DM Kaavek’s Scales of War (Inactive)

Game Master Kaavek

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Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

Good luck with your move, Zalindra!

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That’s okay Zal, good luck with the move!

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Cecilia has no objections to putting Kartenix out of his misery, now that we have 100% confirmed he is undead.

Also, in regards to Aelion saying that Cecilia is the best bard, I fully admit that I steal all of her songs from other websites (sometimes after a few tweaks). So I'm not sure my character really has any claim to that title. :P

Apologies for any delays in posting on my part. My partner is still really sick and we've found out that it's probably (at least partly) a reaction to some mould we found growing in the house.

We've been doing a lot of driving around trying to get in to see doctors and sort out some emergency accommodation so I haven't had a lot of time to do anything but look after them.

It looks like you're still sorting out your moral dilemma with Kartenix for the moment, I'll try and keep things moving as best I can once you've made the final call.

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

I hope your partner gets well quickly, DM Kaavek. And that you can deal with the mold somehow - it can be tricky sometimes.

Cecilia: The scandal! ;P

Just to let you guys know, I may be traveling the week after next. I'll keep you posted.

Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait

I hope things get better for you.

Dwarf NG 1st Rng(Trp)|HP:9/13| F:+5 R:+4 W:+2|AC:18(ff:16,T:12)|Init:+2 Perc:+6(+7[+9])|Waraxe+5(1d10+2)

Wow, that does not sound good. Mold is a pain in the butt, but if properly cleaned should not cause any more problems.

As for your partner, I hope they get better. NO one likes to be sick, save for the jello and ice cream part. Who doesn't love jello and ice cream

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

I will indeed be traveling next week. Please bot Aelion as needed.

Map Town Map Female Human Sharper Unchained Rogue 1 | HP -6/10 | CMB 1 / CMD 14 | AC 15 / T 13 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +6 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Effects: None

Flying to Vancouver in the morning to help my brother. Not sure if I will have a chance to post from there or not, so might be essentially offline until the 4th. Apologies for the late notice. Please bot me as needed.

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Hi all, I was hoping to get a post up today but time has escaped me and I didn't get to finish it.

I'll try again tomorrow, perhaps Javos will get a chance to post his actions for round one by then.

Sorry I haven’t had a chance to post the next round yet. I’m a bit disappointed Javos has failed to post again. I thought inviting him back would make things easier for me as with less time to post it’s harder to worry about botting so many PCs.

Would anyone be interested in covering/taking over for Javos and Ingra?

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

No worries, Kaavek! We're not in a hurry! ^_^

I could control Javos or Ingra (I can do both if no one else is interested) if that would make things easier. ;)

Thanks Cecilia, Javos and Ingra's tokens are set to controllable by all players now so you should be able to move them on the battle map.

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Just finished doing their turns. If anyone notices a mistake, let me know ;)

Thanks so much! Only mistake I see is mine, I listed both hobgoblins as being at 11/17 HP during the second round despite them taking no damage, which means Ingra's hit will only take purple down to 4 HP.

Sorry for the delays, my partner and I are travelling for more medical appointments and tests and have had very limited internet access where we’re staying. Hoping to get a chance to post soon.

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Hope everything is ok with you and your significant other, Kaavek. :)

Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait

Yes, look after yourself first. I hope things get better for you.

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

I hope you and your partner get well soon!

Female Dwarf Warpriest 1 HP: 6/13 |AC: 16 (20) (tch 10, ff 16) | CMB: 0, CMD 12 (16) | F: +5 R: +0 W: +5 | Init +0 | Perc: +4, darkvision | Spd: 20ft. | Active Conditions: None |

Hey guys, sorry for the vanishing act.

Medical issues arise right after I started Uni and that's been my life for the past like 5 months?

Setting Copperhair was super confusing XD

But just letting you know that I can reappear if needed.

I'll only be active in one or two campaigns instead of the 7 or something I was in before I vanished.

Otherwise I'm really sorry. And really grateful for the DM allowing this character to be created.

I’m happy to welcome Ingra back as a PC, it’s not like I’d written you out yet or anything. Gosh, it’s been quite a year for our group here it seems, sorry to hear the bad fortune has struck you too!

Female Dwarf Warpriest 1 HP: 6/13 |AC: 16 (20) (tch 10, ff 16) | CMB: 0, CMD 12 (16) | F: +5 R: +0 W: +5 | Init +0 | Perc: +4, darkvision | Spd: 20ft. | Active Conditions: None |

How is everyone still on level 1 XD

Also yes but if someone could give a recap of knowledge that Ingra would know that'd be awesome.

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

Yoink! Taking a longbow!

I have to get to work, but post coming this evening.

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Now that she has discovered just how much time and effort it will take to open these sarcophagi, Cecilia will probably want to continue, and deal with this crypt later.

I'll post again later (probably after Aelion). ;)

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

Wow. I posted after the maintenance goblins released the forums, and it looked like my post went through, but now it's just... gone???

WTF. I guess I'll post again...

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Has the website finally stabilised? I haven't been able to post in at least 10 days.

EDIT - Looks like its mostly working. I'll post a little later today.

Dwarf NG 1st Rng(Trp)|HP:9/13| F:+5 R:+4 W:+2|AC:18(ff:16,T:12)|Init:+2 Perc:+6(+7[+9])|Waraxe+5(1d10+2)

I am here. And I hope the site is gonna stay up for awhile

Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait

Fingers crossed.

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

First time I've been able to post since the 18th! :O

Map Town Map Female Human Sharper Unchained Rogue 1 | HP -6/10 | CMB 1 / CMD 14 | AC 15 / T 13 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +6 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Effects: None

Yeah. Still seems to be unstable.

Dwarf NG 1st Rng(Trp)|HP:9/13| F:+5 R:+4 W:+2|AC:18(ff:16,T:12)|Init:+2 Perc:+6(+7[+9])|Waraxe+5(1d10+2)

I am here again..for however longer that lasts

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Not seeing much activity here. Let us know if something is wrong, Kaavek. ;)

Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait

Ditto. I'm hoping we can get moving again.

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Sorry for disappearing! I tried to post an update but it didn’t go through and the next time I had a chance to log in the website was down.

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks off the grid and out of cell reception but I’m back now and hoping to get things moving again here soon!

I need to catch some sleep first, it’s nearly midnight here, but getting a post up in the gameplay thread is my top priority tomorrow morning!

Dwarf NG 1st Rng(Trp)|HP:9/13| F:+5 R:+4 W:+2|AC:18(ff:16,T:12)|Init:+2 Perc:+6(+7[+9])|Waraxe+5(1d10+2)

I understand and the website down part is greatly understandable was almost a week straight

Female Changeling Witch 1 | 7/7 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 15, CMD 11 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2 | Init +6 | Senses; Darkvision 60ft., Perception +0 (+2 when in arm's reach of familiar) | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

Posting just to check in as still-here~

And yeah, that forum outage was something fierce.

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Glad to see things are up and running again. I forgot how much fun I was having with your campaign, Kaavek :)

Also, I apparently just had Cecilia compliment Rhona for charging into battle, when it was actually Ingra who did it. My bad!

Female Changeling Witch 1 | 7/7 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 15, CMD 11 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2 | Init +6 | Senses; Darkvision 60ft., Perception +0 (+2 when in arm's reach of familiar) | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

In your defense... they both look exactly alike!

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Female Dwarf Warpriest 1 HP: 6/13 |AC: 16 (20) (tch 10, ff 16) | CMB: 0, CMD 12 (16) | F: +5 R: +0 W: +5 | Init +0 | Perc: +4, darkvision | Spd: 20ft. | Active Conditions: None |

Us dwarves all look tha same do we?

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Dwarf NG 1st Rng(Trp)|HP:9/13| F:+5 R:+4 W:+2|AC:18(ff:16,T:12)|Init:+2 Perc:+6(+7[+9])|Waraxe+5(1d10+2)

My my I think that is exactly what they are saying Ingra

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Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||
Ingra Stormstone wrote:
Us dwarves all look tha same do we?

You said it. Not me. :P

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Female Changeling Witch 1 | 7/7 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 15, CMD 11 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2 | Init +6 | Senses; Darkvision 60ft., Perception +0 (+2 when in arm's reach of familiar) | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

As a little mass-post for the games I'm active in: As some of you may know, I live in Georgia and Hurricane Michael is inbound for us. Exciting! After the storms from Irma it took about 3~ days to get electricity and internet back, so if I don't check in after Wednesday assume I am without power and may be for a few days, and bot me freely so I don't hold things up.

(and don't worry about me, I stocked up on delicious things like chocolate-peanut butter protein bars, fresh fruit, cookies, and cheese crackers, as well as a probably excessive amount of bottled water. And books. Remember folks: the more you prepare for a long-term power outage, the less likely it is to happen.)

Stay safe Dayana, glad to hear you’re well prepared.

Battle map elf unchained monk (zen archer) 1 || hps:10/10 || AC: 15|15|14 || For:+2 | Ref:+4 | Wil:+4 || Per:+10 low-light vision, Init:+1, CMD:14 || Portrait

Good luck Dayana! Stay safe!

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Hope the storm passes you by without incident, Dayana.

Also, thank you to Morgrym for the Animate Rope spell. That might have literally saved my character's life. ;)

Kaavek, should I roll an Escape Artist Skill Check to untangle Cecilia from these ropes? I'm happy to do so.

I guess you have to, yeah, Morgrym's spell would wear off and leave you safely entangled. Untangling yourself without falling the rest of the way down is going to be a full round action, Escape Artist DC 20.

Battle Map Female Human Bard (Sound Striker) || HP: 10/10 || AC: 18 |14 |14 || For: +1 | Ref: +6 | Wil: +1 || CMB: +6 CMD: 15 || Perception: +3 || Bardic Performance 0/7 Rounds Remaining ||

Let's roll those digital dice then! :P

EDIT - Of course I would roll a Natural 1. By the way, does anyone know if Javos is carrying a bow? It doesn't say anything on his alias, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has one.

If he didn't start with one, it's certainly possible for him to have picked one up along the way. One of the hobgoblins' longbows from the last fight, for instance.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Could Morgrym spend a move action to direct the rope to release her safely? Or a standard (or even a full, I guess?) if necessary? Having her dangling is better than falling, but I feel like I've gone dragon fishing...

I thought so at first. But Animate Rope only lasts one round at first level, and you can only give it one command each round, so since you commanded it to catch her last round, I think that's all you get.

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