

She nudges her horse forward and attempts to aid the one the Lady calls Brett,

Survival, via tracking, to aid: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29

Revion joins her and observes the ground and smells the air,

Survival (via scent tracking) to aid: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17


With this current aid - you are able to find the path and advance, following the remains of the track.

Meanwhile - the trail these folk have taken has meandered long for several miles; and you have pushed hard after them at a brisk pace - now that you have the trail.

Meanwhile - you left the town at roughly 1:00 PM – and it is now nearing 6:00 PM – at roughly 5 miles an hour – you have traveled nearly 25 miles – when you suddenly see something mysterious in the distance that catches your eye…

In the distances you see crows circling the grasses – roughly three miles to your southwest.

Kae and Ras - you still have some time to weigh in here...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Note: Ariarh has distributed the tar concoction around the party, one to each of the following people: Herself, Brett, Arasmes, Isani, Robert, Kae's man/woman and Lia.

Down with that - provided Kae and Ras have folks there - for now. no word yet - but the night is young.

Meanwhile - check your thread...

Meanwhile - I'll give them some time to post...

Meanwhile - and this applies to everyone - on Skype if you have any questions... though I may be on and off... We'll just see what happens next with that.

What's next?

With what you see - what are you prepared to do next? That is - what are your orders... and this applies to everyone.

Isani Isu wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

As Arasmes opens his mouth to reply to Isani's kind words and to commiserate with her feelings of being somewhat of an outcast, Lady Ariarh walks in the door. Hearing her plea, he turns to Isani and says I suppose we must continue this conversation another time...or perhaps on the road south yet again. You are right in that it never seems there is a moment of respite here. I sometimes wonder if we do Saravale a disservice by not delegating more. Just as the best generals do not tend to lead from the front line, perhaps we as leaders should not lead from the field. Ah well, to be continued, habibty. Arasmes reddens a bit with the much more familiar term he used but begins to gather his gear and as he begins to perform the ritual he pauses a moment and looks over at Isani Would you like to help with the summoning? I have never incorporated another into the summoning but I have a feeling that it would be interesting to try.

Just had a neat idea regarding the summoning of Cali and decided to incorporate it.

And duty calls once more. Blessed Everlight you have a path set for me I yet understand, but I shall travel it with grace and patience. She looks upon Arasmes with a shy wonderment. His use of the endearment was not lost on her and she wondered at the change that was wrought with a simple familiarity. "I would be honoured to continue conversing with you as we ride, sadiqi. I shall endeavour to remain close to you on the journey." Her words were not smooth as before, her sudden nervousness palpable in the small chamber.

Upon Arasmes' request, she stands and walks to him, a smile upon her face. "I have never been part of a joined summoning, sadiqi. Yes, I would aid you. Please show me how."

Arasmes smiles and moves the chairs to the center of the room. Drawing upon arcane energies he draws a glowing circle with several runes around the edges several inches above the floor. Once done, with the chairs facing each other Arasmes sits Isani down and places himself across from her. Taking her hands in his he looks at her and says Now look into my eyes and empty your mind. Let all thought, emotion, worries, everything drift away. Expand your consciousness and send out the call with me. The call is simple...form a picture in your mind of what we seek...in this case Caliphana and send it out across the planes. Think of it like shouting from the top of a tower but instead you are shouting from the top of existence itself. He waits a moment longer keeping her gaze upon him before saying Now, send out the call. Adding Isani's experiences and thoughts to his own, Arasmes sends out the call across the multiverse for Caliphana to come.

Waiting long moments Arasmes finally feels the presence draw close and senses a change in Caliphana. Looking to the side he sees her materialize in a shimmering light...looking very different.

Before she had the look of a dark winged panther or tiger...now she has lightened, her coat has become a pure white with a pattern of swirls upon it. Her front legs and neck have elongated and have a graceful arc to them now. Her body is covered with a series of glistening chitinous plates and she no longer has wings.

Smiling brightly, Arasmes draws Isani to her feet and knows instinctively what has happened. Seeing a look on confusion on Isani, he says Caliphana is a being of mutable form. She takes on the characteristics of those who call her and their needs. As you helped send the call out...your purity of heart and willingness to defend have changed her form to reflect that...though she still has strong aspects of my personality as well. Looking at her you see that she still bears the acid tipped claws and teeth. She still also bears the glowing symbol that Arasmes now also wears on his forehead. Thank you Isani. he says grinning in wonder at the spectacle.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
Isani Isu wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

As Arasmes opens his mouth to reply to Isani's kind words and to commiserate with her feelings of being somewhat of an outcast, Lady Ariarh walks in the door. Hearing her plea, he turns to Isani and says I suppose we must continue this conversation another time...or perhaps on the road south yet again. You are right in that it never seems there is a moment of respite here. I sometimes wonder if we do Saravale a disservice by not delegating more. Just as the best generals do not tend to lead from the front line, perhaps we as leaders should not lead from the field. Ah well, to be continued, habibty. Arasmes reddens a bit with the much more familiar term he used but begins to gather his gear and as he begins to perform the ritual he pauses a moment and looks over at Isani Would you like to help with the summoning? I have never incorporated another into the summoning but I have a feeling that it would be interesting to try.

Just had a neat idea regarding the summoning of Cali and decided to incorporate it.

And duty calls once more. Blessed Everlight you have a path set for me I yet understand, but I shall travel it with grace and patience. She looks upon Arasmes with a shy wonderment. His use of the endearment was not lost on her and she wondered at the change that was wrought with a simple familiarity. "I would be honoured to continue conversing with you as we ride, sadiqi. I shall endeavour to remain close to you on the journey." Her words were not smooth as before, her sudden nervousness palpable in the small chamber.

Upon Arasmes' request, she stands and walks to him, a smile upon her face. "I have never been part of a joined summoning, sadiqi. Yes, I would aid you. Please show me how."

Arasmes smiles and moves the chairs to the center of the room. Drawing upon arcane energies he draws a glowing circle with several runes around the edges several inches above the floor. Once done,...

Will we see a new pic? And also - and also - any orders during the quest south?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:


With this current aid - you are able to find the path and advance, following the remains of the track.

Meanwhile - the trail these folk have taken has meandered long for several miles; and you have pushed hard after them at a brisk pace - now that you have the trail.

Meanwhile - you left the town at roughly 1:00 PM – and it is now nearing 6:00 PM – at roughly 5 miles an hour – you have traveled nearly 25 miles – when you suddenly see something mysterious in the distance that catches your eye…

In the distances you see crows circling the grasses – roughly three miles to your southwest.

Kae and Ras - you still have some time to weigh in here...

The sight of the circling crows brought back memories of her meeting with the dire wolves.

"Dior, please fly out and get a better look at the crows and the situation there. Just make sure you don't draw too close to the crows. Then come back and advise, my protector."


Dior flies toward the carrion (fly speed 80ft), not caring for the birds, but crossing their path often. He is currently 130 ft in the sky.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Marching order for Isani: She will be riding in middle of the group, so in a pinch she can channel energy and be able to reach in front and behind.

Dior is high above – he flies back quickly! What he sees causes him to be horrified – yet he does not seem as if he is danger, and when he alights – he encourages you to come as quickly as possible.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh will be riding in front of Isani.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
Dior is high above – he flies back quickly! What he sees causes him to be horrified – yet he does not seem as if he is danger, and when he alights – he encourages you to come as quickly as possible.

"Let's ride!" Ariarh shouts and spurs her horse Tal into a gallop toward the place where the birds are circling.

As they draw nearer,

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Brett spurs his pony forward – his pistol out, even as he directs Anaitis to move at a 30 yard angle to flank to the southwest.

As you ride toward the direction of the crows you come over a gentle swell of grass – what you see sickens and horrifies you… It is bodies littering the grasses. Some humanoids – some horses, some mules – nothing seems to be alive.

The grass is literally flattened in huge swaths – and it seems as if huge chunks of turf and mud have been torn from the earth – like an avalanche or earthquake. You see shocks of grass like rippled waves have been slammed up as if the earth were waves that had rolled and froze in permanent ruin.

The bodies of the creatures; humans, horses, mules – and yes – Yuan-ti – are lying about… Some of the horses are slashed open – long jagged claws have rent through the flesh of the beasts and creatures. Others look as if something massive had crushed them into the ground.

You are stunned at what you have found…

”Gods…” Brett mutters in sickened fascination.

”Alright you lubbers," he suddenly barks out "Fan out, scout for threats – search those bodies – see if we can find any survivors – and watch yer steps… There may be… traps? Good gods almighty!” he adds half to himself, glancing to the others as Anaitis nods briskly and rides a wide circle around the ruin – making sure there are no threats – as per her “master’s” orders.

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Lia and Revion exchange a look and quietly communicate -- the half elf and the wolf moving either side, trying to capture the scent of whatever may have murdered these creatures.

Lia sniffs at the air, trying to capture the scent of the perpetrator. Revion does the same in the opposite direction.

Lia is trying to determine how far away the threat currently is.

Lia's Survival (via scent): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
Revion's Survival (via scent) aid: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Brett trots up - looking at the slaughtered horses and dead bodies - watching Lia and the wolf.

He swings himself off the saddle and hops to the ground - his pistol loose in his hand.

He glances at Lia and moves to the bodies, stooping down and looking at them.

The flesh is fly covered crusted, and the blood dried and rust colored.

Brett rolls a "heal check" - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 and glances well back in the company at the healers...

"Whell... by my count they be dead about nearer to maybe a little over a day - maybe two... hard to say exact - but they ain't be living now..." he adds, half to himself.

"Anyhow - the thing I be wondering on is - what the hell did this anyhow?"

Turning back at the rest of the party, he frowns.

"Oye! You - get to it, hey? There be healers there - them with that sort o' skills - why not fan out and search the bodies - chop-chop, savvy, eh?" he adds, then shakes his head in frustration.

He moves through a few of the bodies, and looks at it with confusion.

"Damned strange - never seen things like this..." he adds, looking at the ground confused.

"And there be something odd here too..." he says, looking at the body.

"Does anyone else got a read on this?" he adds - looking back at the stoic party behind him.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Having fanned out per the Councilman's instruction, she looks down at a mutilated body beside her.

Isani's heal check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Lia's heal check on the body closest to her: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

It seems Brett's estimation is correct - they have indeed been dead for nearly two days or so...

Meanwhile - his continued perplexity at the situation causing him to look even more vexed at the situation. Scratching his head - he decides to search the bodies...

Brett just takes a "20" on his "perception check" to search the bodies. He gets a mere 32.

Brett looks baffled, and eases himself to his feet.

"Here be the bloody crux o' it - they got their gear! That be the rub, aye? Never heard o' a creature that kills the folk and leaves the gear - or a beast that kills the folk and leaves the meat... But here they be - dead as dead - and all their gear be on or nearby... Saddles, swords, rations, and there be some piles o' jewels and other such hash... as that..." he mutters.

"Best thing is to gather this up - but I don't see no one be living now... and these marks - what the hell could have done this?" he asks, looking back at the extremely non-lackadaisical party.

"What be ye making o' this hash, eh?" he asks the others.

As you continue the search – Anaitis cries out.

”Sire – to the south – I see a horseman – it rides to us now? Shall I dispatch it?” she calls out.

Brett looks up…

”Nay – go check it out – and maybe someone ought to go with her, eh?” he adds, looking at the rest.

Off in the distance you see a lone rider – perhaps half a mile off. Anaitis is already riding hard toward him.

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Lia jumps back onto her horse and turns Isil sharply around and rides hard to catch up to the snake girl.

Revion runs after his sister across the plains.

Looking out in the direction given, she strains to make out the figure of the lone rider.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

As the riders approach, a cloaked figure pulls his mount to a stop, a good 100 feet away.

A cloaked figure reigns back a large wolf, jet black and the size of a horse. An air of tension surrounds the figure, a shield on his arm, and a fine lookin lance raised firmly in the direction of the approching riders.

As they get closer, and it is apparent that they are scouting and not charging him, he lowers the lance and calls out.

Hold there, riders, i would know, are you friend or foe?"

The rider is shrouded head to toe in robes and a heavy cloak, but beneath his hood, red eyes glint back against the ever descending sun. The immense wolf huffles a bit and cocks its head to the side, apparently favoring a torn ear. The rider shifts uneasily on the beast, and as the cloak moves from his shoulders, there is clearly something odd about this man. Just above the midsection, two other arms are folded, resting on the saddle with fingers interlaced.

I have traveled a ways yet, and wish to know, Is this the new land of rumor that welcomes all that I venture into?

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Revion catches up to his sister.

Together Lia and her wolf brother stand, watching the robed figured from a distance.

The raised lanced makes Revion growl low and he in on the ready to attack if it comes to it. The huge black wolf was imposing but nothing he had not come across before with Lia.

Then the male speaks and Lia gestures hold to her brother wolf.

"Friend. Give your name, stranger." Her voice clear and the request simple and straightforward.

Yillim Dross wrote:

As the riders approach, a cloaked figure pulls his mount to a stop, a good 100 feet away.

A cloaked figure reigns back a large wolf, jet black and the size of a horse. An air of tension surrounds the figure, a shield on his arm, and a fine lookin lance raised firmly in the direction of the approching riders.

As they get closer, and it is apparent that they are scouting and not charging him, he lowers the lance and calls out.

Hold there, riders, i would know, are you friend or foe?"

The rider is shrouded head to toe in robes and a heavy cloak, but beneath his hood, red eyes glint back against the ever descending sun. The immense wolf huffles a bit and cocks its head to the side, apparently favoring a torn ear. The rider shifts uneasily on the beast, and as the cloak moves from his shoulders, there is clearly something odd about this man. Just above the midsection, two other arms are folded, resting on the saddle with fingers interlaced.

I have traveled a ways yet, and wish to know, Is this the new land of rumor that welcomes all that I venture into?

”What is this, demon?” Anaitis calls out, drawing out her blade, her eyes flashing at the rider at the sight of the extra limbs.

”Further – you are the stranger: declare yourself first, as we have seen the death of comrades over yon plain – and have no time to waste with such prattle. Speak then! Who is your master – and what brings you to this place?” she adds, her hand gripping the hilt of the blade with the Aboleth runes etched deeply in it with a practiced ease.

You hear a distinct accent in her voices – her elongated “S’s” are coupled with a heavy accent that sounds like the folk of Orision. You are not sure of it though – but it seems that she may be a southerner – and at the least – you can see beyond her that there is indeed a company of folk – perhaps twenty or thirty – off in the distance.

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Turning upon the snake girl's proclamation of demon, Lia looks to Revion and he returns the look.

"If it were demon, it would have attacked and not lowered his weapon and declared his intentions."

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

For a moment, the rider says nothing, and the wolf takes a step back. beginning to growl low,

he nods down at the wolf:

Calm yourself Blackfang, we mean them no harm...we could not win against this many, regardless

I am Yillim Dross, and I come from a place a ways to the south.
Although his features are somewhat hidden, you sense a frown
...And I am no demon, regardless of my appearance. I'm sure one of your blood could tell he says with just a bit of venom.
I have no master, but should the cause be right, I look for one. I am sorry to hear of your fallen comrades, but I have only just come into these lands. I swear you have nothing to fear from me

With that, he plants his lance in the ground, and raises all four hands in to view, palms faceing the party.


Anaitis ignores the comment and checks her mount forward – riding slowly up the “four-armed man”. Her eyes wander over him, and his gear – and she carefully studies the wolf in front of her.

Her mood is weary – she is tired of these newcomers who ride over the land as if it is their own. Certainly she has no illusions herself – this is not her land – but rather; she rides it as a trusted servant would, following the whim of her lord. Even so – this figure who sits so casually in front of her is riding north, even as the folk she was deployed to discover came from the south. Further – it was from the south that dark things had issued forth from the ruined city – the same city that her allies had been broken with torture and dark sacrifice. Indeed – she was suspicious of such folk.

Meanwhile – with little to back her but this brash half-elf who seemed to forgive the presence of this outrider – she tread cautiously… It was dangerous business to deal with a creature with such powers – and her mind suddenly roamed over all the knowledge she possessed of four armed creatures – and none of it pleasant – the most hideous being the Mantis Men of the deep deserts – tall creatures like giant insects – that had four arms and chitin over their organs – and ate elves as delicacy…

She steeled her spirit though, and waited for an answer, her hand tightening on her sword hilt.

"My blood, eh? You come from the south - and I know your tongue - but it is not the language of the northmen - in whose land you now ride. Speak plain the language of these folk, if you would have them understand you better..." she adds, watching his face, searching for clues as to his true origin.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

At this point, Ariarh comes riding in fast and reins in her horse a little behind Lia and Revion.

She notices Anaitis' threatening stance and Lia's presumably calm concentration.

"Well met, stranger. You have entered the lands of Praxis. I am Baroness Kane. I do not speak Osiriani so I ask you speak in the Common tongue. What do you seek upon these lands?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1

Lia did not understand the words spoken by the male. The dialect was foreign to her yet the show of his hands was a sign of good faith and she remained vigilant but not threatening. The snake girl seemed to be running things and she left her to the interrogation. She was a strange one but kept the reflection to herself.

Ariarh Kane wrote:

At this point, Ariarh comes riding in fast and reins in her horse a little behind Lia and Revion.

She notices Anaitis' threatening stance and Lia's presumably calm concentration.

"Well met, stranger. You have entered the lands of Praxis. I am Baroness Kane. I do not speak Osiriani so I ask you speak in the Common tongue. What do you seek upon these lands?"

Diplomacy: 1d20+10

Seeing Ariarh’s presence, Anaitis bows low.

”Begging your ladyship’s pardon – this is southron – he speaks with the accent of the southern folk of a certainty – and he rides north even now. My lady – I would ask you to be cautious. Meanwhile – what are you orders Imperatrix ?” she adds, her eyes still on the four-armed creature, sitting on a horse-sized wolf, with glowing red eyes.

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

There is palpable tension between the woman and the new rider as she circles him, sizing him up. He sighs.
in clear common:
I am indeed a southerner, my land of birth is Katapesh. I mean no offense in speaking the southern tongue. Blackfang here is still learning the northmans speak, so I use what he knows for now.
I would speak more, but I know neither of your names, and that of your party, Although it would seem that to a certain extent, I have found the lands I had been looking for.Are you the leader of these lands?
glancing at the woman refered to Imperextrix.

He slowly and deliberately dismounts the wolf and gives it a pat on the nose, careful not to run his hand across a great scar on it's snout.

Ask me any questions you like, I come from a far worse place, and truth be told, would relish speaking with anyone. Blackfang here is not much for conversation.

the wolf grumbles a bit in resonse, but then sits down on its haunches and eyes the two women curiously.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani does not follow the other females toward the lone rider out on the plains. She concentrates on the carnage before her and wonders at the nature of the wounds and what could have perpetrated such death.

With kerchief raised to her nose she leans in and investigates the bodies for any clues.

Knowledge, Nature (to determine what manner of creature did the killings): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Knowledge, Planes (if creature is from other plane): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28


"Again - you are the newcomer - and have yet to declare yourself. Who is your lord - and what is your purpose here?" she adds, looking at you as she awaits her orders - clearly upset that you are still refusing to speak to your reason here.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Nodding her head toward Anaitis in thanks for her diligence, she turns her focus onto the newcomer,

"Aye, I am leader of this land. My name is Ariarh Kane, sir", warily glancing at the giant wolf named Blackfang. "How did you hear of our land and purpose? And what do you seek from the owners of this land?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Isani Isu wrote:

Isani does not follow the other females toward the lone rider out on the plains. She concentrates on the carnage before her and wonders at the nature of the wounds and what could have perpetrated such death.

With kerchief raised to her nose she leans in and investigates the bodies for any clues.

Knowledge, Nature (to determine what manner of creature did the killings): 1d20+8
Knowledge, Planes (if creature is from other plane): 1d20+8
Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20+8

Your brow furrows at the presence of what you discover.

Clearly this is strange.

Nature –

Firstly – though there is massive evidence of the tracks leading south – there are none beyond the caravan. This suggests that caravan was attacked from something south of them. But what could it be? For whatever the attack was – it seems unlikely that the attack came from the south – for there are no further tracks in that direction that you are aware of. This is quite odd…

Planes –

It may be possible for earth elementals to slam the earth about in these rippling waves of earth. That is the only possibility you can think of regarding Planar Knowledge – for you know nothing that could have slammed the earth about. Also – if it was Earth Elementals – this may explain the lack of tracks.

Arcana –

No – that is not right. You are certain of it! The damage – it makes sense, now that you think on it – it is not ripples of earth – nor movement from pushed mud and dirt – rather; it is in fact damage from a massive crushing force.

Searching your mind for the answers to that question – you suddenly realize what it could be – it is, in fact – magic; a spell… it is specifically damage done from “sonic attacks” – a powerful force of crushing pressure. Yet – at those angles – the sonic force must have come from odd angles – the angles seem best applied to creatures from the air.

Could it be that spell casters were airborne when they cast spells with sonic attacks? Or could it be something else that uses sonic attacks while from heights? Even so – that doesn’t explain the massive slashes on the bodies of the horses…

Or does it?

Ariarh Kane wrote:

Nodding her head toward Anaitis in thanks for her diligence, she turns her focus onto the newcomer,

"Aye, I am leader of this land. My name is Ariarh Kane, sir", warily glancing at the giant wolf named Blackfang. "How did you hear of our land and purpose? And what do you seek from the owners of this land?"

Diplomacy: 1d20+10

"It would be wise to answer her with truth - and have a care - she is no mere mortal - but of divine blood! If you lie, or hide your true purpose - it shall not go well for you," she adds sternly, backing up Ariarh.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Speaking aloud her findings to any within hearing, "These attacks seem to have occurred from the skies if the angle of the moved earth is factored. A sonic blast could perpetrate such damage, perhaps airborne spellcasters. Though the markings and slashes on the bodies of the horses do not seem consistent with a spell."

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Nodding her head toward Anaitis in thanks for her diligence, she turns her focus onto the newcomer,

"Aye, I am leader of this land. My name is Ariarh Kane, sir", warily glancing at the giant wolf named Blackfang. "How did you hear of our land and purpose? And what do you seek from the owners of this land?"

Diplomacy: 1d20+10

With a nod that is perhaps a bit too exaggerated,

Baroness, I have been traveling near on a whole moon,and in my travels I have heard whisperings and rumors of a new nation to the north. I travel looking for alies, and perhaps a new purpose. The place I came from, so far away Is a place of great horrors.

He seems a bit more ease with the leader and steps a bit nearer (not used to that kind of eloquence, ie high diplomacy) his face coming more clearly into view. Under other circumstances, he might be considered attractive, but his skin is quite pale and green veins are visible beneath the skin. As if that was not enough, after a few moments a flicker of movement is seen for a second, and a tiny tentacle, no larger than a finger curls and uncurls, attached to his colarbone.

May I ask, why do you travel marked for war?

Regarding Isani's information

"Well - what do you think it be meaning, eh?" Grymm adds.

"Clearly it was creature, or series of creature that can utilize magic - has the ability to kill with ease using massive slashing appendages - perhaps claws? And the ability to use sonic blasts in a wide and obvious way," Galen interrupts with a weary sigh.

"Further - it is quite obvious that whatever did the killing was very powerful - for if it did it with multiple allies - or alone - no evidence was found in the carcasses of any body other then the cultists, horses or mules. If there were dead creatures that attacked them - then they would have been found - but there was none."

"The clear thing is, then - to ask ourselves what type of creature, or creatures, can fly; use magic; have long fierce claws; and can - with relative ease - wipe out an entire company of spellcasters and cultists in such a way that whatever did the killing was not killed itself... Hmm... I wonder what it could be?" he adds, looking at the party with a roll of his eyes, a deep sigh, and a look that says - Well - just when we thought things looked easy -

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1
Anaitis nes-Ma’at wrote:
"It would be wise to answer her with truth - and have a care - she is no mere mortal - but of divine blood! If you lie, or hide your true purpose - it shall not go well for you," she adds sternly, backing up Ariarh.

Lia divides her attention between the Lady leader and the snake girl, pondering the assertion that the leader was more than mortal. She crouches beside Revion and wraps her fingers into the thick fur of his neck and begins speaking to him in wolf.

wolf speak between Lia and Revion:

"The leader is not entirely human but a goddess walking the earth in mortal flesh? The true gods would not approve of such blasphemy. It comes from the snake girl's lips and not the leader's. We must observe them closer."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Yillim Dross wrote:

With a nod that is perhaps a bit too exaggerated,

Baroness, I have been traveling near on a whole moon,and in my travels I have heard whisperings and rumors of a new nation to the north. I travel looking for allies, and perhaps a new purpose. The place I came from, so far away Is a place of great horrors.

He seems a bit more ease with the leader and steps a bit nearer (not used to that kind of eloquence, i.e. high diplomacy) his face coming more clearly into view. Under other circumstances, he might be considered attractive, but his skin is quite pale and green veins are visible beneath the skin. As if that was not enough, after a few moments a flicker of movement is seen for a second, and a tiny tentacle, no larger than a finger curls and uncurls, attached to his collarbone.

May I ask, why do you travel marked for war?

Yillim Dross was certainly an interesting looking creature.

Knowledge, Nature (on the manner of creature he is):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Knowledge, Planes (whether he is from elsewhere): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"We are on a mission to search this part of the land for a fled cultist who has some of our people in his convoy. The lands are dangerous, there is a slaver city further south and we have come prepared for any incident. If you are amiable, you may join our caravan and aid us. This is simply a request for the mission is wrought with danger and you must decide whether you will accept any outcome."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Dain GM wrote:

Regarding Isani's information

"Well - what do you think it be meaning, eh?" Grymm adds.

"Clearly it was creature, or series of creature that can utilize magic - has the ability to kill with ease using massive slashing appendages - perhaps claws? And the ability to use sonic blasts in a wide and obvious way," Galen interrupts with a weary sigh.

"Further - it is quite obvious that whatever did the killing was very powerful - for if it did it with multiple allies - or alone - no evidence was found in the carcasses of any body other then the cultists, horses or mules. If there were dead creatures that attacked them - then they would have been found - but there was none."

"The clear thing is, then - to ask ourselves what type of creature, or creatures, can fly; use magic; have long fierce claws; and can - with relative ease - wipe out an entire company of spellcasters and cultists in such a way that whatever did the killing was not killed itself... Hmm... I wonder what it could be?" he adds, looking at the party with a roll of his eyes, a deep sigh, and a look that says - Well - just when we thought things looked easy -

Noting the apprentice Galen's rolling eyes and general demeanor, she speaks aloud the answer that would be present in the minds of those around her.

"It brings to mind a dragon for it could wield such power and strength. The destruction is intimidating and I would not see us caught out in open plains with dragons above us."

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Yillim Dross wrote:

With a nod that is perhaps a bit too exaggerated,

Baroness, I have been traveling near on a whole moon,and in my travels I have heard whisperings and rumors of a new nation to the north. I travel looking for allies, and perhaps a new purpose. The place I came from, so far away Is a place of great horrors.

He seems a bit more ease with the leader and steps a bit nearer (not used to that kind of eloquence, i.e. high diplomacy) his face coming more clearly into view. Under other circumstances, he might be considered attractive, but his skin is quite pale and green veins are visible beneath the skin. As if that was not enough, after a few moments a flicker of movement is seen for a second, and a tiny tentacle, no larger than a finger curls and uncurls, attached to his collarbone.

May I ask, why do you travel marked for war?

Yilim Dross was certainly an interesting looking creature.

Knowledge, Nature (on the manner of creature he is):1d20+10
Knowledge, Planes (whether he is from elsewhere): 1d20+5

"We are on a mission to search this part of the land for a fled cultist who has some of our people in his convoy. The lands are dangerous, there is a slaver city further south and we have come prepared for any incident. If you are amiable, you may join our caravan and aid us. This is simply a request for the mission is wrought with danger and you must decide whether you will accept any outcome."

Diplomacy: 1d20+10

At the mention of slavers, Yillim clenches his teeth in obvious anger.

I have come from a place rife with slaves, although not of any usual sort. I barely escaped with my life, and It seems that whatever gods there be that are aligned with the powers of fortune have brought me exactly where I should be. Near on 3 weeks ride frome this place, and across a great lake, is a foul place called Zirak Zigal, and all manner of attrocities are perpetuated there.
at the mention of the town, Blackfang whines a bit, but Yillim places a hand on his back and he quiets.
he pauses a bit and some of the rages leaves him
Is it possible that you and I share a common foe? I beg lady, tell me...what are these cultist called? What dark gods do they worship?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Yillim Dross wrote:

At the mention of slavers, Yillim clenches his teeth in obvious anger.

I have come from a place rife with slaves, although not of any usual sort. I barely escaped with my life, and It seems that whatever gods there be that are aligned with the powers of fortune have brought me exactly where I should be. Near on 3 weeks ride frome this place, and across a great lake, is a foul place called Zirak Zigal, and all manner of atrocities are perpetuated there.
at the mention of...

Ariarh notes the underlying anger shimmering through his body at the mention of slavery and can understand it well enough.

"The cultist group is called The Black Kota and their leader goes by the name of al-Kazeem, which is not his true name, of course. From what little I know of their gods, they worship older, ancient entities, the elements rather than the current gods."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Yillim Dross wrote:

At the mention of slavers, Yillim clenches his teeth in obvious anger.

I have come from a place rife with slaves, although not of any usual sort. I barely escaped with my life, and It seems that whatever gods there be that are aligned with the powers of fortune have brought me exactly where I should be. Near on 3 weeks ride frome this place, and across a great lake, is a foul place called Zirak Zigal, and all manner of atrocities are perpetuated there.
at the mention of...

Ariarh notes the underlying anger shimmering through his body at the mention of slavery and can understand it well enough.

"As yet we are unaware of the name of the cultist group, just that their leader goes by the name of al-Kazeem, which is not his true name, of course. From what little I know of their gods, they worship older, ancient entities, the elements rather than the current gods."

Black Koda - what? Huh - nah...

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Yillim Dross wrote:

With a nod that is perhaps a bit too exaggerated,

Baroness, I have been traveling near on a whole moon,and in my travels I have heard whisperings and rumors of a new nation to the north. I travel looking for allies, and perhaps a new purpose. The place I came from, so far away Is a place of great horrors.

He seems a bit more ease with the leader and steps a bit nearer (not used to that kind of eloquence, i.e. high diplomacy) his face coming more clearly into view. Under other circumstances, he might be considered attractive, but his skin is quite pale and green veins are visible beneath the skin. As if that was not enough, after a few moments a flicker of movement is seen for a second, and a tiny tentacle, no larger than a finger curls and uncurls, attached to his collarbone.

May I ask, why do you travel marked for war?

Yillim Dross was certainly an interesting looking creature.

Knowledge, Nature (on the manner of creature he is):1d20+10
Knowledge, Planes (whether he is from elsewhere): 1d20+5

"We are on a mission to search this part of the land for a fled cultist who has some of our people in his convoy. The lands are dangerous, there is a slaver city further south and we have come prepared for any incident. If you are amiable, you may join our caravan and aid us. This is simply a request for the mission is wrought with danger and you must decide whether you will accept any outcome."

Diplomacy: 1d20+10

You would almost say he looks human – if it weren’t for the obvious green streaks of blood that pulse through his veins and pale skin.

Something of this reminds you vaugley of the writings of a man named “Lencher”…

Galen begins what would otherwise be a smug retort on the advantages of “hiding in the plains from a dragon” – but Brett, seeing the look, cuts him off with sudden bark.

”Right, then! Here’s what’s what – Drake, get over here!” he calls out to the “Deputy Mayor” – who tacks course and rides toward the party from his point in the plains.

”Now – I want any and all with a knowledge of healing to search through them bodies – firtsts things first – separate the decent folk from the foul; I want all all our folk pulled out of that heap – bodies to be taken aside and made ready to be brought back north. Prep ‘em for travel – and burn the carriorn foul – especially if you see that lad “Kazeem” – you see him, take his head before you burn the corpse,” he adds with a frown.

”Next – I want ye healers to look at the dead folk who were our citizens – do what ye can to check their flesh fer signs of opiates, Pesh – and anything else that may be a tell on why they went the way they did.”

”Next – I want any with magic powers to sweep this place for any magical goods and gear – and while I’m at it – police these bodies. Take all their gear and goods – collect ‘em for taking north. We may be needing them fer our own city – gold, jewels, gems – what-have-you – not to mention any weapons or magic hash that can be useful fer our purpose.”

”Next – while that be going on – make a wide sweep – see if we missed any stragglers out westerly toward the river – they may have panicked and runned off that way,” he adds, then turns to look at his chatting companions to the south – removes his spy-glass and stares at them for a bit with a frown.

Returning his spyglass to his case, he sees Galen – apparently ready with another snappy remark.

”Dragon – maybe – but didn’t I hear anyone say about some big “crow thing” flying north near the temple – stealing sheep? That got claws and flies – and gods know if have magic… even so – wonder why whatever it is would attack these folk and leave our town in peace… Odd thing, what?” he adds to himself.

Turning to look hard at Galen, he looks at the smug, cocky, youth. Seeing the thin frame, with the intelligent gaze giving him a wry grin under the wide brim of his hat, he slides a pistol from his hip, and hefts it a bit.

”Ye alright with magic – ye any good with one o’ these?” he asks the lad, tossing the pistol to him.

Galen catches it deftly, and glances up at him from under the low hat brim.

”Well – as they say – I’m your huckleberry,” he returns, his lip curling in an uncharacteristic smile.

”Oh – my – gods,” Brett says with a sigh.

”Well – let’s go, then,” he adds, spurring his pony south as Galen follows hard and fast.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Arasmes smiles and moves the chairs to the center of the room. Drawing upon arcane energies he draws a glowing circle with several runes around the edges several inches above the floor. Once done, with the chairs facing each other Arasmes sits Isani down and places himself across from her. Taking her hands in his he looks at her and says Now look into my eyes and empty your mind. Let all thought, emotion, worries, everything drift away. Expand your consciousness and send out the call with me. The call is simple...form a picture in your mind of what we seek...in this case Caliphana and send it out across the planes. Think of it like shouting from the top of a tower but instead you are shouting from the top of existence itself. He waits a moment longer keeping her gaze upon him before saying Now, send out the call. Adding Isani's experiences and thoughts to his own, Arasmes sends out the call across the multiverse for Caliphana to come.

Waiting long moments Arasmes finally feels the presence draw close and senses a change in Caliphana. Looking to the side he sees her materialize in a shimmering light...looking very different.

Before she had the look of a dark winged panther or tiger...now she has lightened, her coat has become a pure white with a pattern of swirls upon it. Her front legs and neck have elongated and have a graceful arc to them now. Her body is covered with a series of glistening chitinous plates and she no longer has wings.

Smiling brightly, Arasmes draws Isani to her feet and knows instinctively what has happened. Seeing a look on confusion on Isani, he says Caliphana is a being of mutable form. She takes on the characteristics of those who call her and their needs. As you helped send the call out...your purity of heart and willingness to defend have changed her form to reflect that...though she still has strong aspects of my personality as well. Looking at her you see that she still bears the acid tipped claws and teeth. She still also bears the glowing symbol that Arasmes now also wears on his forehead. Thank you Isani. he says grinning in wonder at the spectacle.

Response retconned -- here we go Raszie ;)

Isani, Arasmes and Caliphana:

Isani stands silently in wonderment. She had seen many things by the grace of the Everlight in her short life but the beauty of the summoned creature Caliphana left her speechless. That she and Arasmes called out across the planes and created such a being was astonishing, extraordinary. Moving to look directly at Arasmes, "I have never been part of a creation such as this and Caliphana is beautiful." The joined summoning had somehow closed any remaining distance between Arasmes and herself. Her smile was brilliant and she laughed from awe and thrill. "Shukran Gidann, Habibi."

"Ahlan wa sahlan, Caliphana."

Retcon with Isani:
Arasmes smiles back warmly and laughs with Isani. It was my absolute pleasure, Habibty. Truly it was. Reaching out a hand he rubs Cali along her, now armored, jawline, staring in amazement at this wondrous being he calls friend. You look good Cali. How do you feel?


Retcon with Arasmes, and Isani:
Caliphana stretches her new long graceful neck and gets used to her new body. She stretches her claws and limbs before yawning, her mouth full of razor sharp teeth with a sheen of purple fluid on them. Looking at Isani she says Ahlan beek, Isani. I heard your combined call and as such took on some of the traits of you both. I must say I like the combination, Shukran.

Updated picture of Caliphana.

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