Wrath of Righteous
Game Master
Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]
Sorry to announce this, but I am retiring from GMing, from both my games; Rise of the Runelords and Wrath of the Righteous.
The reasons are that I am just tired, and it is has become too much for me to do. I will be 72 in a few months, and have completely lost all motivation to continue.
If you find another GM, have them PM me and I will give them the details on where the PCs are and what is remaining. Both games are in the last area for Book 3, and then some RP before moving on to Book 4.
-- david
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
I think that's totally understandable and I don't begrudge your retirement in the least. I hope that you continue to enjoy your campground stuff, though! Thank you very much for all the time and effort you've spent keeping us going for half this entire adventure path; it's honestly the furthest I've ever had one go!
And it's for that reason, and the fact that we're pretty much still our original group, that I'd hate to see this die out. If everyone else isn't into the idea, that's fine, but as for me I wouldn't mind trying to find another GM to keep us going.
What do y'all think?
Male Half-Elf Cleric of Iomedea 11/Heirophant 4 | AC 30 T 14 FF 28 | HP 138/138 | F +12 R +5 W +14 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Channel 5/10 | 3/11 Mythic Points
I completely understand!
Its been a good 4.5 years! Thank you for GMing and I hope you enjoy all the time with your grandchild!
Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 12/ Archmage 5 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | HP 104/104| Fort + 7 Ref + 8 Will + 11 | Init + 7 | Perc +10 | Mythic Power: 13/13;
Thank you for running for us! I had a blast, and completely understand where you are coming from. I wish you the best and I hope that you enjoy your retirement.
I am okay with attempting to find another GM.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Thank you for running and for letting me in, David!! It's been a delight.
I'm good with looking for another GM as well.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
Seems like the consensus is to find another GM; I won't be able to post a thread asking for it until tonight after work, but I'd be glad to make that post at that time.
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
Did a DM recruitment thread ever go up? I don't mind posting one just wanted to make sure we are not double recruiting. :)
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
I don't believe one did, and I am all for you posting one. Let's find us a GM!!
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
Recruitment Thread located HERE.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
We've had a GM express interest in taking over for DRB. I've made a brief comment; y'all might want to also.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Sorry everyone I wanted to start back up on Monday. Let’s make a go date for June 24. Is everyone good with that?
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
Sounds good to me! Again, Thanks for taking us on!
I'll have a post up this afternoon.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Sorry. I’ll have a post up in the morning. I’m half asleep and going to bed.
Working on a post. Seems like we have a lengthy and complicated battle going on. Bare with me as I work my way through it. It will get easier for me as we move unto book 4.
I was working on my update earlier when I was notified I was needed elsewhere. They obviously can't see I have important DM stuff to do. Anyway, I'm half way done with my update so I will have it up tonight.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
RL comes first! Do what it needs; we’ll keep. ;)
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
Do what you need to do! I am just happy that we are continuing.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
Agreed! Sorry that I took so long to jump in here guys; been on vacation to Daytona Beach. Back home now, though, so I'm definitely ready for moving forward whenever things are good.
Promise I’ll have an update up today. I’ve learned that one should not update while under the influence of sleepiness.
I have posted an update. I'll be honest and say I've never had to GM something as complicated as that so that was fun. I can guarantee i missed something. If you see a mistake please point it out and we can get it fixed.
I have put colored borders around all enemies to make it easier for calling out attacks on single or multiple targets. If you could just put the color of what you are attacking when you that would make my life a little easier. You can put that into OOC if you want.
After we get through this battle and the rest of this book it will be easier for me. That way I am not getting thrown right into the thick of battle.
Post in the discussion so I can fix anything that I messed up or forgot so we don't clog up the gameplay thread. Thanks for bearing with me and we will be on our way to book 4 in no time.
GM Grumpelstiltzkin
Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 12/ Archmage 5 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | HP 104/104| Fort + 7 Ref + 8 Will + 11 | Init + 7 | Perc +10 | Mythic Power: 13/13;
Looks like you forgot Xang's save vs steal power
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
And the bad guys' actions and what they do to us!! ;)
I guess that would probably help too.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
Is there a map so we can see positions?
Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 12/ Archmage 5 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | HP 104/104| Fort + 7 Ref + 8 Will + 11 | Init + 7 | Perc +10 | Mythic Power: 13/13;
Here is the last copy of the map that I have from when we were playing:
I have sent an email to customer service to get this campaign transferred over to me. I will have links posted for easier reference when it is. Hang in there everyone, we will get through this rough spot.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
Sounds good! Thanks again for taking this over for us, Rumpel!
I couldn’t pass up the group. Starting Wednesday I’m on vacation so I’ll be able to fix what we have going on here.
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
Hope you have an awesome vacation! Is it our turn again? Just wanna make sure.
Campaign is officially mine. Everyone can make actions and I will finish and fix what is needed. I’ll be at the beach this week so my posting will be spotty.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
You sure? Because we all just went, and the bad guys haven't done anything. I did notice a few rolls for the mooks, but I wasn't sure what those were for.
Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 12/ Archmage 5 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | HP 104/104| Fort + 7 Ref + 8 Will + 11 | Init + 7 | Perc +10 | Mythic Power: 13/13;
I also would like to know if Xang was affected by my steal power spell. It does hinge upon what I am planning to do, because if I get more mythic points, I will have more flexibility to cast more spells.
I’m back from the beach. Sorry about the not posting. I’m currently on vacation until the 20th so we are trying to fit in as much as possible with the kids until then. I don’t think I have anything planned tomorrow so I’ll try and get this fixed and my actions posted.
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
Take your time and enjoy the time with family.
Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 12/ Archmage 5 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | HP 104/104| Fort + 7 Ref + 8 Will + 11 | Init + 7 | Perc +10 | Mythic Power: 13/13;
I am helping my mother move out of my childhood home this weekend. Unfortunately I am unable to dedicate any mental capacity to anything other than trying to solider through this mess of a move. Please bot me as necessary, I will be back by Friday, August 2, 2019.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
I'm not so certain we haven't lost GrumpelStiltzkin before we restarted. :/
You haven’t lost me. I’ve been meaning to get an update up, but just back from vacation into chaos as work. My apologies. I’ll try my hardest to get an update up this weekend.
Working on an update. It seems the campaign was transferred to the wrong GM. I’ve sent another email to have it fixed. When it does I’ll put up a link to the maps.
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Ah-ha!! Thanks for going through all this, Grumpel. :)
I’m just sorry I haven’t given you updates. When I saw and read about your group I just couldn’t pass up a group as dedicated as this. Even if I haven’t DMd a group as high as this it’s still worth it. It’ll be better when we get to book 4. I’ll have a way to keep me more organized. I tend write a lot of script ahead of time to make posting simpler for me. I just appreciate everyone being patient with me. I thank you for that.
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
@GMGrumple: Would it be easier for you to handwave this encounter and start again right after it?
Sad to say, but that would help tremendously. Every time I sit down to work on something it seems something else pops up. After this battle there is some RP and searching. Is everyone ok with a one time hand wave? Then onto book 4 after some RP?
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)
I'd be alright with a one-time handwave on a fight. Honestly it's kinda difficult to get back into the groove of the thing anyway since it's been so long since we've really been in it and I can certainly see where it'd be hard to figure out what exactly is going on from the bad guy side of things, coming into it in the middle of the encounter as you are.
Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)
I can't remember anything about the encounter and I was here from the get-go! It would be almost impossible to jump in and run the dang thing! This way you can start fresh with the story you want to tell...
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
I'm good with a bit of Applied Handwavium.