Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan watches as the Paracountess leaves. Closing her eyes she listens intently to the noise in the next area.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Aryllan moves towards the door with the rest of them and has her bow in her hands with an arrow notched but loose.
Let's worry about dealing the the "servant" first then whatever the item is. Volta, do not try to open the locks while we are here. We want to get it back to Valsin and we want to do it with all of us in one piece. I am sure you have the abilities, it is the magic I am worried about.
Aryllan looks at the door. Simple door - push open? or will it need Volta's special and awesome skills?

DM Iron-Dice |

Robertus approaches the door, finding it unlocked. Swinging the doors wide, the fighter and his allies see the following.
Zarta’s bedroom is decorated in the colors of Cheliax— ebon black and crimson red. Silk, rare woods, and carefully carved marble compose every bit of furniture in the room. Goose down now litters the room, covering almost every surface and the silken shreds of the cushions that contained it lie about like flayed skin . A post on the massive screened bed is snapped in half, collapsed on the bed and drawing the screened curtains into a ripped slope of formerly fine cloth. Vials of perfume and crystal jars of other cosmetics sit smashed on the marble floor around the dresser. A prominent fixture in the room, a large “X” made of stout wood sits along the west wall, complete with leather shackles and chains. A table sits to its left strewn
with various items intended for pleasure, but outwardly resembling implements of pain.
An enraged tiny red-skinned creature with fiendish wings and a whipping scorpion-like tail is busy bashing an ornate box trying to open it.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan is slightly behind Robertus and to the side.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 - Will this thing attack us or his intent on the box if we enter the room? Also the best way to disable the creature from the box?
Nature Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Is thing of nature or a hellion of some type?
Aryllan draws her bow a little more taught, If the fiendish creature looks as if it is going to attack - Aryllan will defend the group.

DM Iron-Dice |

Although Uraisa in not familiar with the history of this tiny creature, she is assured that it is a highly magical devilish beast and not from this plane.
Aryllan observes the creature smashing the box against the table along the west wall. It either does not notice the party or does not care. It seem to be throwing a child's temper tantrum directed at opening the box.

Robertus Toreador |

Robertus moves his Guisarme to a ready position, in case the winged demon decides to throw a fit towards the rest of the party. "What about that dagger the Countess was talking about? Maybe its special somehow?"
Ready to attack the flying demon in case it throws its tantrum at the party.

Volta Delbove |

I'm having technical difficulties with computer/Internet, if I go 24 hours without a needed post please DMPC until I'm good, expect to be OK after Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it and a good week to all others.
Volta draws his blade asking, " Can it be grabbed or would it curse me or just, uh, Poof out of a hold?" Volta looks tensely at the creature. "It's nicely backed into a corner; Robertus, should I try to lure it out and flank or do you have a better idea? I admit devil dealing isn't my strong suit."
Volta licks lips and looks determined but very wary and out of his depth.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Does he notice the pentagram?
Knowledge (Arcana) untrained 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 Does he realize its possible significance enough to ask pertinent questions?

Professor Diggans Q. Finnegan |

I'm actually going to have to withdraw. Lot's of things going wrong irl right now and I am having to drastically cut back on my posting. Sucks but I wish you guys all the best and had a great time with you while it lasted and would be happy to play with any of you again in the future. Sorry again but I didn't want to drag down the action.

DM Iron-Dice |

We're going to miss 'ya Diggans, imimrtl, Grimlek. If you ever get back on the PbP boards, look me up and I'll find a spot if I'm running a game.
Volta sizes up the room, including the partially reviled pentagram on the floor. If it is a part of any ritual, it does not seem to be active or in use at this time.
The tiny creature takes the box and strikes it on the desk Bang! Bang! Bang!. Failing to open, he yells in some infernal language something that can only be foul mouthed swearing. It throws the box into the southern north corner and prepares to run after it with a broken chair leg. Errrrrrg. Kreuvus will have you open. Cursed, retched box!

Aryllan Lanliss |

bye Diggans - hope everything works out
Aryllan moves into the room, weapon still at the ready but not fully aimed at the flying demon.
Kreuvus, somehow wants the boxed open. Why?
Who picked up the knife?
Aryllan whispers Volta may be right, the knife may be the key.
If Kreuvus moves to attack Aryllan will shot the arrow she has at the ready.

DM Iron-Dice |

As Aryllan moves into the room, Uraisa's diplomatic plea to the tiny devilish Imp seem to generate the first acknowledgment of your arrival. Though perhaps not what Uraisa was expecting.
A flicker of eye contact with Uraisa and a narrowing of the eyebrows is all you get. Kreuvus returns his attention to the box he has thrown. Speaking to address your query, but more talking to himself. Bawwwwwwwwh! Stupids. Want's to opens my box. My Dark Mistress could not. What think they do. Go find another pleasure chamber! Leaves us!
*blink* and with that, he gone! No longer can he be seen. His chair leg however, remains floating where it was. Suddenly, the chair leg travels the length of the room and begins beating itself into one of the locks on the box.

DM Iron-Dice |

Kreuvus looks up at the elf ranger holding out the silver dagger.
Ah! So you have brought a silvered blade have you! It's a battle with Kreuvus you seek after all. Very well. Mind you, the box is mine!
And with the, he . . . .
Kreuvus 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Group Average:13
Aryllan 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Uraisa 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Volta 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Robertus 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
TIE ! Aryllan modifier brings your groups reflexes just a tad (0.25) faster than Kreuvus.
The Imp moves to do, something, but the stunned look on his face shows his disbelief that this wet-nosed group of Pathfinders got the jump on him.

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Doubting she can hurt the creature, Uraisa begins a summonsing spell, hoping to conjure a creature to assume some of the attacks fromt he little demon.
Begin Summon Monster I.
DM, is it down to just Aryllan and I? f so, and we get through this battle, we might need to look a trying to recruit a couple others to round us out again.

DM Iron-Dice |

Uraisa, go ahead and declare your summoning creature of choice when casting, and it will appear at the end of the turn. Faster with PbP, me thinks.
As for recruitment, I want to bring the party back up to five. I don't think(hope) we've lost anyone else, but I'll open a new recruitment soon.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan takes the demons slight hesitation at the advantage it is.
Aryllan raises her long bow and lets the arrow go towards the infernal creature.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
I agree if we make it out of the fight might want to at least recruit another member if Volta and Robertus are still here. If they aren't we will think of the fondly tell great tales of their death and great lots and then start recruiting :)

DM Iron-Dice |

As the tiny devil creature finished taunting you, Aryllans arrow strikes and breaks on impact against the wall, leaving a small divot in the stone.
Robertus sizes up the room, but has no direct avenue to charge. Still your turn. Pick another action?
Volta draws his weapon and moves into the room, as Uraisa's summoned creature appears.
What monster and where Uraisa?

Volta Delbove |

I very sorry for not posting in a week, between computer issues and RL time got away from me, should come back to regular posting now.
Volta draws his blade and grasps his symbol of Cayden Cailean while waiting for an opportunity to tumble into a flanking position against the infernal creature.
Hold action until the creature and everyone moves to give him a square to move to that flanks the creature. So if the creature moves away from the wall and engages or Robertus come up and engages he will look for a spot that flanks and tumble to it, taking giving the minimum number of AOO's to the little devil. Make rolls as needed to keep things moving.
"Cayden aid us against this thing. Is there anything we can do that will work against this unnatural abomination?"

Robertus Toreador |

Robertus, with no knowledge of summoning circles or demons, steps to f6. "Step back and wait for your time to strike, Volta." Robertus murmurs to Volta, even as he levels his Guisarme toward the imp.
Robertus readies to strike the thing should it come within range.
Rolls made in advance for DM Benefit.
Attack Roll:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage Roll:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 = 7

DM Iron-Dice |

I'll see your bump and raise it a post
Now you see 'em, not you don't!
Kreuvus the Imp vanishes into invisibly just as Arylans arrow strikes the wall.
An uncomfortable moment later and *WAM* something kicks the back of Volta's knees, attempting to knock him to the ground
Knee kick 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 (CMB)
Down he goes! Prone on his face, arms splayed out like a scarecrow.
HP damage = 0
Embarrassment to ego damage = 8 ;-)
teee heeeee heee ee e . . .

Volta Delbove |

Volta springs to his feet(giving an AoO) and knowing the location of the creature (because it attacked him) he drops his (useless) blade and tries to grab the evil force.
1d2 ⇒ 2 Concealment 50-50 chance, 1=fail - cannot try attack, 2+ success - may try an attack.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 Grapple against invisible creature. Gives AoO, if enemy still has one.
Volta thinks he may feel the creature in his clutches.
"Can anyone do something about invisibility? Water, flour, anything?"

Aryllan Lanliss |

YEAH back to the game!
Aryllan pulls at her pack and reaches in and finds a pouch of powder. She loosens the strings on the bag and pulls the top part open and tosses the powder at Volta and the invisible Imp.
Roll for throw: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Uraisa Ellsworth |

The summoned dog appears near the grappling warriors but does not attack, fearing it might bite Volta instead. Urania takes the opportunity to run across the room and grab the box in question. "hold him off and lets get out of here with the box.," the Mage yells.

DM Iron-Dice |

Wow, impressive round. I never saw this coming.
After falling to his face, Volta displays amazing youthful resolve by springing back to his feet followed by some awkward pantomime act. He seems to be doing the old shtick of stuffing a live turkey into his pants. Odd time to take up a new hobby.
Aryllan's elf lineage has made her wise in preparing for a life if adventure. In a move that may surprise everyone (GM included), she produces a pouch of fine white powder (Hmmmm?) and lobs it at Volta and his pantomime foe. In an explosion that would make any pastry chef proud, Volta is now covered in a fine even layer of white flour, and so is his diminutive foe, including his flailing spiked tail.
Uraisa darts past the bizarre spectacle and reaches the multi-locked box. She grabs it up without incident.
The tiny Imp's playful demeanor now takes a change as he is captured. His poison tipped tail whips at Volta!
Stinger 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
A fiery piercing pain shoots through Voltas leg! Burning, burning burning!
1d4 ⇒ 1 points of damage. Fort save DC 13 to avoid poison!
The boxxes is mine! Not meant for you! Lets me go!

Uraisa Ellsworth |

Uraisa,now with the box in hand, tries to run back out of the room. She had heard about demons sometimes being bound to certain areas, and she hoped above hope that there was something that would keep the imp in the room. "Let's get out of here. We've got what we came for..."

Volta Delbove |

I am assuming from the description that I succeeded in grabbing the imp, and I didn't see Aryllan being prepared for invisibility either, I was just roleplaying, no suspicion that asking for flour would work!
Status Volta
Hit points max: 8
Current: 7
1d20 ⇒ 6 Fortitude save. Failed
Maintain grapple and apply pin condition.
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 includes +5 circumstance bonus for unbroken grapple.
Not sure if grapple continues or not.
Volta struggles with the imp yelling, "Ouch! Hey guys could you do something unsubtle like oh cleave its head off? I really don't think it's going to let us just leave with our object in hand. And I don't feel so good now."
Aryllan had flour wow, Oh @#*! Now it's mad at me; need a quick kill or my goose is cooked.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan takes out the Silvered Daggar that the Paracountess had given them.
She throws it at the imp - hoping that the strike will kill or at least injury it enough to get the group out of the room and seal the doors.
Throw 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 x2 = 8
NICE !!!!!

Robertus Toreador |

If the imp breaks free:
Robertus drops his polearm, charging forward and attempting to tackle the imp to the ground!
CMB to Grapple:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
If the grapple is maintained:
Robertus steps forward five feet and takes a determined swing, hoping to avoid hitting Volta.
Attack Roll:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage Roll:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8

DM Iron-Dice |

As Uraisa grabs the box and begins her run for freedom she hears a loud shriek.
Eeyyyyyyyyyyy! Curses on Zarta. My mistress is a cruel mistress to gives you pure silver dagger! Kreuvus yells aloud, more to himself and the room in general that to any of you. The silver dagger protruding from his red hide.
Kreuvus then breaks free of Voltas youthfull grip, only to be tackled to the ground under the pressing armored weight of Robertus.
Uraisa rushes by the powdered pile-up of greco roman wrestling to make it back to her starting position, only this time with the box in hand.
The struggling Imp beneath Robertus suddenly takes the form a frightening wild bore, snarling and snapping with razer sharp teeth dripping with vile poison.
Bitting through armor and flesh alike! 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
The teeth break the fighters skin sinking down into his bone! He can feel the poison trying to work into his blood stream.
Damage 1d4 ⇒ 3. DC13 Fort save needed!
Volta's hand eye coordination starts to weaken by his poisoning. 1d2 ⇒ 2 Dex damage.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan looks at the situation. Uraisa, prepare to close and lock or block the doors when we get out. Volta are you able to move? If so start moving to the door and help Uraisa lock or ready to block it when we get out.
Aryllan pulls her bow and an arrow out and raises slightly to aim at Kreuvus.
Kreuvus, if you stop struggling and fighting we will let you live.
diplomacy check : 1d20 ⇒ 18

Volta Delbove |

edit ninja'd by Aryllan
Status Volta
Hit points max: 8
Current: 7
Poisoned -2 Dex, Dex now 14
Volta feels the fiend tear loose from his grip, only for it to be tackled by Robertus. Volta looks for the silver dagger to see if it is reachable. Fire scorches his veins causing tremors throughout his body, as the poison spreads.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
If it is reachable and he sees it Volta throws himself at the imp on the floor and reaching around Robertus attempts to either shove the dagger deeper or twist it for more damage.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Attack roll with dagger embedded in imp.
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 damage roll
"Arrgh! Um does anyone perchance have some poison antidote? I'm getting a bit shaky here. I hope you can keep a better grip than I Robert, tricky little devil there." Volta tries to pass off his pain as a joke but his wan face gives the game away.
Otherwise Volta recovers his weapon and holds for an attack if the boar/imp breaks free.

Robertus Toreador |

Fort Save:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Robertus goes to pin the imp, trying to have his arm avoid the pointy-teeth. "And if you keep biting and slashing, I will let Volta stab you several times while I hold you down."
Intimidate Check:1d20 ⇒ 6
Grapple to Pin:1d20 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 5 = 27

DM Iron-Dice |

Kreuvus hearing Aryllan's words twists his head towards her. Still clasped in the steel grip of Robertus, he visage returns to that of a lathery skinned Imp.
"Allow" me to live. heh heh. You may overestimate your resources. Your Human firend here seems about to black out. (nodding at Volta) *URGH*! . . .
(The Imp groans as Robertus tightens his grip on Kreuvus leathery skin, pressing him further into the powder covered rug.)
Still . . . .(pause). Your words, fighter, are week. Your skills however. URGH! I do see the fleet-footed female has captured the prize. Ready to flee no doubt.
Very well, you’ve bested me. Take the blasted box, and tell Mistress Dralneen I deserve what comes my way.
The Imp relaxes his muscles, and attempts to sit up on the floor. He has dropped all defenses.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan watches the imp sit on the floor with out any resistance.
Volta, Can you make it out the door? And take the silvered dagger with you. Robertus, as soon as Volta is clear lets go ahead and release him. If he moves a single muscle I will shoot Kreuvus. Aryllan raises her bow and pulls back the arrow, ready for any movement from the imp.
Kreuvus, I will honor my word, if you do not move until after we have sealed the doors. Otherwise.... Aryllan's voice trails off. She keeps watch as she waits for the others to leave the room, then slowly and cautiously moves backwards toward the doors waiting for the attack from Kreuvus.
Alright everyone, lets get out of here....

Uraisa Ellsworth |

As soon as her friends clear the room, Uraisa slams the door shut tight, not loosening her grip on the box one iota. "How about we get out of here ASAP, and get through our last task!" she says hurriedly.

Volta Delbove |

Status Volta
Hit points max: 8
Current: 7
Poisoned -2 Dex, Dex now 14
Unclear if more checks for poison is needed so
1d20 ⇒ 14 Fortitude save if needed.
Volta pulls the dagger from the little devil's hide and recovers the weapons, his and Robertus's from the floor, and makes his way out, nearly tripping over the rug as tremor hits him. "Blast it, that little... er, devil's, hit has left me a bit clumsy." Volta looks down, his white dust and blood spotted clothes standing out all too well. "Flour and demon ichor, wonder if I can make it the new fall fashion?" In spite of the bravado, it's clear Volta's a bit worried.
Dad says if hell comes a knockin', greet the door with a smile and a joke, may as well die laughing; doesn't seem like such a good idea right now though.
If the devil turns on them again he will try to stab it with the dagger, otherwise he moves to sit on the desk in the other room (square 8J or thereabouts).

DM Iron-Dice |

-2 Dex in effect. 1 point returns after full nights rest.
Please let me know if I'm missing something in the RAW/RAI for poisoning. I'm still learning many of the finer points of PF.

Robertus Toreador |

That feels right for poison. It should specify the number of consecutive saves before the poison is stopped in a person's system. If they have multiple doses, increase the DC at a rate of 2 per extra dose.
Once the rest of the party gets to the doors, Robertus releases the imp and backs away, not letting his back turn to the demon. Once through the doors, he helps Uraisa close the doors. "I can certainly agree with that, Uraisa. Thanks for grabbing my Guisarme, Volta."
Robertus pauses his speech as he thinks. "Is the way to our next task near the Lodge? Might be best to drop off the box before we continue."