DM Panic's PbP Gameday 4 Siege of Serpents (Inactive)

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Recruitment for Gameday IV, Siege of Serpents special, starting in mid-Sept along with the beginning of the gameday.

Targeting the 3-4 or 5-6 subtier.

Is there a sign up sheet?

I have a level 3 Magus and a level 4.2 Ranger that should be ready by gameday. The ranger will be level 5 once she completes her current module.

I'll just muster off the Flaxseed Gameday Sheet to prevent having to maintain and keep multiple sheets synchronized.

Assuming we get 3-4 players, you're in!

Bumping as I'm still in the market for players for the special to start on Sept 19th.

Looking at either 3-4 or 5-6 subtier, regular (non-core) run at this time.

Still looking for players. Open to the subtier we muster.

I want to play and I don't know what any of that tier stuff is. What do you need from me?

Which PFS characters you'd be interested in playing, and what levels they are? :)

Shameless bump to attract some other interested players.

It appears the multi-table event will begin Nov 5th.

Liberty's Edge

I have a character Level 4 available.

Sounds good, I see your name on the muster list.

For those of you who have posted here, feel free to post your possible PC list for the muster and chat amongst yourselves. As far as I'm handling recruiting, it's first come first serve, so you 3 are all in.

DM Panic, I've also signed up (on the muster list).

So is the start date when you have enough players, or Nov. 5?

I believe it's Nov 5th when all the PbP Gameday specials will begin.

The discussion thread is open, so please everyone check in and begin to settle on the characters you'd like to or are willing to bring so we can determine our final subtier.

I am new to this. I can make up a character. What do I need to do? As I am new I would like to start at level 1.

Can we play a pregen?

Pre-gens are absolutely allowed.

The way pre-gens work will be the folks who aren't playing pre-gens will decide on their characters, and then you'll get the pre-gens of the appropriate level.

Based on interest/comments, I'd suspect you'd be playing the level 4 pre-gens.

Working to complete the muster on this one. I believe we have somewhere between 3-5 players and room for 1-3 more depending on who completes checking in.

Here's the current muster for the special:

PatheticWretch: Barbarian 4 OR Barbarian 1/Sorcerer 4
Baerlie: Alchemist 5 OR Ranger 5
chadius: Urban Ranger 5
D'tang: (Whatever is needed?)
Grothik: (Pre-gen?)

@D'tang/Grothik: Please check in when you read this so I can cement your sign-ups.

Next person beyond the above list to express interest on a character will automatically be in, as well.

Liberty's Edge

Here's my Barbarian 4...looking likely to be this character for a Nov 5 start date.

Hi, i'm interested in playing this scenario. I guess i'd be playing a pre-gen, i'm open to whatever class the party feels it needs (except I don't like prepared full casters).

I can post once a day at least, except Sundays which will be spotty.

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