Dain's King Maker Chronicles

Game Master dain120475


This is the Kingmaker Campaign, yet it is filled with many deviations from the boxed set. The "Campaign Information" page is meant as a quick resource to help sum up the thousands of posts quickly.

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Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

Garith is trying to compile a report on the attack, but so far there's just a bunch of questions. What would he need to do in order to get answers to those questions?

So far I'm. Thinking of going to Shaezon if I can, in order to use his "Knowledge gamit" to answer the following questions.

1. What spell could cause this damage?
--According to Galen, it would be something a 15th level wizard would toss around, but there were many castings of it. (Garith wouldn't think of it, but it could be a lower level caster Maximizing the spell, so any sonic that does 6d6 maximized would be possible. If done by a sorcerer, he could maximize his sonics on the fly while sommons are tearing everyone up down there, and with greater Inviz, he'd me pretty safe while doing it)

2. It could be a divine caster of more modest level, so what spells could do this damage?

3. What magical beasts can use sonics at high power, as there is magical damage and clawing... suggestions are crystal dragons, and the "crow" as we don't know what the crows are capable of.

If tha party members could toss checks to make conclusions, Garith would like to compile his findings. He alst takes copious notes and requests a copy of Galen's notes any anyone else's too, if anybody took any.

If the players could toss Arcana checks for 1, religion for 2, spellcraft for both 1 & 2, and for 3, nature checks for magical beasts, arcana about dragons, planes for fiends/elementals etc, and dungeoneering for aberations, we could get a better clue as to what could have done it. I got nobody with more than a +6 to knowledge etc. So others are better suites to that sort of task

When he gets close to town, he will dispatch a rider ahead to Arsinian with a letter giving Brett's orders and Arsinian will dispatch experts and go himself to. Gather Information and track down a team well suited to that sort of work.

Quick note to Garith – to assist in this information/search

1. According to Galen’s notes – the sonic damage conforms to either one of two possibilities. Either – 10d6 points of damage, or 9d8 points of damage. The full force of damage is – to him – either 36, or 35 points – and he’s seen enough of the blast to guess that is the average. So – if a spell does 10d6 – the average is 35 – if it does 9d8 the average is 36. So the real question seems to be:

What type of spell does a “cone effect” of sonic damage – with a potential average damage of either 10d6, or 9d8?

Of course – you are free to do out of game research as well. Once you return to the Council – you’ll have all the time you need to “put your heads together” and find out the news on that information.

Also –

While it is possible for your to use Diplomacy via Gather Information to find that crew – I kind of hoped you would attempt to recruit members of the party and see if they were interested in joining such a team. If so – please do so in game, and we can go from there.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
I think that the weapons should go to any in the party that want them first, then the rest liquidated with the exception of the Scroll, Rings of Protection, Philosopher's Stone, and Incense (although that could probably be liquidated as well)

Remember - there are two types of incense.

One is fancy/expensive incense for praying - yay.

The other - if used during morning rituals - maximizes any healing spell - at the cost of using two spells on the same level. You don't have to "burn" a spell slot higher - the spell is simply maximized.

As I read it - it seems like someone could "Channel Energy" for maximum effect - but it would burn "two channels" - if that is correct.

Just something to consider.

Yes, that is why I said sell the ordinary incense in the damaged chest but the Incense of Meditation can be used by the Council or sold to appropriate reputable merchants or good clerics/priests if need be.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
I agree with everything except for the daggers. They are more valuable sold than used by guards as guards very rarely use daggers in their work or for defense. Other than that I think that's fair.

No worries. I have no problem with selling the daggers, but I would say give our lot first pick ... and any left overs we can sell.

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
I agree with everything except for the daggers. They are more valuable sold than used by guards as guards very rarely use daggers in their work or for defense. Other than that I think that's fair.
No worries. I have no problem with selling the daggers, but I would say give our lot first pick ... and any left overs we can sell.

Mister Higgonbothom informs you:

Magical weapons may not be worth what they were - if you want to sell them - do it now - in less then two months; the market value for them will likely be gutted.

Also - he asks if this information should be forwarded on to Mister Harper - as it could be useful to keep that private until you decide formally what to do with selling magical gear and goods.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
I agree with everything except for the daggers. They are more valuable sold than used by guards as guards very rarely use daggers in their work or for defense. Other than that I think that's fair.
No worries. I have no problem with selling the daggers, but I would say give our lot first pick ... and any left overs we can sell.

Mister Higgonbothom informs you:

Magical weapons may not be worth what they were - if you want to sell them - do it now - in less then two months; the market value for them will likely be gutted.

Also - he asks if this information should be forwarded on to Mister Harper - as it could be useful to keep that private until you decide formally what to do with selling magical gear and goods.

Ariarh will heed Higonbothom's advice. Weapons will be sold within the month and Allen Harper will not be privy to the information at the moment -- not until plans are solidified.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As you sit around the table in the Council Chambers Ariarh is fully able to discuss her findings from reading Lencher’s Journal – as is Brett – who takes the time to share them as well.

The two inform the group that – according to Lencher – the majority of his experiments consistently failed because whenever a secondary element was introduced into the host body there was always one of two possibilities.

The first is that the host body would exert all of its own abilities to fight the “disease” and eventually purge the new element from the body completely.

The second possibility is that the addition to the body would gain momentum and attempt to take over the body, like a virus or a cancer.

In both cases the experiment ended up being a failure.

The working theory is that some form of biological element must be introduced into the body so that it could prevent the new additions from being destroyed or taking over. The best option – Lencher suggested – is Troll Blood.

Lencher seems to suggest that as Troll blood in general is an organism that seeks to regenerate itself over and over – that it only makes sense that if a person’s body could accept troll blood, or become infused with it – then they would be able to have permanently recurring natural defense against the encroachment of the “virus”.

Lencher does not know the biological formula for Trolls Blood infusion – his best successes were with Undead Curses – and Were Blood. Whenever he attempted to blend Troll Blood with regular blood it had the same effect on a microscopic level. That is to say – the blood would fight against each other – and one would win inside the veins of the body.

Lencher consistently refers to his mentor – mentioning a priest of some sort – though no name is given. Lencher suggests that this man “may have key” – and does in fact know the chemical formula needed to mix Troll Blood with more normal blood. However – he himself does not know the formula.

You believe that your new ally is beset by this malady, and that he in fact has troll blood in him. Yet you are not sure – to test it – you would only need to make a simple experiment. Wound him – and observe the wound – measuring the speed it takes to heal itself. If it is in fact a normal wound – it would close and heal normally. If it is a wound that is protected by Troll’s blood – the blood will encourage the closing of the wound rapidly.

But – if this is true – then it doesn’t account for his other issues. Also – if the infusion of Trolls blood could occur successfully – well; it was suggested that this may be a remarkable tool for a new race of soldiers that do not need to be healed after battle. If that is correct – then the breakthrough has already happened. What then will occur next?

Only time will tell, no doubt.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Thanks for Lencher's journal. I have a question. In Shoryk's journal it mentions this, Human blood directly infused with dragon blood and not diluted over time, should produce more profound effect and change on metamagic power. Does Lencher refer to the use of dragon blood in his journal?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Thanks for Lencher's journal. I have a question. In Shoryk's journal it mentions this, Human blood directly infused with dragon blood and not diluted over time, should produce more profound effect and change on metamagic power. Does Lencher refer to the use of dragon blood in his journal?

Only abstractly.

Lencher is clearly aware the many sorcerers are infused with Dragon Blood - and it is that blood's infusion which grants them the ability to have sorcererous powers - like the Fey Blood in Alaric.

However, it is also possible that a more powerful infusion could inspire greater reactions in a living person.

He seems to think that if a person had dragon blood injected directly into them it could - theoretically - increase the potency of sorcerers with the Dragon Bloodline. He also wonders if a being that had no sorcerous bloodline may be discover new and unknown power that could fuse with their current power to give them great strength or other advantages.

Of course - he discounts this possibility as he has not been able to find a dragon; and even if he could - he doubts very much it would matter, as no dragon would allow itself to share its blood with another directly. Even so - he also suggests this line of thinking is irrelevant because it is a known fact that dragons are far too powerful to trifle with - and it would best to stick to the facts at hand rather then postulate on improbabilities.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

On the road with Galen:

As they rise in the morning, when there is some time, riding back, Garith takes a moment to speak to Galen. "I really appreciate the way that you approached the scene of the attack. I am under orders from Brett to develop a group dedicated to this sort of task. I wish to ask you to be a part of this group, or at least be willing to consult for them when the organization is developed."

the road with Yillim:

Garith takes this chance to sieze up and guage the newcomer. The woman with the wolf, Lea seems to be friendly enough with him, and Ariarh seems to trust her so Garith does not approach the individual like a foe, but is still assessing him. "You seem to be somewhat traveled, and may have any number os skills as far as i know. Do you have any thoughts as to what was responsible for such a scene for carnage, as back there, some creature, or magics?"

road to Ariarh:

To Ariarh, garith respectfully asks "What sorts of creatures are you aware of that could have done this kind of damage. There are many magical beings that are capable f great feats by their own power alone, animals, beings from other planes, from the deapths, are you aware of any with such abilities?"

Shaezon's Knowledge:

Garith approaches Shaezon with a copy of Galen's notes and details about the scene to ask him what could have attacked the cultists
Question 1: arcane spell
Know Arcana 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Spellcraft1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

Question 2: divine spell possibility
Spellcraft1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Know Religion1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

-Question 3: identifying the creature that could have done it
-Q3: arcane creature (like dragons)
Know Arcana 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
-Q3: aberation
Know Dungeon1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
-Q3: magical beast
Know Nature1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
-Q4: extra-planar being
Know Planes1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

When it is appropriate, Garith makes his report on the findings
"There are many issues plaguing the lands, and at Brett's behest, Arsinian and I have been searching for individuals that would be skilled at settling these matters. Here is a list of potential candidates. Players should speak to the GM about creating characters for that. for now pretend really hard that this is a thorough list of people These individuals may assist in alleviating some of the split focus."

Once i know what Garith was able to find out, I can talk about my report

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

Garith is trying to compile a report on the attack, but so far there's just a bunch of questions. What would he need to do in order to get answers to those questions?

So far I'm. Thinking of going to Shaezon if I can, in order to use his "Knowledge gamit" to answer the following questions.

1. What spell could cause this damage?
--According to Galen, it would be something a 15th level wizard would toss around, but there were many castings of it. (Garith wouldn't think of it, but it could be a lower level caster Maximizing the spell, so any sonic that does 6d6 maximized would be possible. If done by a sorcerer, he could maximize his sonics on the fly while sommons are tearing everyone up down there, and with greater Inviz, he'd me pretty safe while doing it)

2. It could be a divine caster of more modest level, so what spells could do this damage?

3. What magical beasts can use sonics at high power, as there is magical damage and clawing... suggestions are crystal dragons, and the "crow" as we don't know what the crows are capable of.

If tha party members could toss checks to make conclusions, Garith would like to compile his findings. He alst takes copious notes and requests a copy of Galen's notes any anyone else's too, if anybody took any.

If the players could toss Arcana checks for 1, religion for 2, spellcraft for both 1 & 2, and for 3, nature checks for magical beasts, arcana about dragons, planes for fiends/elementals etc, and dungeoneering for aberations, we could get a better clue as to what could have done it. I got nobody with more than a +6 to knowledge etc. So others are better suites to that sort of task

When he gets close to town, he will dispatch a rider ahead to Arsinian with a letter giving Brett's orders and Arsinian will dispatch experts and go himself to. Gather Information and track down a team well suited to that sort of work.

Isani's Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Knowledge, Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Knowledge, Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Knowledge, Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Knowledge, Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3
Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

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too Garith on the road before Saravale

I know very little of magic, and this does not seem like any natural beast that I have heard of, but I will think on it

Knowledge Nature for what the damage could have been1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Response to Garith's Request can be found: Response

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh shares with the council the information in the Osirion Shoryk's journal regarding dragon blood and its powerful effect on metamagic power and also Lencher's reference to it and his discounting it due to the dangers of trifling with dragons to obtain the blood.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

** spoiler omitted **

"Sir Garith there are possible creatures or spells that could accomplish something similar to what we witnessed out on the plains. There are spells which can move the earth in waves, break it apart and such but will not rend a creature as we saw. There are magical creatures which possess sonic ability to harm but may not possess the dark character in which to do so, unprovoked. With a natural beast, I have never seen one leave behind a kill, let alone that many bodies once it has attacked and killed. Natural creatures hunt primarily for food. We need to find something that can do both at the same time and to a heightened magnitude. If that Lencher fellow had anything to do with augmenting such a creature...infusing it with blood sourced elsewhere..."

Ariarh becomes thoughtful and ponders what manner of creature, bloodline or magical ability/spell it could be:

Knowledge, Planes: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Knowledge, Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

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Galen listens quietly for a moment to your question.

"Hmm... yes; well - for now I'm already employed by Mater Rowan as his Provincial Magistar. It seems my former master has little need of my services, and I'm eager to do something a little more worthy of my talents as opposed to "tagging along". Still - regarding consulting - if my duties permit it - I suppose I would agreable to specific tasks regarding various consulting contracts."

"However - again; I stress this - that would be on a case by case basis, and also - it would be only if I had time allowed to me via my current workload with the Province. It seems Master Rowan has many unique ideas - and though they are not specifically aligned to arcane powers directly - he's promised me an extra bonus - and allowed me the chance to make expeditions to various parts of the new kingdom. Even so - I feel for the first several months while things are being situated - I may be a bit distracted. But - well, we shall see."

"Certainly such work will be good, I would think; but again - it would have to be both on a case-by-case basis. I don't intend to wander the fields attempting to solve mundane cases like "Can you please find my missing pig" - the case itself would have to interest me, and also - only when my scheduled permitted."

"If that is acceptable - then I am happy to help," he adds, an imperious wave of his young hand, looking twice as smug on his 14 year old features. Even so - you have hunch he can be useful in this task - should he assist.

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

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Note: Shaezon's knowledge checks have already been modified with both Galen's checks, and Isani's checks. The following details/questions come directly from their combined information.

Sheazon is utterly uncertain on the full nature of the attacks - as he himself did not see the attacks, or the remains. After reading over Galen's extensive notes, however, and the interview with Isani - he has come to a few basic conclusions.

1. He believes the sonic attacks were made from the air. The damage done suggests something "Crushed" the enemy.

2. The slash marks on the horses seem like they might have been done by a beast; but as no one bothered to use "heal checks" to attempt to identify the nature of the damage done to the horses - he cannot tell what he wants to know at this point. Namely:

A. Was the damage poison?
B. Was the damage indicative of "Undead attacks" (that is - was there evidence of rot and festering faster then the journey south would have allowed. An undead creature with undead claws may have hurried along that process).
C. How deep/large were the claw marks - if claw marks they where - if a beast did it, this would probably show the size of the beast's claws - and if it was a monster, or a dragon, for example - he may be able to find out the "age" of the monster by the size of those claw marks.

3. If it has not already been done - he recommends a full "autopsy" on the bodies. He is curious to know what sign of drugs or narcotics are found on the citizens - also; his other chief concerns are, regarding the bodies:

A. Were they infected - or affected - by metamagic properties, for example - what if they were struck by a "were creature" - even the horses may have been so effected. You already encountered a "Were Bear" - you know that "were experiments" are possible - is this a possibility? If so - results may be in the blood of the citizens - provided they were buried and not cremated.

B. Same general question - only pertaining to curses via undead. That is - will these same folk rise from the dead a few days later as ghouls - or something like that - to plague the town? That needs to be checked - he feels.

3. He knows of no specific creature that uses Areal Attacks with Sonic Damage - not off the top of his head. However - he suggests that it is possible that such a creature could be fashioned, even as Caliphana has been fashioned by Arasmes - the young Tiefling may have more news on that subject, as Summoning magic is rather new to his experience.

Also - it is possible that al-Kazeem and his cronies may have "mutated" an existing creature for the purpose of this assault. He suggests that is also possible - and cites Dross - claiming that though that warrior has many advantages with multiple limbs - he suffered penalties to his flesh. If a creature was given magical advantages or abilities - it may have also suffered penalties - to, say - for example - it's ability to think, reason - and have a chance or desire to claim magic gear.

He does not say that is the case - but mentions it as a possibility.


Shaezon feels weary with these questions - being more interested in the study and application of magic in general then "solving mysteries". He suggests that the town have a special division for these type of cases - and that someone better suited handle the barrage of questions and mysteries you have before you.

Perhaps - if such an organization existed - he feels that they would be better suited for such things then he is.

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

on an unrelated note to Lencher's stuff, i now interject!

** spoiler omitted **

"Sir Garith there are possible creatures or spells that could accomplish something similar to what we witnessed out on the plains. There are spells which can move the earth in waves, break it apart and such but will not rend a creature as we saw. There are magical creatures which possess sonic ability to harm but may not possess the dark character in which to do so, unprovoked. With a natural beast, I have never seen one leave behind a kill, let alone that many bodies once it has attacked and killed. Natural creatures hunt primarily for food. We need to find something that can do both at the same time and to a heightened magnitude. If that Lencher fellow had anything to do with augmenting such a creature...infusing it with blood sourced elsewhere..."

Ariarh becomes thoughtful and ponders what manner of creature, bloodline or magical ability/spell it could be:

Knowledge, Planes: 1d20+6
Knowledge, Nature: 1d20+10
Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20+4
Spellcraft: 1d20+7

Ry - good call on thinking toward Lencher. In other words - check Shae's comments toward the end. A mutated creature may have not had the ability to decide what is valuable - only attacking the party and killing them all.

This does beg 2 important questions, though.

1. If the creature was a friend to Lencher and his folk - why kill al-Kazeem? Why not attack your town directly - or your citizens?

2. If the creature is an ENEMY to al-Kazeem and his folk, even as Dross may be - why not try to find refuge or help in Saravale - or at least seek out allies there?

These questions - among others - are now on your mind. You are free to share that information with the party - as you see fit.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith sends a request to the Priestess Patty, and Selendria Grear to ask them if they may be available to assist in an autopsy, as well as sending a runner for Isani and Arairh, as soon as he speaks to Shaezon.

Returning the returned bodies that have yet to be claimed by bereaved families, he requests to be allowed to further examine the bodies to determine what attacked the group, and thaks them for their willingness to protect the people of the city
diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Garith's heal checks to be factored in with anybody else who takes part in an autopsy
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

With Galen:

"I was unaware that you were already working with Councilman Rowan," Garith responds. Garith gives the boy a rather proud smile, "It is good to see a young person take his duties seriously. I am sure, as this organization is going to be managed by your new employer, he will assist you in managing your time. And I wouldn't expect anyone to ask you to do anything particularly mundane, unless it is a request to cast a simple spell, as it seems you are a grand proponent of." He gives the boy a pat on the shoulder and waves at his little pet, residing on the young wizard's hat.

Oh, young people, it's cute when they act so self important. It's somewhat difficult for Garith to be annoyed by the teenager's smugness and apparent self importance. It comes from being a cool-headed adult and a leader of men.

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

Garith sends a request to the Priestess Patty, and Selendria Grear to ask them if they may be available to assist in an autopsy, as well as sending a runner for Isani and Arairh, as soon as he speaks to Shaezon.

Returning the returned bodies that have yet to be claimed by bereaved families, he requests to be allowed to further examine the bodies to determine what attacked the group, and thaks them for their willingness to protect the people of the city
diplomacy: 1d20+6

Garith's heal checks to be factored in with anybody else who takes part in an autopsy

** spoiler omitted **

Garith - with this check you are able to persuade four families to allow you to examine the bodies. It should be noted that there are multiple citizens.

The four you managed to convince were the parents of younger citizens. At the least, you suspect they are eager for the examination to proceed; feeling their children merely "got mixed up in the wrong crowd".

Also - worried that their children are in the clutches of some foul narcotic - they have agreed readily to surrender you the bodies to find evidence of their children's manipulation (though it should be noted that their children are in their late teens to early twenties - old enough to kill and be able to use a blade) - and they are eager for proof that shows (they hope) that their children have not had their flesh corrupted with some sort of poison.

The citizens that are adults with families - you will not be able to examine those bodies. It seems that the wives, children and siblings of the adult men who died are not inclined to let anyone examine the bodies of their kinfolk for some reason. Whether it is fear of reprisal - or because they accepted bribes from others to not allow this - or simply because they believe in the cause - this won't happen.

There are - however - six additional citizens that are numbered with no family. They are wandering trappers, bounty-hunters, mercenary types who came here just looking for work. There is no one to speak for these men - and the Council is free to examine the bodies without interference.

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

Garith sends a request to the Priestess Patty, and Selendria Grear to ask them if they may be available to assist in an autopsy, as well as sending a runner for Isani and Arairh, as soon as he speaks to Shaezon.

Returning the returned bodies that have yet to be claimed by bereaved families, he requests to be allowed to further examine the bodies to determine what attacked the group, and thaks them for their willingness to protect the people of the city
diplomacy: 1d20+6

Garith's heal checks to be factored in with anybody else who takes part in an autopsy

** spoiler omitted **

Galen cocks his head, looking at your for a moment.

"Vos es stultus. Quod vos behave amo a parvulus!" he says with a shrug - answering in the language of Dragons and the Arcane.

After which - he promptly dismisses your existence from his presence; and you cannot tell what his reaction to your statement is. If he took offense to your words about magic, or if he doesn't get your intention, or if he thinks it is a pleasant joke that he can share with. In either case, he goes back to his reading and says nothing else.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith takes note of the words and asks their meaning of Ka'etil, whom he knows to speak the language, at his first convenience What does Kae realize was said

Whenever we get ay more heal checks we'll see what happened to the bodies! w00t!

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

Garith takes note of the words and asks their meaning of Ka'etil, whom he knows to speak the language, at his first convenience What does Kae realize was said

Whenever we get ay more heal checks we'll see what happened to the bodies! w00t!

Quick question - does Kae speak Draconic?

Waiting for posting back from Isani and Ariarh - meanwhile Selendria will assist you - and Misses Ironhorse (Hank's wife) - are not likely to be very helpful (though they'll try) as she is still worried about her man, who is still missing.

Even so - the autopsy will take a day or so as you work through the bodies.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

cool. and yes kae does speak draconic.

SO the council meeting that happens is at the end of the day, or are we meeting before the autopsy is completed?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:

Ry - good call on thinking toward Lencher. In other words - check Shae's comments toward the end. A mutated creature may have not had the ability to decide what is valuable - only attacking the party and killing them all.

This does beg 2 important questions, though.

1. If the creature was a friend to Lencher and his folk - why kill al-Kazeem? Why not attack your town directly - or your citizens?

2. If the creature is an ENEMY to al-Kazeem and his folk, even as Dross may be - why not try to find refuge or help in Saravale - or at least seek out allies there?

These questions - among others - are now on your mind. You are free to share that information with the party - as you see fit.

Ariarh will share her theories, observations and other queries with the Council.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
There are - however - six additional citizens that are numbered with no family. They are wandering trappers, bounty-hunters, mercenary types who came here just looking for work. There is no one to speak for these men - and the Council is free to examine the bodies without interference.

Re Autopsies.

Ariarh's Heal Check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Isani's Heal Check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Lia's Heal Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:

cool. and yes kae does speak draconic.

SO the council meeting that happens is at the end of the day, or are we meeting before the autopsy is completed?

The Council Meeting was scheduled for as soon as you return home - so you can take the notes you have, go over them - and plan your next move. At this time - I assumed that during the council meeting someone decided that to assist in the findings an autopsy would be useful.

However - the Council's meeting would have happened at least before the autopsy - as you had no specific plans for an autopsy until after you spoke to the Council.

Another follow-up meeting can be scheduled in a few days to go over what the autopsy discovers. Once you know that - you'll be good to go.

Ah - and Garith - Kae will inform you that Galen's exact words were - in Draconic - You are a fool. And you behave like a child.

That said - do you have any specific plans between now and the second Council Meeting when the autopsy is performed?

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:
There are - however - six additional citizens that are numbered with no family. They are wandering trappers, bounty-hunters, mercenary types who came here just looking for work. There is no one to speak for these men - and the Council is free to examine the bodies without interference.

Re Autopsies.

Ariarh's Heal Check: 1d20+10
Isani's Heal Check: 1d20+10
Lia's Heal Check: 1d20+6

Excellent. This information will be compiled with the others, soon. It will take you a few days to look things over - as you have at least four bodies to examine.

To all - will you also examine the bodies of the men who had no families to speak for them? Legally, you can. But you don't have to.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith will examine the bodies of those with no family as well.

While not actively assisting on the examinations, he shall take the primary roll in managing the troops and patroles, so Arsinian is better able to further able to work on recruitment for S.I.D. as the bard is the better suited to recruitment and shmoozing with non-military types.

Very good - a comprehensive report will be given to the party in the period of three days "in game".

Meanwhile - sometime during the next day - while you are working - you receive a private letter from Miss Ironhorse who is starting to grow concerned about her husband.

Even if he had dallied at Oleg's - he should have either sent word - or been back this morning or sometime today - at the latest - and neither he, nor Mak Morn, mentioned going to Oleg's.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Not wanting to leave the city at this point, things being as they are, Ka'etil rides to the village. He ties Konur off and dismounts, walking up to the Ironhorse door, he knocks.

as the door opens, he smiles warmly, greeting the residents, and asking to have a moment to talk to Mrs. Ironhorse. "Patty, how are you? I know that you've been worried about Henry, as have I. I sent a rider out for news to Oleg's and shall hopefully be receiving good news soon. He was dispatched with urgency and shall not dally, but it is a bit of a ride back and forth still and news should be en route as we are speaking. But I shall speak with the others on the council and determine what course of action we can take regarding Henry and Mak Morn, considering the issue with the attack on the cultists." His voice is calm as he can manage, and tries his best to be supportive toward the worried woman, hoping to quell her fears for her husband for another day.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

"Speaking of that, Garith mentioned that he has requested your expertise with examining the recovered bodies. Were you able to assist?"

I gotta level kae to 7 now don't I, finally

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

Not wanting to leave the city at this point, things being as they are, Ka'etil rides to the village. He ties Konur off and dismounts, walking up to the Ironhorse door, he knocks.

as the door opens, he smiles warmly, greeting the residents, and asking to have a moment to talk to Mrs. Ironhorse. "Patty, how are you? I know that you've been worried about Henry, as have I. I sent a rider out for news to Oleg's and shall hopefully be receiving good news soon. He was dispatched with urgency and shall not dally, but it is a bit of a ride back and forth still and news should be en route as we are speaking. But I shall speak with the others on the council and determine what course of action we can take regarding Henry and Mak Morn, considering the issue with the attack on the cultists." His voice is calm as he can manage, and tries his best to be supportive toward the worried woman, hoping to quell her fears for her husband for another day.

"Speaking of that, Garith mentioned that he has requested your expertise with examining the recovered bodies. Were you able to assist?"

I gotta level kae to 7 now don't I, finally

Patty is currently doing her best to move the project forward. She's working on her notes at home - studying them.

From what she sees - the majority of the cultists had trace amounts of opium in it. But not all of them - some of them have other drugs in them; mild traces of hemp weed, as well as some trace amounts of another substance they are not familiar with, though they have sent it to the alchemist shop to try to figure out what it is.

Kae - you manage to keep Patty somewhat calm. But you guess most of her calm is because her stress and concern is currently focused on her work. As long as she has her work - she is not thinking about trouble.

Your words do calm her down - somewhat. And you think that she is eager to see results of what direct action to find her man.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

After speaking with Patty, Kae check on Garith's progress, and asks about Brett's team, and how recruitment is going. He also discusses plans for the outpost with Arsinian, discussing troop displacement, resources needed, and preps a report for the council. That evening he rides back home, stabling Konur and after an evening meal, returns to his chambers, bidding a good night to the others there, and collapsing into his bed.

Ka'etil opens his eyes, and before him looms a great shining bronze wyrm, green eyes burning, staring past him. He watches the great creature, recognizing the form from his visions as it's immense form tenses and it emits a frightful growl.

He turns to face what it is looking at, and towards him is crawling a dark slithering shape with green tinted skin, razor-sharp tusks, and wickedly curved horns. The abomination rears up as a bolt of lightning strikes it square in the chest, emitted by the Wyrm. The creatures circle Ka'etil, eying each other. Suddenly a hand reaches for the barbarian stopping short as draconic fangs sink into the the foul brute's arm.

Ka'etil watches as the nightmare and Dragon battle, tearing up the earth around them. The beast hurls the dragon away, and catches Ka'etil in its grasp, lifting him as if to devour him. a great voice echoes over the landscape and through Ka'etil's mind. "Resist it you fool! That beast is merely a part of you, yours to control. Your darkness is not your master."

The beast stops, and reveals a foul maw of broken fangs. "That is right boy, I am you. I'm in your blood. I'm in your soul. You know you can feel me, just under the skin. You know you like it, you want my power, you feed on my fury. You can't fight me! you have no choice." It tells him, laughing.

"No! That is simply an excuse. You are as strong as you choose to be, now choose Ka'etil. Prove yourself worthy. The power is within you, if you would jsut accept it." the dradon rises, sitting on it's haunches as Ka'etil is drawn to the monster's mouth.

With a roar, Ka'etil spits a lightning-bolt into the gullet of the nightmare, "You are a part of me, but only a part, and I control you, not the other way around. I am not yours, you are MINE!" more lightning racks the nightmare's body as the dragon spits out another bolt. Ka'etil floats there, looking at the charred monstrosity.

"You can't be rid of me you fool. I am you, never forget that." The beast slinks away into the shadows.

Ka'etil turns to the Dragon who nods to him, then takes wing.

With a violent "ROOOAAARR" of pain Kae awakens in his chambers and the shout echos through the halls.

Rising and lighting a lamp, he takes a polished a glass and looks at his reflection. Drawing back at the sight of burning green eyes staring back at him, he gasps. touching his face, there is a strange flaking on his cheeks and a slight glint in the light. Hardly noticeable, but still something is odd about his skin. His "choice" seems to have manifested is a strengthening of his draconic bloodline causing it to fully reveal itself, even without the aid of his alchemical compounds and magic.

In the morning, those who see him notice that his slitted eyes have shifted from a light cool turquoise to a warmer green, and he no longer is taking any efforts to conceal his tail, which has taken a much more pronounced bronze color. There is a calm confidence about him, although that wild look that characterized the barbarian is still most certainly present.

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

After speaking with Patty, Kae check on Garith's progress, and asks about Brett's team, and how recruitment is going. He also discusses plans for the outpost with Arsinian, discussing troop displacement, resources needed, and preps a report for the council. That evening he rides back home, stabling Konur and after an evening meal, returns to his chambers, bidding a good night to the others there, and collapsing into his bed.

Ka'etil opens his eyes, and before him looms a great shining bronze wyrm, green eyes burning, staring past him. He watches the great creature, recognizing the form from his visions as it's immense form tenses and it emits a frightful growl.

He turns to face what it is looking at, and towards him is crawling a dark slithering shape with green tinted skin, razor-sharp tusks, and wickedly curved horns. The abomination rears up as a bolt of lightning strikes it square in the chest, emitted by the Wyrm. The creatures circle Ka'etil, eying each other. Suddenly a hand reaches for the barbarian stopping short as draconic fangs sink into the the foul brute's arm.

Ka'etil watches as the nightmare and Dragon battle, tearing up the earth around them. The beast hurls the dragon away, and catches Ka'etil in its grasp, lifting him as if to devour him. a great voice echoes over the landscape and through Ka'etil's mind. "Resist it you fool! That beast is merely a part of you, yours to control. Your darkness is not your master."

The beast stops, and reveals a foul maw of broken fangs. "That is right boy, I am you. I'm in your blood. I'm in your soul. You know you can feel me, just under the skin. You know you like it, you want my power, you feed on my fury. You can't fight me! you have no choice." It tells him, laughing.

"No! That is simply an excuse. You are as strong as you choose to be, now choose Ka'etil. Prove yourself worthy. The power is within you, if you would jsut accept it." the dradon rises, sitting on it's haunches as Ka'etil is drawn to the...

Nicely done!

Well - it's pretty late - and I got to work super early tomorrow - so I think I'll need to crash out. But - good luck posting - I look forward to reading more stuff, soon.

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

Yillim had approached the council with reverence.
The fortress was a bustle of activity, with the council so intensely going over their plans, he just stood and listened.
This land was a new one to him. Full of green grasses and tall trees, people who were free and hard working. A young man, perhaps a minor servant in service of the baroness, with a handful of scrolls paused and stared at Yillim. Feeling conscious, he pulled his cloak tighter about himslef and nodded at the boy. The boy in turn responded with a weak smile, examining Yillim with a mix of curiosity and disgust, but was only momentarily distracted from his task and then hurried off.

Turning to Lia, Yillim spoke quietly so as not to interrupt the council meeting.

This Saravale is quite a place. It reminds me of the markets of my homeland, always busy, but with a less threatening air. The people here seem quite dedicated to their new home.

Then, standing still, he cleared his throat gruffly.

Good folk of Saravale, councilmen and ladies of Praxis. I come to you as rider from the southeastern lands with news...news that I think you may find of import.

I have heard your discussions on the road, of the cultists that you have had troubles with. I have heard you speak of this man "Al-Kazeem", and this "Black-Kota". I have come to this new nation wishing to serve the greater good, and be a part of a community that values freedom.

I believe that the information I have will be a beginning to that service. Some of you know that I have come from the south, and upon first entering your lands, I've told you as much. What I haven't told is that we may have a common foe in this "Black Kota". For the horrible place that I escaped, three weeks or so ride to the south, in addition to being host to slaves and victims is rife with these same Black Kota cultists.

I did not recognize the bodies of them immediately near he site where we met, but as we rode to your capital, a notion nagged at my mind. I am now sure that there are more of these cultists in Zirak-Zigal. I know not what other threats you face, but surely this may be one to consider.

Then, pausing and bowing slightly,

I know I am new here, and not well known, but I will continue to do my best to serve in the interests of this new nation of freedom, If you will have me.

Arasmes smiles and says As Foreign Ambassador for the Nation of Praxis, I bid thee formal welcome Master Dross. I am Arasmes ibn'Fayad formerly a slave of Katapesh many years ago but now by the grace of the gods a member of this fledgling land. The others are Councilman Brett Rowan, Councilman Ka'etil Malas'rae, and last but certainly not least, Baroness Ariarh Kane, the current Ruler of Praxis. You bring unfortunate news with you and I am sorry for the treatment that was bestowed upon you while in their foul clutches. There are many questions I have related to this town of slavers and cultists. For instance, do you have an exact location? How many cultists reside there? How many slaves? What is the city like? Are their rebel factions among the slaves seeking to throw off their shackles? What more can you tell us about yourself as well? Where in Katapesh are you from? How did you make your way here across half a continent? Were you brought through a portal like the other slaves? Realizing he has been doing most of the talking he subsides in order to give you a chance to respond.

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

Yillim nods to the ambassador.

Greetings Arasmes ibn'Fayad. It is indeed good to be welcomed by a kindsman of my homeland, and I am glad you too have thrown off the yoke of slavery. I will do my best to answer what I can, but I must confess, for much of the time I spent in Zirak-Zigal I was in a drug induced haze. I can at the very least lead anyone who wishes to follow back to the city, or, given a map, perhaps point to its approximate location. As for the number of cultists, I cannot say with accuracy, but I must guess that there are very many, perhaps hundreds. The slaves I saw even less of, as they were kept in separate pens, and the only ones I saw upon my escape, with the exception of my companion Blackfang, were deceased. I know of no resistance there, as I suspect all there are either conspirators or unable to think clearly due to foul magic or alchemical compounds.
As for myself, I too am from Katapesh, although from no city in particular. In my misspent youth, I was what some would call and adventurer, but would rightly call a thug. I confess I was not a good man in those days, and suspect that the gods may have put me through the suffering at the hands of this evil man, Lutharo, as a chance at redemption. He was my killer, and I stand before you and the council, a man reborn. A man who seeks to do right.
Back to how I made my way into Praxis, it is indeed a puzzle. I can only say that some great magic must be in play, as when I was taken by these slavers to do their works on me, I was still in the East. I can only imagine what kind of great power could move a city across a continent, though.

Arasmes listens intently to your tale, nodding in commiseration and understanding at your words of redemption. You get the sense a similarity of purpose to him as well. When you reach the part about moving the city though he exclaims Wait! Are you saying they moved an ENTIRE CITY?! You do not mean piecemeal do you? If you confirm that it was the entire city that got transported Arasmes looks to his other council members and says My friends...this is incredibly disturbing news. The power required to move an entire city would be immense. Many orders of magnitude greater than anything we could even attempt without significant outside support.

Brett strokes his chin thoughtfully - but his eyes look concerned.

"Hmm... point being - and this ain't the first time we done think o' it - this place be filled with tough customers - nay matter how ye look it..."

"And we ain't got nay direct intel on it, so to speak..."

"I'm reckoning on maybe trying to see what we can see, eh? On this damn city down south a piece - how far it be - what be filled it in, specific-like - how many troops it got, and what their next move be, too."

"It be a sure bet that what we done did at the lake down a few days back didn't make 'em happy. Not only did we sack the island - but we done killed one o' their bosses, too - that snake-priest - and we burned up that bitty of a city by the beach when we busted out their prisoners."

"Good news is - as far as I be seeing it - their chief spy here get busted up. He's dead - and I reckon that crystal he had be his way o' showing news 'twixt our town here and them there - but we got the crystal, and their boss and his folk are killed - fer the most part - which I be coming back to, soon."

"So the southern folk can't get news - their chief spy in our town be dead - his mates be dead - their seeing crystal be taked, and their north most outpost be burned up, and we got a lad ready to move in and take things over there right proper and form a southern bastion against any invasion," Brett adds.

"Now - when I done said - for the most part - that be because we got them folk that were guarding that boss spy's little house. Speaking o' which - Ras' me lad - how did that venture go? What did ye find there?" Brett says turning to Arasmes.

Ras - a good point. Potentially important intel can be found at the house there - you were ready to ride in and bust some heads - but I needed to see what happens next there before I can give you the information here. That said - game's to you I'd guess.

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
Arasmes listens intently to your tale, nodding in commiseration and understanding at your words of redemption. You get the sense a similarity of purpose to him as well. When you reach the part about moving the city though he exclaims Wait! Are you saying they moved an ENTIRE CITY?! You do not mean piecemeal do you? If you confirm that it was the entire city that got transported Arasmes looks to his other council members and says My friends...this is incredibly disturbing news. The power required to move an entire city would be immense. Many orders of magnitude greater than anything we could even attempt without significant outside support.

Looking at Arasmes, and glancing at the others present, he continues.

I should be clear, I suppose, in re-stating that my mind was fogged for much of my time in captivity. I do not know if the city was relocated from somewhere else, but I can say at least that there was no Zirak-Zigal in the lands that I knew, although it's name is in our tounge and had buildings in our style of architecture. The majority of the folk there were of Osirion and Katapesh, but there were northern folk as well. Again, I cannot account for how I came from the east to your lands in so short a time, other than magic. There is much that is still unclear to me.

F Half Elf Beastmaster 4/Priestess 1
Yillim Dross wrote:

Yillim had approached the council with reverence.

The fortress was a bustle of activity, with the council so intensely going over their plans, he just stood and listened.
This land was a new one to him. Full of green grasses and tall trees, people who were free and hard working. A young man, perhaps a minor servant in service of the baroness, with a handful of scrolls paused and stared at Yillim. Feeling conscious, he pulled his cloak tighter about himself and nodded at the boy. The boy in turn responded with a weak smile, examining Yillim with a mix of curiosity and disgust, but was only momentarily distracted from his task and then hurried off.

Turning to Lia, Yillim spoke quietly so as not to interrupt the council meeting.

This Saravale is quite a place. It reminds me of the markets of my homeland, always busy, but with a less threatening air. The people here seem quite dedicated to their new home.

Lia stood to the side of the meeting chamber and scanned the room, assessing who was present. Revion was by her side, seated on his hunches watching and listening, curious at the proceedings. At Yillim's words she turns to him and with a quiet tone replies, "Dedicated people do not always mean good, non-threatening people. The Council seem to possess fair minds but the community, it is large and varied, so be careful more than man Yillim." She falls silent and waits until she is required or asked to speak by the Lady Ariarh. This polite protocol was not easy for her, being "caged" in a room with many people speaking was uncomfortable and frustrating. These people talk and talk but do they all listen?, she silently judges and questions.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

You see a petite, attractive (yet strange) young woman standing beside the Foreign Ambassador, Arasmes ibn'Fayad. Her skin is quite pale and when she looks at you, you notice she has mismatched eyes: the left one amber, like honey, and the right a pale blue. She wears a silver holy symbol around her neck in the shape of an ankh.

"Salam alekum, Mister Dross. I am Priestess Isani Isu and I travelled from Sothis in Osirion to this green land in the north."Her accent is rich and low and you notice the familiarity of another southerner in your midst.

"I journeyed to the Ruins of Tumen, in the eastern desert 75 miles from Sothis. There, in an abandoned temple, the grand wizards had conjured a magical transportation spell of immense proportions. This carried the southern people from Osirion to the borders of Praxis unfortunately on the pretext of salvation as the slave traders were waiting on the other side. Could you have travelled by similar means? If you moved from one place to another at great distance without your knowledge it would give me pause to consider the possibility."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Listening to her fellow councilmen, she looks at the unusual man they had rescued and smiles, beckoning him forward to take a seat. She notices Lia and her wolf and nods in their direction, knowing not to bother asking Lia to take a seat -- the half elf seemed to enjoy standing off to the side. Crowded spaces did not seem to appeal to her.

"Well met again, Yillim Dross. I thank you for joining us and retelling the details of your sudden appearance in Praxis."

To Brett she adds, "I am relieved that we have the other crystal in our possession. Still, who knows what other spies they have living among us or what other means of communication they may yet employ." Ariarh's brow is furrowed with thought and concern.

Turning to Kae, "What have your contacts relayed to you, Kae? I know you have people who give you information, brother."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil sighs. THe city is in rather dire financial straits, playing catch-up, and there are enemies all around... money, money, money, for troops, for information, for fortifications, for supplies, he'd never worried so much about capital! "Unfortunately I do not have any further information about the southerners. My intelligence is instead regarding a Jaded companion of yours, from before my time with you. This individual is recruiting thugs and toughs for the purpose of taking back what if felt to be owed. As i noted in my letter, who is it that could bear ill will toward you? Hermia, the mad priestess, is dead, Khrovan and Bronwyn went out on some errand or another, and we parted on good terms. THis individual talks of having contracts and agreements and debts that need be paid, of which I know nothing."

I did bring this up before, but with this additional information, is there anyone who may fit the description? There is a force being amassed, and it seems that the Ustalavian knights are working with the Osirons. So we have two very powerful factions aligned against us, in addition to a third entity from your past work here turned against us."

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

"When you say the Ustalavian knights, do you mean Sir Dashan and his companion, Tyrene Aliento?"

"Khrovin and Bronwyn were paid well by Alaric upon their leaving so I cannot believe it is either of them who would have turned against us. Mayhap the dwarf, Smendor? He was none too happy with us when he left and he was the one who initially drew up the contracts we signed in regard to the fair division of any treasure we discovered."

- Puff, puff, puff...

"Perhaps! But then again - what about good Alaric hisself? He be gone long time - no knowing when he be getting back, or where he comed to, and anyhow - that be something we need to check out - but we got's lot o' plans on our plate direct."

"Fer example - them crystals? Two? That ain't right by a long shot - there be more then two, that much I recall, eh - ye know - that rhyme they done say - didn't it be saying there be quite a few o' them - was it seven - or mayhap it was nine? Anyhow - they all be putted around the piece o' land that was the kingdom so that the center stone could see all the rest of the kingdom and talk to each other, and the others could see from one to another to another stone - and they could all speak fer the king to the folks in the lands?"

Brett continues to puff his pipe.

"Course - I got a wee bit more on that back in me notes - as ye may or may not know - I be recruiting folks fer a bit o' work on solving these blame mysteries so we can go about doing other stuff that need get doing."

"While I'm at it Ry lass, I can't be believing that Sir Dashan be mixed up in any o' this nonsense - why, he gave us the news on the southfolk anyhow - if he be to work with southern types, then why did they give us news on how to beat up on the southern types?"

"Nah - if I reckon right - we done mixed up in Ustlav cults from the very beginning here. Remember they tried to mess up Oleg - and they done allied with the bandits here - and they also be after Dasha - and they also be paying off folk fer to join with Lencher - like that damn bastard with the messed up face that be making talk with Lencher? I mean - come on - they also be gotting red wyvern's on their flags - that got to be them... am I right?" he adds looking at the group, giving a quick run-down on his thoughts on the Ustalavians.

"Plus - as I recall - Sir Dashan's boss knight knew the boss chief of the Ustalvians - and they ain't mates - they done hate each other, as I recall - and be at war in Ustalav, as it were... Maybe they got something on notes we can use..."

Brett ponders a moment...

"And anyhow - speaking o' folks that be enemies - didn't these Ustalav folks with the red wyvern be joining up a bit with that southern lord from Brevoy - ye know - the one who hates Drake - the one that has a grudge with him, like - maybe a reason to dislike him - and that lord - what's his name - I don't remember - but he made his corporal a boss at Oleg's - and now that lad looks like he wants to quit the Brevoy lord to join up with Oleg direct - and through him us - which could make someone feel kind o' slighter - I reckon..." Brett adds thoughtfully.

"Though - o' course - that could all be coincidence..." he adds, puffing again on his pipe.

Based upon my brief meeting with Alaric he does not seem to be the type that would be gathering thugs for something as pedestrian as "gold he is owed." Also, I have known a few dwarves in my time and they all were such that would not let a debt, even an imagined one, stand without payment.

I really hate it when I want to say things in character about what is going on but I can't because my character doesnt know them! lol

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Based upon my brief meeting with Alaric he does not seem to be the type that would be gathering thugs for something as pedestrian as "gold he is owed." Also, I have known a few dwarves in my time and they all were such that would not let a debt, even an imagined one, stand without payment.

I really hate it when I want to say things in character about what is going on but I can't because my character doesnt know them! lol

"'Tis true what you say, Arasmes. Alaric was never one for accumulating personal wealth. Even if he were once under the influence of that mysterious ring, I do not believe he would return from the Plane of Air and seek to raise an army against the very town he helped build and the people who aided him along the way. I cannot believe it can be him."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Based upon my brief meeting with Alaric he does not seem to be the type that would be gathering thugs for something as pedestrian as "gold he is owed." Also, I have known a few dwarves in my time and they all were such that would not let a debt, even an imagined one, stand without payment.

I really hate it when I want to say things in character about what is going on but I can't because my character doesnt know them! lol

"'Tis true what you say, Arasmes. Alaric was never one for accumulating personal wealth. Even if he were once under the influence of that mysterious ring, I do not believe he would return from the Plane of Air and seek to raise an army against the very town he helped build and the people who aided him along the way. I cannot believe it can be him."


"Or can you - er, he - wait - ah hell; I don't know... Or do I?"

- Puff, puff, puff -

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Turning to her Holbyt friend and councilman, "What are you trying to say, Brett?"

Male Human (Mutant) Barbarian 4/Cavalier 3

Yillim stands still and quiet while the council talks back and forth, listening intently, and trying to follow.
Then, to Brett,
Master Rowen, yes? You mentioned you have encountered many of these Scarlet Wyverns...could you tell me more about them? The man, Lutharo, was definitely one of this group, and I know very little of them, but I would like to help any way I can.
Then, pausing and taking a deep breath, he describes Lutharo as best he can to the halfling.
Perhaps you have seen this man, Lutharo? It seems to me unlikely that your troubles with this Scarlet Wyvern group and the fact that Lutharo wore their seal is a coincidence.

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