Dinvirte Babriote |
We've found several we like. It's the price that is the problem.
On a whim we looked in the neighborhood where my wife's grandparents live (a really bad neighborhood) and they were asking ~200k for 1000' ft homes.
It blows my mind how much they want in an area where houses are regularly broken into.
@Ingra I moved out when I was 18. I've never looked back. It's awesome.
Zalindra Freston |
Good luck finding something that works for you. In New York that would be an amazing, screaming deal. In rural Montana, that would be a robbery, so just depends on the area you are in. Guessing it feels closer to robbery wherever you are. :)
Mortgages are scary anyway, of course.
Dayana Elerye |
Perhaps the real criteria for joining Scales of War was to be looking/soon to be looking for a new residence :P
So far my family's househunting has been pretty casual, but we'll probably get more serious when Spring comes and it stops being so darn cold all the time.
@Ingra: No kitty? NOOOOOO.
Ingra Stormstone |
Like that little reference about die controlling them XD
Ikr! Beautiful ragdoll cat I've had for a little over 6 years. But there's about 5x more options if you take out 'allows pets' because everything I can afford-ish are flats.
I'd feel better with her here though. The road is quite, and so is the street regarding people, children, dogs etc. Lots of greenery. She's been here almost 4 years, so I know she'll be safe here.
She can't go back to being an indoor cat, she'd always be trying to get out and not want to come back in.
Hopefully it should be fine.
Javos Kincade |
If you can find someone to declare your cat a 'support animal' you can move in anywhere. They can't deny support animals even if they say no pets. Just going to throw that one out there for you...
P.S. I once saw someone who had a goat as a support animal. Much jokes about what kind of support he gave were had.
Aelion Kinandev |
DM, can I use Aelion's Perception check to try to find any survivors?
Kra'el Blackscale |
Is there anything a local would automatically know about the relics? Cecilia probably knows a lot more than Kra'el here.
Aelion Kinandev |
Sorry everyone, I got walloped by busyness today, and I need to get some sleep now. Please assume Aelion shares what he learns with everyone.
Javos Kincade |
Whatever you say Bro-Chacho.
Kra'el Blackscale |
I'm struggling to figure out what Kra'el does here. He feels a deep responsibility to the people. I don't know if he could bear standing at the gate while others go out into danger.
Javos Kincade |
I'm struggling because of the age old mantra of RPG everywhere: NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY.
Ingra Stormstone |
Sorry For the conundrum XD
Its just what she'd do. DM said the sun has long since set. No point taking characters without low light or dark vision cause they wouldn't be able to see a damn thing and just be a hindrance in the track and in the fight.
It's a situation of speed to catch up to the goblins, so slow characters are going to make no in game sense either. And clumsy characters with no stealth also run the risk of alerting the goblins.
Ingra is impatient but knows enough to know what a search and rescue team should be made of and the necessity of action to help the city vs helping someone who they may not even find.
Tl:dr When chasing people in the dark take fast stealthy people who can see
Ingra Stormstone |
For now it looks like we have
Ingra - melee
Kra'el - melee
Din - caster
Dayana - caster/debuff
Low light
Aelion - range
Jathal - range/melee
Normal sight
Cecilia - buff
Zelindra - range
Javos - melee
So this is where I point out that Ingra's nor necessarily racist buuut that looks like a but ton more can see in the dark than can't.
I mean, 3 is a good size group to go back to the market.
And 6 is good for going off to god knows where to get some old stuff back, living or non - living lol
Sadly it's 2 of the people who care the most I the stay behind group but what can you do?
I know people hate splitting the party so I guess its GMs call but Ingra isn't going to not try just cause a few people can't come...
Zalindra Freston |
It is dim light, not pitch black as it would be in a cave. We're less effective, but not useless.
Dinvirte Babriote |
Nothing like a little bit of fear surfacing as misdirected anger to push a little bit of character development.
Also, apparently Din is somewhat scared of the dark?
Man, things get weird when you let your character write himself.
Javos Kincade |
I tried to approach the lighting conditions like a soldier would rather than the dashing hero. Which I find extremely interesting that it's sparked a discussion, lol. Especially the chart. That's great, actually.
DM Kaavek |
Thanks for the Con checks Kra'el but I doubt you will need to run for 18 whole rounds, assuming you are only trying to keep up with Aelion and Jathal. That would be enough to get you all the way to the bridges I suspect, but unless you're just taking it on faith that's exactly where the goblins went, you'll need to be following their tracks.
"You move at half your normal speed while following tracks (or at your normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice your normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check)."
You'll probably be hustling, or else cycling between a walk and a run (which works out to hustling at an overland scale anyway).
Jathal Mitheralia |
Everytime they get close Jathal speeds up again. :)
Ingra Stormstone |
Also wad not expecting to have Dayana to stay and Cecilia to come.
I mean we can still leave her at the gates I guess but after tar is gonna be an issue.
Well played in character though. You better be out of hexes Dayana! Lol
Ingra Stormstone |
Props to our awesome DM for letting the party split up and keeping each others actions secret.
If everyone's on board maybe we should all spoiler our actions so we only know what our group is doing? :p
It's only one extra tag :D
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Also wad not expecting to have Dayana to stay and Cecilia to come.
I mean we can still leave her at the gates I guess but after tar is gonna be an issue.
Well played in character though. You better be out of hexes Dayana! Lol
Haha. Yeah. The sensible thing might have been to stay, but in terms of the character it made more sense for Cecilia to come along. I'll also stick to spoilers for now, if that's what everyone wants.
And while we're on the topic. I think you've been doing an awesome job as the DM so far, Kaavek! I'm having a great time :)
Kra'el Blackscale |
I'm not going to read any spoilers for the other groups so be sure to share your experiences if relevant later!
Yeah this game is awesome so far!
I'm glad Cecilia came along. I half expected Zalindra to force herself along as well.
We'll make it work. Kra'el still has some tricks he can employ if we get into a tough spot.
Dayana Elerye |
Well played in character though. You better be out of hexes Dayana! Lol
I have an indefinite number of Evil Eyes per day, but as with every proper low level prepared caster I'm tanked on actual spells within 3 seconds of the first fight (well, I have one Charm Person left...)
7 HP bundle of squishy need not charge into further combat without mage armor or some healing prepped.
@DM_Kaavek I'm enjoying the game a ton too so far! I adore how clean and well-organized your combat posts are.
Kra'el Blackscale |
It seems like it probably at most/all posts that were made within a certain time window yesterday. I'm seeing this across several games.
Dayana Elerye |
The site was acting kind of funny earlier, yeah. Paizo must have had a forum hiccup when they fixed it. To recap what I posted in here:
@Ingra: Hexes are pretty unlimited, but Dayana has no good regular spells prepared and we're a little short on healing at present.
@DM_Kaavek: I've been having a ton of fun too! I adore how clean and well-organized your combat posts are.
I'll get what I put in gameplay rewritten when I'm off mobile.
Kra'el Blackscale |
The funny thing is that if you look at your post history, those posts don't even exist O.o
Javos Kincade |
Sorry for my absence. I have been in bed with the flu. I should be able to have a post up tomorrow. Please bot me as necessary
You too, ey? My son brought that home and passed it around. The things he decides to share, right?
DM Kaavek |
That's okay Din. Sorry to hear you and Javos are both under the weather.
I'll actually be heading to the airport early tomorrow morning and am going to be at a work conference from then until Monday so I probably won't be able to post over the next few days anyway.
The rest of you can keep posting in my absence. It seems like the interrogation group has some tactics to discuss among themselves before they figure out what they wish to ask the goblin so if they want to make a few posts each until they have a few questions ready for me to respond to, they can go ahead and do that. Don't forget to roll intimidation/diplomacy or bluff checks when you do try to communicate with your captive.
Hopefully, everyone will be ready for me to move things forward when I get back.
Dayana Elerye |
I hope you have a good trip!
And this flu going around... the hand sanitizer bin at my local drugstore has been enjoying my business very much, but I've managed to avoid any sickness thus far. Now that I've said such, I fully expect to have an awful flu by the end of next week.
Javos Kincade |
Yes and no. I'm a bit spaced lately. Sister-in-law has had a cancer scare so I've been out of town with her. Way more absence than I wanted, that's for sure.