DM Iron-Dice |

Uraisa words seem to hang heavy in the air as she perceives the weight of the ever increasing pressure of time passing by.
Aryllans' elf eyes study the celling, looking for the tiniest clue. Shifting her head slightly too and fro in order to see various shadow patterns, Aryllan believes she sees a tiny variation that could be a sliding cover or hidden compartment. The area is tiny, less that an inch wide, and no more than double that in length in the dead center of the ceiling.

Volta Delbove |

Oh no - say what? Nothing? It's all a fake maybe?
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 Is this chest even real? Can it even be opened at all? Is there a real lock on it?
Still studying the chest Volta says, "Maybe that Aryllan but I'm beginning to think all the chests are deceptions, any ideas, anyone? I appear to be not at my best today."
Volta wearily shakes his head.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Volta do not be so hard on yourself.
I see something, a compartment area in the ceiling. Maybe we need to stack the chests to get to the ceiling. Or maybe the last key is in the ceiling. Robertus care to give me a boost? If we can get to the compartment in the ceiling it maybe what we are looking for.

Robertus Toreador |

Robertus nods, walking to a spot in the center of the room and looking at Uraisa. He sets both polearms down, and sets himself as a solid foundation, almost like a climbing stone. "Alright Aryllan, go ahead. If we need the extra reach, Uraisa can hand you my Ranseur to Aryllan?" He gestures to the appropriate polearm, and then gets ready to lift Aryllan.
Maximum lift is 460 pounds, while maximum lift overhead is 230.

Volta Delbove |

Aryllan's sympathy pours off Volta like water to a duck's feathers. Seeing the others shifting to examining the ceiling he abandons the chest to look up at see that the rather high ceiling cannot be well reached my on person atop another. "That ceiling looks high guys, how sturdy does that table look? Should we stack chests?"
Is the table sturdy? How many could stand on it at once? Are the chest the same height as the table i.e. could one of them be slid under the table to brace it enough to hold the weight of three people at once?
Continuing Volta says,"I weigh about 7 stone, nine or so with full pack. On the other hand I'm short and the shakes I'm having is trouble. I'm thinking with table and three people total, I could reach the ceiling."
It is not bolded, did Aryllan actually tell us about what she spotted in the ceiling? If so:
Conditional perception roll:
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 +1 to roll if there is a trap. Looking where Aryllan points it out to Volta.

DM Iron-Dice |

Volta stands puzzled looking at the copper-banded chest. He perceives it as real, and yet . . .
The glass, wicker, acid and snake were real . . .
EDIT: There was also a Blue Stone Key in the wicker basket. Not sure if that got lost in the shuffle. You guys have two total. Jeweled brass key from jar, blue stone key from basket.
Robertus, Aryllan and Uraisa prepare to do some circus style climbing act to reach the 15 foot high roof. About that time, Volta starts taking stock of the tables size and potential mobility.
The chests are all relatively small, no more than two and a half feet on the longest side. The table is a standard hard wood library style, about eight feet by three feet, and thirty inches off the ground. It weighs approx 200 pounds and looks to be free standing.
So. All of this prep took one minute. As for actions, there are many choices.
For a shoulder stand, Robertus would make an easy DC 5 acrobatics check to keep his balance. The person attempting to stand on his shoulders would need to make an midly easy DC 11 acrobatics check to balance and stand upon his shoulders.
That would raise the person Robertus' shoulder height, plus the head height of the upper person.
Further DC 15 check to lift arms over head and perform an action. Additional eighteen inches of reach if successful.
Two or more people could move the table without problem. DC 5 strength(each) to not tip it. three or more people, DC 2 check (each). Four or more, no check required.
9 of 30 minutes remain!!!!

Robertus Toreador |

Robertus nods at the idea of the table. "Good idea Volta. Aryllan, Uraisa, and I will move the table. Volta, try and unlock one of the other chests with this key." He holds up the jeweled bronze key, handing it off to Volta. He then moves over and takes the degrading wicket basket and the jar filled with linens off the table, and gets ready to move the table the appropriate spot.
Strength Check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Volta now has both keys.

Volta Delbove |

Volta takes the keys from Robertus saying quietly, "OK, I'll try." He takes out one of the masterwork thieves tools and measures the key against the various picks. Looking over the chests he selects the chest he thinks might be it or determines if it belongs to another lock. If the chest is the one with the obvious runes he will attempt to disable the enchantment.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Disable device Roll made by DM reduced by 1 due to poison, disable traps.
Disable device 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20 Reduced by 1 due to poison, increased by 2 due to masterwork thieves tools. Open locks.
I'm going to get this chest open with or without a key!
If the key seems to belong to another lock, he ignores the key and opens the chest with the glowing runes with his skills.

Robertus Toreador |

Once the table is moved into place, Robertus climbs up, but holds off on taking a wider stance until Aryllan climbs up onto the table.
Acrobatics Check:1d20 ⇒ 5
Guess we got the table in place.
Height:2d10 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 This makes Robertus 5'5", and 155 pounds.

DM Iron-Dice |

Volta contrates all his skill and mental energies on the mysterious chests, the two keys in his possession and his masterwork picks.
The rest of the group moves the table and finalizes their humanoid ladder plan.
All this takes one minute, then simultaneously;
Volta feels that the jeweled brass key from the glass jar is an exact fit to the steel cube chest. Not seeing any traps his skills can identify, he places the brass key into the lock. It fits!. He turns it and; Robertus mounts the table with ease and agility. Aryllan climbs the table, then onto a footing atop Robertus' shoulders. Uraisa stands ready to offer up any tools or otherwise aid the process as she hears Volta cursing from across the room. The brass key turns like any normal lock set until it spontaneously breaks, falling into dust and existing no more. The steel cube chest is still locked.
Aryllan need to make an midly easy DC 11 acrobatics check to balance and stand upon his shoulders.
7 of 30 minutes remain!

DM Iron-Dice |

Aryllan, now perched on Robertus' steady shoulders, stands about a head lower than the celling. She can eaisly reach up to the area in question, as well a brace herself with one hand on the ceiling.
Up close, there appears to be a master crafted covered slot about a thumb tip wide and half a finger in length. It's perfectly flush and would otherwise go unnoticed except for the attention drawn to it by Uraisa's magic detection. How do you approach getting inside it?
Meanwhile, Volta has one remaining stone key and three puzzling chests before him.
Shall you try the stone key, or have you another plan in store?

Volta Delbove |

Volta looks at the disintegrating key with astonishment. Disintegrating magics? Mom said that 's very high grade stuff, master wizards and the like. OK, these chests are distractions that are cloaked in powerful magic. I'm not up to dealing with that yet, also the keys may or may not matter. If this is a puzzle to solve I'm not getting the clues. Volta ignores the chests and keys now as irrelevant to anything. Once again he looks over the room, clearing his mind of expectations, it drifts back to old memories...
... Back in past memories "Quick now boy, look at and tell me what's there." His mother says as she opens and closes the box rapidly. Volta stammers out an answer, his mother frowns and opens again. "You look but do not see, that's what you expect there but see this little point that's what is important not the blinds. Try again, supper is bread and water till you see all." ...
Volta reopens his eyes to look again. What's really there?
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Not a darn thing!
Can't seem roll anything when it counts!

DM Iron-Dice |

As the passage of time seem to liquify into thick currents, many of you may start to feel some anxiety rising from the others.
Each move now becomes a calculated risk, as your chances of failure increase with each misstep. A carefull combination of moves will secure your prize and further your carriers. Failure. however. Will simply make you another statistic.
Whatever shall you do . . .

DM Iron-Dice |

Volta, your mothers training still gives you a keen sense of your surroundings. After your inner calming you reopen your eyes and see the room for what it is, not what it appears.
You perceive the room is meant to confound and bewilder ones concentration. You remember back to another of your mothers teaching that removing from your mind what is not important will leave only what is of consequence. Time! Time is the real trap. How many ways can it be waisted in here?
Of three chests, one seems illusionary, or unapproachable at best. Ignore that one, concentrate on what you can affect your mothers voice says in your head. One key disintegrated my magic. Another rouse my son.
You have one key, and two chest left. Try my son. You were always so cleaver. But use caution!
After the two minute reflection, you feel focuses and refreshed.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan feels the tension from the others. Time is always the enemy of the humans. Elves do not usually feel the effects of the time the same but in this place time is like a beast hunting it's pray.
Aryllan looks down at Volta and sees him open his eyes looking at what is, not what is expected.
Aryllan closes her eyes, focuses on the task in front of her and takes a deep breath. Refocusing on the master crafted covered slot, she looks for any way to open it.
Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
I see the slot that is well hidden in the ceiling. I am going to attempt to open it with my dagger.
Robertus be prepared in case the magic that is hiding it will cause injury. If it hits me... she trails off.
Aryllan takes the dagger from her side and attempts to open the slot.
Attempt to open the slot 1d20 ⇒ 20 unsure if I get any kind of bonus on this roll
Soooooo Happpppyyyyyyy with the dice generator today!

Volta Delbove |

Summarizing the visuals and events:
One copper banded chest of smooth dark wood, aura of enchantment.
One red lacquer chest, glowing amber runes around the keyhole but no magic detected. ????
Cube of solid steel, aura of enchantment on it.
Low table with Robertus and Aryllan standing on it moved to the spot where Uraisa found magic in the ceiling.
On the floor bowl once filled with a mild acid and the jeweled brass key that is now filled with the
smoldering remains of the wicker basket and linen rags that once held the blue stone key.
One attempt at using the blue stone key on the copper banded chest, no result of any kind. Standard size key hold.
One attempt at using the jeweled brass key on the steel chest, key disintegrates. Steel chest has small key hold.
Red lacquered chest (Now called Red for short} has a large gaping keyhole.
...Of three chests, one seems illusionary, or unapproachable at best. Ignore that one, concentrate on what you can affect your mothers voice says in your head. One key disintegrated my magic. Another rouse my son.
Not getting what you are driving at here, illusionary/unapproachable chest? Must have missed a clue. Going ahead in character.
Not sure Mom if all that advice is working, wait, Uraisa did not detect magic on the glowing runes, are they warded or just a natural phosphor?
Volta looks over Red once more noting any issues, if he perceives none he puts the remaining blue stone key (now named Blue) into the keyhole even if it doesn't appear to fit. If that does not work he tries his lockpicks and any other means he has to open that chest.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 +1 to roll if there is a trap.
"Well I ...(sigh) should have noted that the glowing runes may not be magical after all. He goes nothing."
Use following rolls as needed, just trying to help things along.
Disable device 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Reduced by 1 due to poison, increased by 2 due to masterwork thieves tools. Open locks.
Disable device Roll made by DM reduced by 1 due to poison, disable traps.
1d20 ⇒ 12 Fort save
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 Reflex save reduced 1 by poison.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Will save.

DM Iron-Dice |

Due to the steady standing platform of Robertus' broad shoulders, Aryllan is able to work as securely as if she were standing on firm ground. Her dagger easily finds the angle to push upwards the slot, expertly hinged along its greatest length. A mere fingernail's width away from her dagger tip, hanging down, centered in the compartment, can be seen a glint from a suspended golden key.
Volta examines the red lacquered chest once more. Still his skills do not detect any form of mechanical trap. Cautiously he places the blue stone key into the glowing rune lock. The rune pulsates in a single strobe of light, releasing it's magic ward.
Suddenly the tension on the tip of Aryllan's dagger is removed as the flap firmly snaps fully open, holding it's self there through some unseen force.
The key starts to smoothly descend from the opening attached by a thread of silk. It lowers a hand's width below the celing, directly in front of Aryllan's face.
Volta peers into the now open chest, and is rewarded with the sight of a key forged into the end of an exquisite jeweled scepter.
5 of 30 minutes. Crunch time!

Volta Delbove |

So Red was magically locked and Uraisa's Detect Magic did not work, implying a ward against magical detection, correct?
Volta looks over the key to make sure it's not a trap of some sort or within one or has a hidden compartment in the chest or scepter that holds the real prize. He also determines which, if any, lock or locks the scepter key (now named the Royal key) would fit, including a way to get out of here.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 +1 to roll if there is a trap.
His eyes flick towards what appears to be a descending spider near Aryllan when he notes it is a another key. (Now named Spider for reference.)
Volta says, " Well two keys, two chests left unopened assuming that they matter at all, and a way out of here to be found and unlocked in a few minutes at most, not looking good but one last try."
Volta tries to determine what keys go where, where and how to get out, is there something else he overlooked?
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
A thought seems to strike him and Volta also says, "Aryllan when you finish with ceiling and that key that descended like a spider, could you quickly check the table for hidden compartments? I know time is short but I failed the 'Look for the hidden in plain sight' test."

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan takes the golden key that is suspended before her. She then moves down from Robertus' shoulders and onto the Table. From ther, she hands the golden key to Uraisa. [[b] Let's help Volta with whatever he needs. [\b]
Aryllan looks at all sides of the table, top, underneath it and the legs for any hidden compartments, as volta requested.
Perception check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Volta Delbove |

Volta's eyes go wide as he realizes that everyone is looking at him to pull this rolling disaster out of the fire. Volta blinks, clearing his eyes saying, "Thanks guys, but so far all we have are more keys, I still don't know where what we want is or even what form it's in. Uraisa please check the keys to see if they have any magic to them. I'm still trying to figure out where these keys go, if anywhere. Everything in here is about delay and misdirection and I'm not seeing through the obstructions fast enough. Can any one think of anything I overlooked? Like maps under the chests or in a floorboard or .. or.. jeepers just too many possibilities to check them all in a day, much less minutes." Volta glances at the apparent exit. "Since we are locked in here I'm believe escape is also a factor with time short perhaps someone could see about forcing a way out? Otherwise I'm as out of ideas as we are of time." Looking chagrined and worn Volta looks back at the keys. I'm failing you Mom.

DM Iron-Dice |

Volta examines the jeweled scepter in his hands. Twist. Turn. Push. Pull. It remains solid and no traps or compartments reveal themselves. His frustration with the situation grows stronger.
The golden "Spider key" in hand, Aryllan looks the table over. To her untrained eyes, it appears to be mundane in every way. Of course, having Robertus strong-arming the table, barely keeping his anxiety in check, and not ripping it apart is a bit distracting. Uraisa nervously makes a joke as she takes a step away from the power keg of fighter fury that smolders inside Robertus. Yet the table gives up no clues.
Volta is covered is a sheen of nervous sweat, and can be seen visibly shaking at the stress and pressure involved in his task. He takes a deep shuttered breath and attempts to close his eyes. Exhaustion perhaps? Making peace with his gods? Only he knows for sure.
Volta; You recede back into memory. Your mother is at your side. The air is crisp with the first spring breeze yet the sun warms your skin. You are happy and at peace. Gently coaching words float to your ears. People will always try to confound and confuse you my precious boy. It's in there nature. Keep a mental map of all that has been presented. Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the solution.
This mental mind map may help.

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan looks at the chests the keys and the door.
She reads the note on the door aloud. Within these cases lies your quest and your way out.
The way out is the key from the Ceiling - She looks and points at the lock on the door.
Perception Check to see if the Golden Key will open the door: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
All we need is the map. Is the key the map Volta? Should we just take the cases - the steel and the wooden cases with us. Can we pick them up?
Uraisa - can you open the door with the key? Robertus can you pick up the steel case. I will pick up the wooden case. We just need to get out of here. I have a bad feeling if we don't.
Aryllan goes to the wooden case and picks it up.
Strength Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Volta Delbove |

Once again visions of his mother and her loving but often stern training for herself and her boy fill Volta's head. He hears Aryllan:
"Within these cases lies your quest and your way out.
The way out is the key from the Ceiling - She looks and points at the lock on the door."
Volta's eyes look at that note and widen. "No, if that note is literally true then only a key from a case here would work." He looks down to the 'Royal key'. "This then would be the key out, care to trade keys, Uraisa, or keep the key you have?
Let's make a deal!
As Aryllan moves to the copper banded chest Volta says, "That chest seems fake to me, though I can't tell you why, I think it might be an illusion of some kind; you could try to break it, that might tell you something." Volta is speaking so quickly that the sentences run on into each other.
Volta quickly looks over the keys; is either key small enough to fit the tiny hole in the steel chest? If the "Spider Key" seems small enough and if and only if Uraisa (and the other agree) Volta will give Uraisa the "Royal Key" and take the "Spider Key" and approach the steel chest.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 +1 to roll if there is a trap.
Disable device According to RAW roll made by DM, base +11 reduced by 1 due to poison, +2 for masterwork tools to disable traps.
Use these rolls as needed.
1d20 ⇒ 6 Fort save
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Reflex save normally 5, reduced 1 by poison.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Will save.
Five rolls of d20 for whatever the DM might need from me, just to speed things up.
1d20 ⇒ 17
1d20 ⇒ 9
1d20 ⇒ 14
1d20 ⇒ 11
1d20 ⇒ 11

DM Iron-Dice |

Like sands through the hourglass. Rush rush. Pressure pressure. Scurrying and chaos.
Uraisa looks at her key.
Volta looks at his key.
Robertus look at the steel chest and flexes.
Aryllan looks at the wooden chest. WILL save neded
Tick Tock
Uraisa and Volta look at each others keys.
Same size. No clue there.
Volta looks back at steel chest.
Someone choose a key.
Snap. Click. Ping.
Unarmed used first d20 from above
Chest needs key.
Someone choose a key.
2 minutes left.
Must move. Must move.

DM Iron-Dice |

As Aryllan touches the wooden chest she is startled. Before her eyes it fades into a faint outline as she realizes it to be an illusion. About that time Uraisa has approached and is placing the key into the lock. As with Volta's description, the key spins freely as if there is no mechanical works in the lock.
A DC 12 WILL check, + 4 because Aryllan no doubt informs you of it's true nature, will reveal it as an illusion to Uraissa as well.
Volta, left only with the scepter key, must make a decision to use it on the steel chest or not. Robertus look on nervously as he holds the chest, awaiting the results.
Volta, if you use the scepter key on the steel chest . . .

Volta Delbove |

Ok should not have answered emails first I guess, would have posted a few minutes ago.
Seeing Uraisa advance on the other chest, not what Volta expected, he takes that as the decision and uses the key he has on the steel chest. It opens! Volta says, " Yep, appears to a cloth map and some sort of wand. Best grab everything in here and Uraisa use the key you have on the door out. If that works we're free."
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 +1 to roll if there is a trap. Check the door of the way out. If clear, go ahead without a word, if not tell about what is seen.
(edit for puncuation)

DM Iron-Dice |

Hurry. Scurry.
Volta grabs the map and wand.
Robertus lets go of the steel chest.
Aryllan sprints to the door.
Uraisa checks to see if she has her key in hand.
Volta turns and grabs the scepter key also.
Robertus heads for the door.
Uraisa does have key.
Aryllan arrives at door..
Robertus arrives.
Uraisa looks once more at the illusion. Impressive!
Volta arrives at door.
Uraisa heads for the door.
Check for traps.
Uraisa arrives.
No traps.
Key in lock.
Door still closed.
Handle is turned.
Door opened.
Breathe. Just breathe.
Standing outside the door in the dim torchlight is the servant that escorted you to this room. On a slender stand is an ornate half-hour glass. The servant silently watches the last few grains fall to the bottom. His attention now focuses on you. What a sight he must see. A sweaty, panting, rumpled pile-up of heroes crammed into a threshold staring wide eyed back at the him. His emotionless demeanor almost seems amused. Almost.
The thin man looks each of you over. Slowly eying at your skin and clothing as if looking for some sign of a trap that never went off. He raises an eyebrow of approval at his findings. His face then goes stern as he holds out his hand, cupped as if ready to receive a scroll.
If you hand it to him, he examines the scroll for authenticity, then hands it back. Lifting a torch, he begins to lead the way out.

Volta Delbove |

Yeah! Great job everyone, good teamwork won the day.
Volta gives the items from the chest to the servant, when the servant returns the map, Volta waves him towards Uraisa. The tremors in his body increase as the fire in his blood ebbs and exhaustion sets in. I hope they're out of tests, I'm just out. "Thank you for your hospitality, please convey our appreciation to the master of the house. Let's go back to the lodge guys, I need a break." Volta wilts visibly.

DM Iron-Dice |

At the estates front door, the servant holds out a hand, asking for any keys taken from the room to be returned. Any chest contents are, of course, yours to keep. He states he will accurately relay details of your success to Amenopheus-the Sapphire Sage, who will in turn inform the Master Drembhet Salhar.
You should leave here joyfull. It is not often that my Masters puzzles are solved without more, visiable signs of the attempt. He produces a small vial of faintly glowing liquid from the folds of his robes and holds it up to Volta. I took the liberty of retrieving this from my personal medicine chest. It will remedy your mild affliction.
To the group he bids Fare well to you Pathfinders. May your quests be worthy ones. With that, the Osirion servant closes the manor door.
As you leave the property and head back to the Ascendant Court district, you find the streets are teaming with revelers, entertainers and merchants for this evenings festival.

DM Iron-Dice |

Spellcraft 1d20 + 7 on the wand.
I am wagering the wand would have been something to make our task easier, if we found it first, lol.
Good thinking Uraisa.
Uraisa, your spellcraft skills are still developing and getting stronger each day. Although that skill alone is not enough to identify the wand (DC15 needed), your ability to place the item in context with the room, and a careful study of the symbols do tell you it is of arcane nature, and you feel very confident that it contains the "spell of knock" and was recently fully charged.

Volta Delbove |

Volta turns over everything from that room that he got, anything returned he gives to Uraisa. Uncharacteristically he pays little attention to events until the servant gives him the potion. He takes the potion and says, " Why thanks, that's really helpful." He drinks it in a gulp. After a moment some color returns to him. Feeling better he surveys the crowded streets, amusing himself by trying to spot those using legerdemain from real magic, the three-card monties and their techniques, and of course the colorful pickpockets such festivals draw. He doesn't do anything about it just the occasional color commentary on a well or exceptionally badly done feat. He moves off with the group to the lodge.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Aryllan Lanliss |

Aryllan relieved to be once again out in the open air takes a deep breath. The excitement around them seems to lift her spirits. She looks at the rest of the group; Uraisa seems to be engrossed in studying the wand. Volta, is once again trying to look at everything at once. As she looks at Robertus, her mind wonders off to a different time and place. Aryllan shakes her head as if to clear the thought. Focus on the here and now.
We should get back to the Pathfinder Lodge. We need to report into Venture-Captain Valsin. I bet he might be surprised at how well we have done.
Aryllan starts to walk back to the Pathfinder Lodge. Checking occasionally to make sure everyone is still with her.

DM Iron-Dice |

A darkness descends the street celebration gets into full swing. Volta scans the multitude noting only an average number of low level of hoaxers and mountebanks. Along the main thrufare ahead is a particularly dense throng of people watching a performance group that has commandeered the street.