DM Iron-Dice PFS Adventures

Game Master Iron-Dice

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Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Before gathering the box to leave, Uraisa quickly casts Dispel Magic to se if there is anything that can be taken and used by the group. After that, she is ready to scurry away before more attention to brought to the alley.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Moving quickly to Aryllan's side the cleric calls on Torag's mending hand to again tend the fallen ranger. After applying healing magics to her body he scoops her from the pavement with ease carrying her back to the lodge for further care. "Gather what ya need an' quickly. We never know how many more may be awaiting us."

Cure light wounds 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

All knowing teller of tales


Ledford has his undrunk potion of healing by his side, along with his greataxe.
Also he has a masterwork chain shirt, block of wax in a metal tin, fine comb with a long handle, bottle of whiskey and four silver cups, 25 gp

Halli Fosta the sorcerer has potions of cure light wounds (2), scroll of burning
hands, scroll of mage armor, scroll of obscuring mist(used, so no longer good), scroll of shield, scroll of unseen servant, wand of disguise self (5 charges); other Gear dagger, light crossbow with 20 bolts, fan of pigeon feathers, small pouch of trimmed fingernails, 53 gp

Larkin Waever (unconscious and alive) the rogue has an elixir of hiding; other Gear chain shirt, rapier,
dagger, notebook of jokes, ink, quill, small hand puppet
representing Lord Gyr, 8 gp

The demented one herself had on her person potion of cure light wounds, potion of shield of faith; other Gear masterwork chain shirt, short sword, dagger, gray mask, unholy symbol, 28 gp

  • Larkin is still alive, BTW. What's to be done with him?

  • Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    "What do we do with this one? I'm no fan of killing. Perhaps we can turn him over to the authorities, or just leave and let him wake up and see what his career path has brought he and his associates. Nevertheless, gather their gear, and let's be off quickly."

    Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4
    Masterwork chain shirt x2
    Block of wax in a metal tin
    Fine comb with a long handle
    Bottle of whiskey and four silver cups
    114 gp
    Scroll of Burning Hands
    Scroll of Mage Armor
    Scroll of Shield
    Scroll of Unseen Servant
    Wand of Disguise Self (5 charges)
    Dagger x3
    Light crossbow with 20 bolts
    Fan of pigeon feathers
    Elixir of Hiding
    chain shirt
    ink, quill
    Potion of Shield of Faith
    short sword

    Appears to be the total of the useful items we could salvage...

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Will save 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

    Just missed, take 2 hit points down to 5, I think.

    Volta steps forward to fire on Deandre when she slumps to the ground. Volta looks around face white as he takes in the carnage. He steps back to give the cleric room to work on Aryllan.

    He helps in taking items quickly off the fallen, but gives it to others to carry as he is weighted down as much as he cares to be.

    "Oh, does anyone recognize that amulet the Demented Dingbat was carrying? I'd like to know which dark god I've to buy some protective prayers against. And what do we do about Larkin? Just leave him? Turn him in? Let the Society figure it out? Don't much care myself."

    All knowing teller of tales

    Unanswered questions;

    Fernis, while following the four thugs that were following the six pathfinders, some events occurred before your eyes that the other Pathfinders amy not be aware of. Please feel free to impart this (or not) any way you see fit.
    You can just state you told them casually after the fight, or use it for RP at a later time, or both.

    What Fernis saw:
    Outside of Zarta's townhouse, while stoping for a leg of roast beast and some brewed libation, you observed the hyper gnome and his golden mechanical cat run franticly into the street. The construct was speaking to the gnome in a strange mechanical language, you strained to grap snippets as the gnome responded feverishly. * dimensional doorway at risk * total collapse * your people dying * scientist dead * oh oh oh! * go go go ! * no time to tell others * These were some of the confounding words you heard in the exchange.
    Jumping onto the back of the golden cat, a shimmering ball of golden floating energy appeared, and the pair leapt into it, causing it and them to disappear.

    At a different time of the day, a messenger of the society delivered a scroll to the dwarf of the group. Upon reading it, his face turned pale and his focus urgent. He lookd around franticly for his companions, but they were scattered about shopping for cloths and fineries. N' tyme, n' tyme ta tell um. Ah gata goo now!
    With that, he ran, and kept running as far as your eye could hold sight of him.

    Later, not able to break your cover watching the thugs, you could hear the questions of the Pathfinders about their wayward companions, but were not able to impart the information you had.

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    As he stands hoisting the injured member of their party on his shoulder, he says, " I've done what I was sent fer, you can do what you want with that one. I'd say bind 'im and bring 'im back to teh lodge to let them handle 'im. He might provide some information on what this was all about. Way's I heard it they wanted ta make a name fer themselves by whacking you here in this alley." As the group travels back Fernis relates his experiences since coming to the lodge and why he came to their aid.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan feels herself floating. Her eyes flutter open and take in the scene. She is being carried by the Dwarf as the other finish gathering the items off the bodies in the alley. She speaks softly as she is uncertain of herself. Thank you Fernis. I am certain you saved my life. I think I can make it back to the lodge on my own feet. The Venture-Captain would not let me live it down being carried back. She smiles waiting for Fernis to set her down.
    Looking at the unconscious Larkin laying in the alley and hearing what should be done with him Aryllan answers, We should take him back to the Pathfinders Lodge, find out what we can and maybe help him.

    She looks around the alley, seeing if anyone is watching them or looking to attack.
    Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Setting the ranger backi on her feet, Fernis channels one his last waves of healing energy. Respecting the lass' desire to take her own feet despite her injuries, he gives an approving nod. "Tis' a respectable request an' I wouldn't dare cheat ya of it."

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Volta listens to the others and says, "Yeah let's take him back to the society; maybe he can be led to the knowledge that an ignoble end was inevitable for such a crazy person. Let's go to the Lodge."

    Are the healing waves healing everyone including Larkin?

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    Will Save:1d20 ⇒ 3

    Robertus shudders as the dark energy passes over him, and watches Deandre fall with a grimace. "A pity such beauty with such dark insanity." As the others search through the packs and make note of the items carried by the others, Robertus takes out some rope and ties up Larkin, after taking some time to make sure no daggers are hidden up sleeves and the like.

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Forgot to roll for healing, hahaha, and yes the entire party will be in range for it. 1d6 ⇒ 5

    The hulking dwarf fasetens his gear re-adjusting straps and buckles loosened by the combat. kneeling next to the uncouncious attacker, Fernis binds the man and places a sack over his head. "It is often wise to keep the trouble causers from knowin' where they are going an' how they got there. Good job with that spell, lass. Ya used it ta great effect." Jerking the rogue from the ground and onto his shoulder he turns to Robertus, [b]"Pretty good at rippin' the feet out from under 'em with that thing, aren't ya."

    All knowing teller of tales

    Tied and bound, Larkin sobs softly. Something about unrequited love and She never knew. He offers no further trouble.

    Battered, bruised and weary you arrive at the Grand Lodge well before midnight. After handing off your prisoner, the night watch greets and escorts you to the evening dinning hall. An advantage the Grand Lodge offers over most others is the late night service staff always on duty. As a repast of meats, breads, cakes and ails is brought forth, the duty officer collects a brief overview of you days activities and hurries off to inform the Venture Captain of your news.

    Before your meal is completed, the officer returns relaying the gratitude of Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin on your return. The VC bids you take a full nights rest and join him an hour after sunrise in his personal dining area for break-fast and a debriefing.

    You are then escorted to a set of quarters especially for traveling pathfinders. The modest sized square rooms line one side of a hallway, each with fresh clean linens, pillows and a wash basin. At one end of the hall is a larger "war room" with chairs, couches and a large table. The opposite end contains a wash room with two large tubs, basins of heated water, garment washboards and two private stall privies.

    The entire wing of eight sleeping quarters and amenities is otherwise unoccupied.

    The night watchman bids you good evening, states a porter will collect you in the morning then heads back to his duties, closing the door to your private row of suites.

  • Welcome to
    First Steps, Part II:
    To Delve The Dungeon Deep

  • Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Before settling into his meal and bed, Fernis gives thanks to his lords praying for their continued guidance and aid. Tending to his gear as part of his religious rites, the dwarf finally joins the others for a meal before turning in for the evening.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan, watches Fernis as he prays, thankful the Dwarf joined them when he did. She picks at the offering of meat and breads as she sips ale still not quite feeling her normal strength.

    Thankful for the sleeping quarters and the use of the wash room Aryllan takes the time to clean up and wash her clothing. She discards the ruined garments that she had purchased earlier in the day. She retires to the sleeping quarters for a full night of dreamless and healing nights sleep.

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Volta eats listlessly through the meal though carefully drinking much ale and offering salutations and prayers to Cayden Cailean. "Hello good cleric, I'm Volta Delbrove, that I think you know that, might I ask what brought you so unerringly to our aid, for which I thank you?" When he retires for the evening right after the meal, he sends his clothes off to be washed by the washer woman, for delivery back tomorrow morning. He leaves word he plans to sleep in a bit but should be up by mid morning. He sleep is troubled by images of blood and carnage.

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Fernis relates how he has been sent out into the world as coming of age test and of how the VC had suspicions that someone ment them harm.

    All knowing teller of tales

    The night watch captain seem quite amused, but not at all surprised by Voltas inebriated request. He has, after all, lodged his fair share of Pathfinders over the years. He points out the washboards and hot water located at the end room. At the washer woman comments, he holds up Volta's hands before his face This lass is Bree waving his left hand This be Maybell waving his right. They'll please ya with any chore 'ya got in mind. He says, barely containing a mighty guffaw.

    Departing, he addresses the group. Good rest to ya all. Someone may wana check on em come daybreak. The VC takes not kindly to this Pathfinders being late. Dont want Bree and Maybell keepin' em up all night. With that, they hearty bellowing laughter breaks loose and rumbles throughout the halls as the watch-captain returns to his other duties.

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    Robertus nods at the dwarf, grinning as the effects of the dark magic fade away. "If your opponent has no stable ground to walk on, expect him to not put up much of a fight."

    Robertus stays quiet as they return to the Pathfinder Lodge, nodding where appropriate. After dinner, Robertus bathes and takes time to clean and polish his armor. He ends the night by finishing his report of the events that occurred since his last report after the Orphanage.

    Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    Uraisa awoke the next morning feeling better than she expected. After her first mission, she was pretty much unscathed. She knew that would not always be the case but she was pleased after the first day. She joined the others to be prepped on the next mission.

    All knowing teller of tales

    After a well deserved night of rest, food, prayer, study, bathing, garment washing, armor polishing, weapon maintenance and what ever other assorted vices that are best left unmentioned, the dawn breaks. Right on time, when the sun reaches one handspan above the horizon, a porter arrives at the door to escort you to Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin.

    Before departing, the porter indicates the rooms have been reserved in your names for another night, so you are free to leave miscellaneous items there if you wish.

    Reaching the administrative offices involves a brisk walk across the compound, giving your sore muscles a chance to warm up and stretch out. Following the familiar corridors you are led to a door adjacent to the VC’s office that opens on his personal reception area. Venture captain Vaslin greets you warmly and gesture to the break-fast items on the table and causal seating arrangements. After dispensing pleasantries, he says If you are maintaing injuries, I recommend a healthy draft of our resident healers fruity beverage. Consider it part of your payment for a job, well, done. Speaking of which . . .. Valsin moves to a side table where five leather pouches sit. He begins tossing one the each of you. Two hundred fifty gold each. Standard payment for your services yesterday.

    Yesterday, as the bards say, is history. Is that not correct Delbove? He grins at the others as he razzes the young teammate. Tonight, you go to an estate ball at the Lantern Lodge in the Petal District. Venture-Captain Amara Li has asked that I send my best new recruits to her for an assignment. I’m sending you lot. He pauses. Scanning the room for signs that his word play was cough. Tonight is the Snapdragon Festival, a traditional Gokan holiday featuring fireworks and rich plum wine. You are encouraged *coughfernis* to dress to impress, and instructed to seek out the hostess and head of the Lantern Lodge, Amara Li, upon your arrival. Event starts at sundown.

    He pauses a calculated moment.

    Are their any questions you can not figure out for your selves, or do I need to baby talk you through anything. I've got no other pressing business today, after all.

    Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    "Is the society providing us a stipend to purchase fineries for the event? Nothing we are wearing now would be acceptable. How about the armor and weapons that might be required if the task turns ugly? Will they be allowed into the event? "

    After the completed mission, the Mage was clearly beginning to gain in confidence, not afraid to look the Venture Captain in the eye.

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    "Are we going as guests, or as body guards?" Robertus cuts straight to the issue, even as he hands over his finished report about yesterday's activities.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan listens to The Venture Captain as he debriefed the mission. She also drinks a cup of the fruity healthy draft as he continues to help with any lingering aches and pains. After finishing the cup Aryllan feels fully rejuvenated.

    She listens to the next mission tasked at Latern Lodge and the questions the others have asked. She adds Are there any other unique aspects to the festival that you know of? And, what is the actual assignment?

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    "Parties fer parties sake are wasteful excesses fer humans an' elves. Ifin' ya need ta take of some business 'hen I am more an' happy to oblige. An' anoth'r thing. If ye think I plan on abandonin' ma armor fer this thing, .ya got yerself anoth'r thing comin'. Ya ever see a dwarf withut armor? I think that'd be a bit strange maself."

    All knowing teller of tales

    After Uraisa speaks, Valsin freezes in place. His piercing gaze eyes each and every pouch of gold he recently distributed, then seek out any new additions or trinkets that may be visible from your recent exploits. His fingertips then outline the fine embossing on his wide leather belt. I just had this new belt fashioned. The leather smith was commenting on how good Pathfinders are as patrons. Having such great opportunities to acquire our own fortunes to purchase our own equipment.

    If there are no actual questi . . .hrmm. Toreador.
    Robertus;"Are we going as guests, or as body guards?" Robertus cuts straight to the issue, even as he hands over his finished report about yesterday's activities.

    Who's body exactly would you like to guard? Amara Li? She'd wipe the floor with your arse. Or perhaps the other way around Harrrrrrhehheh.
    Seriously, no questions?
    Aryllan;" . . . And, what is the actual assignment?"
    Alright, listen up you lot. As handsome and charismatic as I am, there are other Venture-Captains that will use your services. You, water expert He approaches Uraisa, bringing his face inches from hers. Do you see a tear in my eye? That was not a question. No? You know why. Because I can't pine away for you while your still here.
    Go. Get prepared and then receive your mission from her. And don't embarrass me. He looks at Fernis. Or. There. Will. Be. Tears.

    He stands stern and impatient. Daring anyone else to speak.
    Intimidate 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18 Looks like he has a hard time dealing out tough love to those he respects and cares for.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan smirks as the Dwarf finishes his rant about always wearing armor. Then listens as the Venture Captain goes off on his own tirade. Aryllan coughs as she tries not to laugh out loud. As he finishes speaking, she regains her composure, she stands and heads toward the exit.

    Time to shop for more appropriate clothing and some additional weapons.

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Volta walks out with the others and tries to talk to Uraisa. "Uraisa, do you know a fast tailor with something he can put together in hours? My only idea is to hit up a old clothes shop and have them do a quick fitting, I don't have any contacts with tailors. It'll be out of date but presentable."

    See discussion, is the challenge getting clothes or is it something more adventurous involved with the clothes getting unimportant and not meant as a problem?

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    My guess is unimportant, but relevant as we are going to a dinner party.

    "My vestments and armor of my concern and enough for any party. Your concern is seeing you've put the best on your task. I would not be here otherwise. Concern yourself with other things and this job will be handled." With that, Fernis turns and leaves the hall.

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    Robertus nods, saluting and following the dwarf out. "You know, we don't have to abandon our armor for this gathering. I think it wouldn't take much to make this armor look more formal. Let's see how clever we can be, eh?"

    All knowing teller of tales

    Your purses are now bulging with 351 gold coin from you previous day's labors. Perhaps the largest payday several of you have ever seen.
    250 Pathfinder pay plus 478 in sell value from Uraisa's thrifty selling skills. Add in another 27 for the comb and whiskey and you each total 351.

    A bit of chatting with others at the Grand Lodge and a few local merchants has revealed much about tonights expectations. Pathfinders attending social galas are generally not expected to dress past there own social level. The minimum effort acceptable is a washed body, cleaned garments and combed hair. That minimum level is seldom seen however. The step up would be well polished and oiled armor and leathers with perhaps a bit of flourish added. From there the addition of full capes or single shoulder capes, sashes and a display of your countries or deities colors present an air of sophistication. For a more upscale presentation, fresh new under armor garments, new boots and fresh gloves are a sign of refinement. The highest level of savoir faire would be a totally new outfit, head to toe displaying your personal taste in fashion and worldiness.

    Additional information from asking about;

  • The Tian Venture Captain and her lodge are also fond of native orchids and colors from her land incorporated into the fashion.
  • Only the luckiest or most influential Pathfinders receive invitations to Amara Li’s annual Snapdragon Festival celebration
  • Wise recipients take advantage of them

    For a price of zero up to a maximum of one hundred gold coins, you can outfit yourselves as you each see fit.

    0gp=wash and clean only
    25gp = professional cleaning and pollishing
    50gp = above plus new cape, cloak or the like
    75gp= above plus new boots and/or misc items
    100gp = new outfit

    After the morning and afternoons preparations, your arrive exactly on time at the estate of Venture-Captain Amara Li. The aroma of blooming orchids and flowing wine mixes with the acrid tang of recently exploded fireworks, and the sound of strangely discordant music comes from a duo of Tian women playing an unusual stringed instrument and a reed flute. The crowd mingles calmly, most guests clearly hoping to be seen more than actually paying attention to those with whom they converse.

    Approaching the main entrance, you see an announcer and his assistant performing their duties. As each guest arrives, the assistant collects the proper name and title relaying to the announcer, who in turn calls out in a strong voice to the assembled crowd.

  • It is proper for each of you to proved the assistant with your designation to present. Also, take this time to describe how the assembled guests would see you, as this is their first impression.

  • Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    After learning of the expectations for appropriate dress for a social gatherings as a Pathfinder Aryllan decides she needs to shop for a new outfit, especially the way people were looking at her boots yesterday. She also wants to look at new weapons if possible. As the group wanders through the marketplace, she looks at Fernis.
    Fernis, I think you should braid your beard and put little orchids through out the braids. I think that would be nice tribute to Venture Captain Amara Li. She smiles and waits for his response.

    All knowing teller of tales
    Aryllan Lanliss wrote:

    Fernis, I think you should braid your beard and put little orchids through out the braids. I think that would be nice tribute to Venture Captain Amara Li. She smiles and waits for his response.

    I can picture it now. " ready for your cream rinse Mr. Stoutanvil? We have lilac or jasmin."

    Followed by: NEWSFLASH-Prist destroys resort spa.-Damage in the thousands-But damn he smelled good

    Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    Uraisa took the opportunity to spend some of the large amounts of coin for a new blue dress. The garment was rather flow-y with plenty of extra room for her to attach her scrolls and spell component bag to it. Other than her two healing potions which she also found room for in her pockets, she decided to leave the remainder of her gear at the Lodge to retrieve upon completion of the next task.

    Spent 100 gp for new outfit.

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Looking on the verge of exploding then calming quickly when he sees the look on the girls face then calmly states"I agree with the braids, but the gods be damned ifin' I wears any flowers in ma beard!

    Fernis will purchase finer robes as dwarven priest command a high station in their society. He will also add the new boots and bangles, all of dwarven origin of course. I will also post my new spells for this foray into the evening.

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Noting the Uraisa is distracted, Volta goes off on his own. He first checks in with Old Harton, the Armorer the Delbroves have patronized for years.

    "Hi, Old Man how's business these days?" Volta jocularly says on entry.

    "Volta, you young scamp, I've not seen you in a year, you've filled out a bit."

    "Yes I have, Master Armor, and ... my family sends regards to you. Sorry to say, I'm on business, I've been roped into a fancy meeting with overtones of trouble so I'm wondering do you have something serviceable and stylish, available for tonight?" Volta ask without much hope.

    "Tonight! Such short notice! But you are in luck, a suit I made for such things is available, an unfortunate matter I'm not a liberty to speak of." Old Harton bustles over to the back room and shows an excellent suit of armor nearly the right size. "I can make this fit in hours, young master while you take care of other matters, once I take your measure. And I can arrange with clothiers for all suitable undergarments as well, would Taldorian colors suit?" The Old master is clearly up on current events! Takes measure of Volta.

    "That would more than suffice, good master you have saved the day, please take this purse I received earlier. That should account for all my debt to you in coin, but I owe you for the untimely haste."

    "Think nothing of it, your family has been excellent customers for years. " The old master waves goodbye as Volta departs for market in jewelry.

    Looking in the market there is little of Tian Xia products that are suitable left after weeks of hordes of favor seekers that have swarmed over. But in another stroke of luck Volta finds a jade ring too expensive for the lesser courtier's (such as himself) and too cheap for the truly well-healed. He then pays a scribe to write a brief missive to the herald for the event that notes his introduction as simply Volta Delbrove, Esquire. and has it delivered. At the florists, little is left, and his settles for a simple, very small, orchid to be pinned to the clasp of the cloak. After paying for all this, Volta moves on to the bathhouse.

    At the bathhouse He takes to full package, with bathing, scrubbing, barbering, and oiling in sandalwood. For this point on he travels only by carriage to prevent mishaps.

    He returns to the armorer and with his aid dresses in the courtier clothes and armor.

    A small white open carriage with coachman in front and two footmen well equipped to protect the passenger from rain, mud, and other hazards, rolls up to the entry carpet. A small, young man of Taldorian descent descends from the carriage and boldly walks forward, the oil preventing a noticeable sheen of sweat. He is dressed in a dashing black leather doublet,with black trousers and high boots. The undergarments and minor accessories are barely visible blue and green, so as not to detract from the overall affect. A short cape of Black leather lined in a dark maroon with a small orchid pinned to the clasp, serves as accent to the golden, jade ring on his right hand which completes the ensemble.

    Don't screw this up! Volta chides himself.

    He whispers to his footman, who scurries forward to tell a page the Squire Delbrove has arrived. His footman then runs back to the carriage to await his return where all the other carriages have been parked.

    He walks forward to the place of introductions and hears his introduction from the herald, "Volta Delbrove, Esquire", giving a quick bow to the assembly, Volta gracefully, but quickly exits the stage, and moves to an inconspicuous spot to observe the reception of his entry.

    Leather Doublet picture

    Jade Ring

    All knowing teller of tales

    Volta Wow! Great post. Love the image links.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan also purchases a new out fit for 100 GP. Including a new pair of boots, since so many seemed to stare at her boots yesterday.

    Aryllan arrives and gives her name the assistant as Aryllan Lanlass, she gives no region to be linked to.

    Ayllan's outfit is forest green with a high neck. The jacket is loosely fitted with under sleeves made of supple leather that covers her upper arms and forearms. The skirt look are actually very loose fitting pants and boots made of the same supple leather as the under sleeves.
    The outfit has accents of light green and purple in a leaf pattern around all edges and along the side of the boots. The under garments are also light green in color.
    Her red hair is loosely braided along the sides to distinctively show her elf ears. A few small white and purple orchids placed in the braids.

    She is also wearing a light green vibrant and light weight cloak with a leaf pin as the clasp.

    Under the cloak behind her back she has her short sword attached to her belt. She also has multiple daggers on her person. Two in each boot and one in each leather sleeve.

    She walks through the entrance as they announce her name and looks for Venture Captain Amara Li.

    Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    "Lady Uraisa Ellsworth..." was the pronouncement given as the young pathfinder entered the room, looking regal in her long flowing blue dress. She spots her friends and moves quickly to their side.

    "Nice ring, Volta. That is beautiful."

    All knowing teller of tales

    After making you entrances you gather together as a group observing the gala. The crowd mingles calmly, most guests clearly hoping to be seen more than actually paying attention to those with whom they converse, though the plum wine seems to have affected many who now move about the lodge’s grounds waving sparkling wands of fire and shooting whirring, whizzing fireworks into the sky above the koi pond.
    Each of you is congratulated at some point by fellow guests on getting in the spirit of the festive occasion. After spending several minutes perusing the party, a handmaiden invites you into Amara Li’s private study, where you find her seated on a reed mat before a low table set with an exquisite porcelain tea set. She motions for you to sit with her around the table, and once the door is closed behind and you have taken your seats, begins talking in a low, hushed voice without even the hint of a Tian accent:

    Well met, Pathfinders, and welcome to the Lantern Lodge. I hope you find the Snapdragon Festival and my hospitality worthy of your time and energy. I have not brought you here for mere pleasantries, however, and wish to ask you to partake a dangerous mission on my behalf.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan sits on the floor as they gracious hostess motions for them to do, slightly adjusting the short sword on her back and cloak as she does so.

    Thank you for your invite. We would be honored to undertake the mission on your behalf. As she speaks Aryllan looks around at the others sitting on the floor.
    What is the mission?

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    Spent 75 gold for the party, 100 gold for the Guisarme.

    After talking with Fernis and Aryllan on the way out of the Pathfinder Lodge, Robertus head's down to the Lodge's suggested Blacksmith. They spend some time discussing designs and bandying about the price, they shake on it and Robertus leaves his Guisarme to be altered. He also leaves his armor to be professionally cleaned and polished, and head's down to the Tailor.

    It takes some time for the Tailor and Robertus to settle on the specific cut of cape, but they eventually settle on a square-cut cape, the color a brilliant Jade with a silver trim to match a polished suit of scale mail. Down to the final stretch in his shopping, before getting cleaned up, Robertus to stops by a cobbler, a Leathersmith and a Silversmith. At the cobbler Robertus picks up some stylish black military boots. At the Leathersmith, Robertus picks up a belt as well as a simple hood and length of braided leather to tie the Guisarme. Finally, at the Silversmith, Robertus purchases a belt buckle of silver, with the symbol of his family emboldened on the front. Stopping by a local scribe, Robertus has himself introduced by full name and Rank, and nothing else.

    Realizing he has time, he stops by the Blacksmith and retrieves his polished armor and collapsible Guisarme, taking a moment to hood the blade. Robertus takes great care to carry the armor to his next location, the bathhouse, where he is cleansed and trimmed from head to toe. He takes his time dressing, careful to not smudge the armor or wrinkle the cape before entering the carriage.

    As the carriage rolls to a halt, Robertus steps outside. He takes but a moment to examine his surroundings, an old habit, but useful. He catches the faint scent of orchid with the acrid tang of gunpowder, and his eyes catch the dark outlines of the horse and carriage. He steps upon the red carpet, moving forward with an old precision until he is directed to a halt, near the end of a line. He listens, catching the names of the other Pathfinders, nodding in satisfaction that the others made it to the party.

    Finally, the herald's assistant signals Robertus forward to the point of introduction. The Herald's voice doesn't waver as he announces "Lieutenant Robertus Leonardo Toreador". The guests see a man roughly 6 feet in height, reddish-brown hair with green eyes similar in hue to the Jade Cape. An imposing, almost military figure, wide in the shoulders, arms thick with muscle. His scale mail is well-polished, reflecting the light almost as well as dragon's scales. Attached to Robertus's new belt is a pair of small pouches, cinched shut.

    After being announced, Robertus gives a curt, military bow before moving downstairs to mingle with the guests. What the guests don't see is the collapsed Guisarme secured upon Robertus's back, even as he walks stately down the stairs.

    He takes his time, as the other guests greet and congratulate the group to complement each of the Pathfinders. For Volta, its a clever use of Orchid and Jade, and for the dwarf, the high quality of his dwarf-craft boots and bangles. Uraisa receives a complement concerning her flowing dress, while Aryllan is complemented on her artful braids.

    As they are ushered in to see Venture-Captain Li, Robertus stays quiet as she speaks. He does, however, reach into his pouches and pull out a notepad and a pencil, so that he might take notes.

    Robertus will proceed to take notes unless the Venture-Captain objects.

    Robertus's Belt Buckle

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Volta sees the excellent arrival of his companions. He replies to Uraisa, "Thanks, Uraisa, you're looking amazing in that dress." He then spies Aryllan making entry but sees her scanning the crowd and locking on the Venture Captain host of the evening. Then Robertus arrives looking like the Captain of the Guard. Volta sees him greet all the others and then compliment him on his choice of orchid and jade. "Thanks, Lieutenant, you're the very picture of a modern officer, does that badge you wear have special significance?" Minor social chatting till summoned to the VC's office.

    Volta is quiet but calmer out of the sight of the crowd. He studies Venture-Captain Amara Li, too get a sense of her and to know if she's holding anything back. He gives a slight nod of agreement at Aryllan's acceptance of the mission and settles back to hear out the details.

    Sense Motive 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

    All knowing teller of tales

    At Aryllan's comment, Amara Li (photo), locks her almond shaped eyes directly onto the elf.
    Direct and to the point. You are definitely not a politician. I find that to be utterly she pauses. The sounds of small talk about nothing trickle into the room from the gala outside. refreshing.
    Ambrus choose well. Each of you seem to possess a . . unique quality that is atypical of a standard treasure hunting Pathfinder. She gestures to your garments and accoutrements. None other of your station have ever honored me as much as you do here today. The Venture-Captain from Tian bows her head slightly to you all.

    Your keen sense of others motives gives you a hunch that she is looking for something more than just an ordinary mission. She is courting your group. But to what end . . .

    If you will indulge me, I wish to tell you a personal tale. Long ago, one of my most esteemed ancestors, who was rich in power but poor in sense, gave a gift to a foreign prince, a gift that prince did not deserve and my foolish ancestor had no right to give—a ceremonial jade katana. At the time the gift was sent, its recipient was invading this island. He laid siege to Absalom from his fortress in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts. Like those who came before him, the warlord failed to take Absalom and perished in the attempt. On the very day of his defeat, his castle crumbled to dust in a violent earthquake and has been lost to the centuries ever since. My family’s heirloom was lost with it.

    A recent report by a group of Pathfinders gives me hope that they have finally found the ruin, and I might finally recover my family’s treasure. I’m looking for an intrepid group to retrieve it for me, and I’m hoping that is you.

    Male Human Rogue 1| AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | HP +3/8| F +0 R +6 W +1; | Init +4 | Perc +7/8 Traps | DD +11/13

    Volta studies Venture-Captain Amara Li and notes her desires. She's looking for us special but just how unique can we be?

    "Thank you for your kind words, Venture-Captain, and I have nothing but the highest regards for my new companions, but surely, out of all the Pathfinder teams, there are trustworthy and more experienced members than us. What unique qualities do you see us bringing that causes you to believe we are especially suited to aid you in this very personal and honorable quest?" Volta is formal in his question and clearly is eager to set off to adventure but a bit wary at the implication that there are untrustworthy Pathfinders.

    All knowing teller of tales

    The beautiful Tian Venture-Captain turns an astute smile to Volta.
    Master Delbove, you are of course, correct. And may I take this moment of address to compliment your ring. Jade is my favorite stone, and your taste is exquisite. She pauses briefly for the compliment to settle, before continuing with the business at hand. There are many Pathfinders capable of exploring the ruined keep. None of them are a tight nit team, sharing a common goal as you all are.

    *Background Info:
    Most pathfinders are independent, only joining into groups as needed before moving on to the next destination. Occasionally pairs or even trios band together for mutual interest, but this is still uncommon. The elite group Vaslin assembled you to be is somewhat unique. More so for the Society to have put you together.

    The matter of my families jade katana is she looks to each of you in turn. personal.

    if you deliver the katana to me, you will have my favor as you begin your careers
    as full agents of the Pathfinder Society.

    As for the Society, the fame and wealth you will doubtlessly recover will bring you much honor assuredly.

    Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

    Standing by and allowing the other members to take care of the pleasantries, Fernis watches over the gala feeling it all is a bit ridiculous.[i]"Dwarven celebrations are by far superior to this show. Where is the strong ale! Where are the toast to battle and forge! Bah. What a waste.[/b] he thinks to himself.

    Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

    "Is the katana located in the ruined fortress in the Kortos Mountains, to the best of your knowledge? Are there any rumored inhabitants of the run down keep, if you have heard?"

    Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11

    Robertus keeps silent, taking detailed notes to compare with his companions after the meetings. He does take a moment to nod at Uraisa, approving of her question.

    Female Elf Ranger/1 HP 11/11

    Aryllan listens to the Team's questions.

    Venture Captain, You honor us with your praise and candor. Aryllan smiles. Have you sent others before in search for the Jada Katana ?

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