DM Iron-Dice PFS Adventures

Game Master Iron-Dice

Welcome adventurers!

I am recruiting for two or three adventuring types to round out a group of Pathfinders seeking adventure, fame and fortune. The game will be an ongoing episodic style based on Pathfinder Society adventures and Paizo modules going from 1st level to as far as we can go.

The party will total five PC's.
I already have commitments from;

  • Elf Ranger (ranged)
  • Human Fighter (melee)

    What is the adventure?:
    We will be starting with the Pathfinder Society introductory adventure "First Steps". From there the group will take on other PFS modules as well as published Paizo PF modules.
    The concept is to create an episodic feel using the same cast as well as reoccurring theme, villains and friends. The Pathfinder society adventures seem well suited for the pace of PbP online games.

  • NOTE: This is not a sanctioned society game with reporting, dedicated rules etc.
    It's a standard ongoing game using PFS adventures as modules only.
  • Are we Pathfinders? :
    You start out that way. It's up to the group if you stay associated with, become opposed to, or play both sides in regards to the Pathfinders.

    Character guidelines: :
    • 15 point buy
    • Med exp. advancement
    • Core races and class's are preferred.
    • Player Companion books are great! Especially the race books.
    • Inner sea guide is great also.
    • Adventures armory is in play.
    • APG should be alright, although I'd need to look over things first.
    • You will be playing as and interacting with Pathfinder Society characters (NOTE we are not using PFS sanctioned rules or reporting.)
    • PFS Factions will not be selected (if at all) until after the 1st adventure.
    • No ultimate guides at this time.

    Looking for players that post once a day. More on occasion is always welcome.
    Most day I post extra to respond to actions. There are always those off days when work and RL get hectic. As long as everyone drops a quick note when being aways for a while, all is good.

    Here's the setup:

    In the great city of Absolom, near the training grounds of the Pathfinder Society.

    Wanted. Elite Pathfinders Adventuring Company.

    Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin is assembling a team of newly trained Pathfinder recruits. He's looking to create a self sufficient company to take on difficult missions that only a team familiar with each others skills, and faults, could accomplish.

    He's interviewed and assembled two strong members. He still seeks three individuals that can work as a team, and yet make split second decisions on their own. There will be no military ranks in this company. Everyone is on equal footing.

    He's looking for diverse individuals to complement the Human Fighter; Robertus Toreador, and Elf Ranger; Aryllan Lanliss he has already selected.

    Hello. This is Grayson Ozolins. He was created for a failed bid into a Kingmaker game, but his backstory could easily be retooled to put him in Absalom to fall in with the Pathfinders instead of his mother's homeland of Brevoy. Also, he was a 20-point buy, but lowering his Intelligence by 2 will make it in line with your guidelines.

    I'd love to get in with Uraisa. I have tried two different games with her that have quickly fizzled. I could change the backstory as you need. She is built on a 20 point buy, but I can easily change that if selected. Thanks for the consideration.

    Hello Venture-Captain Valsin, I am Aryllan and I wanted to stop in and see how the recruiting is going. Has Toreador checked in yet?

    I am interested in an ongoing campaign. I in a few APs, but have not gotten involved in the Pathfinder Society stuff. I would like to play a cleric-->wizard-->Mystic Theurge, obviously with only a 15 point buy, she will be very low on the melee skills.

    Most likely will be human, unless monster-pc races such as Changeling and Aasimar are allowed.

    I will try to get a background together tonight or tomorrow.

    Grand Lodge

    Submitting Jerrand as your fifth as I am looking to play a cleric and it looks like this group needs one. Focusing on the channeling ability.

    Domains will be Nobility and Protection. If your not interested in using the Leadership feat I would be willing to take the subdomain Martyr. Not sure how it would work with the character yet but maybe by then will have something figured out.

    EDIT: Looks like a cleric posted while I was getting Jerrand ready. NP

    May I present Volta Delbove, expert trapfinder-fixer, born and raised to adventure?

    Full character sheet in profile.
    No equipment, I do not know how much money we have or how you want to handle it.
    No traits. No statement was made about them, if they are allowed I will modify.
    Only APG element is the trapsmith archtype and it does not matter at first level.

    Any questions, please ask.

    Thank you for reviewing my presentation.


    Background for Volta Delbove.

    Volta is a born and bred Pathfinder. His father, Vors, is a respected pathfinder with years of successful missions for the society, but he pales in comparison with his wife, Kale, who, by reputation, walks through walls without magic. He grew up in his parent's modest country estate, in the mountainous areas near the Spire of Nex. He hung on every word of adventure his parents, family associates, and his childhood friends told of adventure and daring deeds. He camped and climbed all over the land but in his greatest efforts, he emulated his mother and her mastery of traps and locks. His twin sister, Euphemi, is cut from a different cloth, though just as capable, she preferred to make friends with everyone she met, dazzling them with charm. A good childhood filled with warmth.

    A year ago that ended. Kale, now an ambitious Venture-Captain, decided to take on the ridiculous challenge of the Spire, that seemed to mock her every day she lived in its shadow. Her team gathered and set off, all but one returned. No clear account of what happened there it is known. for each person told different stories of failing to get in, of getting in and seeing fantastic, but different sights, or only Kale getting in and never being seen again. The Society declared her lost, unable to find her, even with divination magics. Vors is shattered, living a routine but empty existence, taken care of by his children, truthfully only by Euphemi. Volta, shocked by his mothers loss, cannot completely let go. By turns, with Volta either depressed or annoyingly energetic, Euphemi, asked him to leave, to find something to do with his moods. Shortly after that conversation, opportunity knocked.

    Volta is eager to go on any mission with some adventure to it, especially with such a renowned Venture Captain as Ambrus Valsin. He know he has much still to learn, but the sooner the better, for one day he will wrest the secrets of the Spire and find out the fate of his mother.

    Farast Farwander, itinerant priest of Desna & sometime wilderness guide at your service. Let me show you the path in this world and the next!

    Putting a backstory together now, character details on my profile. Looks like you'll have several Clerics to choose from, good luck all.


    Dotting for interest. Will be working on a character today, maybe sorcerer maybe barbarian and maybe a plan for barbarian/sorcerer multiclass, who really knows.

    @Volta: the guide to PFS play says that every character starts with 150 gp and 2 traits.

    Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:
    I'd love to get in with Uraisa. I have tried two different games with her that have quickly fizzled. I could change the backstory as you need. She is built on a 20 point buy, but I can easily change that if selected. Thanks for the consideration.
  • I'm still putting the party together, so there will be one, possibly two more picks.

    Uraisa Ellsworth,
    I very much like your approach to the wizard. Focusing on water elements will add some great texture to the stories as they unfold. Some will have you in your element and others out of it. That should provide some nice drama and interaction with others.

    Would you be willing to modify your ability scores a bit? I'm looking at two things;
    -15 point buy
    -Ability's under 10

    A 15 point buy may(or not) knock your intelligence to 16, but I look at that as motivation to seek out magical ways to increase. Plus leveling with experience.

    With abilities under 10 I prefer that they be worked into the character somehow. An 8 strength may mean you are physically weaker by nature, or you shun heavy physical exertion, or some other aspect you prefer. You would look to team members to assist you, or quest for magical arcane means to "normalize" yourself. You could be angry about, or take pride in it for example. Of course, just setting to 10 would be fine as well.

    If those modifications sound fun, and don't ruin the character concept for you, I would love to have you join as the groups wizard.

    Please let me know.

  • If Uraia accepts, that would still leave two spots open.

  • garabbott wrote:

    Dotting for interest. Will be working on a character today, maybe sorcerer maybe barbarian and maybe a plan for barbarian/sorcerer multiclass, who really knows.

    @Volta: the guide to PFS play says that every character starts with 150 gp and 2 traits.

    Yes, traits are fine. Thanks for the info Garabott.

    Please remember, we will not be playing by the PFS reporting rules.
    It's a standard PF game, just using the Society framework so we can visit new locations and story ideas every few months. I think it should make a nice format for the speed of PbP games.

    I've made changes to the character sheet adding traits, the bonuses they provide, and a minor correction along with equipment.
    Two traits and 150 gold applied.

    The background is slightly revised to account for those changes.

    I know nothing of the PFS itself, I am not a member nor wish to be.

    The adventures themselves sound interesting though and I can post daily most days and live in the Central Time zone of the USA.

    Anything else you wish to know, please ask.


    Background for Volta Delbove.

    Volta is a born and bred Pathfinder. His father, Vors, is a respected pathfinder with years of successful missions for the society, but he pales in comparison with his wife, Kale, who, by reputation, walks through walls without magic. He grew up in his parent's modest country estate, in the mountainous areas near the Spire of Nex in Absalom. He hung on every word of adventure his parents, family associates, and his childhood friends told of adventure and daring deeds. He camped and climbed all over the land but in his greatest efforts, he emulated his mother and her mastery of traps and locks. Even more she filled him with the romance of hidden secrets and treasures the ruins of the past held. His twin sister, Euphemi, is cut from a different cloth, though just as capable, she preferred to make friends with everyone she met, dazzling them with charm. A good childhood filled with warmth.

    A year ago that ended. Kale, now an ambitious Venture-Captain, decided to take on the ridiculous challenge of the Spire, that seemed to mock her every day she lived in its shadow. Her team gathered and set off, all but one returned. No clear account of what happened there it is known. for each person told different stories of failing to get in, of getting in and seeing fantastic, but different sights, or only Kale getting in and never being seen again. The Society declared her lost, unable to find her, even with divination magics. Vors is shattered, living a routine but empty existence, taken care of by his children, truthfully only by Euphemi. Volta, shocked by his mothers loss, cannot completely let go. By turns, with Volta either depressed or annoyingly energetic, Euphemi, asked him to leave, to find something to do with his moods. So he left to join the militia in Absalom city proper, but his lack of height nearly barred him. However the Master of Scouts was looking for recruits and Volta was perfect. He did OK, learning more wilderness lore but after about a year his restlessness caused friction. He had words with the scout master with the result of him leaving the militia. Shortly after that conversation, opportunity knocked.

    Volta is eager to go on any mission with some adventure to it, especially with such a renowned Venture Captain as Ambrus Valsin. He know he has much still to learn, but the sooner the better, for one day he will wrest the secrets of the Spire and find out the fate of his mother.

    DM Iron-Dice wrote:
    Please remember, we will not be playing by the PFS reporting rules. It's a standard PF game, just using the Society framework so we can visit new locations and story ideas every few months. I think it should make a nice format for the speed of PbP games.

    Yeah, but I just figured the character creation would probably be the same more or less :P

    One question, though... I look at the party composition and see that there is divine casting and a roguish character missing, but I'm not really interested in playing either of those types of characters. I currently have 2 rogues in PbP's already and have never been a very effective cleric player. Would you like me to present other ideas, even though there may be similar characters already, or just let this opportunity pass to somebody else?

    garabbott wrote:

    One question, though... I look at the party composition and see that there is divine casting and a roguish character missing, but I'm not really interested in playing either of those types

    Great question,

    It looks like;

    Tirion is looking to multiclass with some cleric.
    Jerrand & Farast are Clerics
    Volta is a Rogue
    Grayson is a Conjuror

    I don't mind some overlap. Every class type does not always need to be represented. I will probably take at least one full cleric or thief. The missing skills can be made up in other ways.

    What I more prefer is at least one more non-human core race. I think it's fun to have the interplay whenever a PC gets into the culture of a lesser (common) race. Currently there is one elf and all humans.

    Count uraisa in, dm. I'll make the changes tonight.

    Uraisa Ellsworth wrote:
    Count uraisa in, dm. I'll make the changes tonight.

    Excellent! Welcome to the group.

    @Grayson-Thank you for being the first to take an interest in my humble campaign. I will not be using the Conjuror PC for this game. Please feel free to post any other concepts you may enjoy playing.

    @Tirion- No monster class PC at this time.
    @Jerrand- Are you new to the Paizo boards? If so, welcome! Any previous PbP experience? (Just curious, it's not a negative by any means)
    @Volta-Your the only Rogue application. If I choose one, well, you'll be it :-) I like the background story. Gives you a solid hook and side quest.
    @garabott - Throw out your other idea. No need for full stats, just enough to get a concept.

    There is one elf, and four or five humans in the group.
    If anyone enjoys playing non-humans (core) I'd like at least one more. If not, that's cool also.

    I'll pick two PC from this group by this time tomorrow. If you have any additional ideas for your PC's just post 'em here.

    There's one other person I invited from a previous adventure. He'll be a sixth PC and join in whenever he can.

    Thank you for the kind words. I thought about re-tooling Volta for another race but decided it would not work. Other races are about race and culture clash, if actually played as different. But with Volta I went the other way making him the total insider. His problems are living up to expectations not defying them. Good luck.

    Can't wait to start!

    DM, made the changes. No more scores under 10 for me, and I raised my gold to 150 gp, and bought a couple more scrolls and a potion of CLW if that is allowed.

    @Uraias -Looks perfect. Nice attention to detail with the equipment list.

    Here's the OOC thread if you want to check in.

  • Volta Delbove - Human Rogue Trapsmith
    The more I think about your backstory and class combination the more I like it. Ideas for exploring your story keep going through my head. I'd like to offer you a Pathfinder spot as well.
    Welcome aboard. Please post to the OOC thread. and you'll be ready to go.

    Now I just need to explore all the other fine candidates and make a choice.
    I'll wait until tomorrow incase any of you have followup comments or questions.

    The party is now:

    Aryllan Lanliss- Elf Ranger, Female (Preselected player from previous game)
    Volta Delbove - Human Rogue, Male
    Uraia Ellsworth - Human Wizzard, Female
    Robertus Toreador - Human Fighter, Male (Preselected player from previous game)
    TBA (Preselected player from previous game)
    TBA -From this thread

  • I see an absence of divine characters. Here is Venedictos. I've tried three times to use him in a game, and they just keep dying on me. He'll mostly be a bard (songhealer archetype originally, but can pick something else). Have a look at his backstory and see if you like. Stats can always be reworked.

    Clarifying on Venedictos.

    He starts as a cleric to get the channels and divine spells. He's modeled after Franciscan Friars, so he's very simple in his ways and tastes, and caring little for material wealth. Originally, he was a wood carver, but I think I would switch that for the craft of illumination, to better reflect his lower strength (all that time sitting around in copying rooms drawing in books, and his fascination with books could be what drove him to pursue a career with the Pathfinders).

    Grand Lodge

    Here is Jerrand re-done as a dwarf. I am finishing up his background now.

    I have wanted to play a cleric that fights above average but doesn't dip into fighter, so this is what I came up with.

    LOL - Re-specking mine as a dwarf too.

    Can I take Militant Merchant trait, as listed on the Paizo site?


    I apologize for the delay, this is Tirion's submission, always takes longer than expected to put together a character. I would like to present Ad'ifaah Najeeb - Human Cleric of Desna with a strong inkling to go Wizard in a few levels and then Mystic Theurge at level 7. She will be a pure spellcaster, and item creator depending on the amount of time in the game.

    I just read this board and can easily change her to elf/half-elf or another race if that would be preferred.

    There is a background on the sheet. Will try to improve it tomorrow.

    Venture-Captain Valsin, I apologize for my lateness. I was held up on the way, a nasty 2-cart accident at the gate. I see we have quite a few applicants thus far, good to see so many able and eager to go?

    Hello all! I leveled this person back a few levels, so there may be a couple inconsistencies on his sheet. If anyone sees anything, please toss me a shout!

    Re-spec'd this to a Dwarven Cleric of Desna, take your pick between Farast and Baladur if you like one build over the other.


    Baladur hails from the Stolen Lands, that area of the northern River Kingdoms where many small kingdoms and outposts have come and gone over the ages.

    Several of these ruined enclaves were peopled by Dwarves, and one of them Clan Stonefist, Baladur's clan.

    Soon after finding a potential mithril strike in their holdings they were driving out by attacking hordes of trolls and lizardfolk after a terrible battle where a dozen foes fell for each of the clan that were stricken down. In the end, they were overwhelmed, Baladur and several cousins managing to escape into the wilderness.

    After decades spent wandering Golarion Baladur has taken up life as a wandering priest of Desna, rootless and out to explore the world, and he has found joy in this life. In finest dwarven and desnan tradition, he seeks to put his gladdringgar and found-mark, in the deepest darkest tunnels and most remote and majestic places in the world, he strives to be a Founder.

    Baladur lives to explore, and will happily journey with like minded folk of a good nature to see what there is to see.

    Baladur has recently found himself in Absalom and has participated in several small exploration & mapping expeditions for the Pathdinders and hopes to be assigned more work soon.

    Cannot go to sleep. rats.

    Hi, Robertus,

    There are my comments as requested. I think you have a concept here but it needs good mechanical reworking. But I look forward to the game with you.

    I don't see any background so I can't comment on that so I'll talk about design. The concept is a tripping Pole-arm specialist. Look into Pole-arm Master in the APG if the DM okay's it.

    Need to change stats, I think you have a 20 points or so build, for a 15 point build may I suggest:

    ST 16 DEX 16 CO 10 IN 13 WS 10 Ch 7 I think both strength and Dex are important to this build so con goes, just my two cents.

    Are you NG or CG? Different places on the profile have different answers.

    BY THE GODS man you are naked of armor and swinging that giant manly weapon, have you no SHAME? Sorry couldn't resist.

    Get a mail shirt expensive but worth it. Both the Ranseur and Guisarme are long heavy weapons, I can see a strong trained fighter carrying one reach weapon four or more feet long but two? Would you not catch them on everything, and get really tired? I see what you are going for here but I think it's more hassle than it's worth. Drop the Ranseur you are getting disarm later anyway (so I assume). Do you realize that while you can hit at 10' away you cannot hit 5' away (normally - pole-arm master has tricks but not at first level.)? You need close up weapons when, not if, the bad guys close with you. Do take a dagger that can do P or S damage. The Guisarme has reach and trip. For your one handed close melee weapon may I suggest the Flail, good B damage, and can both trip and disarm; what's not to like? You can do all normal damage types and have reach and have access to all your feats, including the disarm feat at second level (which I think you mean to take).

    For a ranged weapon, by now you have little money left. So go cheap with either Darts or slings. I like the sling better, it has longer range. With the remaining cash buy what you wish.

    You have no traits; I suggest Armor expert for lesser penalty for some of your skills, no recommendations from me for the other. Don't overlook that favored class bonus can be plus one to two CMD maneuvers.

    Hope these suggestions are helpful.

    Finally Robertus! Since you were late you get to by the the first round!

    Glad to see you here, we do have a nice group to pick from.

    Here are same barebones concepts I put together, will flesh out either of them if they are chosen.

    Benfromzipolo Roppits:
    Alright, I know I said I didn't want to do another rogue, but this idea just sort of came to me and I thought I'd put it out here cause I think I'd have fun playing it.

    Gnome Rogue (Investigator) 1
    Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 11, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 16

    Benny is a very curious gnome. Born in the great city of Absolom, he developed a love for mysteries at an age that was even young among gnomes. His parents were travelers, passing through Absolom, who got caught up in the wonders of the giant city and wound up staying long past their intended departure. Benny grew up hearing marvelous stories of distant lands and excitement, and embraced the emotions in his head by practicing for his big debut into the wild world.

    By the time he enrolled with the Pathfinders, Benny had established a minor name for himself as a freelance private detective. His parents have since moved on in their journeys, sad to leave Benny behind, but they knew they couldn't ask him to walk away on his dream. They knew his own adventures were already awaiting him.


    I know that this character will be very melee focused, but that's about it for right now. I'm considering some archetypes, but also am drawn to a straight up thoroughbred oldschool barbarian with a giant hammer, axe, or sword.

    Half Orc Barbarian 1
    Str: 16, Dex: 14, Con, 14, Int: 10, Wis: 13, Cha: 7

    Mythm's earliest memories are of slave ships raiding Inner Sea coastal towns: he was far too young when the pirates took him, an abandoned half orc bastard left behind by a fleeing family, to remember anything at all from his former life. He managed to stay alive for his younger years on board a volatile slaving ship thanks to a few kind slaves who hid and protected him during that time when he was too young to work.

    Over the next many seasons, his hatred for the slavers and their cruelty began to surface. As his temper began to grow, so the scars followed suit. He would misbehave and get whipped for it, only to spark a chain reaction of disobedience and punishment that left him broken, and beaten nearly to death, multiple times throughout his childhood. His body still bears the gruesome scars, which he generally keeps covered (at least when he has the presence of mind to consider it).

    Mythm was inspired to join the Pathfinders when his ship was attacked and the pirates were slain in a bloody sea battle off the shore of Andoren. Leading the charge against evil was a brave group of Pathfinders, who explained the Society to Mythm later that night once the slaves were free and everyone was resting. He decided that evening that, with his newfound freedom, he would make his way to Absalom and seek to join their ranks when he was old enough. He was about 14 years old.

    The journey to Absalom taught him more about the ways of the world than his entire previous 14 years. When he finally arrived--hungry, lost, broke, and excited--he was ready to begin his training.

    With so many great choices, I wish I had time to run two seperate games. There's some amazing characters here and not a dull one in the bunch.

    Straight to the point, I'd like to invite

  • Baladur Farwander of Clan Stonefist. Dwarf Cleric
    a) That's just an awesome name to my ears
    b) It add's one member that has not yet had a chance to play a PbP on Paizo's site yet.
    Please report to the OOC thread Baladur. There's a pint waiting for you . . .

    Again, thanks to everyone. I hope to see you around the Paizo community.

    @garabott- If Benfromzipolo Roppits lands in a game, please let me know. I'll read along as a lurker to see the antics of your Gnome.

    Great gaming everyone!
    DM Iron-Dice

  • Grand Lodge

    Thanks for the look over and have a great game.

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