DM Iron-Dice PFS Adventures

Game Master Iron-Dice

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All knowing teller of tales

The blueish white light of Fernis' cantrip radiates from Maurit's belt. She stands in front of a closed door on the north wall. The trailing edge of the light seem to spill into a larger opening or chamber.

She/it scratches on the door. Thisssss way. Papersss are in here.

*MAP* update with light

Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

Volta trails behind the watchful Fernis as Maurit bounds along. When she comes to the door, Volta says, "Do you know how to open the door safely, Maurit, or should I deal with it?"

Depending on the answer Volta will hang back and let Maurit open the door, or he will do it his way.

If Maurit does not open door then:

Volta maybe opens door:

Volta squeezes past Fernis and approaches the door. "Maurit, please stand aside, I need to check this door out" Volta examines the door.

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 for anything about the door or behind it, +1 if trapped.
Disable device 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 disable any trap found unless DM wishes to roll it.
Disable device 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33 open locks on door.

If he senses no danger and succeeds Volta opens the door, if not, he doesn't.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

Robertus uses the Guisarme much as a staff as he walks in, following behind Fernis. "Narrow passages."

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

"These halls feel far more comforting than the plains and cities to me.", Fernis replies to Robertus.

Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

After helping the others climb back up the rubble, she again neatly places the rope back into her pack.

They smell musty to me. Aryllan says as she looks around the halls, especially watching her back.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Hearing the nervous banter of the party, Uraisa chooses to not comment. She was still working out the Maurit situation in her mind...she suspected that they were going to have a problem sooner or later with the half undead. She kept examining the rooms and passages they went through, on the lookout for anything that might assist if a battle was joined.

All knowing teller of tales

Maurit stands still and stairs at the magical light emitting from her belt. Within the room, three rounded alcoves in this chamber contain the rotting remains of scroll shelves, honeycombing from floor to ceiling. Scattered amid the compromised shelving are damaged scrolls, and a number of still-sealed scroll tubes. A glimmering trickle of water seeps down from the ceiling in the northwest corner of the room.

Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

Aryllan moves forward as the others enter the room.

Perception check while still in the hall. Checking for noises that indicate anything / anyone is around them or coming thru the tunnels towards them.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

Robertus looks at the scrolls with a grimace. "Well, I hope the water didn't destroy the scrolls we need. And I wish I could read Kelish." Robertus looks around the scrolls, looking for scrolls that might be trade agreements.

Perception Check:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Looking for scrolls that look like they might be trade agreements. Something with seals of other cities, maybe.

Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

Volta carefully moves forward into the room checking for any traps or other items. He then looks over the area where the water is coming down. "Robertus, what do you make of that water coming from the roof? Is it a minor seepage or can it break with a flood?"

After that Volta will check the accessible scrolls to get a sense of what may be here but will wait for the ceiling condition's assessment before trying to get the sealed scroll cases. "Oh and are any of these scrolls magical in any way, Uraisa?"

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 +1 if trapped.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 +1 if trapped.

A couple of perception rolls because I'm doing multiple different checks about the room spanning more than one round.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

The mage nods at the rogue's command. With a couple quick words, her eyes momentarily glows blue, and she starts scanning the room for any magic that stands out to her.

All knowing teller of tales

new *MAP*

The room is small and cramped. Old. Musty.

Maurit remains in the entrance way, her spelled belt casting it's blue/white light into the dank room.

Aryllan, you find an area of collapses wall on the east face of the room leading to another area.

Robertus; in times like these that you realize you have never actually seen a trade agreement, only talked about them. You have no idea what one might look like, especially in this molding old chamber littered with scrolls of every type and size.

Volta, you detect no traps in the room.


Uraisa; you scan the room looking for the tell tale aura of arcane magic. You find none other that what you expect from your fellow adventurers.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

Volta asked a good question. How is the building holding up, especially with that leak? Engineering Check:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

In other news, I can't roll a check to save my life today. XP

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Fernis maintains his position behind the ghoul thing not willing to have his back to it in a closed room. [i]"As soon as we have what we need this thing dies."[/i}, he thinks to himself. "No interest in entering that room, beast?" he ask with a voice like a hot furnace.

All knowing teller of tales

The water seems to have been seeping here for decades on end. Although Robertus has no insight for this specific type of structure, he is aware that the catacombs a buried under hundreds of years of dirt and rubble.

A cursory glance around shows most, if not all, the writing seems to be in the same language as the symbol on the face you just encountered. Kelish.

The creature form of Mauret locks her eyes on Fernis as he speaks. She seems to get the message he is speaking. sssssssssafe in there. papersss.

Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

While the others check out the scrolls. Aryllan inspects the collapsed wall and the area beyond.

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

Best take one thing at a time. Volta narrows his focus to the scrolls and scroll cases in this room. Without touching any scroll or case he looks over them with a trained eye to see what might be valuable or important. Are any of the scrolls made of more valuable or durable parchment, vellum, or other materials, are they better protected then most? Of the scroll cases, are some more expensive looking than others, made by top masters or more expensive materials?

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 scroll, scroll cases and stuff.
Appraise 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 scroll cases, shelves, cabinets.

Volta is gracefully but quickly approaching various parts of the room, peering at the scrolls and scroll cases. He looks at the lettering and for stuff in the languages he knows, Taldorian(common), Kelish, and Osiriani but he does not touch anything yet and takes care not to bring the roof down.

He leaves the other room for Aryllan to check first while he focuses on this one.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

DM, I detected magic in my last post. Wanted to be sure that wasn't missed...

All knowing teller of tales

Now where was I. Ah, that's right. When last I saw our intrepid adventurers . . .

Volta carefully but quickly scans through the parchments. Sitting on the rotting shelves in this room are a number of moldering trade agreements. A dozen or so of them are of the type you Pathfinders are searching for. All are written in Kelish, they detail pacts that Satrap Taliq Asad made with pirates, mercenary groups (for the protection of caravans), petty lords, and even a few nations scattered about the Inner Sea region. One agreement contains a personal note addressed to the Satrap, congratulating him on gaining the Li family’s jade katana and the promise it contains.

Uraisa wrote:
DM, I detected magic in my last post. Wanted to be sure that wasn't missed...

Nothing from the papers or otherwise.

Aryllan, your low light vision can use the faint glow from Fernis' light spell spilling into the next chamber to make out a large room that looks like it was once a scribing chamber. The remains of many desks are scattered about, and amid the rubble is a number of long-dried inkwells, other writing utensils, and scraps of paper. These things are covered with black mold and patches of light green mushrooms.

*MAP* Low light vision, torch or other needed to see into next room

Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

Volta's careful eye finds many interesting documents among the clutter. He makes very careful small marks, on the shelves with cubbyholes or the scroll cases that look sturdy, with his dagger, near where the valuable documents are. He turns around and talks to the group. "I've marked the papers that are relevant to the trade agreements that some Satrap named Taliq Asad made with everyone from kings to cons. The one that's in the hole marked with an x is of great interest to us because there is a note the congratulates the Satrap on his acquisition of the Li Jade Katana and the 'promise' it contains. I'm not sure if it was bought, stolen, or murdered for but I think it would be good to bring it to our venture-captain's attention. Now anybody have a good idea as to how we take and transport these delicate scrolls and letters, without turning them into dust?" Volta stares at it all with a frustrated frown on his young face.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

"Let's leave them there until we are ready to leave. Then we can try to figure a safe way to move those documents."

Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

Aryllan does a brief search of the other room for anything of interest or value. As she does so she shoulders her bow and replaces the arrow she is holding into its quiver and takes out her new elven blade.

Perception Check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

Robertus nods in agreement at Uraisa's statement. "Definitely a wise idea Uraisa."

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

"Yet another weakness of your kind.", Fernis says gesturing to the paper scrolls,"Documenting things of importance upon fragile scraps of paper. Dwarves know better as our histories span thousands of years."

Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

Aryllan laughs softly to herself as she listens to Fernis' from the door of the other room. of course dwarves do everything better than all the other races.

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