Dain's King Maker Chronicles

Game Master dain120475


This is the Kingmaker Campaign, yet it is filled with many deviations from the boxed set. The "Campaign Information" page is meant as a quick resource to help sum up the thousands of posts quickly.

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Male commoner 1

sent a PM to discuss frostbite

Spell Combat:

All spell combat allows you to do is to cast a spell AND hit someone with your sword at the same time. If you choose to do that AND Spell strike - you burn the spell 2 times. One time for Spell Combat - and one time for Spell Strike.

If you memorized Frostbite 4 times today - you could make an attack with your sword - and use Spell Combat so that your off-hand is casting a spell (in this case "Frostbite"). Then you could use Spell Strike to burn a spell in your list of spells memorized for the day - in this case you would be putting the spell through the weapon.

However - even with Spell Combat - you'd need to make a Attack Roll for a "Touch Attack" with Frostbite via Spell Combat - and then you'd need to make your attack roll with your sword (at a -2 Penalty via Spell Combat) and you'd basically put another "Frostbite" spell in the blade itself as it hits your enemy.

Point is - you expended the spell twice, then. And would have to make two attack rolls - one for the sword/spellstrike - and one for the Touch Attack of the actual spell Frostbite - but then you would be burning both memorized spells for the day.

Kae - sent you a response via the private chat. Thank you for using that - rather then the boards...

Clari is able to see that the hallway is roughly 15 feet in height - and about 10 feet in width.

It stretches back about 50 feet - you think - because that point you can see torches - you believe they are mounted on the wall.

Also - you believe that the tunnel continues to go on after those torches - and there may be more of them - you are not sure...

You don't think there is a lock to the portcullis - if you could lift it - you could get past it.

Brett looks up at Kae, giving him a nod, and beckons him over.

”This lass – she be like the others we fought – but… she be branded traitor – like the other one we found on the shore… They kept her alive to do things to her… make her suffer fer being traitor… She says she wants to help us… Wants to lend a hand, as it were.”

He eases her to her feet slowly, and you can tell that – even with the healing potion – she is still badly hurt.

Her features look – for the most part – like human. There is a slight olive sheen to her skin, and her hair is long – and jet black. However – it is her eyes that captivate your attention. You can see clearly now that they are somewhat different then usual eyes – a vague slant to them – much like the eyes of Gan Mondragone – but that alone is not much. What truly catches your attention is that her irises are a metalic gold in color – but her pupils are thin… Essentially – her eyes remind you of a snake – and her features – her skin, on a very minute level – looks like a very fine sheen of scales, supple as human skin – yet more like a reptile’s skin….

Kae - on quick recollection - if you decided to search the bodies of either the "pink guys" or the "blue guy" - you would have discovered that they are similar to her - their eyes and skin... The others were human - but the Cobra Headed men had a thick - almost leathery (think like alligator skin boots) hide - and the leader? Well - you'll need to check that for yourself...

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Typing this from phone: I have realised she has 10 Channels and have been working under that presumption as my previous postings will attest. Which means after this latest channeling, Isani has used up 7 Channels with only 3 remaining. Isani also has a first level CLW spell if necessary for healing (1d8+3 without the amulet boost). Ariarh has 5 CLW potions on her (1d8+1 healing). Thanks for npcing me on Mother's Day.

Isani Isu wrote:
Typing this from phone: I have realised she has 10 Channels and have been working under that presumption as my previous postings will attest. Which means after this latest channeling, Isani has used up 7 Channels with only 3 remaining. Isani also has a first level CLW spell if necessary for healing (1d8+3 without the amulet boost). Ariarh has 5 CLW potions on her (1d8+1 healing). Thanks for npcing me on Mother's Day.

No worries - just waiting on the boys!

Have a good time in Wollongong...

Arasmes actually doesn't have any summon spell like abilities left. The dogs were the last one.

Arasmes shakes his head groggily when he is healed, giving thanks to whomever is around before saying with a wry grin So...did we win or is this the seven heavens?

Moving towards the tunnel with the rest of the group, Arasmes uses his Summon Eidolon spell to bring Cali back for a few minutes while they explore, but also to retrieve the muleback cords from her which he then passes to Kae to help with lifting the bars.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Arasmes actually doesn't have any summon spell like abilities left. The dogs were the last one.

Arasmes shakes his head groggily when he is healed, giving thanks to whomever is around before saying with a wry grin So...did we win or is this the seven heavens?

Moving towards the tunnel with the rest of the group, Arasmes uses his Summon Eidolon spell to bring Cali back for a few minutes while they explore, but also to retrieve the muleback cords from her which he then passes to Kae to help with lifting the bars.

Ariarh gives Arasmes a dry look and a little frown.

"We defeated them - yes. But we have other business before this night is done - namely the discovery of our ward. She was absconded, and I want her back."

Seeing your efforts to use a few magic strings to assist Kae in opening the bars, she shakes her head.

"No - don't give it to him... It enhances his strength - but I would rather use a stronger foundation to build on..."

Ariarh turns to Grod, who is looking squat, and fierce - concerned about the dangers of the place - especially the sorcery he has witnessed.

"You - the one called Grod? You lost your mate - for us - it is like we lost a sister - but she may still be alive. Can you help us find her - save her? She is trapped in that tunnel - and we want to try to resue her. Can you lift that gate?" she asks gently, as Grod looks nervously at the cords.

"Well?" Ariarh says to both Arasmes and Grod, her voice tired - the obvious stress of the combat wearying her much - but doing her best to maintain some for of courtesy, even as her mind and body ache for sleep and an end to the madness of this night.

"Arasmes - give him the cords - if anyone can lift this gate - he can - and the cords will ease him readily - for his muscles are thicker and heavier then even my "little brother"," she says with a nod toward Kae, mustering her efforts to grin, and show that - despite the grueling pace and difficulties of the evening - she is still able to smile at her companions.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae is fatigued for about a minute after combat ends but then he is back and able to run. "I can use my extract to hasten my movement to scout ahead in the tunnel, while the rest follow, once Grod un-bars our passage."

When the bars open, Kae drinks his extract and move twice as fast as the otherwise would could to scout the passage, moving quietly if there is a sign of noise.
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
stealth when there is something of note
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

And i'm out for the night

Wait - Kae - before you can rush off - Grod will need to lift it with a "Strength Check" - he may not be able to succeed - even with his natural strength of 22 - coupled with the +1 Googleplex to Strength the rope provides...

Sadly - the exact nature of the cords specifically suggest that though they add +8 to carrying capacity - The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity. This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls except the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.

When Grod attempts his Strength check to lift the Portcullis - he may not be successful.

However - you may be able to "aid him" with the check - if so - then you did not use the extract right away - but can use it in a moment, once you guys manage to lift the bars.

Of course - for any aid check - he only gains a +2 - and for this particular check - the width of the tunnel is 10 feet - which means I believe only 1 person can aid him.

Question: Can someone take a 20 on a Strength check? The reason I ask is because he needs a "25" to lift the bars, and unless he manages to roll a 19 or 20 - that won't happen.

Meanwhile - his roll to lift the gate...

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Edit: Curse my infernally high rolls - okay - Kae, you can make a "strength check" to Aid him - provided you get above 10 - as usual for Aid checks - then you can lift the gate - but if you do - you'll need to figure out a way to keep it open... Of course - at this point even Arasmes can open the gate - if he is able to roll a pitiful total of 11 or higher (he has a -1 to Strength - grumble, grumble).

One other thing - though you may be able to move up fast - remember; there may be traps ahead - if there are - you may be dead! So, just saying... the guys you are following may have primed a few traps once they traveled down the tunnel.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae makes the assist
Str check
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

"Brett, can you find a way to lock the gate open?" Suggesting a Disable Device check
"Come on through," Kae says with the gate lifted "I can check ahead carefully for traps and such, and not move too slowly"

[ooc]Kae can drink his extract, and for a couple minutes, Kae can move at "half speed" and check for traps while moving 35 ft/round due to having a +40 to his base land speed. So Kae can walk with the group while still taking extra care to search for traps.

1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 1 = 25

If he sees a trap he'll ask brett to check and aid in disabling it.
Disable device to disarm
1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 = 20

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

Kae makes the assist

Str check

"Brett, can you find a way to lock the gate open?" Suggesting a Disable Device check
"Come on through," Kae says with the gate lifted "I can check ahead carefully for traps and such, and not move too slowly"

Kae can drink his extract, and for a couple minutes, Kae can move at "half speed" and check for traps while moving 35 ft/round due to having a +40 to his base land speed. So Kae can walk with the group while still taking extra care to search for traps.


If he sees a trap he'll ask brett to check and aid in disabling it.
Disable device to disarm

Brett will search for a locking mechanism - but he is not happy - he does not want to rush off too soon without gathering some information about what is to come - and was in the process of discovering that information from the girl he was talking to - he hoped she could just tell them where the traps were, if any - and possibly a way to open the bars - or hold them open.

Still - as he goes to search - she will watch a moment, then move to aid him. Moving past the gate - but saying nothing, she reaches inside behind a small alcove - pulls something - and you hear a groaning lock - the gate seems to be held upright...

Kae - you are now free to move down the passage as quickly as you like. Brett will move to aid you soon, but he is taking a moment to alert the others, gather any other tools or weapons that could aid him - and trying to give the girl he found some possible gear/weapons so that she is not completely defenseless - then telling the rest of the party the plans to advance down the tunnel, in case they wonder what is going on...

Kae - you would have easily succeeded on the roll - but how do you have a +6 to strength? Even if you had "Enlarge Person" still activated - that only grants you a +2 bonus to strength. Sorry - I'm confused here on where you got the additional +4 to Strength - I thought you already burned all your rage?

The rest of you?

What - specifically - will you all be doing at this time? Just trying to get everything put together...

Male commoner 1

Kae's mutagen lasts for 20 minutes, and he took it at the begining of the fight. It grants him a +6 to str.

Arasmes will go with Brett and Kae, with Cali by his side.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh and Isani will heed Brett's instruction to follow him and Kae down the tunnel. Dior will also follow. They will move as follows: Dior, Isani and then Ariarh (ensuring the priestess is safely ensconced between them).

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Catching up now. WIll post shortly.

waiph wrote:
Kae's mutagen lasts for 20 minutes, and he took it at the begining of the fight. It grants him a +6 to str.

Ah! Very good... Okay then, no worries. As of when you took it - it's now been about 5 minutes - since the fight, the healing, figuring out how to open the door - and so on...

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Shaezon has been abnormally quiet (since I had a tabletop game yesterday.), but he follows with the group. When they begin to enter the tunnel he snaps his fingers and four torch-like balls of light come into being. Unless otherwise asked he keeps them just in front of the group to illuminate the tunnel ahead. (perhaps 120 feet in front of the group.)

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Husband is leaving for a trip in about an hour and I've got no plans today. If you wanted to do something via Skype, play with map tools, or whatever I'm open to it.

So – let me explain… Wait – no time – let me sum up...

Shaezon –

The spell is cast – and you can see that the Apes are not happy. Clearly the seem to be perceiving magic as de facto evil – though you do notice that their chief – this “Khang” – is keeping his folk in check – he seems like the most intelligent of the group; and the most reasonable besides… He seems to also assure them that if you wanted to kill them with magic – and could have – you would have done so already. This seems to calm them down.

Your spell has the ability to rush ahead of the group – even though the details quickly fade from your vision as the tunnel stretches in the distance. You can see easily that there are torches, recently lit – every 50 feet.

You don’t know – but you suspect – that the torches may have been lit by the two who ran down the tunnel – hoping their boss would follow.

At the time of your entrance – the tunnel stretches back roughly 200 feet, and makes a rather sharp turn to the left.

Arasmes and Cali –

For now I will suspect you mean Cali is metaphorically by your side. The tunnel is 10 feet wide – which means you can travel in front of her – or behind her. In this case – just let me know your preference.

Kae and Clari –

Kae – I am assuming that you have point at this time – with your reach weapons – your high hit points – and your Trapfinding out – it makes sense. However – I am not sure where Clari will be – just let me know…

Ariarh, Isani and Dior –

You have declared your marching order – so that’s no worries there – however; Ariarh – you sense that Dior is unusually suspicious around the girl Brett is helping… Ry - you suspect it may have something to do with what he wants to tell you from before.

Brett and the apes – and the girl

Currently the apes have moved in last – behind all – Grod bringing up the rear. They all seem suspicious – but are willing to help you with your mission – also – according to Khang – there seems little choice – after all – where will they go next?

The girl herself has taken a sword, wrapped her body with a cloak, and cinched the belt straps of some armor that she picked up from the “blue guy” over the cloak a bit awkwardly –she is now wearing it and the sword. The process was a bit longer then some of you may like – but she is at least armed and armored.

Meanwhile – as the party advances – Brett continues to ask the girl specific questions about what may be ahead – including traps and other “Nasty surprises”. She is talking to him, but the two speak quietly so their voices don't echo and it is difficult to hear them well, even as you advance.

For the next move I need a Perception Check from Isani and Arasmes only, please; no matter where you are in marching order - though your position in the marching can theoretically effect the Perception Roll via distance. What will be noticed is something only these two could pick up on - and no one else in the group.

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

...to preempt you *in my most obnoxious voice* "I'm sorry but the DC was 31.

Also if it has been more than 6 minutes since the start of combat Cali is back to medium size.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Perception 1d20+10

...to preempt you *in my most obnoxious voice* "I'm sorry but the DC was 31.

Also if it has been more than 6 minutes since the start of combat Cali is back to medium size.

That's hillarious - I glanced - saw the 31 - and thought - ooh I should totally tell him the DC was 31 - then I read the rest of your post. Awesome!

To All - especially Arasmes and Isani -

While it is almost 100% sure that you both beat the DC - my only concern was that I was looking for a formal marching order.

So far I have in the front line

Kae - and potentially someone else

In the rear I have Grod -

In front of Grod I have Dhoj and Khang

In front of Dhoj and Khang I have Brett and the girl -

And I know that Dior is walking followed by Isani - then Dior -

I have no idea where either Isani or Arasmes are in relation to the rest of the party.

Also - as the hallyway is 10 feet wide - you could have someone next to you.


Marching order - please... From all - top to bottom

In the rear is Grod, then Dhoj/Khang, then Brett/Girl - then... Who? Who comes next... ?

To Arasmes and Isani

You can hear vague snatches of the conversation between the girl and Brett - they are speaking in hushed whispers so their voices do not echo.

You are able to note 2 things about the girl's voice -

1. Based on her word choice - you believe that she is not very fluent in Common - even though she is speaking it now.

2. You believe that you can detect a trace of an Osirini accent in her words - you believe she had learned common from folk who spoke Osirini - or perhaps folk from the desert...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Dior, Isani and Ariarh would be directly behind Brett and the girl in that order. So it would be Brett, Snake Girl, Dior, Isani, Ariarh ...

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dior, Isani and Ariarh would be directly behind Brett and the girl in that order. So it would be Brett, Snake Girl, Dior, Isani, Ariarh ...

Okay - in that case you are followed by Dhoj/Khang - then Grod in the end.

Sounds good!

Arasmes will be behind Cali who will be next to Kae.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Shae should be somewhere in the middle.

If the hallway is sufficiently lit Shae will extinguish the dancing lights with a look of concession to the ape leader.

Mister is on Shae's shoulders and can see in the dark.

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Mister's perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
Arasmes will be behind Cali who will be next to Kae.

Good - in which case you have Kae/Clari



The party advances downward - you eventually come to a fairly sharp turn to the left.

On turning to the left you see another two sets of torches - again - 50 feet down from your position - then the hallway widens out.

The hallway dead-ends at a barred gate. The gate is in the center of a metal framework that stretches across the entire hallway.

The gate is locked, and fairly sturdy.

It house a small chamber - roughly 40 feet square.

You can see that on the opposite side of the chamber is another caged wall, with an iron gate in it.

You would think that 40 foot room is a guard room. It seems that you can lock the gate from the inside - and a small group could hold the chamber - preventing any attack with some ease, for even if you could break into the room - the guardians could simply rush out the back gate, and down the hall.

However - the room is empty now - though the gate is currently locked.

Inside you see some small cots, a few chests - and a few barrels.

There is no sign of the enemy - but the tunnel continues farther down beyond the cage.

Kae - At this time it is roughly 6 minutes sense you have tasted the mutagen....

HP: 47 AC: 14 Hexblade 5

Clari would be behind Caliphana. Cali is slightly more robust than the elf, and she is not really 100% at the moment, having spent most of her resources

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Can tiny Mister slip through the bars of the locked gate/s and do some stealthy reconnaissance work up ahead while Brett tries to pick the lock of the gate since he's good at that kind of thing? We could then get Mister to telepathically relay what he sees up ahead to the rest of the group.

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Can tiny Mister slip through the bars of the locked gate/s and do some stealthy reconnaissance work up ahead while Brett tries to pick the lock of the gate since he's good at that kind of thing? We could then get Mister to telepathically relay what he sees up ahead to the rest of the group.

DM, Can he?

Mister can slip through the locks - he'll need to roll an "Escape Artist Check" - DC 15.

Also - Brett will agree to try to pick the lock - but would rather check for traps... Before he advances to do so - he casts a spell and searches at range...

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

for his search at 20 feet...

However - even as he does so, the girl elbows her way up past the others to flank Brett, and stands next to him. You are not sure - but the fact that he may have saved her life seems to have inspired her to respect him somehow...

You notice the apes do not like her - and Dior seems edgy around her - but she ignores them and flanks Brett, her hand casually resting on her sword hilt.

"Aye - don't look like any traps on the bloody thing - looks like ye be right again, lass," Brett says to the girl.

She merely shrugs, watching the others under long lashes which veil her snake-like eyes...

"Still - doesn't hurt to be sure, eh?"

"Mister - if ye can get past the gate - ye may be able to find a locking mechanism inside - the gates lock pretty easy from the inside - and it may speed things up..." he adds to Mister.

If Mister is able to get inside - he can try to find the locking mechanism - which is supposed to be just around the corner.

Mister tries to slip through the bars.

Escape artist 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Edit: That's supposed to be a +2, not +3. Still success though. ;-)

Mister is inside the room... In due time he can find the locking mechanism.

Though it is locked - Mister can lift it with a basic Strength check of 10.

If he lifts the lever, it will throw the gate open, and you can move through.

The gate is only 5 feet in width - however - as is the gate on the opposite side.

You suspect this is because guards can flank the doorway with reach weapons or ranged weapons to fire/attack anyone who decides to charge.

The problem is that to pass through the entrance of the gate - you must be a medium sized creature - or smaller.

This could be a difficulty for Cali... who is currently a large sized creature.

It should be noted that Mister can see that the tunnel travels fairly due west - even as you have been walking due west since the left turn - for roughly 300 feet or so - though, more then that - you cannot say...

Strength 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17

Try 2 if needed

Strength 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

Try 3 if needed

Strength 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani having noted the underlying accent of the girl standing by Councilman Rowan asks her questions gently in Osiriani, hoping to gauge if she knows the language intimately.

"Excuse me, Miss, do you know where these tunnels lead? Have you been taken through them before by your captors?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Sense Motive if she answers: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Mister wrote:

Strength 1d20-2

Try 2 if needed

Strength 1d20-2

Try 3 if needed

Strength 1d20-2

The door is pried open - and the gate is now unlatched - the party can now advance inside as they please...

What shall be done with Cali at this time? You may be able to break the bars apart - but it will not be easy - they are deep inside the rock walls.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:

What shall be done with Cali at this time? You may be able to break the bars apart - but it will not be easy - they are deep inside the rock walls.

Arasmes mentioned that Cali was only enlarged for 6 mins from the beginning of combat. Does that not mean she is now back to her normal size?

Isani Isu wrote:

Isani having noted the underlying accent of the girl standing by Councilman Rowan asks her questions gently in Osiriani, hoping to gauge if she knows the language intimately.

** spoiler omitted **

"I know where they lead... yes; they lead to the western entrance... exit - if that is right word... But that is way they lead... she answers in broken Common, not speaking Osiriani - but her accent is more clear at this time... her words sound similar to your own...

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

What shall be done with Cali at this time? You may be able to break the bars apart - but it will not be easy - they are deep inside the rock walls.

Arasmes mentioned that Cali was only enlarged for 6 mins from the beginning of combat. Does that not mean she is now back to her normal size?

Cali was dismissed - then re-summoned via the spell. As I understand it - and I could be wrong - any bonus she gains in this Plane - via magic - goes away when she returns to her own Plane. Now that she has been re-summoned via the spell - she should be her normal size.

However - I was under the impression that she was already considered a "large creature" - if she is in fact medium - then the concerns voiced about her size won't matter.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Dain GM wrote:
However - I was under the impression that she was already considered a "large creature" - if she is in fact medium - then the concerns voiced about her size won't matter.

So if she is large as per normal, then she cannot fit through the gate? Are our new allies, the ape men, strong enough to sunder the bars from deep within the rock? Could not Cali do this herself? I thought she was pretty strong. I suppose only Ras could answer the questions about Cali.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3
Anaitis nes-Ma’at wrote:
"I know where they lead... yes; they lead to the western entrance... exit - if that is right word... But that is way they lead... she answers in broken Common, not speaking Osiriani - but her accent is more clear at this time... her words sound similar to your own...

So she understood the language and either could not speak it directly or refused to ...

Isani continues in the Common tongue, "How heavily manned are these tunnels generally? Are the passageways guarded or warded magically? Did you witness what happened to the young, white haired dragon girl? Was she still alive upon last sighting?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Dain GM wrote:
However - I was under the impression that she was already considered a "large creature" - if she is in fact medium - then the concerns voiced about her size won't matter.
So if she is large as per normal, then she cannot fit through the gate? Are our new allies, the ape men, strong enough to sunder the bars from deep within the rock? Could not Cali do this herself? I thought she was pretty strong. I suppose only Ras could answer the questions about Cali.

Right now - I may not be correct on her size - she may be in fact medium sized - I don't know - yet.

However - while it is likely that the combined strength of your allies could sunder the bars - the real issue is what it would do the roof itself - as they are wedged inside the stone, and fairly deeply.

Perhaps the roof wouldn't collapse with a cave-in - but, it may...

Also - this is all dependent on Cali's actual size - which I am still not sure about. Remember - "Large" size creatures occupy a 10x10 space - but I'm not sure on Cali's current size, either.

Isani Isu wrote:
Anaitis nes-Ma’at wrote:
"I know where they lead... yes; they lead to the western entrance... exit - if that is right word... But that is way they lead... she answers in broken Common, not speaking Osiriani - but her accent is more clear at this time... her words sound similar to your own...

So she understood the language and either could not speak it directly or refused to ...

Isani continues in the Common tongue, "How heavily manned are these tunnels generally? Are the passageways guarded or warded magically? Did you witness what happened to the young, white haired dragon girl? Was she still alive upon last sighting?"

Diplomacy: 1d20+12
Sense Motive: 1d20+8

The girl seems confused at all the questions – but she does the best to answer them.

”Tunnels have guards – yes – but they will not be in tunnels now – but by west gate… Wait for Amun – who is now dead… they not know – but they wait, I think…”

”Maybe they use arcana to guard the paths – but I do not know this true or not… I think no – they are warriors – not magi…. They will fight, not use arcana…”

”I saw the Wadjet Ata taken – they do not kill – she is worth much – to the god's ways – blood is… how you say… spiritual currency? Her blood is worth high price – they not spend it cheaply… She be alive I think – until they need to end her – but they will not do so without word – her blood is too high a price…”

Wadjet Ata – roughly means – the Princess Snake Goddess

You sense no lie from her... and you believe she speaks the truth...

Male commoner 1

cali's medium so its not a problem

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